Norden, Hamlin Co., SD - 1909 Business Directory This file contains a listing from the "South Dakota State Business Directory," published by The Gazetteer Publishing Co., Denver, Colorado in 1909. Information transcribed by Joy Fisher. This file may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use. Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author. This file is part of the SDGENWEB Archives. If you arrived here inside a frame or from a link from somewhere else, our front door is at NORDEN A growing town in Hamlin county, on the South Dakota Central Ry., 18 miles south of Castlewood. Surrounded by a rich farming country, tributary to Norden. Population 200. Last Name First Name Business Abraham & Schultz J F Knier buyer, grain elevator Anderson C. A. sec-treas Norden Mercantile Co. Bajuniemi Bros. meat market, ice Bank of Norden G W Hart pres, B U Hestad vice-pres, Jas Johnson cashier Commercial Hotel J J Shehan prop Conner A. E. buyer, Farmers Elevator Co. Derr Elevator Co. H Eastberg buyer Eastberg H. buyer, Derr Elevator Co. Eastberg see Simons & Eastberg Ecklund & Winjum livery Ellsworth Charles livery Estelline Telephone Co. C E Pope mgr Farmers Elevator Co. A E Conner buyer Farmers State Bank (inc) E A Syverson pres, I O Syverson vice-pres, H P Hanson cashier Finnish Lutheran Church Frantz V. E. drugs Geranen & Son P. general merchandise Grape J. (Mrs.) millinery Hanson H. P. cash Farmers State Bank, notary public Hart G. W. pres Bank of Norden Hayes F. L. barber Hestad B. U. vice-pres Bank of Norden Hoffman James pool and cigars Johnson A. N. pres Norden Mercantile Co, postmaster Johnson James notary public, cash Norden State Bank Jones E. S. physician Juso John general merchandise Keene Harry publisher Lake Norden Enterprise Kiner Edward restaurant Knier J. F. buyer, Abraham & Schultz Lake Norden Enterprise (w) Harry Keene publisher Larson & Richardson farm implements Massar John lumber Norden Mercantile Co. (inc) C A Anderson sec and treas, general merchandise Norden State Bank James Johnson cash Norwegian Lutheran Church Rev N A Stubjkaer pastor Ogard O. drayman Ogren A. E. railway express and telegraph agent Opera House Jas Salmonson mgr Palm A. P. (Rev.) pastor, Swedish Baptist Church Pope C. E. mgr, Estelline Telephone Co. Richardson see Larson & Richardson Salmonson Jas. mgr, Opera House Schroeder & Syverson carpenters Schultz see Abraham & Schultz Shehan J. J. prop Commercial Hotel Simons & Eastberg farm implements Stone Uno drugs Stubjkaer N. A. (Rev.) pastor, Norwegian Lutheran Church Stubkjare Joe blacksmith Svarvari H. J. justice peace Svarvari Rudolph general merchandise Swedish Baptist Church Rev A P Palm pastor Swedish Mission Church Syverson E. A. pres Farmers State Bank Syverson W. G. vice-pres Farmers State Bank Syverson see Schroeder & Syverson Urevig Bros. hardware and machinery, furniture Vernen Peter blacksmith Wayrynen Peter blacksmith Winjum see Ecklund & Winjum