St. Ann's Catholic High School, Geddes, Charles Mix Co., SD This file contains the names of the graduating classes from St. Ann's Catholic School, Geddes, Charles Mix Co., South Dakota. St. Ann's Catholic High School had graduating seniors from 1919 through 1935. This file is sorted by graduating year; there is another file sorted alphabetically. This is a work in progress, as there are a few classes missing . Any additions or corrections to the list would be welcomed. This file created by Kay Mushitz, This file may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use. Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author. This file is part of the SDGENWEB Archives. If you arrived here inside a frame or from a link from somewhere else, our front door is at LAST FIRST YEAR Minahan Monica 1919 Moran Cecelia 1919 Moran Myrtle 1919 Jaeger Dorothy 1920 McGinnis Marguerite 1920 Ament Joseph 1922 Cihak Anna 1922 Kellar Katherine 1922 Masur Thomas 1922 Moran Ethel 1922 Soukup Clara 1922 Stork Anna 1922 Hermsen Catherine 1926 Jaeger Justine 1926 Kubal Mildred 1926 McGinnis Josephine 1926 Moneke Josephine 1926 Mushitz Irene 1926 Nolan Florence 1926 Ott Elmer 1926 Schneider Mary 1926 Bruner Isabel 1927 Davis Louise 1927 Mansheim Frances 1927 Moran Hazel 1927 Moran Rose Mae 1927 Costello Anna 1928 Fowler Carol 1928 Glaser Ethel 1928 Hoey Bertilla 1928 Jaeger Anthony 1928 Mumm Mathilda 1928 Reandeau Josephine 1928 Riley Rose 1928 Winkel Leona 1928 Ament Pauline 1929 Augustine Victor 1929 Jaeger Romus 1929 Mumm Dorothy 1929 Sneider Gertrude 1929 Stulc Minnie 1929 Augustine Marie 1930 Mansheim MaryAnn 1930 Meis L 1930 Olwell Nora 1930 Penney Joe 1930 Regan Michael 1930 Roth Lucille 1930 Wheeler Marian 1930 Winkel Marian 1930 Crane Margret 1931 Crotty E 1931 Danaher Anna 1931 Davis Anna Mae 1931 Determan Hilda 1931 Diez Donavan 1931 Frantina Grace 1931 Gapter Theodore 1931 Glaser Loretta 1931 Jaeger Alphonse 1931 Meiers Vernon 1931 Moran Leona 1931 Regan Mary 1931 Robinson Francis 1931 Robinson Mary 1931 Schneider Frances 1931 Stormes Helen 1931 Stulc Alta 1931 Stulc Evelyn 1931 Abbott Gwendolyn 1932 Bristow Leone 1932 Eilers Charlotte 1932 Eilers Elizabeth 1932 Hrdlicka Evelyn 1932 Mahoney Donald 1932 Mansheim Richard 1932 Neiers Boniface 1932 Niehus Louis 1932 Niehus Ralph 1932 Roth Catherine 1932 Sauntry Margaret 1932 Stork Margaret 1932 Stulc Roy 1932 Vodroska Frances 1932 Walters Edna 1932 ? Adele 1933 Jaeger John 1933 Mahoney Edna 1933 Masur Monica 1933 Mushitz Verna 1933 Roth Florence 1933 Temme Teresa 1933 Westendorf Ed 1933 Westendorf Elmer 1933 Westendorf Roseanne 1933 Augustine Donald 1934 Bristow Darlene 1934 Davis Elnora 1934 Eilers Marie 1934 Funke Vernon 1934 Gavin Frances 1934 Gibson Dorothy 1934 Glasser Arthur 1934 Meis Donald 1934 Meis Edwin 1934 Merkwan Evelyn 1934 Mohr Mardell 1934 Temme Elizabeth 1934 Westendorf Dolores 1934 Millar Margery 1935 Niehus Elizabeth 1935 Niers Carlyn 1935 Oberbroekling Marie 1935 Roth Dorothy 1935 Scott Ellen 1935 Stulc Lilly 1935 VanUden John 1935 Westendorf Priscilla 1935