Biography of Elon Galusha Pettigrew This file contains a biography from "History of Dakota Territory; South Dakota Its History and Its People", Volume V, p. 458 - 461 Transcribed by Judy Huber, . ELON GALUSHA PETTIGREW Elon Galusha Pettigrew, of Flandreau, one of the venerable pioneer citizens of south Dakota, was born in Ludlow, Vermont, December 8, 1831, and is therefore in the eighty-fourth year of his age. His parents were Parker and Mary Rebecca (Dickinson) Pettigrew. The former died at the age of eighty-three. He was the son of Andrew Pettigrew, who died in 1851 at the age of eighty-five years, so that it will be seen that the family is noted for longevity. Andrew Pettigrew was the son of a Scotchman who at an early day came to Massachusetts, whence the family afterward removed to Vermont, becoming early settlers of the Green Mountain state. Elon G. Pettigrew was reared to manhood in Vermont, spending his youthful days upon a farm, his time being divided between the work of the fields and the acquirement of an education in the public schools. When his textbooks were put aside he engaged in farming for three years and when a young man began doing business as a wholesale peddler, handling a general line of goods. In this connection he drove over several states and into Canada and later in partnership with his brother, J. W. Pettigrew, he established a general grocery, flour and grain business at Ludlow, where he continued until his removal to the middle west. He made his first trip to the west in the '60s, with Wisconsin as his destination, but soon afterward he returned to Vermont. Later he went by rail to Minnesota and on to Marshall, taking this journey on the second trip the train made over that route. There were only two white families in a distance of eighty miles, between Marshall and Watertown. There was no town upon the present site of Sleepy Eye, Minnesota, en route to Marshall, but it was made possible for him and others to go to a farm house and have a dinner cooked while the train waited. At length he proceeded to Marshall and thence by stage to Lake Benton, where there was only one log house. From that point he continued on foot a distance of twenty-five miles to where the town of Flandreau now stands. In the journey he used the sun as a compass. There was no settlement there, but his brother, M.D.L. Pettigrew, had preceded him and was living in a sod house. To that typical western habitation of the pioneer times. E. G. Pettigrew made his way and thus cast in his lot with the early settlers of the country. The Indians were on all the hills about and one of them took Mr. Pettigrew on his horse and thus crossed the river. In 1878 he filed on a quarter section west of what is now the town of Flandreau, after having previously taken a tree claim, and thus he made preparations for becoming a permanent resident of that section of the country. On the 7th of March, 1879, Mr. Pettigrew brought his wife and daughter to South Dakota and has since remained in this state. Where his attractive home is now found was then a wild, wide prairie, but he broke the sod, planted the seed and in due time cultivated and harvested good corps. While in Vermont he married on the 7th of May, 1856, to Miss Salome C. Bixby and unto them was born a daughter, Jennie, now the widow of Fred Pettigrew. the mother passed away in 1870 and in 1871, at Cambridge, New York, Mr. Pettigrew was again married, his second union being with Mrs. Mary Jane (Rice) Maynard, a widow. Mrs. Pettigrew has shared all the trails and hardships of pioneer life. She had never lived outside of the city until she came to South Dakota to take up her abode in a pioneer cabin, but she readily adapted herself to changed conditions and has made a happy home for herself and her husband. In 1879 Mr. Pettigrew erected the residence which he now occupies. It is one of the old-time homes, spacious and substantial, the blinds for which he purchased in Boston at eighty-five cents per pair. The heavy doors, three by seven feet, are molded on both sides and were purchased in Boston at a dollar and eighty-five cents each, while the interior finishing of black ash and butternut was brought from Vermont. The materials in the house is one of the best and the home provides every comfort and convenience. Mr. Pettigrew followed a custom unusual at that time by digging a cellar under the whole house. The grove of fine trees about his residence has been grown from seed which he planted in 1880 and in 1881. At one time he had over four hundred acres under the plow, using oxen in the operation of his farm and working as many as eight or ten yoke at one time. An active, busy life has been that of Mr. Pettigrew and the wise use which he has made of his time and opportunities has gained for him a place among the substantial citizens of his county. While living in Vermont, Mr. Pettigrew served for two years as a member of the state legislature and was afterward chosen one of the directors of the state prison at Windsor and served for four years. In his home city, too, he filled various officers, the duties of which he discharged with promptness and fidelity. At Flandreau, South Dakota, he was alderman for several years, making a most creditable record by the prompt, faithful and progressive manner in which he discharged his duties. At length, however, he retired, but again in 1915 he was called to office by the voter of his fellow townsmen, who wished him once more to serve his city as alderman, although he is now past eighty-three years of age. This is certainly an unusual record. Most men are supposed to be long past their usefulness at that age, but in spirit and interest Mr. Pettigrew seems yet in his prime and is giving out the rich stores of his wisdom and experience for the benefit of others. In his fraternal relations Mr. Pettigrew is a Mason and he and his wife are members of the Eastern Star, while both also hold membership with the Methodist Episcopal church of Flandreau. Their many sterling traits of character and their kindly, helpful spirit and their fidelity to what they believe to be right have been the salient elements which have gained for them a place among the valued and prominent residents of the state in which they have lived since early pioneer times. - George W. Kingsbury History of Dakota Territory; South Dakota Its History and Its People, Volume 5, 1915, Chicago: S. J. Clarke Publishing Company.