Hans O. Wickre Biography This biography is from "Memorial and biographical record; an illustrated compendium of biography, containing a compendium of local biography, including biographical sketches of prominent old settlers and representative citizens of South Dakota..." Published by G. A. Ogle & Co., Chicago, 1898. Pages 477-478 Scan, OCR and editing by Joy Fisher, jfisher@sdgenweb.com, 1999. This file may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use. Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author. This file is part of the SDGENWEB Archives. If you arrived here inside a frame or from a link from somewhere else, our front door is at http://usgwarchives.org/sd/sdfiles.htm HANS O. WICKRE, the junior member of the firm of Siglinger & Wickre, of Webster, South Dakota, is one of the well known and popular business men of that place. Mr. Wickre was born on Skudesness Island, Norway, May 5, 1855. His parents, Jacob and Catherine (Holland) Wickre, both Norwegians, came to this country in 1868, settling in Benton county, Iowa, where they remained until 1884. In that year they located in Webster, South Dakota, near where they now reside. Jacob Wickre has followed farming the greater part of his life, and still pursues that occupation. There were ten children in the Wickre family, five of whom are still living. Our subject received his education in Iowa and afterward worked upon a farm there in order to assist in supporting the family. In 1884 he removed to Day county, South Dakota, and took up a homestead and tree claim near the town of Webster in Independence township, which owes its name to him. He still operates this farm, which is one of the best improved pieces of property in the county. In 1892 Mr. Wickre turned his attention to buying stock and shipping them to the leading markets. This new venture proved a success, and he continued in the cattle business until the spring of 1895, when he purchased the interest of Mr. Sandvig in the firm of Sandvig & Siglinger, and the firm became Siglinger & Wickre. They deal in agricultural implements, wagons, carriages, etc., and also conduct a wholesale and retail meat market. Their trade is very large and extends through Day and adjoining counties, while the firm is regarded as one of the most substantial and representative in Webster. Politically Mr. Wickre is a Republican, and has served as county commissioner for several terms, having held that office during 1889, 1890 and 1891. He has also been township clerk and school clerk, and for the last twelve years chairman of the board of Independence township. He is a member of the following fraternal societies: I. O. O. F., M. W. of A. and A. O. U. W. In 1879 Mr. Wickre married Miss Bertha Strand, in Benton county, Iowa. Mrs. Wickre is a native of Norway also, and a daughter of Holger and Serine Strand. She has borne her husband seven children, of whom Holger S., an infant, Hannah and Sherman are deceased. The two last named were each three years old when they died. The children now living are: Janna K., Jacob O., Sherman T. and Benjamin J. The family attend the Norwegian Lutheran church. Mr. and Mrs. Wickre made a trip to Norway in 1884, and were gone for almost a year, visiting their friends across the water and renewing the memories of their youthful days.