Rev. N. A. Stubkjaer Biography This biography is from "Memorial and biographical record; an illustrated compendium of biography, containing a compendium of local biography, including biographical sketches of prominent old settlers and representative citizens of South Dakota..." Published by G. A. Ogle & Co., Chicago, 1898. Pages 481-482 Scan, OCR and editing by Joy Fisher,, 1999. This file may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use. Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author. This file is part of the SDGENWEB Archives. If you arrived here inside a frame or from a link from somewhere else, our front door is at REV. N. A. STUBKJAER, pastor of the United Norwegian Evangelical church of Lake Preston, Kingsbury county, was born in Jutland, Denmark, November 17, 1867. His father, Rev. Anders A. Stubkjaer, is also a native of Jutland, born April 18, 1824. He attended school in Jutland until he was about twenty-three years of age, and then entered the university of Copenhagen, where he remained until the war between Denmark and Prussia, when the government appointed him chaplain under Gen. von Bulow, and he continued in the field until the close of the war. He then took up the evangelistic work and traveled in Denmark, covering the entire country, and he also entered Norway and Sweden for a short season, and at present is the superintendent of the mission at Holstebro and is vice-president of the home mission of Denmark, and has one hundred and fifty laymen under him, whom he has been instrumental in influencing to work for the advancement of the gospel among their fellow men. From a portrait now in the possession of his son, one can readily see the evidences of leadership and distinction in his features. Rev. A. A. Stubkjaer has been twice married. His first wife, who bore the maiden name of Miss Jensine Christensen, met him at the altar of Hymen about the year 1846. Mrs. Stubkjaer died in 1864, leaving five children, two daughters and three sons, of whom four are now living. One daughter died in Minnesota in the spring of 1888. To his second wife Mr. Stubkjaer was married during the year 1866. Her maiden name was Miss Inger Marrie Nelson, and to her union with Mr. Stubkjaer have been born seven children, all of whom are still living, and of whom our subject is the second in the order of birth, and the only son. Four of the seven children last mentioned are living at home, and the rest are in America. Our subject was educated in the Latin and graded schools of Viborg, Denmark, and came to America in i888, arriving in Chicago September 22. About two months later he went to Stearns county, Minnesota, where he visited friends for a short time and taught German in the evening schools at Belgrade. He also led the young people's society in the Congregational church, where the different creeds and nationalities would meet and worship according to their different views, and Mr. Stubkjaer now speaks of these meetings as one of his most glorious experiences, which will always be remembered with pleasure. In I890 our subject entered the Augsburg Theological school of the United Norwegian Lutheran church. of America, where he studied for three years and graduated in the spring of 1893. His first pastoral charge was at Plano, Illinois. He moved from there to Lake Preston, South Dakota, in 1894, where he had charge not only of the village church, but also of two of the country churches, all of which are in a flourishing condition. The marriage of our subject to Miss Charlotte Josephine Berg was celebrated at Belgrade, Minnesota, October 11, 1893, and the estimable lady who became his wife is a daughter of John A. and Elena Berg, and was born in Kandiyohi county, Minnesota. Her father was a sergeant im the Forty-third Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry. To this union have been born two daughters: Ellen Muriel, born August 2, 1894; and Alma Constance, born January 28, 1896. In political matters Mr. Stubkjaer is independent.