Avon, Bon Homme Co., SD - 1916 Business Directory This information extracted from the "Northwestern Gazetteer and Business Directory", vol. XX (1916-1917), published by R. L. Polk & Co. Data transcribed by Joy Fisher, sdgenweb@yahoo.com. This file may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use. All other rights reserved. Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author. This file is part of the SDGENWEB Archives. If you arrived here inside a frame or from a link from somewhere else, our front door is at http://usgwarchives.net/sd/sdfiles.htm AVON. Pop 525. Bon Homme county. An incorporated town on the C M & St P Ry 11 miles w of Tyndall the county seat. Has Methodist, Presbyterian and German Baptist and Lutheran churches, 2 banks, a hotel, an op-creamery and 5 grain elevators. A weekly newspaper the Clarion is published. Exp W F & Co. Tel W U. Alb Vauk P M. Last Name First Name Business Avon Clarion L A Robinson pub Avon Creamery Co. H W Van Gerpen, pres; S Green, sec and mngr Avon German Bank (Capital $55,000), J C Greenfield, pres; Bernard Brandt, cashr Avon Opera House J D Heil mngr Bank of Avon (capital $10,000), Jno Kiehlbauch, pres; E J Kiehlbauch, cashr Berends Jno shoes Berndt Emanuel see Vesper & Berndt Berndt Theo. mngr, Farmers & Merchants Telephone Co. Brandt Bernard cashr, Avon German Bank Brandt Bernard ins agt Burbeck Jno grain elevator Burbeck Elevator Co. Casper Steckler, agt Burns Ray P. drugs Carlon Elevator Co. Jno D Wittemeier, agt Crosby Lucian furniture Edwards Hotel Harry Wade, prop Fair Store Jos Sharf mngr, gen store Farmers & Merchants Telephone Co. Theo Berndt mngr Farrell A. L. dentist Farrell Roger M. real est. Foster B. C. conf. German Telephone Co. H H Koehn pres Giedd Henry D. grain elevator Giedd Theo. W. harness Goehring Chris hardware Green S. sec and mngr, Avon Creamery Co. Greenfield J. C. pres, Avon German Bank Greenfield Jno C. phys Hagarty Wm. J. P. drugs Hauge Max H. blksmith Heil Chris C. gen store Heil J. D. cream station Heil J. D. mngr, Avon Opera House Heil & Son (Phil and Chris P), gen store Hoff Jacob conf Hollingsworth Jas. E. phys Holt Laura milliner Hornstra Jno C. livery Hubner Wm. A. clothing Kiehlbauch E. J. cashr, Bank of Avon Kiehlbauch Emanuel J. ins agt Kiehlbauch Jno pres, Bank of Avon Koehn H. H. pres, German Telephone Co. Koolish Louis gen store Luke Simeon W. blksmith McDonald Dwight broom mnfr 2 miles s of city McLane Paul J. meats Miller Chas. A. broom mnfr (Loretta) Moersfelder Wm. G. hardware Pfaltzgraff Phil. gen store (Loretta) Ptak Frank lumber Queal & Co. J. H. Fred Vogel agt, lumber Reister Chris T. tinware Robinson Leon A. pub Avon Clarion Roose M. hardware Rosberg Andr. H. real est Smith Frank L. grain elevator Steckler Casper agt, Burbeck Elevator Co. Steckler Theo pool Thesinger Jno barber Unruh Henry A. photogr. Van Gerpen H. W. pres, Avon Creamery Co. Vander Voort Richd r r, exp and tel agt Vesper & Berndt (Chas Vesper, Emanuel Berndt), conf Vilhauer Geo. A> wall paper Vogel Fred agt, J H Queal & Co. Wade Harry Propr Edwards Hotel Wittemeier Jno D. agt, Carlon Elevator Co. Zeitner Gottlieb stock food mnfr