Biography of A. L. Patridge This biography is from "Memorial and biographical record; an illustrated compendium of biography, containing a compendium of local biography, including biographical sketches of prominent old settlers and representative citizens of South Dakota..." Published by G. A. Ogle & Co., Chicago, 1898. Page 252. Scan and OCR by Joy Fisher, 1997. This file may be copied for non-profit purposes. All other rights reserved. HON. A. L. PATRIDGE. Among the prominent men of Grant county who have won honorable names none is better deserving of representation in a volume of this kind than Hon. A. L. Patridge. His home is in section 5, Vernon township, where he owns a large farm and was formerly extensively engaged in farming and stock- raising. Mr. Patridge was born near Cleveland, Ohio, September 28, 1846. His father, Daniel Patridge, was born in New York, and emigrated to Michigan at an early day, and from there to Ohio, and in 1853 moved to Iowa and located in Delaware county, where he still resides. His wife, whose maiden name was Sarah Smith, was also born in New York state. She is still living and resides in Iowa. In September, 1896, they celebrated the sixtieth anniversary of their wedding. They are the parents of a family of six children, now living, four daughters and two sons, of whom we have the following record: Emma, wife of Orrin Mapes, of Madison county, Iowa; Lucy, wife of Albert Baldwin, of Chickasaw county, Iowa; Albert L., the subject of this sketch; Rhoba, wife of John Prentice, of Alta, Iowa; Almon, of Maynard, Iowa; Mary, wife of Irving Cole, of Storm Lake, Iowa; Candace, wife of John Merten, of Colesburg, Iowa. Mr. Patridge was but seven years of age when he moved with his parents to Delaware county, Iowa, where the remaining years of his boyhood were spent, and where he was educated, attending the public school of his vicinity, which was held in a log schoolhouse. He lived with his parents until he was twenty-three years of age, but began teaching school at the age of twenty, being appointed assistant in the public school of Colesburg. In 1869 he located in Bremer county, Iowa, and there engaged in farming, buying a farm near Horton. In the spring of 1879 he moved from thence to Grant county, South Dakota, and took homestead claim in section 5, township 119, range 48; and also bought a tree claim. He still owns both quarter sections and has them in a high state of cultivation and well improved. Mr. Patridge was first married to Miss Amanda Patridge, and to this union was born one son, Arthur, who is still living at home. Arthur Patridge also owns 160 acres of farm land purchased for him by his father. Our subject was married to his present wife in 1877. She was formerly Miss Elizabeth George, and was born in Ohio but moved with her parents to Iowa, when but five months of age, and located first in Fayette county, and moved from thence to Bremer county. Mr. and Mrs. Patridge are the parents of a family of four children, two sons and two daughters: Esther, a teacher in Grant county; Albert, who is still attending school; Irving, and Mary. Politically Mr. Patridge is a staunch Republican, and on that ticket has been elected to several important offices. In 1890, he served in the last session of the territorial legislature, and also in the first state legislature which convened the following year. He has always been one of the leaders in local political matters, and being one of the earliest settlers, has done much to bring about the present state of prosperity and growth to which Grant county has attained. He was the first president of the Old Settlers society and Historical association of Grant county.