Carl G. Sherwood Biography This biography is from "Memorial and biographical record; an illustrated compendium of biography, containing a compendium of local biography, including biographical sketches of prominent old settlers and representative citizens of Central South Dakota..." Published by G. A. Ogle & Co., Chicago, 1899. Pages 226-227 Scan, OCR and editing by Joy Fisher,, 1999. This file may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use. Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author. This file is part of the SDGENWEB Archives. If you arrived here inside a frame or from a link from somewhere else, our front door is at HON. CARL G. SHERWOOD, of Clark, is one of the most prominent lawyers and public-spirited citizens now practicing at the bar of Clark county. He is a man who has brought his keen discrimination and thorough wisdom to bear not alone in professional paths but also for the benefit of the county and state, which has been his home since pioneer days, and with whose interests he has been thoroughly identified. He holds and merits a place among the representative legal practitioners of this section, and the story of his life, while not dramatic in action, is such a one as offers a typical example of that alert American spirit which has enabled many an individual to rise from obscurity to a position of affluence and renown solely through native talent, indomitable perseverance and singleness of purpose. Mr. Sherwood claims New York as his native state, his birth having occurred near Whitney's Point, January 18, 1855. He is the third in order of birth in a family of five children, whose parents were George and Mary A. (Jeffords) Sherwood, both still living in New York. The father is one of the prominent farmers of his community, and has represented his district in the state legislature. Our subject was given the advantage a good high-school education at Binghamton, New York, and soon after attaining majority he went to Fulton, Illinois, where he taught school. Later he studied law with A. R. McCoy, of Clinton, Iowa, was admitted to the Iowa bar in July, 1880. Immediately after he went to Minnesota and was admitted to the bar in that state. In July, 1881, he came to Watertown, South Dakota, and the following August came to Clark, where he hung up the first LL. D. shingle in the county. At that time be carried all his worldly possessions in a hand satchel; his library consisted of a code of Iowa and a couple of text books, while his pocket knew not the jingle of coin. He was indeed a pioneer of pioneers, and opened a law office in the old Clark House, which stood one mile north of its present location. His first work here was the locating of eastern parties, then followed contest work, and finally a good general law practice, which he now enjoys. In 1883 Mr. Sherwood married Miss Nellie Fountain, a native of Iowa, and to them have been born four children: George F.; Harry A., deceased; Mary C.; and Dollie V. Their home, at the corner of Third and Commercial streets, is a very cosy little cottage, and the grounds are the finest to be seen in the city of Clark, being adorned with trees and shrubs of many kinds. The whole makes a home for rest and comfort. At the first general election of Clark county, in the fall of 1882, Mr. Sherwood was elected register of deeds, which office he filled for two terms, and during his first term of service also acted as deputy clerk of courts and as deputy treasurer. In 1883 he was a member of the first constitutional convention held in Sioux Falls, and in 1889 was a delegate to the last constitutional convention, held at the same place, serving on the judiciary committee. In 1889 he was also given a seat in the upper house of the state legislature, and as chairman of the temperance committee he introduced and was given charge of the prohibition bill which became a law in March, 1890. He is a Republican in politics and prefers prohibition to high license, but is ready to support any more practical scheme. He assisted the state in trying the only murder case of Clark county - the Christinson case - which was won by the state. He was chairman of the state convention called to elect a successor to Congressman J. R. Gamble, and in 1896 was a delegate to the national convention at St. Louis. He has been a delegate to all but one state convention of his party, and has been a member of the county central committee for eight years. For five years he was president of the school board and is very much interested in educational affairs. As a lawyer he ranks among the ablest, and as a citizen he stands ready to discharge every duty that devolves upon him, and takes a commendable interest in everything calculated to promote the general welfare. Socially he is a Knight Templar Mason and a member of the Modern Woodmen of America and the Ancient Order of United Workmen.