Brule Co, SD - Red Lake Lutheran Cemetery The Red Lake Lutheran country cemetery is located 5 1/2 miles south of Pukwana, SD in Red Lake Township. The legal description is the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 24, Township 103, Range 70. It was organized in 1881 by the Lutheran church of Pukwana on land then owned by John Andera. It has a fence around it and is mowed in the summer. The data were supplied by Hope Turgeon, Rt. 1, Box 122, Pukwana, SD 57370 and formatted and printed by Maurice Krueger, 178 Southshore Dr., Mina, SD 57462-3000. Coppyright 1996, Hope Turgeon and Maurice Krueger. This file may be freely copied for non-profit purposes. All other rights reserved. LNAME FNAMES SEC BLK LOT GRNO SEX BORN DIED AGE Anderson A 1 3 3 f Anderson A 1 3 4 f Brakke Christian A 2 5 3 m 1874 1892 18y Evensen A 1 1 4 m Garnos Charten S. A 2 3 4 f 1866 1893 27y Garnos Oscar F A 2 3 5 m 1888 1890 2y Gunderson A 1 6 3 Child Gunderson A 1 6 4 Child Gunderson Torger A 1 6 2 m 08 Feb 1826 1911 85y Hanson Johan H. A 1 5 4 m 1829 1903 74y Hanson Tunis B 6 4 2 m Johnson Ella B 4 4 2 f 1898 1899 1y 1m Johnson B 4 4 3 Child Johnson Henry B 4 4 4 m 1887 1887 1d Knutson Mons A 2 6 3 m 1851 1898 47y Larson Mrs. Peter A 3 4 2 f Larson Peter A 3 4 4 m Nelson Fritz A 3 6 1 m 1882 1885 3y Nelson Mary A 3 6 1 f 1870 1885 15y Nelson A 3 6 1 Inf. Oleson Bertha B 4 3 4 f 1859 1893 34y Oleson Ed B 4 3 5 m 09 Oct 1850 Oleson Julia B 4 3 3 f 1872 1909 37y Peterson Mrs. B 6 3 4 f Rindy Mrs. Nels A 1 1 3 f Sorenson Bertha A 3 6 5 f 1822 1902 80y Sorenson Nels A 3 6 3 m 1821 1903 82y Tunas A 4 1 4 Child