Kimball, Brule Co., SD - 1909 Business Directory This file contains a listing from the "South Dakota State Business Directory," published by The Gazetteer Publishing Co., Denver, Colorado in 1909. Information transcribed by Joy Fisher. This file may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use. Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author. This file is part of the SDGENWEB Archives. If you arrived here inside a frame or from a link from somewhere else, our front door is at KIMBALL An incorporated city in Brule county, on the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry., 20 miles southeast of Chamberlain. Municipal water works, good schools and churches. Farming is the principal industry of the surrounding country. A progressive city, with prospects for a continued growth. Population 725. Last Name First Name Business Achen & Kratochwill livery Beebe O. E. dray line Beecher S. M. plumber, Brooks & Brchan mgrs Bowles A. M. furniture Bradshaw O. G. elevator Brchan see Brooks & Brchan Brooks & Brchan hardware and farm implements Brooks & Brchan mgrs, S M Beecher Brule County Farmers Co-operative Co. grain and coal Brule County Tel. Co. M A Willy pres, C R Linan secy Burr David (Rev.) pastor, Presbyterian Church Butler T. R. manufacturers cigars Cahoon see Hitchcock & Cahoon Calhoon C. E. optician Catholic Church Rev C E O'Flaherty priest Coffee B. B. bakery, restaurant and confectionery Cohrt A. C. automobiles, carriages and farm implements Conant L. G. prop The New Kimball House Crichfield F. W. dentist Dakota Central Telephone Co. C R Tinan mgr Doris F. L. agt C, M & St P Ry and Wells Fargo Express Dusterhoff see Gensley & Dusterhoff Enger see Jackson & Enger Galligher Thos. contractor and builder Gensley A. J. tailor Gensley & Dusterhoff contractors and builders Gibson J. S. dray line Gillin Land Agency C. W. Gillin mgr Gilmour & Mason clothing and men's furnishings Graf H. C. (Rev.) pastor, Methodist Episcopal Church Graves H. C. contractor and builder Griswold F. H. agent, Turner Produce Co. Griswold Fred cashier Kimball State Bank Halvorson H. C. farm implements Halvorson see Matson & Halvorson Hanford Produce Co. Joseph Duba mgr Hanneman A. W. vice-pres Kimball State Bank Herrlein Henry contractor and builder Hinrichs H. W. president Kimball State Bank Hinrichs J. A. livery Hitchcock & Cahoon jewelers Holt Thos. J. editor Kimball Star Jackson & Enger blacksmith Kimball Commercial & Savings Bank Chas Maher pres, John Smith vice-pres, M B Stanton asst cashier Kimball Graphic (w) C R Tinan publisher Kimball House, The New L G Conant prop Kimball Public Library A Marie Ochsner librarian Kimball Roller Mills (inc) F C Zemlicka pres Kimball Star (w) Thos J Holt editor Kimball State Bank H W Hinrichs pres, A W Hanneman vice-pres, Fred Griswold cashier Kratochwill see Achen & Kratochwill Krueger C. F. real estate Kuchera M. J. photographer Linan C. R. secy, Brule County Tel. Co. Loff's New Hotel and Café J O Loff prop Long J. B. postmaster and attorney Long John B. attorney Lumbard E. B. cashier, Whitbeck & Lumbard Maher Chas. pres, Kimball Commercial & Savings Bank Mason see Gilmour & Mason Matson O. E. farm implements and harness Matson & Halvorson farm implements and harness Methodist Episcopal Church Rev H C Graf pastor Miller F. E. drugs New Kimball House, The L G Conant prop Nugen C. W. real estate Ochsner A. Marie librarian, Kimball Public Library Ochsner Hardware Co. general merchandise O'Flaherty C. E. (Rev.) priest, Catholic Church Parker John lumber and coal, mayor Pike W. H. stone and cement work Platte Auto Co. automobiles and repairs Presbyterian Church Rev David Burr pastor Quirk P. J. barber Reber T. S. bakery, confectionery and notions Reynolds Land Co. F. A. real estate, loans Rooney Land Co. real estate Rozum see Smith & Rozum Ryan Ben W. city assessor Ryan see Smith & Ryan Skinrood Adolph general merchandise Smith Clyde E. insurance, surety bonds Smith Henry C. city auditor Smith Henry C. justice peace and abstracter Smith Jas. A. lumber, Jos E Yarosh mgr Smith John vice-pres Kimball Commercial Savings Bank Smith Myrtle millinery Smith & Rozum saloon Smith & Ryan general merchandise Sobek & Svoboda saloon Standard Oil Co. O H Wright agent Stanton M. B. asst cash Kimball Commercial & Savings Bank Stewart F. H. physician Stewart Jno S. marshal Svoboda see Sobek & Svoboda Tinan C. R. publisher Kimball Graphic Troyneak J. J. real estate Truesdell W. T. real estate Turner Produce Co. F H Griswold agent Warner & Sons W. E. meat market Weiss Thomas carpenter and contractor Whitbeck & Lumbard bankers, E B Lumbard cashier Willy M. A. physician Willy M. A. pres, Brule County Tel. Co. Winn J. J. real estate Woerth Emil J. attorney-at-law Wolf Co. J. H. general merchandise Wright O. H. agent Standard Oil Co. Yarosh Jos. E. mgr, Jas. A. Smith Zemlicka F. C. pres, Kimball Roller Mills