Edmunds County, World War I Veterans This information was OCR'd by Maurice Krueger, 178 Southshore Drive, Mina, SD 57462 and placed on the internet for the use of other genealogists. Although copyright is retained by Maurice Krueger, the material may be freely copied and used for personal genealogical purposes. This file is part of the SDGENWEB Archives. If you arrived here inside a frame or from a link from somewhere else, our front door is at http://www.usgwarchives.net/sd/sdfiles.htm The material was taken from a book titled "In The World War, 1917-1918-1919, Edmunds County, So. Dakota" published by the Ipswich Tribune, Ipswich, SD, C. L. Jackson publisher. Note that page numbers are listed and each biography has a number preceding it. This number refers to a photograph appearing on the facing page. Since scanning photos takes so much space, they were not scanned. If anyone locates a relative in this book and would like a scan of the accompanying photo, just send a request to mkrueger@midco.net or write to: Maurice Krueger 178 Southshore Drive Mina, SD 57462-3000 Page 5 l-LIEUTENANT CHARLES LEVI CHUBBUCK is the only son of County Treasurer A. B. Chubbuck. He was born in Ipswich and grew to manhood here. He entrained from home September, 1917, going to Camp Custer, Mich. He entered the Officers' Training School at Camp Custer, was transferred to Camp Gordon, Ga., in Replacement Regiment where he received the commission of 2nd Lieut. Later he was sent to a Training School at Camp Perry, Ohio, where he received a commission of 1st Lieut. He was sent to Camp Cody, N. --\L, being discharged in December, 1918. 2-CORP. MILFORD HARTZELL, was born in Freeport, Ill., April 10, 1894. He was first sent from Ipswich to Brookings College on July 5th, 1918, where he underwent intensive training for a time. Later he was transferred to Fort Leavenworth and still later again transferred to Camp Mead, where lie remained until honorably discharged on February 18, 1919. 3-CORP. SHEA F. LINDAMOOD, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Lindamood, He was born at Palmyra, Ia., December 30, 1897. He entrained from Ipswich September 29, 1918, going to the Student Army Training Corps, at Mitchell, D. W. U. He was assigned to Co. B, preparatory to Officers' Training. October 8 he entered as a private and November 30 was promoted to corporal. Shea was honorably discharged December 21, 1918. 4-NICHOLAS J. KRAMER registered in the August 24th registration of 21-year- olds. He entered Brookings College, in vocational section, on September 19, 1918. After eight weeks of training he was about to be assigned to the Signal Corps when the armistice was signed. "Nick" is an Ipswich boy, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Matt. Kramer. 5-SERG. CLARENCE H. STROBELE was born in Oakland, Iowa, on December 27, 1887. He enlisted on October 10, 1917, and was sent to Jefferson Barracks, where he was assigned to the Aviation section. He later trained at Camp Custer, St. Paul, and Chanute Field , Ill. He is now at Ellington Field, Texas. Strobele is a boxer and has gained championships in every camp. His rank is that of M. S, E. A . M ., and he has re-enlisted. 6---LOREN HASSENPFLUG is the son of Mrs. W. F, Hassenpflug, of Ipswich. He was born at Cascade, Iowa, May 13, 1894. He entrained May 13, 1918, going into training at Minneapolis, Minn., where he remained but a short time, until he was transferred to Camp Funston. He belonged to Co. A, 210th Fld. Sig. Bn., 10th Division. 7-JOHN C. CLEMEN, son of Mr.- and Mrs. Peter Clemen, of Ipswich, was born in Shelby County, Iowa, on September 2, 1895. He received his first training at Camp Dodge, to which cantonment he shipped on July 23, 1918, being later transferred to Camp Sherman, Ohio. He was attached to Co. M, 138, 35th Inf., and saw much real service, taking part in the Sommedieu Sector defensive, on October 15, 1918. He was discharged May 12, 1919. 19-ARTHUR JONES, of Ipswich, S. D., son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jones of Aberdovey, Wales, was born in Aberdovey, September 26, 1898. He entrained for Camp Taylor, July 5. 1918, where he was a member of Battery B, 13th Bn., 5th Reg., 11. A. R. D. 9-PETER J. MEIER is the son of John Meier of Cleveland Township, and was born in Chicago, August 4, 1889. He left Ipswich for Camp Dodge on July 22, 1918, and was assigned to 46th Co. He was, on August 18, 1918, assigned to Military Police duty. Discharged and returned home in April, 1919. 10-CORPORAL CLARENCE A. SATZINGER, son of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Satzinger, of Ipswich, was born in Nemaha County, Neb., on the 17th day of September, 1893. He was one of the several who left home on May 15, 1918, for Dunwoodie Institute. He later volunteered as auto mechanic and was assigned to Co. H, 21st Engineers. He shipped overseas September 1, 1918. Not yet returned. 11--CORP. JOHN MILLARD STROBELE of this city, was born in Avoca, Iowa, June 10, 1895. He shipped overseas as a member of 116th Supply Co. (enlisted), and did liaison work at the front. He saw severe fighting and was wounded in the battle of Argonne Woods. He was discharged April 10, 1919. 12-NELS HELLSTROM, of Mina, S. D., is the son of Mr. and Mrs- Anders Hellstrom, of Bergdala, Brosarp, Sweden, and was born at Talanga, Ljobo, Sweden, Time 1, 1889. He entrained July 23, 1918, going to Camp Dodge, where he was placed in Co. L, 361st Reg., 91st Div. He sailed September 1, 1918, and returned April 15, 1919. 13-CORPORAL HENRY A. SMITH, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Smith, of Ipswich Township, first saw the light of day on April 12, 1896, in the city of Duluth, Minn. He enlisted as a soldier on June 24, 1918, and was sent to Camp Funston, and attached to Co. L, 69th Inf. On November 20 he was promoted to Corporal. Discharged January 24, 1919. 14-LLOYD EVERETTE STANNARD, of Ipswich, S. D., son of Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Stannard, was born at Linneus, Linn County, Mo., June 24, 1897. .Camp Funston was his first training camp. Entrained from St. John, Kansas. He enlisted in 2nd Co., 2nd Bat., 164th Inf., Depot Brigade, first class private. Honorably discharged April 12, 1919, returned home May 1, 1919. 15-DELMAR CLEVELAND SANBORN was born in Ipswich, October 3, 1892. The Rapid City, S. D., School of Mines was where he first landed for training, leaving here June' 23, 1918. He was assigned to the Signal Corps and transferred to Fort Leavenworth and later to Camp Mead, being honorably discharged on January 18, 1919. 16-SERGT. SAMUEL G. FOUNTAIN, of Roscoe, S. D., son on Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Fountain, of Lemmon, S. D., was born in Cherokee, Iowa, June 20, 1892. He went to Camp Funston, June 23, 1918, and joined Co. D.. 210 Engineers, 17-THOMAS L. DAVIES is a son of Mrs. Phoebe Davies of Powell. Edmunds County. He volunteered on Time 24, 1918, and was entrained for Camp Funston, being later transferred to Co. G, 2nd Bat.. in arsenal at Edgewood, Md. Davies was born in Ipswich on October 11, 1888. 18-SIGRUD STRAND was born in Norway. He enlisted on July 22, 1918, and entrained on that day for Camp Dodge. He shipped overseas on September 1, 1918 and took part in the battle of Argonne as well as two battles on Belgium soil.Sigrud returned to the states on April 1, 1919, and was discharged April 22, 1919. 19-HARRY L. WOODWORTH, the present States Attorney of this county, was born in Clay County, S D., on June 27, 1887. He entrained for Camp Funston on June 24, 1918, and shipped overseas on August 17, 1919. Discharged January 21, 1919. Mr. Woodworth is county chairman for W. S. S. and served on the county 'Appeal Board from December, 1917, to june, 1918; 20-BENJAMIN P. HARTZELL was born in Freeport, Ill., on December 22, 1892. He took his first training at Camp Lewis, Wash., being transferred to Camp Merritt, N. J. Later be was sent to Camp Mills N. Y., from which point he shipped overseas in July, 1919, and was attached to Co. D, 338th Inf. Saw active service for a few days previous to the signing of the armistice., Page 7 1-THOMAS R. WILLI AM S.-"Tommy" Williams, as this young man is familiarly known, was born ill Wales, and is the son of William Williams, of Powell. He was called into service and left home on July 23, 1918, but owing to physical condition was rejected at Camp Dodge, after havin g been assigned to 46th Co., 163rd D. 13. 2-ADAM RAYMOND GRUBER, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Gruber, of Bowdle, Odessa Township, was born March 7 1892, at Ipswich, S. D. His first training camp was Camp Funston, Kansas. He entrained from his home town August 28, being assigned to 1st Co., 17th - 164th D. B., then transferred to 5th Company, Auto Rep. Dept., then to 3rd Company, 2nd Bn., 164th D. P. 3-HENRY THURN, of Bowdle son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thurn, was born in Edmunds County, September 20, 1895. The first training lie received was at Camp Funston, Kan. He left his home town August 28 , 1918, and belonged to Co. 17, 5th B.., 164th D. B. 4-LIEUTENANT LOREN FRANCIS PARMLEY, Of Ipswich, S. D., son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Parmley, was born September 27, 1894 in Ipswich. He entrained from his home town September, 1917, with the old -I\Iacbine Gun CO.; transferred to No. 330 Motor Truck Corps; transferred to 11th Cavalry 16, and now in 9 th Cavalry, a negro regiment in the Philippines. Sailed for Manila via Vladivostok, Russia, February 5, 1919. Now stationed at Camp Stotsenburg, 60 miles from Manila. Was on the Mexican border, later at Fort Leavenworth and Oglethorpe. He has also been in Japan and Siberia while in the service. 5-BUGLER WILLIAM A. STAFFORD son of David A. Stafford (lately deceased), was born in Liberty Township, Edmunds County. He left Ipswich for Camp lee, Va., on June 1, 1918, where he, as a member of the 7th Veterinary Hospital Corps, shipped overseas in 1918, and was discharged June 30, 1919. 6-CHARLES WILLARD BRUCE, Of Ipswich, S. D., son of -,\Its. Melvina Bruce, was born December 29 1890, at Cedarville, Ill. His first training was at Fort Pickens, Fla. He left his home town the 11th day of December, 1917. He was with Co, 1, and remained at Fork Pickens until April 1, 1918, then was transferred to Q. M. C., Fort Barrancas, Fla. 7-DAVID P. HOFFART, son of Carl and Libbie Hoffart was born at Hosmer, South Dakota. His first training camp was Camp Dodge, Iowa. He entrained from his home town July 23. His camp was Camp Lee Veterinary Hospital Training, School, Camp Lee, Virginia. 8-CORPORAL VICTOR M. OLSON, Of Ipswich, S. D., son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Olson, was born March 12, 1891, in Ipswich. Enlisted December 13, 1914, 4th S. D. Inf. He left home the 28th day of September, 1917. Left New York , January 11, 1918, on steamship Olympia returned via Hoboken, N. J., February 23, 1919 on cruiser Montana, and was discharged March 7, 1919, at Camp Dodge. 9-HUGO CARL PETERSEN, Ipswich, Edmunds County, S. D., son of Mr. and Mrs. Broder Petersen was born at Schleswig, Iowa, February 6, 1890 His first training was at Camp Fremont, Cal He entrained from his home town May 2, 1918, being in Co. D, 23rd M. G. Bn. 10-GEORGE ALLEN CONKLIN, Of Mina, Courtland Township, S. D., son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Conklin of Oldham, S. D., was born in Sutherland, Iowa, November 26, 1896. His training camp was Jefferson Barracks, Mo. He left home October 1, 1918. Was transferred from 15th Co. G. S. 1. at Jefferson Barracks to Post I. M. C. at Fort Leavenworth, Kan. 11-HENRY G. RICHARDS, of Powell Township, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Richards, of Ipswich, South Dakota, was born at Powell, May 23, 1893. His first training camp was Camp Dodge, Iowa. He left his home town July 23, 1918 and was attached to the Medical Corps, Base Hospital, 78, Toul, France, A. E. F. He was shipped overseas September 15, 1918. Discharged June 24, 1919. 12-MARTIN C. PETERSEN, of Ipswich, Edmunds County, is a son of Broder Petersen and Christine Petersen, now residents of Schleswig, Iowa. He was born January 1, 1892, in Crawford County, Iowa. His first training camp was Camp Lewis, Wash. He entrained from home May 25. His Company was 82nd Division, Co. if, 328th Infantry. He shipped overseas in August. Discharged in June, 1919. 13--MAX C. COCHRAN, son of E. L. and Mary E. Cochran. Born in Nobles County, Minn., January 12, 1891. Volunteered April 7th 1917, in the S. D. Inf. Transferred with Co:, October 5, 1917, to 146th M. G. Bn. Trained at Camp Greene, S. C. Camp Mills, N. Y. Sailed January 12, 1917. Landed overseas January 18th. Transferred March 5th to 1st Div., M. G. Co., 18th Inf., was wounded July 18. Was returned to duty November 5th. Is now in the Army of Occupation in Germany. 14-JOHlN G. HICKMAN, son of Mr, and Mrs. George Hickman (both now deceased), was born at Leola, S. D., July 25, 1890. His first training was at Syracuse, N. Y. He left home August 1, 1918, and was engaged in Chemical Warfare Service, on detached service as acting sergeant, superintending manufacture of trench gas masks. Was a commissioned officer in South Dakota National Guards in 1910. 15-CARSON P. BARKER, of Mina, son of Mr. and Mrs. P, H. Parker, was born October 27 ' 1894, at Mt. Zion, Iowa. His first training camp was Jefferson Barracks, then to Fort Benjamin Harrison. He belonged to the Hospital Corps; was made Corporal in June and Sergeant after he was shipped to France on August 23. He is with the Medical Detachment of 3rd Battalion, 22nd Engineers, in France. 16-RAY STRAUB, of Ipswich, S. D., was born in Powell, November 28, 1896. May 25, 1918, he enlisted and was sent to Camp Lewis. Later he went to Camp Kearney; and still later to Camp, Mills. August 12, 1918, he shipped overseas with Co. G, 128th Div. 32. While across he spent twenty-one days in Argonne Woods, then, after resting for ten days, he returned and spent ten more days before the armistice was signed. lie returned -May 5, 1919, and was discharged May 18, 1919. 17-VERNE C. GOODSPEED is a son of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Goodspeed of Mina, S. D. He enlisted in the Coast Artillery January 21, 1918, at the age of eighteen. He was sent to Jefferson Barracks, from there to Fortress Monroe. Was sent overseas the last of May, reaching France in the middle of June. Ile was in Battery A, 2nd Bat., French Artillery. Was at the front just twenty-one days when the armistice was sign ed. Discharged in June, 1919. 18-GEORGE LEVINS PRICE of Roscoe, S D, . son of Mr. and Mrs. F. A.' Price, was born at Aurora, Ill., August 4, 1894. His first training was at Camp Funston, Kan. He left his home town June 24, 1918, being assigned to 39th Co., 164th Depot Brigade, being later attached to 87th Engineers, Co. A. 19-ELLSWORTII PENFIELD of Beebe, son of Mr. and Mrs, J. S. Penfield, was born in Montpelier Township, October 12, 1892. His first training was at Camp Funston, Kan. He entrained from his home town August 28 , 1918. Company 17, 164th Depot Brigade, was transfereed to Base Hospital Det., November 26, 1918, and later to Fort Riley, Kan. 20-JOHN HENRY LINAMAN, soil of Mr. and Mrs. Linaman, of Ipswich , was born June 25, 1891, at Mt. Vernon. Ill. His first training was at Camp Lewis, Wash. He entrained from home July 23, a member of Company A, 140th Inf. Sailed overseas September 1, and returned April 28, 1919, Page 9 1-EVERETT PERSHIN is a son of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Pershin, formerly Of this county, now of Creshard. Everett was a member of the Ipswich Machine Gun Company and left for Camp Greene with the boys of the company. He saw service in France. 2-JOHN WILLIAM ROBERTS, of Powell Township, Edmunds County, S. D., was born March 8, 1889, at Dolwyddelam, North Wales. Enlisted May 28, 1917. He entrained from Ipswich with the Machine Gun Company, 4th S. D. Inf., his first camp being Camp Greene. He shipped overseas January 11, 1918, returning to tile States February 9, 1919, and was honorably discharged March 7, 1919. 3--HOWARD MARSHALL PRICE is the son of \fr. and Mrs. F. A. Price of Roscoe, South Dakota. He was born at Aurora, Ill., July 17, 1889. His first training camp was Dunwoodie Institute. He belonged to Co. 1-1, Bat. 22, Engineers, and is still in service. 4-EVER JOHNSON of Mansfield, South Dakota, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Johannas Johnson. He was born in Norway in 1891. He entrained August 27, 1917, his first training camp being Camp Grant, Ill.. where he was assigned to 5th Co., 161st D. B., later transferred to Inf. Rep., Hdqr. Co., and still later transferred to Camp Dodge. Honorably discharged February 6, 1919. 5-WILLIAM KEPPLER, of Mina, S. D., landed in France April 18 1918. Soon after his arrival he was in the thick of the battle as a member of the 9th M. G. Bn., and was killed in action. The date of his death is uncertain. 6---CARL O. JORGENSEN, whose sister, Mrs. Will Nierman, lives near Mansfield, Edmunds County was born on December 18, 1893, at Mina. On June 24, 1918, lie enlisted in Co. F. 349th Inf., and on August 22 shipped overseas and has not yet returned. 7-WILLIAM PAULI is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pauli of Conrad, Mont. He was born at Cassville, Wis., July 25, 1894. He entrained in September, 1917, going to Camp Lewis, Wash., where he was assigned to the Coast Artillery. From Camp Lewis he was transferred to Camp Grant and changed to 35th Engineer Corps, A. E. F. Ile sailed in January of 1918, and is still in France. Is station agent at Barthuway, France. 8-LORENTS A. LORENZEN is the son of -Mr. and Mrs. Engrard Lorenzen; of Verin, Denmark. He was born in Verin, Denmark, in 1894. He went into service September 28, 1917, going to Camp Greene, where he belonged to 1st Co., 146th M. G. Bn. He was honorably discharged November 20, 1918. 9-LAWIN GORMAT was born in Russia, oil August 13,, 1894. He entrained from Ipswich for Camp Lewis on May 25, 1918. Went overseas July 6, 1918, where lie served with Co. C, 362nd Inf., 91st Div., taking part in the battles of Argonne Woods, Flanders, Verdun and Meuse. He was discharged April 29, 1919. 10-ERNEST GERDES was called to the colors July 23, 1918. He entrained from Ipswich on that date. together with a number of other Edmunds County boys. His first and only training camp was Camp Dodge, where he served in the Depot Brigade for a short time, later being transferred to Co. F, 87th Inf., 19th Division, in which he served until his discharge on January 25, 1919. 11-JAMES CRHA now of Ravina, S. D., one of the young soldiers enlisting from Edmunds County, was born at Crete, Neb. He first went to Camp Lewis, leaving Ipswich on May 25, 1918. He shipped overseas on July 14, 1918, returned and was discharged on April 7, 1919. lie was a member of the 7th Corps Art., A. E. F., also for a time attached to the Army of Occupation. 12-JAMES E. HARRIS, Of Ipswich, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harris of 28 Duncombe St., Nottingham, Eng. Enlisted June 20, 1917. He entrained from Ipswich September 28, 1917, going to Carol) Greene, lie was shipped overseas January 11, 1918, and returned February 23, 1919, being honorably discharged March 7, 1919. 13-RALPH BRINKEMA. of Roscoe, S. D., son of Mr. and Mrs Hans Brinkema, of Hosmer, S. D., was born in Holland, March 15th, 1888. He entrained May 25, 1918, going to Camp, Lewis, where lie was assigned to Co. K, 307 Inf., 77 Div. He shipped overseas August 8th, 1918, and went to the front Sept. 26th, 1918. He was wounded Oct. 26th, 1918. He returned April 11th 1919. 14-ROY L. SMITH, now of Mobridge, is the son of Mrs. Levi Smith. He was born at Ipswich July 6, 1887, and grew to manhood here. Enlisted January 7, 1915. He entrained Septernber 28, 1918 , going to Camp Greene. Roy started overseas January 11, 1918, and returned March 9, 1919, being honorably discharged at that time. 15--URI RICHARD JONES was born in Ipswich in 1889. He left on June 30, 1918, for Rapid City, this state, where he took intensive training at the School of Mines until transferred to Camp Zachary Taylor. Ile belonged to Bat. B but was later transferred to Motorcycle School at same camp, Discharged in March, 1919. 16-PAUL CURTIS SATZINGER was born in Nemaha County, Neb., oil December 21, 1897. He is tile youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Satzinger of this city. Enlisted April 9, 1.917, with M. G. Co., 4th S. D. Inf. Upon leaving his home town he landed at Camp Greene, N. C., being later transferred to 116th Supply Train. Shipped overseas April 1, 1918. Recently returned. 17-WILLIAM C. BOSANKA, who has for years made his home with Mr. and NITS. A. H. Miller, of Ipswich, was born in Michigan. Ile entrained from fpswich, going to Camp Funston, Kan., being assigned to Co. H, 355th Inf. 18-ELMER L. ROBERTS was born in Belle Plaine, Iowa, and is the son of Mr. and 'Mrs. B. J. Roberts, of this city. He entrained from Ipswich on December 3, 1917, and is still in France, where he is attached to Co. C, 7th U. S. Engineers. He shipped overseas on April 1, 1918. 19-FRANK A. MARKOVETZ, one of two brothers, from Edmunds County, who took part in the great World War, is a son of Mrs. Kate Markovetz living five miles west of Ipswich. He enlisted and left June 24, 1918, for Camp Funston, from ,which camp he was later transferred to Camp Dodge, Iowa. lie was connected with the 88th Division and sailed for France late in July. Frank saw active service and is still in France. 20-CHARLES J. WEGNER Of Mina, South Dakota, was born February 26. 1887. Ile entrained July 23, 1918 and is still in France. Page 11 1-LIEUTENANT FORREST BEERS LINDAMOOD, Of Ipswich, S. D., son of Mr. and Mrs. George Lindamood, was born in Palmyra, Iowa, February 9, 1896. lie spent some time in Fort Snelling Officers Training School, where he received a commission as Second Lieutenant. On August 15, 1917, he was assigned to Camp Dodge, later being transferred to Camp Logan, Texas. On November 14, 1917, he was transferred to Camp Mills, with the 116th Train H. Q. and M. P., as assistant billeting officer to Provost Marshal. Landed in France December 26, 1917, and is still there, connected with the Military Police. 2--LESTER MOULTON, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Moulton, of Mina, S. D., was born September 6, 1896, at Warner, S, D. His first training camp was Camp Grant, Ill. He entrained from his home town September 3, 1918. He was in the 20th Company in the Depot Brigade until November 30, then was appointed to act as Corporal in the Q. M. C., until he got his honorable discharge, March 22 1919, at which time he returned to his home at Mina, S. D. 3-WILLIAM ARTHUR PENFIELD, of Beebe, S. D., son of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Penfield, was born in Montpelier Township, April 3, 1896. His first training camp was Camp Funston, Kati. He was called from his home town October 6, 1917, his Company being Bat. F, 340th F. A. He left Camp Funston about June 3, 1918, and went to Camp Mills, N. Y., June 6, and landed in England June 28, 1918. Discharged June 4, 1919. 4--RALPH WILLIAM SMITHBERGER, of Bowdle, S. D., son of G. Smithberger of that city, was born in Harrietville, Ohio, January 3, 1898. His first training camp was Fort Morgan, Ala. He entrained from his home town to Minneapolis, November 29, 1917. He belonged to Battery B, 1st Bat., French Artillery, 1st Army Corps Troops. Left the United States March 30, 1918, arrived in the United States February 28, 1919. Ralph took part in the Aisne Marne offensive, July 18, to August 6 1918, St. Mihiel offensive, September 12 to September 16, 1918, Tool Sector offensive September 20 to October 26, 1918, Meuse-Argonne offensive, November I to November 9, 1918. 5-FRANCIS EDMUND LASS, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Lass, of Ipswich, was born April 29, 1894, at Beresford, S. D. He received his first training at Dunwoodie Institute, Minneapolis. He entrained from home May 15, 1918. his Company being 337th F. A., 163rd Artillery Brigade. Sailed from New York in August, returning January 20, 1919. Discharged from Camp Dodge January 31, 1919. 6-WALTER REBRUD, son of lion. C. H. Rebrud, of Fountain Township, did his first training in the preparatory class at the Brookings College. Ile was later transferred to Paris Island and from there to Key West, Fla., where he is a member of the 1. S. Marines. He is at home at present, subject to call at any time. 7-JACOB L. ZAHALKA of Harmony Township, Edmunds County, was born in Canada, on April 12, 1892. He shipped from Ipswich to the South Dakota School of Mines, at Rapid City, on July 1st, 1918. While in the service he served as mechanical instructor for Co. B. He has been discharged since April, 1919. 8-JOHN ALBERT STROM, son of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Strom, was born in Ipswich, March 9, 1,,889. He entrained from his home town April 26, 1918. His first training camp being Camp Funston, there being assigned to Co. B, 340th Ma- chine Gun Bn. On June 2d, 1918, he sailed overseas and was returned and discharged in June, 1919. 9-CARL STEINHAUSER, of Loyalton Edmunds County, was born at Prinkhofen. ~_tate OF Bavari-i, Germany, on April 21, 1896. On August 28. 1918 he was inducted into the army and was assigned to ]7th Co., 164 Depot Brigade, and on the 10th of December was transferred to Headquarters Detachment, 2d Bn., 164 D. B. Ile was discharged March 20, 1919. l0--WII LIAM ALBERT PALMER, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Palmer, of Mina, S. D., was born November 21, 1896, at Mina. He received his first training at Rapid City, S. D., and entrained from home August 30, was assigned to Co. 101st Division, 136th Engineers, Camp Shelby, Miss. Discharged at Camp Dodge, Iowa, December 21, 1918. 11-NATHANIEL NICKISH was born at Marion, S. D., March 8, 1896. Ile entrained June 30, 1918, going to Leavenworth. He was discharged January 18, 1919. 12-JOHN C. SLOAN, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Sloan of Ipswich, was born at Georgetown, Colo., June 3, 1897. He left his home town for Ca., Fremont, Cal., on August 6, 1918, and was assigned to Co. K, 62nd Inf., transferred to Camp Lewis, January 16, 1918. Discharged in May, 1919. 18--RALPH DAMAN LINAMAN, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Henry Linaman, of Union Township, Edmunds County, South Dakota, was born at Mt. Vernon, Ill., February 14, 1895. He was assigned to Camp Lewis, Washington, as his first training camp. His Company was Battery D, 347th F. A. Embarked for overseas July 14, 1918, returned April 19, 1919. 14-ROBERT OWEN MORRIS, of Ipswich, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Morris, was born in Powell Township, in 1896. His first training was in the Mechanical School at Iowa City. Entrained from his home town October 15, 1918, and was assigned to Company N, at Iowa City. 15-PHILIP M. MERKEL, of Bowdle, son of Mrs. F. P. Merkel, was born in Bowdle, S. D., October 27, 1894. His first training was at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. He was called to the Front May 25, 1917. He is with Co. B, 13th M. G. Bn., and was wounded on October 23, 1918, in France, with the 5th Div. Shipped overseas in April, 1918. Not returned. 16-HOWARD LEROY GSELL, of Harmony Township, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Gsell. He was born at Morrison, Ill., December S, 1898. His first training camp was Jefferson Barracks, Mo. He entrained from his home town April 29, 1918, being assigned to Battery E, 50th Reg., Coast Artillery Corps. He sailed for France October 7, 1918, and returned February 14, 1919. 17-MELVIN G. JAQUITH is the eldest son of Mr, and Mrs. George A. ' Jaquith of Ipswich, and is an Ipswich product, having been born in this city. Enlisted June 20, 1916. He left here with the M. G, Co., 4th S. D. Inf. Transferred to 116th Supply Train and was transferred to Co. A, Motor Bn., Am. Train, I Division, A. E. F. Melvin saw much real service and is still across the Waters. 18--HERBERT W. PITTAM is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Pittam of Cresbard, S. D. He entrained from Ipswich, May 25, 1918, going to Camp Lewis, where he was assigned to A. E. F., Co C, 316th -Field Signal Bn., 91st Div. He shipped to France in June, 1918. 19-JOHN S. JONES of Ipswich, was born in Wales. He enlisted May 25, 1918, and belonged to A. E. F., Co. F, 307th Inf. He has been honorably discharged. 20--HARRY A. STROUP, of Bowdle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eben Stroup. was born April 7, 1892. He entrained from his home town May 15, 1918. His first training camp was Dunwoodie, at Minneapolis Later he was transferred to Fort Benjamin Harrison. Ile went overseas September 1, 1918. Died October 6, 1918, in France. while a rnember of Co. 11, 21st Engineers, A. E. F. Page 13 1--JUNE ARNETT FEAR, son of Mr. and -Mrs. J. W. Fear, of this county, was born in Marion County, W. Va., January 21, 1895. He entrained from his home town June 24, 1918, going to Camp Funston, being there assigned as Sergeant of 3rd Co., 3rd Bat., 164th D. B. He was one of 20 who were chosen for special training service. Discharged in June, 1919. 2-ALFRED MOREN enlisted in the Ambulance Corps, but owing to having lost a finger, was for a time suspended, later being accepted and assigned to the Medical Corps. His first training was at Camp Benjamin Harrison, later transferred to Jefferson Barracks. Private Moren is still overseas and is: stationed at Vours, France, with the A. E. F. 3-SERGEANT EVAN W. JENKINS Of Ipswich, S. D., son of Mr. and Mrs. Evan J. Jenkins, was born in Edmunds County, in 1890. His first training was at Camp Funston. He left his home town April 26, 1918. Sergeant General Headquarters Co. C, Headquarters Bn., A. E. F. Sailed overseas June 15. Not yet returned. 4 --RuSSELL C. CRAVEN is the son of Mr. and -Mrs. W. D. Craven, of Mina, S. D. He was drafted August 6, 1918, and sent to Camp Fremont, Cal., where he received intensive training in the Machine Gun Co.. 12th Inf. He was transferred to Co. H, 13th Infantry when arriving at Camp Mills and was packed up twice preparatory to sailing. Company H, 13th Infantry, was a company made up of regulars, organized in 1898. and brought from the Philippines to Camp Mills. This company acted as escort for President Wilson and the Peace party when they sailed for France early in December. Private Craven is acting as Military Police and is still stationed at Camp Mills, N. Y. 5-WALTER E. JENKINS, of Ipswich, S. D., son of Mr. and Mrs. Evan J. Jenkins, was born in Edmunds County, in 1892. His first training was at Dunwoodie, Minneapolis, then sent to Camp Dodge, Iowa, Headquarters Det., 55th M. G. Bn., as battalion sup. sergeant. He left his home town May 15, 1918. Discharged February 1, 1918. 6-GEORGE WILLIAM BURKE, son of Mr. and _Mrs. A. J. Burke, of Clear Lake Township, was born in Aberdeen on the 2nd day of March, 1896. His first training camp was Camp Funston. He entrained from his home town June 24, 1918, Co. 1, 349th Inf., A. E. F., A. P. 0. 795, Reffroy (Meuse) in France. Arrived in France August 23, 1918, and has Hot yet returned. Had been oil firing line 19 days when armistice was signed. 7-ROBERT WILLIAM OWENS, of Ipswich, S. D., son of Mr, and Mrs. John Owens was born August 13, 1896, in Ipswich. His first training camp was Camp Greene, Charlotte, N. C. He en- ed from his home town September 2, 1917. enlisted in 4th S. D. Inf., called out July 15, 1917. Transferred to 330th M. T. C. October 22, 1917. Transferred to K. Div. Discharged February 8, 1919. 8-CARL CLARENCE KRUEGER was born in Ipswich, October 29, 1894, He enlisted in the service of his country on June 24, 1918, and was sent to Camp Funston, where he remained for training in Company 38, 164th D. B., until July 18, when he was transferred to Camp Dodge, Iowa, with Co. A, 351st Inf., being afterwards transferred to Co. 64, 164th D. B. 9--JOHN W. KAMMERS, son of -XTr. and Mrs. Peter Kammers, of Ipswich, Liberty Township, was born March 11, 1889, in Germany. His first training camp was Camp Funston. He entrained from his home town June 25, 1918. He was in Co. L, 70th Inf., 10th Division. Was at Camp Funston until January 30, 1919, wind was honorably discharged at that place. 10-HARO'LD ARNOLD GSELL, son of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Gsell, of Harmony Township, Edmunds County, was born at Morrison, Ill., on May 26, 1897. He enlisted from Ipswich on August 6, 1918, and was assigned to Camp Fremont, Cal., where he trained as a member of Co. K, 62nd Inf. 11-ANTON P. WALDT is an Edmunds County product, having been born in Roscoe, September 30, 1896. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Waldt, old citizens of this county, now of Aberdeen. His first training camp was Camp Greene (N. C.). At this camp he became a member of the 148th M. G. Bn. and with this company shipped overseas on the 11th of January, 1918. Returning to the States on February 23, 1919, he was discharged from service March 7, 1919. 12-LEO M. FITZPATRICK, son of John and Mary Fitzpatrick, of Draper, S. D., was born in Aurora County, S. D., March 17, 1887. His first training camp was Paris Island, S. C. He entrained from his home town May N, 1918. He belonged to 142nd Company, Naval District Base United States Marine Corps, New London, Conn. Guard for research section of the Navy where government inventors worked. Not overseas. 13-SERGEANT ALBERT JOSEPH HOLZMAN, of Bowdle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Math. Holzman, was born at Hoven, S. D., September 5, 1895. His first training was at Camp Lewis, Washington. He left his home for Brookings, May 25, 1918. He belonged to the Medical Det., U. S. Army Base Hospital, Camp Lewis, Wash, (rank) Sergeant on Duty, in charge of eye, nose and throat clinic. 14-JOHN M. HALES, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Hales was born in Hitt, Mo., October 28, 1886. His first training camp was Camp Lewis, Wash. He entrained from Shelby, Mont., September 19, 1918, and was assigned to Co. Z, 362nd Inf. Went over the top at Argonne Forest. wounded in side on September 13, 1918. Returned to his Company after six weeks' rest. Shipped first week of July, 1918, and returned April 15, 1919. Won seven badges for bravery while overseas. 15-JACOB F. WERNER, of Bowdle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Franz Werner, was born at Odessa, Russia, September 19, 1895. His first training was at Camp Lewis, Wash. He left home May 24, 1918. He was in Co. K, 125th Inf. Wounded October 8, 1918, Battle of Verdun, discharged March 13, 1919. With A. E. F. from July 28, 1918, to October 8, 1918. Returned to the States January 7, 1919. 16-HERBERT S. CRISSMAN, son of -Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Crissman, was born in Ipswich, March 1, 1893. He enlisted and left his home town December 11, 1917, going to Camp Stewart, Va., where he was assigned to the Embarkation Hospital Corps. Herbert was discharged from serveice at Camp Dodge, April 15, 1919. 17 JUSTIN CECIL LEECH, of Harmony Township. son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Leech, of Ipswich, S. D., was born March 19, 1896, at Utica, 111. His first training camp was Camp Funston, Kan. He left his home town June 24, 1918, and was in Company H, 2nd Bn., Edgewood Arsenal, Edgewood, Md., working in the gas plant. 18-HARRISON GEORGE GEAREY is the son of Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Gearey of Aberdeen, S. D. Ile was born at Warner, S. D., in 1894. He entrained from Ipswich, S, D., July 23, 1918, going to Camp Dodge. He was assigned as Sergeant in Hdqr. Co., 87th Inf,, Reg. 19th Div. Discharged from Camp Dodge January 28, 1919. 19-DANIEL COLON SINCLAIR is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Finley Sinclair of Ipswich, S. D. Ile was born at Maxville, Ontario, Canada, Dec. 24, 1887. He entrained from Ipswich, July 23, 1918, going to Camp Dodge, Iowa. He was there assigned to Co. L., 333rd Inf., 84th Div. Later he was transferred to Co. C., 363rd Inf, 91st Div. He sailed Sept. 2, 1918 went "Over the Top" in October at Waereghem, Belgium and was on the firing line when the Armistice was signed. He returned to the states April 1, 1919, and was honorably discharged April 22, 1919. 20-JOHN W. ZAHALKA was. born in Manitoba, Canada, on December 15, 1894. He entrained from Ipswich on June 24, 1918, for Camp Funston, Kan., being transferred on December 20 to Rock Island, where he did special guard duty at the U. S. Arsenal. He was discharged on May 14, 1919. This young soldier is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Zahalka, of Harmony Township. Page 15 1-JAY W. MILLS is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D, Mills, of Beebe, S. D. He was born at Smith Center, Kansas, September 28, 1888. He entrained from Ipswich December 11, 1917, going to San Antonio, Texas. He belonged to Battery A. F. A., 6th Division. Discharged July, 1919. 2-JAMES CAMBURN DANIELS, son of Mrs. Ida Daniels, formerly of this city, now of Forestburg, S. D., was born at Fairmount, Minn. He was a member of the Ipswich Machine Gun Co. and left when that Company was transferred to Camp Greene. He later became attached to the 330th Motor Truck Co., then to Chattanooga, Tenn.,. and then to the 11th Supply Train at Camp Mead. Honorably discharged February 6, 1919. 3-LIEUTENANT RAY T. MILLS is a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. 1). Mills, of Beebe, Edmunds County, S. D. He was born in College Springs, Iowa, on January 21, 1891, going to Camp Cody, N. M., where he served as army dentist until discharged in January, 1919. 4-WILLIAM PATRICK LANGAN, son of Mrs. Patrick Langan, of Ipswich, S. D., was born at Cool City, Ill., September 14, 1890. He entrained from his home town May 25, 1918, going into training at Camp Lewis. He was assigned to 362nd Infantry and shipped overseas July 6, 1918, and took part in the battles of Argonne, St. Mihiel and Mennese. He returned to the States April 4, 1919, and was honorably discharged April 30, 1919. 5-BYRON JONES, of Ipswich, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. P, Jones, of Rosette Twp.. was born Sept. 22nd, 1896, in Ipswich, S. D. He entrained from his home town Sept. 28th, 1917, going first to Camp Mills, then to Camp Merritt, and Jan. 8th, 1918, he sailed with 102nd Reg. Headquarters Co. He returned April 8th, 1919, and was discharged April 25th. 1919. 6-JOHN P. HUGHES, son of Mrs. Inc. P. Hughes, was born in Kent Township, Edmunds County, on March 24, 1895. He left Ipswich for Camp Dodge on July 23, 1918 and was there assigned to Co. E, 33~rd Infantry, 84th Division. He left for overseas September 1st, 1918, and was later transferred to the Headquarters Co., 363rd Infantry, 91st Division and in October was sent to the firing lines in Belgium and was at the front when the armistice was signed. Ile returned to the States April 1st, 1919 and was honorably discharged at Camp Dodge, May 10, 1919. 7-WALTER HENRY FESSENDEN, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Fessenden, of Pembrook Township, Edmunds County, was born September 24, 1894. Ile enlisted in the Marines in June, 1918, and trained at Paris Island and Quantico, Va.. until September 13, 1918. when he sailed overseas with the 13th Reg. He spent three months as a patient in a hospital in France and two months as a patient in a Brooklyn hospital. He was discharged July, 1919. 8-BENJ. E. HUGHES, son of Mrs. J. P. Hughes,, was born September 3, 1893, in Kent Township, Edmunds County. He left Ipswich July 23, 1918. Had his first training at Camp Dodge. Was assigned to the Medical Corps and sailed for France with the 30th Medical Replacement, September 14, 1918. He is now in Trier, Germany with the Army of Occupation at Evacuation Hospital No. 19. 9--EINER JORGENSON was born at Mina, S. D.. April 16, 1896. He entrained from Ipswich May 25, 1918. his first training camp being Camp Lewis, where he -as assigned to Co. L, 362nd Inf., A. E. F. He was shipped overseas in July and was killed in action on September 26, 1918. 10-MERRITT D. PRICE is the son of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Price. He was born at Roscoe, S. D., August 4 1 1 898. He entrained from his home town. April 6. 1917. his first training camp being Fort Sam Houston, Texas. He belongs to the 27th Aero Squadron and is still in the service. 11-CORPORAL RAYMOND M. BATES was born in Wakonda, S. D., September 6, 1894, and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John AL Bates of Roscoe, S. D. He enlisted June 6, 1917, enlisting into Co. 14, 4th Reg. S. D., then C. Co. 148, M. G. Bn. Later he was transferred to 116th Supply Train, then Co. F, Motor Transport Q. Al. C. Still later he was transferred to 9th Co. Provisional Motor Supply Train, 1st Replacement Depot. He shipped overseas January 10, 1918, and has not yet returned. 12-PERCY G. THOMAS, who for years made his home with Mrs. W. W. Thomas, was born in Ipswich. He left here in November, 1911, having joined the Marine Corps. Percy saw service in Cuba and Porto Rico previous to the World War. 13-PAUL COMBS is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Combs. He was born in Brunswick, Missouri, March 31, 1898. Ile entrained from his home town going to Brookings, S. D., where lie was in Co. A., S. L. T. C. He has been honorably discharged. 14-RICHARD 0. R013ERTS of Cresbard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Owen R. Roberts, was born in Ipswich, on August 26, 1896, His first training was at the Vermillion State University, which institution he entered under the student-soldier preparatory arrangement. Ile belonged to Section B of the S. A. T. C. 15-FAY D. M I L I S. son of 1\1 r/ and Mrs. J. D. Mills, of Beebe, S. D., was born in Loure, , I Iowa, April 17th, 1896. He entered the service April 26, 1917, going to Ft. Ethan Allen, where he was placed in Battery C., 76th F. A., 3rd Div. He shipped overseas May 19th, 1918. 16-JOHN GAUER is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Garter of Ipswich, S. D. He was born in Odessa, Russia, July 8, 1894. He entrained from Ipswich, June' 14, 1 918, going to Camp Funston where he was placed in Co. K., 69th Inf., 10th Div., detailed as bugler, which position he filled until he was honorably discharged February 5, 1919. 17-MARTIN MARKOVETZ was born at Cresco, Iowa, in 1894. He is the fourth son of Mrs. James Markovetz, an old South Dakota resident. Martin enlisted in Ipswich and left for Camp Funston on October 6, 1917. He was later transferred to Long Island. He sailed for France June 13, 1918, and saw much active service, being severely wounded in battle. He returned to the states on April 2d and has been honorably discharged. 18-VERNE JULES MATER was born in Kent, Ill., on September 20, 1899. He is the only son of Dr. and Mrs. Margaret Mater, of this city, and enlisted and was first sent to Jefferson Barracks, Mo., afterwards, on May 28, 1918, he shipped for France and took part in the fiercest battles of the war. He was in the affrays at Chateau Thierry, St. Mihiel and Argonne, and was severely wounded and gassed. He returned April 20, and was honorably discharged on May 9, 1919. 19-ERNEST NIERMAN joined the colors on June 27, at Northville, Spink County. On the same day lie left for Camp Funston, later leaving for France, where he still remains, a member of Co. G, 350th Inf., A. E. F. Ernest was born at Northville on November 7, 1893. Discharged June 5, 1919, being in the service one year to the day. 20-WILLIAM FRANK RAYMOND, of Ipswich, was born at Dixon, Ill., May 15, 1892. Enlisted April 3, 1917. lie entrained from Ipswich September 27, 1917, He went overseas January 11, 1918, returning April 25, 1919, being discharged May 9, 1919, with the Rainbow Division. He took part in the battles of Luniville Sector and Baccarat Sector, Champagne, Marne, Aisne, St. Mihiel, Meuse and Argonne. Page 17 1-JOHN KRAFT, son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kraft, of Hosmer, S. D., was born in Russia, Jan. 10th, 1894. He went into training Tune 24th, 1918, his first camp being Camp Funston, where he was placed in 349 Medical Att. He sailed for France Oct. 9th, 1918, returning May 30th, 1919, and was honorably discharged June 11th 1919, 2-WILLIAM CARL DICKERSON of Loyalton, S. D., was born in Rearnsville, Kan.. May 20, 1894. He went into training May 25, 1918, going to Camp Lewis, then to Camp Merritt and July 5, 1918, lie shipped overseas, belonging to Headquarters Co.. 362nd Inf., 91st Div., A. E. F. He was killed October 1, 1918. 3-WILLIAM KENNETH HERRICK, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Herrick. of Ipswich, S. D., was born in Ipswich, July 4th, 1896. He entrained April 20th, 1917, first going to Fort Adams, Rhode Island. He enlisted in Aviation Corps but was transferred to Battery A, 15th Field Art. From Ft. Adams he was sent to Syracuse, N. Y., and from there to Pine Camp, N. Y. He arrived in France Christmas Day, and saw action on the St. Mihiel, Chateau Thierry, Soissons, Thiacourt and Verdun fronts. He was gassed on Nov 8, 1918, and spent three months in a hospital. He was then made military police at LeMans Embarkation Center, later transferred to Germany. 4-SERGEANT JNO. S. HYNES was born at Hanover, Kan., July 7, 1893. He enlisted in the 4th S. D. Infantry, May 19, 1917. This Company later became Co. D, 148th M. G. Bn. He left Ipswich September 28, 1917. His first training camp was Camp Green, N. C., later being transferred to Camp Mills and still later to Camp Merritt He shipped overseas from Camp Merritt, January 10, 1918, and was honorably discharged February 23, 1919. 5--FRANK K. GEIER is the son of Mr, and Mrs. Karl Geier, of Hosmer, S. D. He was born in Russia, June 24, 1893. He enlisted August 28, 1918, his first training camp being Camp Funston, where lie was placed in Co. 141st Inf. 6-CLARENCE ALBERT MARLETT is the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Marlett, of Bowdle, S. D. He was born at Warner, S, D., October 21, 1898, and enlisted April 28, 1917. He shipped overseas in January, 1918, going almost immediately into the thick of the battle, taking part in battles of Cantigny, Cambrai and Soissons. On July 18, 1918, he was wounded in the battle of Soissons. Later in the year, September, he was attached to Headquarters Co., at St. Argnan, France. Discharged May 21, 1919 , but is still in France connected with Red Cross work. 7-ARTHUR MAYES THACKERAY, Of Bowdle, S, D., is the son of Mr.. and Mrs. Thos. Thackeray of Canton, S. D., and was born at Hudson, S. D. September 1, 1894. He enlisted at Sioux Falls, going to Great Lakes Training Station, where he was assigned first class seaman; advanced to Co. Com. in September, 1918. He was discharged December 18, 1918. 8-LIEUT. Wm. P. HARDT--Lieut. William P. Hardt was born May 15th. 1893, and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Hardt, of Beebe, S. D. He went into service Sept. 28th, 1917, going first to Camp Greene and then to Camp Mills. He served in Adj. 116th Supply Train and he also had command of the P. W. E. Co., No. 4, A, E. F. He shipped overseas Dec. 12th, 1917, and has not yet returned. 9--CORPORAL CARL P. D. MOHR is the son of Mr. and Mrs J. IT. Mohr, of Loyalton, S. D., and was born at Lost Nation, Iowa, February 18, 1895. He entrained May 15, 1918, going to Dunwoody Institute, Minneapolis, where he was assigned to Co. C, 223d Field Bn., and later Signal Corps at Camp Mead. 10--OSCAR A. FREDRICKSON, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gust Fredrickson, of Loyalton, S. D.. was born in Colfax, Iowa. Tune 10, 1895. He went into training June 30, 1918, going to Rapid City School of Mines, then to Ft. Leavenworth, and then Camp Mead. He belonged to the Radio Signal Corps and was honorably discharged January 20, 1919. 11-VALENTINE ROTH, of Roscoe, S. D., son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Roth, was born in Russia, October 22, 1895. He went into training June 24, 1918, going first to Camp Funston, then Dodge, then Upton, and then he went across. He belonged to Co. A, 350th Inf., 88th Div. He shipped overseas August 11, 1918, and fought in the battle of Argonne Woods. He was discharged June 5, 1919. 12-JOHN J. BRADY Of Ipswich, S. D., was born January 20, 1891 . He joined the service July 14, 1918, going to Vermillion, then 1st Recruiting Squadron, Ft. Wayne, Mich., belonging to the Aero Service. Be was discharged from Camp Dodge, February 8, 1919. 13-JOHN J. GUTJAHR, of Hosmer, S. D., son of Mr, and Mrs. Jacob Gutjahr, was born in Hosmer Oct. 17th , 1894, He enlisted May 25th, 1938: going to Camp Lewis, where he was assigned to Co. F. . 362 Inf., 2nd Bn. He sailed July 5th, 1918, and he saw active fighting on Argonne Woods and St. Mihiel front. He was wounded in battle of Argonne Woods, returning home April 16th, 1919. 14-CARSON G. JENSEN, of Loyalton, S. D., was born in Mason City, Iowa, January 4, 1896. He enlisted May 26, 1917, and was sent to Camp Greene with 4th S. D. M. G. Co., then to Camp Merritt, and January 11, 1918, he shipped overseas. May 1, 1918, he was wounded and was in a hospital three months. He has not yet returned, 15-ROBERT J. KEEN is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Keen, of Bowdle, S. D., and was born in Canton, S,, D., September 12, 1893. He entrained May 1918, going to Camp Lewis, there being assigned to 337th Ambulance Co. He left for France September 1, 1918, and has not yet returned. 16-DAVID T. MEILE of Bowdle, S. D., was born in Russia, November 9, 1893. He went into training May 1, 1917, going to Camp Pontius, S. D., there being placed in Co. L, 18th Inf., 1st Div. He took part in the battles of Cantigny, Carnbrai and Soissons. He was wounded in the battle of Soissons, July 18, 1918. He shipped overseas January 11, 1918, returning March 11, 1919, and was honorably discharged March 21, 1919. 17-BENJAMIN BITZER, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Bitzer, of Tolstoy, S. D., was born in October, 1894. lie joined the service June 24, 1918, going to Camp Funston, and then to the Base Hospital, Ft. Riley, and is still there. He belongs to the Medical Corps. 18--EMANUEL BLUMHARDT, of Hosmer, S. D., is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Blumhardt, and was born in Bowdle, S. D., September 24, 1895. He went into training May 25, 1918, going to Camp Lewis, there being placed in Co. C, 362nd Inf., 91st Div. He sailed for France July 6, 1918, returning April 15, 1919. 19-WALTER JOHN LEIBER was born at Twin Bluffs, Wis. July 26 1894, and is the son of Mr. and Mrs.' Thomas' 11. Leiber of Beebe. He entrained October 6, 1917, going to Camp Funston, there being assigned to Supply Co., 340th F. A., A. E. F. H shipped overseas in June, 1918, 20-PETER SCHMIDT. of Loyalton, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Schmidt, was born November 11, 1892 . He entrained August 22, 1918. going first to Camp Dodge, then to Camp Jessup. Ga., and then November 1, 1918, he sailed overseas, belonging to the Mechanical Detachment, A. E. F. He is still overseas. Page 19 1-FREEMAN M. NELSON, of Leola, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nelson. He entrained August 28, 1918, going to Camp Funston, then to Ft. Benj. Harrison, Ind. He belonged to Co. H, 20th Inf. He has been in the hospital since January, 1919. 2-ANTONE EHNES, of Roscoe, S. D., was born in Russia, September 15. 1890, and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fillies. June 7, 1918. he went to Great Falls, Mont., joining Co. D, 23rd M. G. Bn. He was honorably discharged January 4, 1919. 3-ERNEST L. HORMANN was born in Mina, S. D., Aug. 27, 1896, and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Hormann of Mina. He enlisted July 23, going to Camp Dodge, there being placed in Co. D, 348th M. G. Bn., 91st Div. He sailed for France September 1, 1918, returning April 2, 1919. 4-FRED F. BUECHLER, of Bowdle, S. D., is the son of Mr. 2nd Mrs. Fred Buechler. He was born in Bowdle, S. D., December 12, 1894. He went into training September 22nd, 1917, going to Camp Funston, where he was assigned to Co. 11, 340th M. G.. He was discharged January 28, 1918. 5-CHRISTIAN BIEBER, of Hosmer, S, D., was born in Russia, December 13, 1896, and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Bieber, He went to Camp Grant, September 5, 1918. where he was placed in Co. 16, D. B., returned and was discharged November 15, 1918. 6--RUFUS A. HOUDYSHELL was born in Mindey, Ill., August 21, 1892, and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Houdyshell, of Loyalton, S. D. He went to Camp Lewis May 24, 1918, and joined Co. A, 362nd Inf. Service. He sailed for France July 6, 1918, and fought in the Argonne Forest front. being gassed October 12, 1918. He returned April 14, 1919. 7-LIEUTENANT WARREN D. FISH, son. of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Fish, of Ipswich, was born at Tyndall, S. D., on the 30th day of August, 1893. He first attended training activities at Brookings College, entraining from home on July 15, 1917. He was commissioned a lieutenant on August 1, 1918, and assigned to 147th F. A., later transferred to 347th F. A. Left the States January 11, 1918; returned April 2, 1919. Discharged May 3, 1919. 8-HENRY P. GERHARD is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gerhard of Ipswich, S. D. He entrained from Ipswich, September 19, 1918, going to S. A. T. C., S. D. State College. He was discharged December 10, 1918. 9--MARTIN HEIER, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Heier, of Hosmer, S. D., was born in Hillsview, S. D., Nov. 22nd, 1893. He enlisted Sept. 22nd, 1917, going to Camp Funston, where he was assigned to Co. B., 340 M. G. Bn., 98th Div. He was honorably discharged April 18th, 1918. 10-GOTTLIEB I. WALTH, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Walth, Sr., of Hosmer, S. D,, was born in McPherson County Oct. 7th, 1893. He enlisted May 15th, 1918, going to Dunwoody Institute, Minneapolis, where he was assigned to Co. H.; 21st Engineers Reg. Light R. R. He shipped overseas Sept. 1st. 1918, returning June 9th, 1919. 11--SERGT. JULIUS J. HARDT, of Beebe, S. D., son of Mr. and Mrs, J. F. Hardt, was born in Chicago, III Feb. 12th, 1896. He entrained from home, Sept. 28th 1917, going to Camp Greene, and later to Camp Mills. He was placed in the 9th Corps Headquarters Troop, having the duties of sergeant and he acted as chauffeur most of the time for colonel of Second Army. He shipped overseas Dec. 12th, 1917 and was discharged June 16, 1919. 12-JOHN J. ROHRBACH of Hosmer, S. D., son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Rohrbach, was born in Russia, January 14, 1890. He went into training June 24, 1918, going to Camp Funston, and there he was placed in Co. M, 70th Inf. He was honorably discharged February 6, 1919. 13--Louis KUB is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kub, of Loyalton. He was born May 18, 1894. June 24, 1918, he entrained from Ipswich, going to Camp Funston, there being assigned to 38th Co. , 146th D. B.; then to Co. . L, 69th Inf. He was honorably discharged February 18, 1919. 14-CARL I. FREDRICKSON, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gust Fredrickson, of Loyalton. S. D., was born in Loyalton. July 11, 1898. He entrained from his home town October 15, 1918, going to Iowa State University, Iowa City, Iowa, where he belonged to Co. W, Motor Transport Corps, Vocational Unit. 15-HARRY FRANCIS PABST, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed-, ward Pabst, of Anaka, S. D., was born February 6, 1894, in Mondovi, Wis. March 12, 1918, lie went to Kelly Field, Texas, to the Mechanical School. August 30, 1918. he was transferred to Ft. D. A. Russell for discharge and was discharged May 25. 1919. 16-JACOB D. HOFFMAN, of Bowdle, S. D., is the son of Mr. and Mrs. David Hoffman. He was born at Bowdle, S. D., October 31, 1894. He entrained November 13, 1917, going to Jefferson Barracks, Mo., where he was assigned to the M. G. troop, 16th Cavalry. He was discharged January 24, 1919. 17-LEONARD LOWENSTEIN, of Roscoe, S. D., son of Mr. and Mrs. Johannes Lowenstein, was born February, 1895. lie enlisted May 2, 1918, going to Ft. Logan, Colo., then to Camp Freeman, Cal., and November, 1918, he sailed for France and is still overseas. He belongs to Co. B, 319th Engineers, A, E. F. 18-GUSTAF WIEDMEIER, of Roscoe, S. D., was born October 5, 1894, and is the son of Mr. and Mr. and -Mrs. Michael Wiedmeier. He went to Camp Dodge July 23, 1918. going to France November 11. 1918, belonging to the Veterinary Detachment A. E. F., and is still in France. 19-FRANK LEWIS is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lewis of Mina, S. D., and was born at Sun Prairie, Wis. He entrained May 25, 1918, going to Camp Lewis, where he was assigned to Battery D, 347th F. A. July 14, 1918. He sailed overseas, returning March 22, 1919. 20-JACOB C. RITTEL, of Bowdle, S. D., was born in Russia January 1, 1888, and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. David Rittel. He enlisted May 20, 1917, going to Jefferson Barracks, Mo., where he was assigned to Co. E, 37th Inf. Later he was moved to Larredo, Texas. Page 21 1--GEORGE KNAPP is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Knapp of Bowdle, S. D. He was born at Bowdle, February 12, 1896. He. enlisted June 24, 1918, going to Camp Funston,' where lie was assigned to Co. 38, 164th Depot Brigade. Later lie was transferred to Co. B, 352nd Inf., 88th Div. Returning June 3, 1919, lie was honorably discharged June 14, 1919. 2--EDWIN W. KEIM is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Keim, Hosmer, S. 1). He entrained from Ipswich August 12, 1917, going to Great Lakes, where he was assigned to U. S. Naval Forces, U. S. S. Narragansett. He shipped overseas July 3, 1918, and has not yet returned. 3--FRANCIS D. RHODES, of Bowdle, S. D. is the son of Mr. anti Mrs. John Rhodes. He was born in Bowdle, S. D., June 23d, 1895. He enlisted September 23, 1918, going to Camp Grant. Ill., where he was assigned to Co. P, 5th Training Regiment. lie was honorably discharged, Nov. 30, 1918. 4-WILLIAM M. FERGUSON, of Wetonka S.D., son of Jennie E. Ferguson, was born in Pembrook Twp, Oct. 22nd, 1896. He entrained from home June 4th, 1918, going to Paris Island, then to Philadelphia, doing guard duty at Arsenal. Later he was sent to Quantico, Va.. for special training in marksmanship, and passed as expert rifleman, finally back to Philadelphia and discharged. 5--JOHN R. TODD is. the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Z. Todd, of Bowdle, S, D., and was born at Burnwell, Neb., February 9, 1983. He entrained from home, going to Camp Cody where he was assigned to Co. 276, Military Police Corps, Sergt. He enlisted in Co. B, 6th Nebraska Volunteers Transf., after his arrival in France. He sailed for France in October, 1918, and is still there. 6-JOSEPH KRAFT of Roscoe, S. D., son of ,XI r. and -XI r s. Anton Kraft, was born in Russia. He entrained May 25th, 1918, going to Camp Lewis, there being placed in Co. E, 307 Inf. He sailed Aug. 8th, 1918, and returned May 24th, 1919. 7-JOHN SCHAIBLE born in Russia. May 1st. 1895, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Christ Schaible, of Hosmer, S. D. He went into training -May 24th, 1918, his first camp being Camp Lewis, where lie was placed in Co. F., 362nd 9 1 St Div. He sailed for France June 6th, 1918, and fought on tile Argonne Woods front. He returned April 6th, 1919, and was discharged April 28th, 1919, 8-CARL NIES was born in McPherson County, 2nd is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Nies. of Tolstoy, S. D. He went to Camp Dodge July 14, 1918, and died at that camp October 18, 1918. 9-JOSEPH SCHLAHT was born at Freeman, S. D., 'it 18, 1986. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Schlaht, of Bowdle. He entrained March 29, 1918. going to Camp Funston, and there being assigned d to Headquarters Co., 69th Inf. He was discharged from service February 6, 1919. 10-MECHANIC MARTIN C. GROSS of Bowdle, S. D., is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Christian Gross and was born at Hillsview, S. D. He enlisted May 25, 1918, going to Camp Lewis, where he was assigned to Co. C, 144th Al. G. Bn., 40th Div., as a mechanic. He shipped overseas August 11, 1918, returning April 17, 1919, and was discharged April 28, 1919. 11-PETER J. BRADY of Aberdeen, S. D., was born at Watertown, S. D., September 30, 1888. He enlisted June 26, 1918, going to Camp Funston, where he was assigned to Co. 6, 164th Depot Brigade. He served in France in Co. B, Quartermaster Branch, as clerk, in Grave's Registration Detachment, at Tours, France. He shipped overseas September 15, 1918, returning February 7th, 1919, and was honorably discharged March 7, 1919. 12-WILLIAM A. ZANDER was born in Aberdeen, S. D., October 8, 1895, and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Zander, of Roscoe, S. D. He enlisted April 30, 1917, going to Fort Taylor, Key West, Fla. He was placed in 2nd Co. C. A. C., at Key West Barracks and after eleven months was transferred to Bat. F 61st Art. C. A. C., Fort Screven, Ga. From there he was transferred to Co. M, 122nd Inf., Camp Wheeler, Ga. He left Camp Mills with 31st Div. for France, October 7, 1918. He returned with the sick and wounded, February 22, 1919, and was discharged March 18, 1919. 13--DAVID LESSELE, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Lessele, of Tolstoy, was born in Russia. He enlisted and went to Ft. Riley, March 4, 1918. He joined the Medical Corps and shipped overseas November 10, 1918, returning April 20. 1919, and was honorably discharged May 1, 1919. 14-CORPORAL JOHN WESER, born in Bowdle, S. D,, September 22, 1894, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Weber. of Bowdle, S. D. He went to Camp Funston, September 22. 1917, and joined Co , M . , 114th Inf.. taking part in the battles of Mal-lie, Alsace, Meuse. the Argonne. He sailed for' France April 12, 1918, returning May 20, 1919, and was discharged June 1, 1919. 15-EUGENE F. HUBER of Hosmer, S. D., son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Huber, was born in Fuman, S. D., Nov. 9th, 1892. He entrained July 22nd, 1918, his first camp being Camp Dodge, where he was assigned to 41st Inf later being transferred to 60th Air Corps at Omaha 16-C. HAROLD GROSS, of Bowdle, is the son of Mr, and Mrs. C. G. Gross and was born at Bowdle, S. D July 23, 1896. lie entrained May 25, 1918, going to Camp Lewis where he was assigned to Headquarters Co.. 328th F. A.. 85th Div. He sailed July 29, 1918, returning March 17, 1919, and was discharged May 10, 1919. 17-ORVILLE LEWIS MILLER, formerly of Alberta, Canada, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Miller, of Ipswich. He was born at Rowan, Iowa, February 20, 1897. He enlisted February 12 , 1916, at Red Deer, Alberta, with the 89th Bn. of Canadian Ex. Forces, leaving for England in June of the same year. He was sent to Kingston Hospital for treatment for tuberculosis, where he died on May 1, 1918. He took part in the battles of Arras and Vimy Ridge. 18-SAMUEL VICTOR PETERSON was born in Hosmer, S. D., September 11, 1889, and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Peterson of Hosmer , S. D. He enlisted June 24, 1918, going to Carol) Funston, there being assigned Corporal Co. F 10th Div. Supply Train, Reg. Army. He was honorably discharged February, 16, 1919. 19--GEORGE F. BLOOMSTER is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Noah Bloomster, of Wetonka. S. D. He was born in Pennsylvania, July 20, 1896. He enlisted May 28, 1918. going to Ft. Coswell. N. C., there being placed in 62nd Art., C. A. C.. A. E. F He shipped overseas, September 1. 1918, being discharged March 12 1919. 20-ARTHUR J. HAERTER, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Haerter, of Hosmer, S. D. , was born February 25, 1897, at Menno, S. D. He entrained from home September 18, 1918, going to Vermillion S. D. , where he was assigned to Co. B., Private Radio. Page 23 1--PETER KNAPP is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Knapp. He was born in Bowdle, S. D., September 27, 1892. He went into training June 24, 1918, going to Camp Funston, there being placed in Co. E, 20th Inf., 10th Div. He was discharged June 17, 1919. 2-LEWIS E. BLOOMSTER of Wetonka, was born in Pennsylvania. October 3, 1893. He entrained May M, 1918, going first to Dunwoody, then to Ft. Ben Harrison. Belonged to 22nd Engineers. Sailed August, 1918, and is still in France. 3-CORPORAL ANDREW J. DESCHNER, son of Mr.. and Mrs. H. If. Deschner, of Ipswich, enlisted from Montana, but is an Ipswich boy. He was born in Russia on April 23, 1887, and received his first training at Camp Dodge, where he served as company mechanic for Co. 58, ISth Bn., 163rd D. B., and was honorably discharged January 29, 1919. 4-ERNEST C. RHODES is the son of Mr.. and Mrs. John Rhodes, of Bowdle, S. D., and was born at Bowdle, S. D., October 7, 1897. He enlisted May 31, 1918, going to Dallas, Texas, to the Aviation Training School. Later he went to Camp Austin, Texas. He became a flyer, and 2nd Lieut. at Kelly Field, San Antonio, Texas. He was discharged March, 1919. 5-PAUL MEIER is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Meier. He was born at Chicago, Ill., October 30, 1890. He entrained July 22, 1918, going to Camp Dodge, being transferred from there to Vet. Training School, Camp Lee, Va., later to the Vet. Hospital. He was discharged May 13, 1919. 6--PIUS FUHRMANN was inducted into service August 28, 1918, and was stationed at Camp Funston. He served in the 17th Co., 164th Depot Brigade; later he was transferred to 10th Div., Co. M, 41st Inf. He was honorably discharged May 21, 1919. 7-HARRY AUGUST JOHN EMIL KRUEGER is the son of Mrs. H. A. Krier of Beebe, S. D., and was born at Huron, S. D., January 20, 1894. He entrained from Ipswich Match 29, 1918, going to Camp Wood, where he was assigned to Co. B, 335th Inf., 89th Div. He shipped overseas June 4, 1918, and returned May 22, 1919. 8-JOHN KRUMM, of Bowdle, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Krumm. He was born in Russia, May 24, 1896. He entrained September 21, 1917, going to Camp Funston, where he was assigned to Co. B, 341st M. G. Bn. He shipped overseas in Tune, 1918, where he was in active service at the front and with the Army of Occupation in Germany. He was honorably discharged June 1, 1919. 9-EDWIN I. HERRBOLDT, Of Hosmer, S. D., was born December 22, 1893, and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Herrboldt. He went into service June 30, 1918, and was placed in Co. C, Signal Corps, at Ft. Leavenworth. He was discharged Jannuary 18, 1919. 10-CHRIST GUTJAHR, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gutjahr, of Hosmer, S. D., was born at Hosmer, S. D., September 13, 1896. He enlisted August 28 1918, and was placed in Co. 17, 2nd Bn., 164th D. B. 11-MAURICE P. RHODES is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Rhodes, of Bowdle, and was born in Bowdle, September 26, 1900. He enlisted in October, 1917, going to Jefferson Barracks, where he was assigned to Co. F, Tientsin, China. He is still in service and has become Corporal. He acted as company clerk, is an expert sharpshooter and has been on rifle range at Tang Shan, China, for six months. 12-EDWARD F. BRUNKOW, of Ipswich, S. D., son of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Brunkow, was born in Elmwood, Neb., June 21st, 1893. He enlisted June 24th, 1918, going to Camp Funston, then to Camp Dodge, then to Camp Mills and Aug.14th, 1918, he sailed overseas. He just reached the front when the armistice was signed, and was discharged June 5th, 1919. 13-CHRISTIAN GRANDAHL, of Roscoe, was born in Norway, December 28, 1893. He entrained May 25, 1918, his first training camp being Camp Lewis, from which cantonment he was transferred to Presedo, Cal. He was discharged from Camp Lewis, February 12, 1919. 14-RUSSELL IRA LEWIS of Mina, S. D., is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lewis. He was born in Sun Prairie, Wis. Russell went into training May 25, 1918, going to Camp Lewis, where be was placed in Battery D, 347th F. A. He shipped overseas July 14, 1918, returning March 22, 1919. 15-DON OWENS is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Owens, and was born in Wales, August 27, 1888. He was inducted into service, September 24, 1918. He was stationed at Washington, D. C., Adj. Gen. Dept., Provisional Co. A., and was discharged February 18, 1919. 16-CORPORAL JOSEPH H. STROUKEL, born in Bowdle, S. D., October 22, 1895, is the, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Stroukel, of Bowdle, S. D. He went to Camp Dodge July 23. 1918, joining Co. 46. 163 Depot Brigade. August 19, 1918, he was transferred to Military Police, 19th Division. He was honorably discharged February 18, 1919. 17--ANTONE SCHMITT, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Schmitt, of Loyalton, S. D., was born in Roscoe, S. D., March 11, 1897. He went into the service August 28, 1918, his first camp being Camp Funston, where be was placed in Co. 141st Inf. 18 ANDREW DANIEL PERION is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Perion, of Beebe. "Andy" enlisted in the Ipswich Machine Gun Co. on April 3, 1917, and left for Camp Greene on September 28, 1917. He belonged to Co. B. 151st M. G. Bri., 42nd Rainbow Div. He shipped overseas January 11. 1918, with the 146th M. G. Bn., and returned May, 1919. This young soldier saw strenuous service in the celebrated Rainbow Division of which much has been written and printed. 19-PETER J. PESICKA, of Bowdle, S. D., son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pesicka, was born in Bowdle, Feb. 6th, 1894. He went into training May 25th, 1918, his first camp being Camp Lewis. He served in 362 Ambulance Co., 316 Sanitary Train and took part in St. Mihiel Drive and Meuse, Argonne, and Lys Sheldt Battles. He was honorably discharged May 7th, 1919. 20-JOHN SCHAURER, of Cresbard, S. D., is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schaurer. He was born in Rerasin, Russia, in 1892. He entrained June 24. 1918, and sailed from New York August 11. 1918. He was in the front line trenches from October 14, 1918. until the armistice was signed, 2nd was a member of 88th Div., Co. A, 350th Inf. He returned May 30, 1919. and was discharged June 5, 1919. Page 25 1-CASPER OLIVER BELSETH,. son of Mr. and Mrs. John K. Belseth, of Wetonka, S. D., was born Oct. 26th, 1896. He entrained Aug. 28th, 1918, going to Camp Funston, where he belonged to Co. D., 70th Inf., 10th Div. He was honorably discharged Jan. 30th, 1918. 2-JACOB RIEGER of Bowdle, S. D., is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Christ Rieger, and was born in Odessa, Russia, September 14, 1896. He entrained October 28 1918, going to Camp Funston, there being placed in Co. 17, 164th Depot Brigade. He was discharged March 20, 1919. 3-LEON C. PRFSCOTT of Mina, S. D., is the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Prescott and was born in Mina, S. D., January 28, 1894. He enlisted May 15, 1918, going to Dunwoody Institute, there being assigned to Co. D, 54th Telegraph Battalion, Corozal, Canal Zone, Panama. He was in service nine months in the Canal Zone. 4--ALBERT C. WAGNER, son of Mr. and Mrs. Win. J. Wagner, was born in Kent. Twp, Sept. 2nd, 1890. He enlisted July 6th, 1918, going to Camp Dodge. He was honorably discharged March 30th, 1919. He won sharp shooter badge and served in Co. 219, Engineers. 5-JACOB C. SCHAIBLE, of Hosmer, S. D., son of Mr. and Mrs, Christ Schaible, was born June 14, 1891, at Gluckstahl, Russia. He entrained from home June 30, 1918, going with Training Detachment , S. D. State School of Mines. He was transferred to Signal Corps at Leavenworth, in Co. C, 6th Training Battalion. 6-HENRY JUNG was born in Eureka, S. D., April 4, 1895, and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Jung. He entrained May 29, 1918, his first camp being Camp Lewis, where he was placed in 91st Div., 362nd Reg., Co. D. He shipped overseas July 9, 1918. He fought in the battles of Verdun and St. Mihiel, returning to the States April 14, 1919. 7-DAVID JUNG. son of Mr. and Mrs. David Jung, of Hosmer, S. D., was born in Eureka, S. D., January 24, 1897. He went into service at Camp Grant, September, 1918, and was placed in the 4th Co., Chemical Warfare. 8-MICHAEL A. HOERNER was born at Hoven, S. D., December 9, 1894. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Baldasser Hoerner of Bowdle, S. D. He entrained July 14, 1918, going to the State College, Brookings, S. D., where he was assigned to 61st Balloon Co., later being transferred to 74th Baloon Co. He was honorably discharged March 21, 1919. 9-JESSE CASE is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Case, of Mina, S. D. Be entrained from Ipswich, August 28, 1918, going to Camp Funston, where he was assigned to 18th Co., 164th D. B., later being transferred to Co. 3, 2nd Bn., 164. He was discharged December 10, 1918. Jesse's father is one of the very few veterans of the Civil War left in Edmunds County. 10 JOHN BIEBER, of Hosmer, S. D., was born in Russia, August 4, 1890. He entrained from Ipswich, June 24, 1918, going to Camp Funston, where he was placed in Co. C, 69th Inf., 10th Div. He was honorably discharged April 30, 1919. 11--FRED SCHAIBLE, of Hosmer, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Christ Schaible, and he was born at Gluckstall, Russia, Dec. 19th, 1893. He went into service June 24th, 1918, going to Camp Funston, where lie was assigned to Co. K., 69th Inf., 10th Div. He was honorably discharged Feb. 24th, 1919. 12-EDWIN HECKENLIABLE, of Hosmer, S. D., was born March 5, 1897, in Menno, S. D., and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Heckenliable. He went into training August 25, 1918, his first training camp being Camp Funston, where he was placed in 10th Div., 28th Field Art. Band. 13-ADOLPH FORKEL, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Forkel, of Hosmer, S. D., was born in Odessa, South Russia, November 9, 1894. He entrained June 24, 1918, going to Camp Funston and joining the Medical Corps. He shipped overseas August 8, 1918, and died October 6, 1918 14-JOHN A. BRANDT, son of Mr, and Mrs. John Brandt, of Bowdle, S. D., was born in Gaylord, Minn., August 12, 1886. He enlisted September 21, 1917, going to Camp Funston, where he joined Co. D, 114th M. G. Bn., 30th Div. He shipped overseas May 10, 1918, returning March 20, 1919. 15- JAMES HOWARD, of Ipswich, S. D., born in Rayick , Ky. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ward , of Rayick, Ky. He enlisted at Ipswich September 28, 1917, shipped over January 1, 1918, as a member of the M G. Co of the 4th S. D.. Inf. He was a member of the M. G. Co., 18th Inf., 1st Div., A. E. F., Germany. Died in France Aug. 26, 1919. 16-The picture at this number having been poorly produced, it became necessary to secure a new likeness of this soldier, which will be found on another page. 17-OTTO RISSMAN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Rissman, of Ipswich, was born in Omaha, Neb,, Feb. 6th, 1895. He entrained from home Tune 24th, 1918, going to Camp Funston and There joining Co. A. 351st Inf. He sailed overseas Aug. 16th 1918, and was on the front line trenches three weeks, being discharged June 7th, 1919. 18-WILLIAM RISSMAN of Ipswich, Was born in Omaha, Neb., Oct. 15th, 1893. He joined the colors July 23rd, 1918, going to Camp Dodge, where he was placed in the Medical Replacement Unit, going overseas in Co. 30, Sept. 17th 19 18. He was honorably discharged June 24th, 1919. 19-ERNEST R. HAUPT, born in Bowdle, S. D.. December 10, 1896, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haupt, of Bowdle, S. D. He enlisted January 24, 1918, going first to Camp Funston, later being transferred to Camp Dodge. He was a member of the 350th Inf. He shipped overseas May 14, 1918, and was honorably discharged June 4, 1919. 20-CHARLES ERNST, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ernst, of Roscoe, S. D.. was born in Russia, -March 26, 1883. He entrained July 26, 1918. going to Camp Dodge. where he was a member of Co. 46, 163d D. B. Page 27 l-ARTHUR J. STUART is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Stuart, of Bowdle, S. D., and he was born in Roscoe, S. D., March 16, 1887. He entrained front home June 11, 1918, going to Great Lakes, where he was in painters' work and he is still in the service. 2-JOHN ROESCH, of Roscoe, S. D., born in Russia, July 6, 1892, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roesch. He went to Camp Funston, June 24, 1918, later going to Camp Dodge. He was a member of Co. K, 355 Inf. He shipped overseas August 15, 1918 and while there he saw active fighting on the Alsace-Loraine front. He returned May 30, 1919, and was discharged from service June 13, 1919. 3-CHARLES JOHONNES VIKSTROM, of Mansfield, S. D., is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Vikstrom, of Abo, Finland. He was born in Abo, Finland, September 29, 1892. He enlisted October 26, 1917, at Fort George Wright, going to Talliaferro Field, Texas. He was assigned to 148th Aero Squadron, later being attached to the 2nd Army Corps, operating with the British forces on the Somme. He sailed from New York February 26, 1918, returning March 28, 1919, and was discharged April 14, 1919. 4-GEORGE FINLEY, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Finley, of Ipswich, S. D., was born in Viroqua. Wis.. May 15, 1898. He left with the Ipswich, M. G. Co. for Camp Greene. He sailed January 11, 1918, and had charge of taking replacement troops to the front lines. He returned March 7, 1919, and was honorably discharged April 6, 1919. 5--TONY I. WENTZ, of Bowdle, S. D., son of Mr. and Mrs. George Wentz, was born in Aberdeen, S. D., August 5, 1894. He went to Camp Funston June 24, 1918, where he was a member of Co. L, 69th Inf. 10th Div. He took part in battles of Saddleback and Carpenter Hills and he was discharged from service February 5, 1919. 6-JAMES SCHWENINGER, of Geneseo, Ill;, son of Mrs Emily Schweninger was born in Geneseo, Ill., April 10, 1896. He enlisted September, 1917, going to Camp Funston, then to Riley. and June 1. 1918, be shipped overseas. He belonged to Co. D., 341st M. G. B'n., and served with tile Army of Occupation as a horseshoer. He was discharged June 1, 1919. 7--MATTHEW MORGAN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Morgan, of Ipswich, S. D.. was born in Milwaukee, Wis., July 4, 1892. He enlisted June 30, 1918, going first to Rapid City, S. D. then to Ft. Leavenworth, and then to Franklin Cantonments, being a member of Co. A., 6th Tr. B'n., S. C. He was discharged January 18, 1919. 8-JOHN H. HOFER was born in Roscoe, S. D., Decernber 26, 1897, and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Hofer. He entrained July 21, 1918, going to Camp Dodge where he remained until November 12, 1918, when he was honorably discharged. 9-LIEUT. MILTON I. SANDERSON, of Ipswich, S. D was born in McFarland. Wis., Sept. 9th, 1895. He enlisted from Kenebec, May 25th, 1917. He first went to Jefferson Barracks, then to Ft. Russell, from there to Ft. Bliss, Tex., where he served in 82nd Field Art. He then went to Third Officers' Training Camp, Jan. 2nd, 1918, going overseas July 21st, 1918. He joined 81st Div. He was on his way to the front when the armistice was signed. He was discharged May 15th, 1919. 10-OSCAR J. GOETTTLING is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gottlob Goettling of Bowdle, S. D. He entrained June 24, 1918, going to Camp Funston and leaving for overseas August 16, 1918. Returned May 30, 1919. 11--WALTER LEE STANARD, of Ipswich, S. D., son of Mary Stanard, of Ipswich, was born at Linneus, Mo., March 31, 1895. Enlisted April 1, 1917. His first training camp was Camp Greene. He left his home town in September, 1917, belonging to the 146th M. G. Co., 4th S. D. Inf. and was killed July 20, 1918. He went overseas January 11, 1918. 12-FRANCIS P. KINNEY, of Ipswich, S. D., was born in Sedalia. N. D., March 21, 1892. He entrained August 28, 1917, going to Jefferson Barracks, Mo. After being transferred to and from a number of different camps, he shipped overseas March 15, 1918, and became a rnember of Co. K., 326 Inf., A. E. F., and took part in St. Mihiel Drive. the battles of Chateau Thierry, Argonne Woods and Toule, being both wounded and gassed. He returned April 1, 1919. and was discharged May 31, 1919. 13-MORTON ANDREW SCHULER-Morton Andrew Schuler, was born in Faulk County, S. D., August 28, 1898. He enlisted December 12, 1917 going to Jefferson Barracks, then to Camp Sevier, S. C. , where he joined Co. D, 2nd Balloon Sqd., which was later changed to 4th Balloon Co. He shipped overseas March 30, 1918, returning May 3, 1919, and was discharged May 15, 1919. 14--EDWARD HENRY SCHULER, of Aberdeen, S. D., son of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Schuler, also of that city, was born October 1, 1899, in Edmunds County, S. D. He joined Co. L, 4th S. D. Inf., June 4, 1917, which was changed to Co. C, 148th M. G. Bn. October 1, 1917, he was transferred from Co. C to Headquarters Det., 150th M. G. Bn., 42nd Div., February 26, 1918. He sailed for France, January 11, 1918, returning April 28, 1919, and was discharged from service May 15, 1919. 15-GEO. H. LEHMAN, of Roscoe, S. D., was born in Minnesota, March 21, 1892. He went into training May 25, at Camp Lewis, where he was a member of Co. C, 316th Field Bn. He shipped overseas July 6th, and while there he saw active service on Argonne Woods front for nine days, and also in Belgium where he was at the front seven weeks. He returned April 16 1919, being honorably discharged from Camp Dodge, April 28, 1919. 16-CORPORAL WILLIAM E. GOETTLING, of Eagle, Idaho, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gottlob Goettling of Bowdle, S. D. He entrained July 3, 1916 going to Nogales, Arizona. He arrived overseas Jan. 6, 1918, and returned June 16, 1919. 17--SETH ADELBERT SMITH of Bowdle, S. D., is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith. He entrained March 29, 1918, going to Camp Funston. He saw strenuous service in France, taking part in tile battles of Chatteau Thierry and Argonne Forest and was wounded Nov. 3, 1918. He was discharged from the service Feb. 1, 1919, 18-HUGO E. BRAKEMEYER, son, of Rev. and Mrs. Brakemeyer of Bowdle, S. D., was born in Friend, Neb., in 1899. He entrained July 1, 1918, for Jefferson Barracks where he was assigned to 101st Mobile Hos, Unit, 26th Div. He was on duty at Camp Dix during the "Flu" epidemic and sailed for France Nov. 11, 1918, returning May 27, 1919, and was honorably discharged June 18, 1919. 19--CLARENCE EGERT, son of Mr. and Mrs. August Egert of Ipswich, S. D., was born in Hoopole, Ill., 1897. He left Ipswich, S. D., July, 1918, going to Camp Dodge where be was assigned to 333rd Inf., 83rd Div., Co. C . He shipped overseas September 1, 1918 amd returned June 24, 1919, 20-ARTHUR S. SMITH, born April 28, 1893, in Bowdle, S. D., is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith. He enlisted June 24, 1918, going to Camp Funston, where he joined the 38th Co., 164th D. B. Later being transferred to Co. G., 2nd B'n, Edgewood Arsenal, Edgewood, Maryland. He was discharged Jan, 13, 1919. Page 29 1--LAURENCE E. SATZINGER, born in Humboldt, Neb., April 17. 1892, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Satzinger, of Ipswich, S. D. He entrained from his home town December 27, 1917, going to Paris Island, S. C., where he belonged to 89th Co.. later being transferred to Rifle Range Detachment; still later he was transferred to 181st Co., 15 Reg., at Quantico, Va. He was discharged January 22, 1919. 2-CARL EDWIN LINDEN, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Linden, of Ipswich, S. D., was born in Paxton, III . March 31, 1894, He went to Brookings Preparatory School July 14, 1918 . From there he was sent to Texas Agricultural College, from where lie was discharged December 19, 1918. 3-CLARENCE W. ELSTAD, of Red Wing, Minn., son of Prof. and Mrs. If. H. Elstad, was born in Red Wing, Minn.. July 13. 1890. He entrained from St. Paul, December 27. 1917, going to Paris Island. On March 30, 1918. transferred to Quantico, Va., and left for overseas April 22, 1918. He was a member of 144th A. C., 3rd Replacement Battalion, later with 6th Reg. Marines of 2nd Div. He was killed at Chateau Thierry. He was an instructor in the Ipswich High School from 1914 to 1917. 4-BENJAMIN PICTON, of Ipswich, S. D., son of Mrs. Jane Picton. of Beebe, S. D., was born in Ipswich, S. D., October 6, 1890. While serving, the colors in France, Ben was smitten with pneumonia and died October 19, 1918. 5--RIENBOLDT W. KILBER, son of Mr. and Mrs. 1. Kilber, of Roscoe. S. D., was born in Freeman, S. D., February 7, 1893. He enlisted June 24, 1918, his first camp being Camp Funston, later being transferred to Camp Dodge. He was a rnember of the 88th Div. 6-FRED O. STUART, born in Bowdle, S. D., April 13, 1891. is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Stuart, of Bowdle, S. D. He entrained from his home town June 24, 1918, going to Camp Funston, where he was assigned to 339th M. G. Bn., 88th Div. lie shipped overseas August 14. 1918, and took part in the battle of Alsace. He returned May 29, 1919, and was discharged June 11, 1919. 7-WESLEY G. RILEY, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Riley, of Mansfield, S. D., was born in Mansfield, April 15, 1898. He joined the colors August 11, 1917, and went to Camp Forest. Ga., where he was assigned to Co. K.. 11th Inf. He shipped overseas April 23, 1918, and was wounded in St. Mihiel drive. September 13, 1918. This picture was taken while he was convalescing in a hospital. 8-SERGEANT DAVID PICTON, Son of Mrs. Jane Picton, of Beebe, S. D., was born in St. Clares, Wales, February 6, 1885. He enlisted February 29, 1916, in the Ipswich Mounted Scouts, being later transferred to the Ipswich M. G. Co. He entrained with that Company, September 28, 1917, going to Camp Greene and left for over. seas January 11, 1918. He was honorably dis. charged March 9, 1919, 9--WILLIAM BRUNKOW, son of -Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Brunkow, of Ipswich, S. D., was born in Monroe., Wis., August 15, 1891. He entrained from his home town July 15, 1918. As a member of 61st Balloon Co., he went to Brookings and from there he was transferred to and from a number of camps. He was discharged April 4, 1919. 10-Wm. LEWIS SCHURR, of Roscoe. S. D., born in Neiseville, Wis., is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Schurr. He entrained for Camp Funston August 28, 1918, where he was assigned to Battery F, 29th Field Artillery, and was discharged from that camp. 11--PHILIP MINICH, of Bowdle, S. D., son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Minich of Russia, was born in Russia November 1, 1886. He entrained July 23, 1918, going to Camp Dodge, Iowa, where he was placed in Co. D, 364th, 91st Div. He sailed September 2, 1918; and fought in the battles of Lys Scheld, Ypres, and Lys Offensive. He returned April 2, 1919. 12-JOHN WILLIAM KEEN, of Bowdle, S. D., born June it, 1897, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Keen. He entrained from his home town July 10, 1918, going to Paris Island where he was assigned to 175th Co., U. S. Marines, 14th Reg. He was honorably discharged February 11, 1919. 13-HARTFORD G. AIRD, of Ipswich, S. D., was born in Lanting, Iowa, July 25, 1888. He entrained for Jefferson Barracks September 10, 1918, later being transferred to Camp Greene. He was discharged from service March, 1919. 14-JACOB VOLLER, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Voller, of Bowdle, S. D., was born in Bowdle S. D., January 1, 1894. He entrained from home July 23, 1918, going to Camp Dodge where lie joined the Veterinary Detachment. From Camp Dodge lie went to Camp Lee and from Camp Lee to Camp Hill, shipping overseas November 15, 1918, and returning January 10, 1919. 15-SERGT. ROBERT J. MORGAN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Morgan, of Ipswich, S. D., was born in Milwaukee, Wis., October 19, 1896. He enlisted September 6, 1917, going to Camp Funston and joining Co. 1, 164 Depot Brigade. He was transferred after a time to Cavalry Officers' Training School, Leon Springs. Tex..and was honorably discharged December 10, 1918. 16--LUDWIG H. CARLSON, born in Pembrook Twp., March 16. 1889, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Carlson. He left for Ft. Riley. September 3, 1918, later going to Camp Dodge. He was a member of Carpenter Detachment of Officers' Training Camp and was discharged January 13, 1919. 17-LEROY CRAIG, of Ipswich, S. D., entrained from his home town with the Machine Gun Co. for Camp Greene. From Camp Greene he was transferred to Camp Mills and then to Camp Merritt. January 11. 1918, he sailed overseas, belonging to 116th Supply Train. and is still overseas. 18--JOSEPH KESSLER, of Ipswich, S. D., son of Mrs. Kate Kessler, was born in Faulk County. January 6, 1889. He entrained for Camp Dodge. July 3. 1918, later being transferred to Camp Lee, where he was assigned to 24th Co. He was discharged January 23, 1919. 19-EMANUEL SCHLIEPP, of Bowdle, S. D., born in Russia, May 11, 1875, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schliepp. He entrained from his home town July 24, 1918, going to Camp Dodge where he was assigned to Co. C, 348th M. G. Bn. He was honorably discharged April 24, 1919. 20--GOTTLIEB SCHUMACHER, Of Hosmer, S. D., son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schumacher, was born in Russia, September 8 , 1895. He entrained for Camp Dodge, July 23, 1918, where he was assigned to Co. F, 46th Depot Brigade. He was discharged from service December 15, 1918. Page 30 1-CURT1S W. POOLE of Loyalton, S. D., son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Poole, was born in Loyalton, 1894. He entrained, for Camp Lewis May 25, 1918, where he was assigned to Co. D., 347 F. A . H sailed overseas July 14, 1918 and attended liason school at Bordeaux about six weeks, then he was removed, starting for the front preparatory to going into action. This was just before the signing of the Armistice. He spent eight weeks near Traves Germany. He returned about April 1, 1919, and was discharged from Camp Dodge, April 25. 1919. 2-KENNETH EARL MURRAY, son of Mr. and Mrs. C , H. Murray, of Wetonka, was drafted from Brown County on June 26, 1918, and served as a chemical war worker in Co. C, 2nd Bn., at Edgewood, Md. He was discharged April 19, 1919. 3-WESLEY CHARLES MURRAY was drafted into the service on September 3, 1918. After serving but a few days, he was returned on September 17, on account of physical disability. 4-ERNEST C. SHAFER, was born in Ipswich and is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Shafer, old residents of this place. He was drafted from the State of Michigan, while temporarily employed there, and was first sent to Camp Custer, leaving on July 21, 1918, for France. Later he saw service in Germany. He was discharged August 13, 1919. 5-CORPORAL JOSEPH AUGUST VROOMAN, son of Mrs. Ella A. Vrooman, of Huntley township, Edmunds County, was born on December 18, 1895. On June 24, 1918, he shipped from Ipswich for Camp Funston, and was there assigned to 38th Co., D. B. He was honorably discharged on December 4, 1918. 6-FRANK JOHN LOUDA, son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Louda, of Roscoe, S. D. . was born September 1, 1892, in Prairie du Chien, Wis. He entrained from home July 23, 1918, for Camp Dodge, Iowa, and was a member of Co. 46, 163rd Depot Brigade. 7-PETER GEDITZ, JR.. son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Geditz, of Harmony township, was born in Chicago, on April 13, 1895. He was drafted from Edmunds County and shipped for Camp Funston on June 24, 1918. From Funston he was later transferred to Ft. Leavenworth, where he served with the supply company of the 20th Infantry. He was discharged on February 6, 1919. 8-HARRY A. GERMAIN, born in Milwaukee, Wis., Jan. 1889, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. F.. E. Germain of Ipswich, S. D. He enlisted Aug. 28, 1917, going to Camp Greene with 146th M. G. B'n. Later he was transferred to 26th Div., M. G. Co., 103 Inf. He fought on the Mont Sect front, about eleven days and about the same length of time on the Chateau Thierry front. He was wounded ly 18, 1918, going to the Verdun front in October 1918. He shipped overseas January 11, 1918, returned March 28, 1919, and was discharged from Camp Dodge April 17, 1919. 9--GEORGE WIEDERICH, son. of Mr. and Mrs. Gottlieb Wiederich, of Hosmer, was born in South Russia, on December 23, 1894. He was drafted and sent to Camp Lewis from this county on May 25, 1918, afterwards transferred to Camp Merritt, from which point he was sent to France, July 6, 1918. Returned and was discharged May I , 1919. 10 --SYLVESTER S. FISCHER, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fischer of Fountain township, Edmunds county, was born Nov. 15, 1894. He entrained for Camp Funston Tune 24, 1918, where he was assigned to 38th Co., Co. C., 350th Inf.. 88th Div. He left for France August 11, 1918, and returned June 28, 1919. Page 31 1--CAPTATN LOCKWOOD E. SMITH, born in Prairie du Chien, Wis., March, 1896, is the son of Mr, and Mrs. John L. Smith, of Ipswich, S. D. He went to Camp Greene with D Co., 148th M. G. Bn., September 28, 1917, and later shipped overseas, where he saw service. 2-LiEUTENANT CHARLES CONKLJN HIIGEL, of Ipswich. S. D., son of Mrs. Olive F. Hiige1, was born in Covington, Ind., April 14, 17888. He entrained from Ipswich, S. D., September 28, 1917, with D Co., 148th M. G. Bn., and later shipped overseas, where he saw service. A Bit of Local History Future generations will be interested in knowing, as history is carefully perused, what part their forefathers played in the development of the great West, and particularly interested will our children and children's children be concerning the parts played by those forefathers in the times when freedom was in the balance and humanity was breathless from excitement. The people of Ipswich, Edmunds County, S, D., take special pride in the fact that since April 27, 1904, an organization, having for its purpose the ends and means necessary for protection to a community, state and natiori was originated and found its being in the town of Ipswich, S. D. It was in this year, 1904, that C. B. Foricantion, of Eureka, S. D., and Arvid J. Barker, then a resident of Ipswich, took upon themselves the important task of organizing, to operate in connection with the Herried Guards of Eureka, S. D., an Ipswich detachment. This detachment organization was effected through the untiring efforts of these men, ably assisted by Lockwood E. Smith, now a resident of this city, and until mustered out, on March 24, 1919, a Captain in the U. S. Army. On April 21, 190S, the Second and Third Infantry was reorganized and from such reorganization sprang the Fourth South Dakota National Guards, which numbered within its ranks the Ipswich detachment of the Herried Guards. Then it was, on May 5, 1905, that our Ipswich boys became full-fledged soldiers, subject to call and prepared by the State to meet such wartime emergencies as might arise. In the meantime, Lieutenant Barker having resigned, Lockwood E. Smith of Ipswich, next in command, assumed the duties incident to the regulation of the Ipswich detachment of Co. L, South Dakota National Guards. On November 5, 1913, Lieutenant Smith, believing that Ipswich should have separate recognition, added to our prestige and military importance, by having the Ipswich detachment designated as the Mounted Scouts of the Fourth Infantry, and as such they were called into Federal service, on June 21, 1916, having a membership of twenty-four of the young, able-bodied men of this place. Relations with Mexico becoming strained, and the need of military power on the borders becoming apparent, the Mounted Scouts, under Smith, who had previously been advanced to the Captaincy of the commissary departnient, was ordered to mobilize at Redfield, S. D., and at this mobilization camp an organization of the Machine Gun Company, 4th Infantry, S. D. N. G., was perfected; and on July 1, 1916, Captain Smith assumed command. Then it was that the original Company of the Mounted Scouts, of Ipswich, became divided, some remaining with the Mounted Orderlies, while others were transferred to the Machine Gun Company. On March 3, 1917, matters oil the Mexican border warranting the action, the South Dakota regiment, among those of other states, was returned, and on March 3, 1917, the regiment was mustered out of Federal service but still remained, to all intents and purposes, the Machine Gull Company of 4th Infantry, S. D. N. G. On Julv 15, 1917, the Machine Gull Company was again called into service and for a period of two months underwent training and military discipline in a regularly ordered camp in the city of Ipswich, South Dakota. On September 28 1917, the Machine Gun Company was ordered into camp in North Carolina, and Camp Greene was its objective point, when it entrained on that date. Arriving at this camp on October 1, 1917, the Companv was immediately transferred to the 146th Machine Gun Battalion and designated at D. Co. Later, this Company was transferred to Camp Mills. where it remained for a period of six weeks. It was then sent to Camp Merritt, where it was stationed until January 10, 1918, when it was ordered to embark for France and the field of action. Arriving in France, the Company was, on April 4, 1918, transferred to the 148th M. G. Bn., and thus it was that many of the boys of Ipswich remained in a body instead of being promiscuously scattered. The Company, on Februarv 15, 1919, after the armistice had been signed in November, were ordered to convoy for home, and arrived in New York on February 28, 1919, after which, discharges at Camp Dodge, Iowa, followed, and excepting the very few whose bodies rest in French soil, and whose lives were sacrificed in the interest of humanity, the boys are once more among us, ripe from experience and physically and morally better men. THE EDITOR was unable to secure photographs of the following men of Edmunds County, who were in the service. Many of them were found to be transients, boys who had no parents or other relatives in the county and had been recruited into the Machine Gun Co. Of a few there were no acceptable photographs to be had. Another handful was indifferent to the work, and preferred not to appear among the likenesses of our Edmunds County boys of whom we are all so proud. That due credit may be given for their services, of whatever nature it may have been, the names of those Edmunds County men whose pictures are not published herewith, are listed below: James R. Argarakis Oscar Anderson Ed Boyer Jacob H. Bollinger Charley Belcher Victor Blazek Albert E. Calhoun Chet Colin Ferdinand B. Clark Augustus D. Clark John Diegel Wendolin Dosch Ray Darr Thomas Evans Adam Eiseman Jacob Frey Philip Friermerman Harry Doonan Mike Finley L. E. Gorman Roy Gunderson Joseph Gisi Arthur G. Greenmail C. A. Glaze Thomas Hopper Jos. Jesse Haines Frank Handwerk Jos. J. Heinz John Holt John Harris John L. Horley Frank J. Hoffman Jos. A. Hoffinger Gradv E. Hall William Harder Jacob Hoffman Edgar Heerwald Fay Edwin Isham Herbert A. Johnle Elmer Jones John A. Johnle Chas. Eugene James G. W. Koch Lester E. Koch Lloyd Koch W. J. Kelsey Bazill Kimball Edward Kirsch Maurice Mann Obed Maule John E. Murray William Murdock Edward D. McFadden Sam McCleary Geo. McEachran Alex N. Nehl Otto Nelson Daniel Nickish John Oster Obed B. Oglesby Vincent O'Connor Paul R. Puckett Arthur Petersen Fred Pesicka Edwin L. Pickett Grant Pillsbury Louis Peterson Geo. N. Quam Fred Reiger Emanuel Reede Ed Smeltzer Frank Steele Theo. Sablowski Martin Swanson Jos. E. Sahli Fred Sablowski John Schmidt Harvey Thomas John J. Tuchols Albert J. Scott Clarence Stroup Frank J. Stevenson Lonnie G. Wetgriefe Henry Wetgriefe John Walker Gordon Lee West Adelbert E. Webb One Family's Contribution FIVE SONS IN WAR I have been asked by several citizens of our talented little city to have the correspondence of my boys in the American Expeditionary Forces published, or to write something of their activities at the front. As the opportunity presents itself and for the benefit of the many inquirers who ask of me from day to day about my sons in the American army, I will write a brief sketch of each, and his respective station in the American service as far as is known to me. I wish to state herein that 1 am thankful indeed to the people, one and all. who have so interested themselves in soliciting information and are anxious about the welfare of my sons in the war. 1-LEO M. BUTLER left Ipswich with a party of selects on June 24th, last year, and was sent to Camp Funston, Kan. There he was transferred to Camp Johnson, Fla., on July 20th. Later he was promoted to corporal in a July detachment of chauffeurs and sent 10 Camp Hill, Va. On August 29, 1918, he sailed for France and the third boy to go to the front. However, as I understand it, he did not stop in France with the other troops but was sent to other parts of Europe on some special business, and which, on account of the ban on information, has not been disclosed to me. He arrived in France about October 20th. My last intelligence from there was November 24th, received here December 15th, at which time all were well and unharmed in the land of occupation. 2--CLETUS M. BUTLER. my youngest son, a student of the Brothers' School, Ottawa, Ill., where his brothers, each in turn, spent a part of their school days, enlisted in the 91st Aero Squadron on August 8, 1917. He was sent to Kelly Field, Texas, where he remained about two months. Then he was sent to Hamstead, Long Island, and on October 26, 1917, sailed for France. On June 20, 1918, he made his first high flight of 13,000 feet over the enemy lines and back - Day after day this operation was repeated, taking notes of positions of the enemy; in battle sailing over the lines and hurling missiles of death and destruction from thousands of feet in the air down upon the unfortunates below. It may be understood that Cletus is only the operator of the plane; the observer sits in the rear.. The operator of the airplane, however, is monarch of all he surveys. and unlike chauffeurs on the ground could not be subjected to waiting expectantly for orders in the air, takes his course (which the observer must adjust) and changes as he sees best to avoid disaster before lie starts. 3--THOMAS S. BUTLER enlisted in the Merchant Marine. From the J. J. Branch School of Engineering in Chicago for a term, received a second lieutenancy from that school and was sent to Boston, Mass., and placed on board the U. S. S. America. which when last heard from was at Portland, Me. 4-MATTHEW B. BUTLER received a lieutenancy in the 21st Engineers at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., on June 14, 1917. On September 9th of the same year he was sent to Camp Grant, Ill., and on December 26, 1917, sailed for France. On July 22, 191 he was romoted to a lieutenancy in the 4th Sectionon General Staff of General Pershing's first army. 5-WILLIAM E. BUTLER enlisted in the Aviation Corps on February 8, 1918, and was sent to Cambridge, Mass.; on May 20th he received a second lieutenancy from a school of aeronautics. Later he was sent to Selfridge Field, Mich., where he acted as instructor until November 4th, when he was sent to Garden City, Long Island, to instruct in a school of aeronautics, at which place he was when last heard of.