Biography of Ell Nathan Aldrich This biography is from "Memorial and biographical record; an illustrated compendium of biography, containing a compendium of local biography, including biographical sketches of prominent old settlers and representative citizens of South Dakota..." Published by G. A. Ogle & Co., Chicago, 1898. Pages 403-404 Scan and OCR by Joy Fisher, 1997. This file may be copied for non-profit purposes. All other rights reserved. ELL NATHAN ALDRICH, a successful business man of Brookings, South Dakota, was born in Sparta, Wisconsin, October 7, 1868. He is a son of Nathan B. and Eleanor J. (Hoyt) Aldrich. Nathan B. Aldrich was born near Boston, April 28, 1828, and removed from thence to Bakersfield, Vermont, and was married there March 30, 1852, and soon after went to Wisconsin, making the journey there by the way of the lakes, crossing to the Mississippi river, where he took a boat to La Crosse, which then consisted of a single house. From there he drove to Sparta, where a single log building answered for tavern, store and postoffice. Here he and his brother-in-law built a sawmill and sawed out the lumber for the first frame buildings in Sparta, one of which was his residence. He pre- empted a farm, which he cultivated and improved for a number of years, and later operated a dray line in Sparta, and is now a resident of that place, where he is living in retirement. N. B. Aldrich enlisted at Tomah, Wisconsin, in 1861, in Company D, Twenty-fifth Wisconsin Volunteers, and served until the close of the war. He participated in the Vicksburg campaign and in Sherman's Atlanta campaign and the subsequent march to the sea. When within sixty miles of the coast he was obliged to go to the hospital. Although he received no severe wounds throughout the conflict, when he reached home his health was almost undermined. Mrs. E. J. Aldrich is still living. She was born October 23, 1826, at Bakersfield, Vermont. Her mother, whose maiden name was Tyler, was a first cousin of John Tyler, president of the United States. Mrs. Hoyt removed to Sparta with three of her sons at the same time that Mr. and Mrs. Aldrich came. The ancestors of both families are supposed to have participated in the Revolutionary war. E. N. Aldrich, the subject of this sketch, attended the high school of Sparta, and completed the course in 1886, when he at once entered a drug store, where he was engaged in the capacity of clerk two years. He then took charge of a drug store at Waupun, Wisconsin, two years, and in 1890 went to Howard, South Dakota, where he was employed in a drug store three months. He next came to Brookings and entered the store of Mattice & Mattice, and at the end of eight months purchased the stock of his employers, and has ever since carried on the business, and although he has met with some serious misfortunes, his business has been steadily prosperous, and he is now ranked among the substantial men of the place. Mr. Aldrich was married June 8, 1891, to Miss Frances Avis Rivenburg. They are both members of St. Paul's Episcopal church, of Brookings, and move in the best circles of society. Mr. Aldrich is a Mason, holding membership in the blue lodge, the chapter and commandery. He is also a member of the Brookings band, formerly First Regiment band, of South Dakota, in which Mr. Aldrich plays the tuba. In the Brookings orchestra he plays the double bass. He is also a member of the Brookings fire company. For five years Mr. Aldrich served as a member of Company I, Third Regiment, of the Wisconsin National Guards. Two years of this time he was orderly sergeant of his company. Mrs. F. A. Aldrich, wife of our subject, was born in Ripon, Wisconsin, and a daughter of Charles P. and Elizabeth J. (Walby) Rivenburg. Mr. Rivenburg's mother, whose maiden name was Amelia Parmesly, was a daughter of a Revolutionary veteran, and two of her brothers served in the Civil war. Seander P. Rivenburg, father of C. P. Rivenburg, also had two brothers in the Civil war. The Rivenburg family is of Dutch or Holland lineage, several generations having lived in New York. Mrs. Aldrich has enjoyed excellent educational advantages. After pursuing a scientific course at Ripon college, she was employed for six months in teaching at the Chicago Nursery and Half Orphan asylum. Her voice has been thoroughly trained, and she has developed extraordinary musical and elocutionary ability. She spent one season in a tour with Miss Ellen Beach Yaw, through the principal cities of Wisconsin and Illinois. Since coming to this state her talent has been highly appreciated, and she has taken part frequently in public entertainments at different places. She is also a naturally talented artist and has taken lessons in china painting. She has executed a number of choice pieces of painting on canvas, which excite the admiration of all beholders.