Dallas, Gregory Co., SD - 1909 Business Directory This file contains a listing from the "South Dakota State Business Directory," published by The Gazetteer Publishing Co., Denver, Colorado in 1909. Information transcribed by Joy Fisher. This file may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use. Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author. This file is part of the SDGENWEB Archives. If you arrived here inside a frame or from a link from somewhere else, our front door is at http://www.usgwarchives.net/sd/sdfiles.htm DALLAS A rapidly growing town in Gregory county. Present terminus branch Chicago & Northwestern Ry. Supply point for the newly settled sections of Tripp & Meyer counties. Has water works, electric light system, cement sidewalks, good schools and churches and enterprising business houses. Population 1,500. Last Name First Name Business Allen N. J. proprietor Hotel Lakota Bank of Dallas Ernest A Jackson pres, Graydon B Jackson vice-pres, J W Stewart cashier, Chas A East assistant cashier Barnum see Butterfield & Barnum Beck see Jeffers & Beck Booth W. R. agricultural implements Bradt & Prinz livery Bradt & Prinz props, Dallas, Colome & Lamro stage line Brazzel Ed saloon Brown & Nunemaker land, loans and insurance Buehler & Co. saloon Butterfield & Barnum real estate Callender S. T. prop Hotel Dallas Castles T. R. physician Chambers Opie mgr Jackson Bros. Land Co. Chambers Opie sec, Tripp County Land & Abstract Co Coffman Mart notary public Coffman & Owen real estate and law Collins C. agent, Nye-Schneider-Fowler Co. Crain Land Co. L F Crain mgr Crist L. E. millinery Cunningham J. B. hardware Dallas Mercantile Co. Saar Bros props, genl mdse Dallas Real Estate Co. (Thomas and Joseph Wilson) Dallas State Bank Chester Slaughter pres, J M Slaughter vice-pres, A D Shepard cashier Dallas, Colome & Lamro stage line Bradt & Prinz props Dewell & Co. E. I. Hansen & Dewell, mens furnishings Doane-Sears Co. elevator East Chas. A. asst cashier Bank of Dallas Edelstein J. F. blacksmith Electric Theatre W A Gibbs manager Episcopal Church Rev W Blair Roberts pastor Fara Thos. blacksmith Fish R. E. furniture and undertaker Floete Lumber Co. J L Lynn agt, lumber and coal Forsythe J. A. blacksmith and implements Foster Don H. real estate Fowler see Nye-Schneider-Fowler Co. Fuller A. meat market Garrison H. D. attorney-at-law Gerenz see Moore & Gerenz Gibbs W. A. mgr Electric Theatre Gregory County News (w) F Reichmann editor Griffith see Van Sant & Griffith Guenthner C. vice-pres Merchants & Farmers State Bank Guenthner E. A. cash Merchants & Farmers State Bank Guenthner F. H. pres Merchants & Farmers State Bank Guenthner Bros. Real Estate Co. real estate, loans and insurance Haisch & Co. Ed general merchandise Hamilton Hotel & Restaurant J O Swogger prop Hammarlun & Siegmund real estate and insurance Hansen see E. I. Dewell & Co. Harrington T. F. Ed Youngquist agent, real estate Hills L. D. mgr Jas A Smith Hofer M. M. physician Hofer & Wenzel hardware Hotel Dallas S T Callender proprietor Howard & Scott restaurant Jackson Ernest A. pres, Tripp County Land & Abstract Co Jackson Ernest A. pres, Tripp-Meyer Telephone Co. Jackson Ernest A. pres, Western Townsite & Land Co. Jackson Ernest A. president Pioneer Trust Co and Bank of Dallas Jackson F. H. treas Tripp County Land & Abstract Co. Jackson Frank H. sec, Western Townsite & Land Co. Jackson Frank H. vice-pres, Jackson Bros. Land Co. Jackson Frank H. vice-pres, Tripp-Meyer Telephone Co. Jackson Graydon B. treas, Jackson Bros. Land Co. Jackson Graydon B. treas, Tripp-Meyer Telephone Co. Jackson Graydon B. vice-pres Bank of Dallas Jackson Bros. Land Co. Ernest A Jackson pres, Frank H Jackson vice-pres, Graydon B Jackson treas, Opie Chambers manager Jeffers & Beck attorneys at law Jeffers-Keller Co. real estate Keller see Jeffers-Keller Co. Lakota Hotel N J Allen proprietor Larmer Bros. livery Leggett Harry livery LeMars Café & Restaurant P H Simons proprietor Longland J. R. contractor and builder Luth A. G. well driller Lynn J. L. agt, Floete Lumber Co. Martin Burle H. sec and mgr Tripp-Meyer Telephone Co. McCann J. W. drugs and jewelry McDonnell M. flour, feed, hay and coal McFarland C. A. pool and billiards McNeely Lee secretary Pioneer Trust Co. Merchants & Farmers State Bank F H Guenthner pres, C Guenthner vice-pres, E A Guenthner cash Methodist Church Rev Whitmer pastor Molitor R. H. attorney at law Montgomery Lumber Co. lumber and coal Moore & Gerenz meat market Morrison L. N. harness and saddlery Neihus Frank livery Nelson Mercantile Co. general merchandise Ney M. proprietor Robertson Hotel Nunemaker see Brown & Nunemaker Nye-Schneider-Fowler Co. C Collins agent, elevator and lumber yard Owen see Coffman & Owen Page Bessie (Miss( restaurant Parker R. D. real estate Patrick Rob news and confectioneery Patterson & Harvey attorneys at law Pederson A. blacksmith Perrin Bros. painting and paper hanging Pioneer Trust Co. (inc) Ernest A Jackson pres, L H Taylor vice-pres and gen mgr, Lee McNeely sec, John W Stewart treas Prinz see Bradt & Prinz Putney J. E. billiard parlors Rathman Land Co. F. W. land, loan and locating agts Reichmann F. editor Gregory County News Roberts W. Blair (Rev.) pastor, Episcopal Church Robertson F. L. saloon Robertson Hotel M Ney proprietor Rodgers Jno groceries and bakery Rose C. M. real estate Saar Bros. props, Dallas Mercantile Co. Sandoz E. D. jeweler Schneider see Nye-Schneider-Fowler Co. Scott see Howard & Scott Sears see Doane-Sears Co. Shepard A. D. cashier Dallas State Bank Siegmunnd see Hammarlun & Siegmund Simons P. H. proprietor LeMars Café Sjoblom C. G. real estate Slaughter Chester president Dallas State Bank Slaughter J. M. vice-president Dallas State Bank Smith Jas. A. L D Hills manager, lumber and coal Smith & Seldomridge cleaning and pressing Stewart John W. treas Western Townsite & Land Co, treas Pioneer Trust Co, and cashier Bank of Dallas Stone I. T. saloon Stow Alex W. attorney at law, justice of the peace Superior Lumber & Coal Co. Sutton & Wood real estate, loans and live stock Swogger J. O. proprietor Hamilton Hotel Taylor L. H. vice-pres and gen mgr Pioneer Trust Co. Teutsch T. A. general merchandise Thompson C. N. saloon Townsend S. A. barber Treifle Geo. barber Tripp County Land & Abstract Co (inc) Ernest A Jackson pres, Opie Chambers sec, F H Jackson treas Tripp-Meyer Telephone Co. Ernest A Jackson pres, Frank H Jackson vice-pres, Graydon B Jackson treas, Burle H Martin secretary and manager Tritle Geo. barber Usher Bros. livery Van Sant & Griffith real estate and coal Weaver F. N. hardware and harness Wenzel see Hofer & Wenzel Western Townsite & Land Co. Ernest A Jackson pres, Frank H Jackson sec Wheeler Jas. real estate Whitmer (Rev.) pastor, Methodist Church Wilson Frank D. contractor and builder Wilson Joseph see Dallas Real Estate Co. Wilson Thomas see Dallas Real Estate Co. Winchell S. E. real estate Wood see Sutton & Wood Youngquist Ed agent, T F Harrington