Alexandria, Hanson Co., SD - 1916 Business Directory This information extracted from the "Northwestern Gazetteer and Business Directory", vol. XX (1916-1917), published by R. L. Polk & Co. Data transcribed by Joy Fisher, . This file may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use. All other rights reserved. Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author. This file is part of the SDGENWEB Archives. If you arrived here inside a frame or from a link from somewhere else, our front door is at ALEXANDRIA. Pop 1,000. Hanson county. An incorporated city and the county seat on the C M & St P Ry 13 miles S E of Mitchell. Has Catholic, Presbyterian and Methodist churches, 2 banks, 3 hotels, a library, an opera house and 3 grain elevators. A weekly newspaper the Herald is published. Ships grain, live stock and produce. Land is worth $80 to $140 per acre. Exp W F & Co. Tel W U. Chas. H. Peckham P M. Last Name First Name Business Adkins Everett E. see Sweesy & Adkins Alexandria Automobile Co. G H Montgomery, pres; J H Dobson, sec Alexandria Herald Ernest B Yule, pub Alexandria House Mrs Mary J Hilligoss propr Alexandria Opera House Percy Smith propr Alexandria Public Library Emma Mead, Librarian Anderson Lumber Co. J. F. David B. Seger, agt Betts De Lacey E. cementwkr Betts & Twamley (A H Betts, Saml F Twamley), grain elevator Bollenbach Katherine (Mrs.) milliner Bond Fred A. lumber Bowers Roy P. garage Dobson J. H. sec, Alexandria Automobile Co. Field Frank O. jeweler First National Bank (capital $25,000), Donald Grant, pres; F D Peckham, cashr Gifford Arthur J. phys. Gingles Jno H. real est. Gordon Geo. stone quarry Grant Donald pres, First National Bank Graves Max V. shoemkr Gregory Ernest I. automobiles Haehner Emil F. farm impts Hanson County Fair Assn Thos H Quinney, pres; Clyde W Warner, sec Hanson County Telephone Co. W S Hill, pres; P A Zollman, sec Hays George W. jeweler, watchmake and engraver, complete stock of diamonds, watches, clocks, jewelry, silverware, and cut glass Hill W. S. pres, Hanson County Telephone Co. Hill W. S. pres, Security National Bank Hill & Stillwell (Alb Hill, Clarke H Stillwell), ins agts Hill-Taylor Co. (Wm S Hill, Harley L Taylor), farm impts Hilligoss Mary J. (Mrs.) propr, Alexandria House Hilligoss O. Fred shoemkr Hull Wayne J. drugs Hunter Sisters (Ida and Marie), proprs Lawler House Johnson Henry B. see Peckham & Johnson Lawler House proprs, Hunter Sisters Long & Plagmann (Louis C Long, Geo C Plagmann), gen store Manderscheid Anna (Mrs.) propr, St James Hotel Marrs Leonard H. see Secat & Marrs Mather Edw. K. county surveyor Matthews Wm. N. notions Maytum Wellington J. phys. McMasters W. C. & C. W. (W Chas and Chas W), vet surgeons Mead Emma librarian, Alexandria Public Library Mead Ira A. agt, Shanard Elevator Co. Mohr Henry J. Ststes Attorney Momsen Jno drugs Monrgomery G. H. pres, Alexandria Automobile Co. Montgomery Geo. H. furniture Moran Dennis F. r r, exp and tel agt New Farmers Grain Co. J F Pinches, agt Peckham F. D. cashr, First National Bank Peckham & Johnson (Chas H Peckham, Henry B Johnson), hardware Pigott Jno J. pool Pinches J. F. agt, New Farmers Grain Co. Pitts Bros. (Orrie D and Jno H), gen store Proctor Cephas E. real est Prouty Chas. M. ice Quinney Thos. H. pres, Hanson County Fair Assn Rawson Allie stage line Ruden Jacob blksmith Schmidt Martin harness Schumacher Jno P. tailor Secat & Marrs (Walter H Secat, Leonard A Marrs), lawyers Security National Bank (capital $30,000), W S Hill, pres; C H Stillwell, cashr Shanard Elevator Co. Ira A Mead, agt Shrieve Jos. P. cementwkr Shryock F. Wilbur barber Slade Wm. M. photogr Sloan Cora (Mrs.) milliner Smith Percy propr, Alexandria Opera House St. James Hotel Mrs. Anna Manderscheid, propr Stillwell C. H. cashr, Security National Bank Strauch Henry D. pianos Stuart Herbert H. dentist Sweesy & Adkins (Chas W Sweesy, Everett E Adkins), hardware Taylor Harley L. see Hill-Taylor Co. Thiel & Son F. (Fred and Geo), real est Twamley Saml. F. see Betts & Twamley Van Demark Walter E. lawyer Van Tassel Chas. M. livery Vincent Frank lawyer Wakeman Ralph O. meats Warner Clyde W. sec, Hanson County Fair Assn Wilson Thos. J. blksmith Yule Ernest B. pub, Alexandria Herald Zollman P. A. sec, Hanson County Telephone Co.