Biography of H. W. B. Souther This biography is from "Memorial and biographical record; an illustrated compendium of biography, containing a compendium of local biography, including biographical sketches of prominent old settlers and representative citizens of South Dakota..." Published by G. A. Ogle & Co., Chicago, 1898. Pages 396-397 Scan and OCR by Joy Fisher, 1997. This file may be copied for non-profit purposes. All other rights reserved. H. W. B. SOUTHER, county auditor of Moody county, South Dakota, is a native of Warren, Vermont, and a son of John P. and Caroline E. (Goodspeed) Souther. The father was a native of Massachusetts, and moved to Wisconsin about 1857 and stopped a short time at Baraboo, then settled on a farm one and one-half miles west of Mauston. They were the parents of four children: B. N. and W. H. live on the home farm in Wisconsin; a sister, deceased; and our subject, residing at Flandreau. Our subject was born February 27, 1855, and was reared on the old farm in Wisconsin, and educated in the high school at Mauston. At the age of twenty-two years he went to Minnesota, and for a time engaged in farming. In. the spring of 1878 he, together with five others, drove across the country to Moody county, South Dakota, where he located on section 10, Coleman township. Here our subject added one to the scanty list of sod houses in the township and began to improve and cultivate his homestead. The same year he took a timber claim in Brookings county. After improving his homestead and getting it in a fair state of cultivation, he sold it and bought one hundred and sixty acres on section 9, Lynn township. This farm was partly improved and had a few small buildings on it. The barn was stolen and then Mr. Souther traded the others for a cow and calf. In 1886 he moved to Colman and for two years operated a general store, then sold out and put up a building in which he kept the post office until 1893, then resigned. In local matters he is always actively interested and has been clerk of the school board most of the time since coming to the district. He has also filled the office of justice of the peace and was notary public for eight years. He has for many years been township committeeman and is often a delegate to the county convention. Politically he is a Republican and on that ticket was elected to the office of county auditor in 1894 and re-elected in 1896. His efficiency as an official and popularity as a citizen was emphasized at the last election, when it is stated that although the county gave a Populist majority of two hundred and thirty-four he was elected by over one hundred majority. Socially he affiliates with the Masonic fraternity, of which he is a blue lodge member at Flandreau and junior deacon of same; is also a member of the chapter - R. A. M., and of the commandery - K. T. He is a member also of the A. O. U. W. fraternity. and of the Imperial Mystic Legion, of which he is secretary. Mr. Souther was married in 1887 to Miss Mary E. Souther, also a native of Wisconsin. To this union have been born two children: Edwin M. and Benjamin L. Mrs. Souther is a member of the Methodist church.