Lyman J. Bates Biography This biography is from "Memorial and biographical record; an illustrated compendium of biography, containing a compendium of local biography, including biographical sketches of prominent old settlers and representative citizens of South Dakota..." Published by G. A. Ogle & Co., Chicago, 1898. Pages 473-474 Scan, OCR and editing by Joy Fisher,, 1999. This file may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use. Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author. This file is part of the SDGENWEB Archives. If you arrived here inside a frame or from a link from somewhere else, our front door is at LYMAN J. BATES, the editor of the Lake Preston "Times," is one of the foremost newspaper men in Kingsbury county, and gets out a newsy and interesting paper every week in the year, full of useful and discursive reading, with just enough "pepper" on the editorial page to well season the whole. Mr. Bates was born May 1, 1865, in Butler county, Iowa. His parents, Thomas B. and Mary J. (Needham) Bates, were natives of New York and Vermont and were born respectively in 1820 and 1834. Lyman, who was the second in a family of three children-Frank G. being the eldest and Lois the youngest-attended the schools of his native county and later was graduated at the Parkersburg (Iowa) high school. During vacations this young man, who was always occupied, found work upon neighboring farms or in the local gristmill. He afterward (in 1880) entered the Eclipse printing office, at Parkersburg, Butler county, Iowa, with the intention' of becoming a printer. He also worked in the "Tribune". office, at Allison, and the "Enterprise" office,, at Ackley, and in the spring of 1883 he went to Dakota Territory. After spending a few months working in the "Huronite" office, at Huron, he located at Lake Preston, South Dakota, and purchased the "Times" of that place, which he has since controlled and edited. The paper is Republican in political sentiment, as is also its proprietor. Mr. Bates was postmaster at Lake Preston during the Harrison administration, and is serving in the same position under President McKinley, being fortunate enough not to have any opposition in securing the prize; and has held a number of other local offices. He has been an active member of the Republican county central committee, having been the chairman during two campaigns and at present being the secretary of said committee. He is now president of the Lake Preston Creamery Company and member of the board of directors. He is also vice-president of the city board of education and vice-president of the Lake Preston Building and Loan Association. Among the fraternal organizations, he is a member of the following: I. O. O. F., Lake Preston lodge, No.66; A. F. & A. M., Meridian lodge, No.94, of Lake Preston; Denver chapter, R. A. M., of Arlington; and Brookings commandery, K. T., in which he is a Sir Knight. In 1889 Mr. Bates married Miss Minerva Taylor, a daughter of Lee and Lorane Taylor. Mrs. Bates bore her husband two children: Carmon L., whose birth occurred on the 5th of June, 1891, and Marjorie, born December 2, 1893. In 1894 Mrs. Bates died and since that time Mr. Bates' mother has looked after the household affairs. She has resided with her son since 1894. Mr. Bates has always taken an active interest in the South Dakota Press Association, in which organization he was for several years the youngest member. At the annual meeting, July, 1897, he was honored by being unanimously elected president of the association.