Axel Dahlberg Biography This biography is from "Memorial and biographical record; an illustrated compendium of biography, containing a compendium of local biography, including biographical sketches of prominent old settlers and representative citizens of South Dakota..." Published by G. A. Ogle & Co., Chicago, 1898. Pages 474 Scan, OCR and editing by Joy Fisher,, 1999. This file may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use. Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author. This file is part of the SDGENWEB Archives. If you arrived here inside a frame or from a link from somewhere else, our front door is at AXEL DAHLBERG, an enterprising and prosperous merchant doing business in Strandburg, Grant county, was born in Sweden, October 20, 1866. His parents, Magnus and Carrie (Nelson) Magnuson, were both born in Sweden, and gained a subsistance by the cultivation of the soil of that country. They were the parents of a family of six children, four sons and two daughters, of whom three' are now living, and of whom our subject is the youngest. The parents both died in the year 1878, there being but three days between their deaths. Mr. Dahlberg, the subject of this sketch, emigrated from the land of his nativity to America in 1880, and located first in Kandiyohi county, Minnesota, and was engaged in farming in that county five years. In 1885 he moved to Grant county, South Dakota, and was engaged in farming there until i888. He then bought a stock of general merchandise and started a store at Strandburg in that line, and has since devoted his attention to that line of business. He is a man of good business qualifications and by careful attention to the various details of his work has built up an extensive and profitable trade. In 1891 Mr. Dahlberg was united in marriage to Miss Mary Fritsberg, of Grant county. Her parents are natives of Sweden and are still living in that country, where the father plies the trade of a carpenter. They are the parents of a family of five children, of whom Mary is the third in the order of their birth. She was born in 1863 and came to America in 1889, and located first in Minnesota. Mr. Dahlberg is a Republican in political views, and by the gift of that party has e been town clerk of Troy for the past three years and is still performing the duties of that office. As a public officer our subject is very thorough and systematic, his books are kept in the best of order, and he in every way proves himself worthy of the confidence reposed in him by the citizens of his adopted township. He is a member of the Lutheran church, is a man of strong character, broad ideas and has a large circle of warm friends.