Dallas, Gregory Co., SD - 1916 Business Directory This information extracted from the "Northwestern Gazetteer and Business Directory", vol. XX (1916-1917), published by R. L. Polk & Co. Data transcribed by Joy Fisher, http://www.rootsweb.com/~archreg/vols/00001.html#0000031 . This file may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use. All other rights reserved. Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author. This file is part of the SDGENWEB Archives. If you arrived here inside a frame or from a link from somewhere else, our front door is at http://www.usgwarchives.net/sd/sdfiles.htm DALLAS. Pop 900. Gregory county. A thriving city on the C & N W Ry and the Omaha-Rosebud-Black Hills Scenic Highways 37 miles n w of Fairfax the county seat. Has Episcopal, Evangelical, Swedish Lutheran, Methodist and Presbyterian churches, 2 banks, 3 hotels, a commercial club, a public library, a hospital, a creamery, 2 grain elevators, an auditorium, a flour mill, electric light plant and water works. A weekly newspaper the Gregory County News is published. Ships grain, live stock and produce. Land is worth $40 to $70 per acre. Daily stage to Oacoma and Dixon. Exp Am. Tel W U. Mart Coffman P M. Last Name First Name Business Ayers W. S. cashr, Dallas State Bank Ayers Wm. S. ins agt Bank of Dallas (capital $25,000), E A Jackson, pres; Louis Visha, cashr Bates & Foster (Chas A Bates, Don H Foster), lands Beuhler Geo. saloon Brown Clyde W. mngr, Nelson Creamery Co. Brown Nicholas E. lands Buffington Geo. A. lawyer Burch N. D. trustee, Dallas Municipal Auditorium Burch Newton D. lawyer Carroll Wm. saloon Chambers Opie lands Chambers Opie sec, Jackson Bros. Land Co. Champion Alb. J. mngr, Nelson Mercantile Co. Christenson Homer C. lands Corey Frank pres, Dallas State Bank Dallas Heat, Light & Power Co. Burl H Martin mngr Dallas Hotel Mrs A Le Zotte propr (see adv) Dallas Milling Co. Orin Thompson, pres; D H Foster, sec and treas Dallas Municipal Auditorium N D Burch trustee Dallas Public Library Blanche Jensen librarian Dallas State Bank (capital $12,000), Frank Corey, pres; W S Ayers, cashr Dallas Water Works (municipal), N H Martin supt Doane-Sears Co. N Harold Sears agt, lumber Donovan Jno J. dentist Edelstein Co. (Louise, Rose and Frank Edelstein), gen store Edinger Milton H. restaurant Ellis Frances E. restaurant European Hotel Earl C Robertson propr Foerster Adolph O. cigar mnfr Foster D. H. sec and treas, Dallas Milling Co. Foster D. H. vice-pres and mngr, Western Townsite Co. Foster Don H. loans Foster Don H. see Bates & Foster Fowler see Nye-Schneider-Fowler Co. Gerenz Richd. C. see Moore & Gerenz Greater Dallas Committee Homer Hetts, pres; W B Vredenburg, sec Gregory County News Jas M Miller pub Guenther Bros. Land Co. (Erhardt A and Fred H Guenther) Hamilton Minnie (Mrs.) mngr, Western Union Telegraph Co. Hampl Aug. notions Hanson & Lewis (Hans Hanson, Stillman O Lewis), farm impts Harvey Harry L. clothing Hayes Jno H. contr Hetts Homer pres, Greater Dallas Committee Hetts Bros. Co. (Homer and Orlo Hetts), gen store Hills Loyal D. mngr, Jas. A. Smith Lumber Co. Hodgson Lova (Mrs.) mngr, Nebraska Telephone Co. Hofer Michael phys Hofer & Wenzel (Fred A Hofer, Emil P Wenzel), hardware Jackson E. A. pres, Bank of Dallas Jackson E. A. pres, Western Townsite Co. Jackson F. H. sec, Western Townsite Co. Jackson Bros. Ernest A, Graydon B and Frank H), loans Jackson Bros. Land Co. E A Jackson, pres; Opie Chambers, sec Jensen Blanche librarian, Dallas Public Library Lakota Hotel Oda L Olinger propr, Rates $2.00 per day, Sample Room, good steam heated rooms Lantis Calvin O. harness Le Zotte A. (Mrs.) propr, Dallas Hotel (see adv.) Lewis Stillman O. hardware Lewis Stillman O. see Hanson & Lewis Logerwell Reuben L. drugs Lushbough Jno H. harness Lyric Theatre Conrad Bink propr, moving pictures Martin B. H. supt, Dallas Water Works Martin Burl H. elec. Martin Burl H. mngr, Dallas Heat, Light & Power Co. McDowell Elon barber Miller Bert pool Miller Jas. M. pub Gregory County News Miller Jas. M. pub, Rosebud Farmer Moore & Gerenz (Jno D Moore, Richd C Gerenz), meats Nebraska Telephone Co. Mrs Lova Hodgson mngr Nelson Creamery Co. Clyde W Brown mngr Nelson Mercantile Co. Alb J Champion mngr, gen store Nunemacker Frank lands Nuss Jos. A. baker Nye-Schneider-Fowler Co. Alb Schultz agt, grain elevator Olinger Oda L. propr Lakota Hotel Patterson Ernest O. lawyer Rathman Land Co. F. W. F W Rathman mngr Robertson Earl C. propr, European Hotel Rosebud Farmer Jas M Miller pub Roth Jno E. garage Runyon Geo. E. r r and exp agt Sandoz Edw. D. jeweler Schneider see Nye-Schneider-Fowler Co. Schultz Alb. agt, Nye-Schneider-Fowler Co. Sears N. Harold agt, Doane-Sears Co. Smith Jas. tailor Smith Lumber Co. Jas. A. Loyal D Hills mngr Strain Alvin news Thompson Orin pres, Dallas Milling Co. Visha Louis cashr, Bank of Dallas Visha Louis ins agt Vredenburg W. B. sec, Greater Dallas Committee Ware Ansel T. drugs Watson Edw. vet surgeon Weaver Wm. W. auto livery Weis Bros. (Nicholas and Elmer), garage Wenzel Emil P. see Hofer & Wenzel Western Townsite Co. E A Jackson, pres; D H Foster, vice pres and mngr; F H Jackson, sec; real estate Western Union Telegraph Co. Mrs Minnie Hamilton mngr Wilson Jno E. C. real est Wilson Thos. G. real est Winchell Jas. lands Winchell Smith E. lands Winsett Wilford E. phys Wolf David O. auctioneer Zimmerman Danl D. barber