Hazel, Hamlin Co., SD - 1909 Business Directory This file contains a listing from the "South Dakota State Business Directory," published by The Gazetteer Publishing Co., Denver, Colorado in 1909. This listing shows businesses in Hazel. This information transcribed by James J. Lewis, jlewis@triskelion.net, and may be freely copied for non-profit purposes. All other rights reserved. HAZEL A small town in Hamlin county on the Great Northern Ry., 18 miles west of Castlewood. Population 250. Abraham & Schultz Elevator Co. Herman Abraham, mgr. Adams, Ezra attorney-at-law. Anchor Grain Co. Hugh Havens, buyer. Ault, A. F. restaurant. Blocher & Forcht flour, fuel and feed. Buskard, Albert carpenter. Conway, Dan meat market. Cottrell, H. carpenter. Dokka, H. H. hardware and farm machinery. Farmers Elevator Co. Henry McNamara, buyer. First State Bank J. O. Melham, pres., A. N. Forcht, vice-pres., A. Melham, cashier. Forcht, A. N. vice-pres First State Bank and mgr Melham Bros. Lumber Co. Gedelman, A. harness. Hammond, Frank prop. Merchants Hotel. Hart, Robert physician. Havens, Hugh buyer Anchor Grain Co. Helem, Olie blacksmith. Johnstone, S. E. drugs. Keller, Chas. sec-treas. Farmers Elevator Co. Kellogg, M. S. general merchandise. Lautenschlager, G. T. farm implements, cream buyer. Little Bros. livery and furniture. McDonald, Edward barber. Melham, A. cashier First State Bank. Melham Bros. Lumber Co. A. N. Forcht, mgr. Melham, J. O. pres. First State Bank. Merchants Hotel Frank Hammond, prop. Methodist Church Rev. J. A. Willey, pastor. Moen, H. B. agent Superior Lumber & Coal Co. Ostroot Bros. Elevator Co. Pagel, G. F. general merchandise. Peck, John carpenter and contractor. Pierce, Frank railway express and telegraph agent. Ralph, Miss Nellie postmaster. Stoltz, Adolph meat market. Superior Lumber & Coal Co. H. B. Moen, agent. Thaler, William Wallace hardware. Thorenson, Clarence pool and cigars.