Jerauld Co., SD - Index to 1963 County History - Names "D" to "G" This file is a name index to "A history of Jerauld Country, South Dakota" written by Fred N. Dunham (1963). This index was compiled by Alan Sheppard. Copyright, 1996 by Alan Sheppard. This file may be freely copied for non-profit purposes. All other rights reserved. Look-ups can be obtained from the Wessington Springs Carnegie Library, Attn: Lorraine Redmann, Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author. This file is part of the free genealogy service called SDGENWEB. Our front door is NAME PAGE Dahl, Evelyn 312 Dake, J E 75, 96 Daleska, Carl H 103 Daleska, Gertrude 62 Daleska, Henry 96 Daleska, Mrs Wm 175 Daleske, Geneva 342 Daleske, Luella 326 Dalseke, Lois 357 Dalthorp, Chas. 371, 373 Damman, Aug. 196 Dammann, August 205 Dammann, Gerald 415, 423, 433, 438, 440 Dammann, LeNor 383 Dammann, Leona 342 Dammann, Walter 285, 310 Damon, A C 198 Damon, Emery 137, 168 Damon, Emory 147, 167 Damon, Orville 164, 225 Danburg, Esther 131 Dancey, Myrtle 77 Daniel, Lowell 453 Daniels, Ethel 278 Dankey, W G 357, 360 Danoho, Ed. 241 Daum, Mrs Chris 32 Davenport, Jewell 440, 482 Davenport, R 24 Davenport, Richard 138, 312 David, Gerald 147 Davidson, Bertha 392, 401 Davidson, Laura 392 Davis, Alma 314, 319, 374, 392, 434 Davis, Alma 462, 472, 483 Davis, Charles 24 Davis, Cora 95, 121 Davis, Dick 459 Davis, Eva 245, 261 Davis, Everett 167 Davis, Floyd 162 Davis, G G 23 Davis, Geo. 196, 210, 257 Davis, George 204, 234 Davis, Harold 206, 217 Davis, Ida Lou 378 Davis, Iva 277 Davis, Joyce 482 Davis, Lawrence 76 Davis, Lee 340 Davis, Leona 217 Davis, Lester 278 Davis, Lois 252, 267 Davis, Louise 223 Davis, Marlin 449 Davis, Mavie 328 Davis, Miss Alma 387, 395, 405, 422, 444, 453 Davis, Mrs Cora 35, 84, 94, 105, 131, 133 Davis, Mrs Floyd 163, 186, 212 Davis, Mrs G G 24, 33 Davis, Mrs Geo. 58, 108, 122 Davis, Mrs Wylie 163 Davis, Norvin 327 Davis, Peter 431 Davis, Ralph 328 Davis, Richard 373 Davis, Wesley L 475 Davis, Wilmer 233, 260 Dawson, Donald 317 Dawson, L 138 Day, Ethel 116 Dayton, Mrs Wilbur 305 Dayton, Wilbur 305 De Shaw, Carrie 140 Dean, Diane 449 Dean, Dr 104, 421 Dean, Dr Everett E 405 Dean, Dr R E 359, 369, 393, 424, 456 Dean, Dr R E 461, 474, 485 Dean, Dr Roscoe 397, 462 Dean, Dr Roscoe E 332, 346, 359 Dean, Dr Roscoe E Jr 360 Dean, Everett 303 Dean, Geo. 188, 243, 256, 259, 264 Dean, Geo. H 26, 29, 51, 85, 43 Dean, George 206, 207, 220 Dean, Harold 290, 333, 374, 385, 403 Dean, Hazel 150, 152, 162, 174, 186 Dean, Hazel 188, 199, 201, 206, 211 Dean, Hazel 212, 228, 253, 342 Dean, Hazel 55, 97, 127, 132, 144 Dean, Helen 479 Dean, Kate 484 Dean, Lawrence 432 Dean, Lawson 38 Dean, Mary Jane 478, 479 Dean, Mary Jean 476 Dean, Medora 126 Dean, Miss Hazel 197, 203, 274 Dean, Mrs Lawrence 432 Dean, Mrs R E Jr 386, 390, 400, 417, 449 Dean, Mrs Roscoe 405, 470 Dean, Mrs Roscoe Jr 449, 458 Dean, Mrs Theo. 180 Dean, R E 151, 250, 253, 257, 287 Dean, R E 289, 307 Dean, Rocky 410, 457, 466, 471 Dean, Roscoe 91, 99, 205, 268, 284, 405 Dean, Roscoe E Jr 291, 359, 405 Dean, Roscoe E Sr 467, 470 Dean, Roscoe III 459, 469 Dean, Roscoe Jr 267 Dean, Roscoe Sr 295, 333, 484 Dean, Susan 468, 480 Dean, Theodore 17, 19, 132 Dean, Tommy 435 Dearborn, Miss 351 Dearborn, Miss Beverly 360 Dearborn, Miss Vera 32 Dearborn, Shirley 313 DeBoer, Dr Lee 468 DeBoer, Lee 373 DeBoer, Ray 357 DeBoer, Roy 357 DeBoer, Wm. 369 Dechow, Ryford 408 Dechow, Shirley 418 Decker, Alberta 373 Decker, Beulah 392 Decker, L P 360, 367, 390 Decker, Lawrence 329, 351, 374, 380, 395 Decker, Lawrence P 387 DeDan, Dr R E 389 DeHann, Lawrence 462 Dehne, Elsie 284 Dehne, Emil 20 Dehne, J P 151 Deily, Geo. H 313 Deindorfer, Geo. 37 Deitzman, Mrs Leora 305 DeJean, Darlene 401 DeJean, Donald 401 DeJong, Bert 337 DeJong, Bud 468 DeJong, Dodd 448 DeJong, Ernest 369, 379, 430, 437 DeJong, Georgia 313 DeJong, Hubert 425 DeJong, LouAnn 482 DeJong, Mrs Bud 463, 468 DeJong, Mrs Ernest 220, 229, 249, 256 DeJong, Mrs Esther 416 DeJong, Mrs Ethel 367 DeJong, Vivian 435 DeLay, Bob 457 DeLay, Gretchen 244 DeLay, Helen 266 DeLay, John 241, 308, 315, 320, 334 DeLay, John 353, 361, 457, 473, 478 Delay, Mrs John 457 DeLay, Robert 242, 284 Deller, Rev W N 198 Deller, Wendell 200, 209 Deneke, Dora 364 Deneke, Evelyn 431 Denhart, Jack 297 Dennis, Berryl 221 Dennis, Miss Cora 128 Dennis, Patricia 320 Dennison, Marion 373 Dennison, Miss 394 Dennison, Robert 102 Dennler, Awana 303 Dennler, F W 158 Dent, Bill 419, 424 Denton, A Laverne 211 Denton, Lot 365 DePew, Chauncey M 86 DePew, Nim 238 Deskins, Lavon 336 Deskins, Leona 277 Desmond, Lucy 36 Dethlefs, Anna 183 Dethlefs, Dan 314, 398 Dethlefs, Eva 179 Dethlefs, Frank 307 Dethlefs, Lester 251 Dethlefs, Lois 439, 481 Dethlefs, Louis 284 Dethlefs, Lowell 440 Dethlefs, Sonja 439 Dethman, Evangeline 218 Dettloff, Wayne 423 Dewey, Mae 328 Dey, Alvin 319 Dey, Carol 449 Dey, Donna 479 Dey, Larry 481 Dey, LeRoy 467 Dibble, Clifford 102 Dibble, Rev 88 Dibble, Rev. J B 79 Dickenson, Phoebe 128 Dickerson, Adelina 181 Dickerson, Mrs Phoebe 140, 149, 159, 170 Dickerson, Wilma 156 Diendorfer, Geo. 138 Dietrich, Darrel 481 Dietrich, Oscar 191, 233, 302 Dietz, L 24 Dietzman, Anita 431 Dietzman, Burton 270, 305 Dietzman, Mrs Burton 270 Dietzmann, Anita 432 Dill, Carol 174, 180, 183, 225 Dill, E E 49, 74 Dill, Georgia 33, 49, 79, 93, 103, 328 Dill, Mary 24, 174, 223, 260, 267, 328 Dill, Miss 34 Dill, Mrs R M 174, 220 Dill, Mrs Reese 215 Dill, R M 174, 304 Dill, Reese 74, 329, 429 Dillon, Marie 225 Dillon, Tristan 462 Dinsmore, Ethel 278 Dirks, Agnes 135, 137 Dirks, Geo. 268 Dirks, George 221 Dirks, Mrs Geo. 122, 133 Dirkson, Clara 270, 279 Disrud, Rev. 194 Dixon, Miss Sadie 117 Dixon, Sadie 22 Dixon, Wm. 17 Dobesh, Ralph 438, 472 Dobish, Ralph 427, 445 Dobler, Dr. 354 Dodd, Eva I 181 Dodd, F B 229 Dodd, Gusta 200 Dodd, Joe 206, 220 Dodd, Joy 98, 110 Dodd, Mrs 133 Dodd, Wilma 260 Dodge, Jay 428 Doering, Dorothy 411 Doering, Ruby 336 Doll, Lavonne 469 Donnelly, Geo. 189, 256, 280 Donnelly, Joe 266, 338 Donnelly, Lucille 209 Donnelly, Mrs Geo 215, 220, 229, 256 Donnelly, Roy 217 Donnelly, Ted 285 Donnely, Roy 215 Donoghoe, Anna 38, 67, 100 Donoghue, Ethel 55 Donoghue, Mabelle 47 Donoghue, Minnie 30 Donoghue, Mrs Arlene 351 Donoghue, Mrs T 102, 127 Donoghue, Richard 36, 47 Donoghue, T 128, 129 Doran, Viola 326 Dorenbarger, Roy 11 Dorsett, Inez 320 Doubenmeier, John 20 Dougan, Mrs Mary Thompson 90 Doughtery, Edw. 277 Doughty, Charles 67 Doughty, Hazel 484 Doughty, Hugh 314, 383,425 Doughty, Mary 93, 177, 193, 194 Doughty, Mrs Hazel 467 Doughty, Wilbur 15, 179, 255 Douglas, Paul 392 Downing, E W 16, 98 Drake, Barbara 344 Drake, Eliner 336 Drees, Jerry 381, 397, 407, 413 Drees, June 336 Drefke, Philip 482 Drew, C A 52 Drew, Chas 65 Drew, Clyde 44 Dround, B F 138 Drown, Dale 401 Drown, Frances 342 Drown, Frederick A 357 Drown, Mary 373 Drummond, Vinal 472 DuBois, L S 368 DuBrava, Jack 469 Duff, C M 12 Duncan, Alice 147 Duncan, Geo. 23, 25 Duncan, W S 15 Dunham, Allison 146, 153, 168, 190, 222 Dunham, Allison 223, 232, 237, 244, 293 Dunham, Clara A 442, 444 Dunham, Douglas 153, 190, 222, 242, 249 Dunham, Douglas 250, 259, 260 Dunham, Fred 149, 152, 227, 308, 323 Dunham, Fred 30, 100, 105, 131, 138 Dunham, Fred 345, 398, 429 Dunham, Fred N 109, 110, 114, 115, 117 Dunham, Fred N 125, 132, 133, 134, 136 Dunham, Fred N 140, 144, 151, 152, 155 Dunham, Fred N 163, 165, 167, 168, 176 Dunham, Fred N 178, 179, 188, 189, 203 Dunham, Fred N 204, 206, 212, 214, 218 Dunham, Fred N 224, 229, 230, 233, 234 Dunham, Fred N 238, 239, 241, 242, 247 Dunham, Fred N 248, 249, 250, 258, 259 Dunham, Fred N 263, 274, 282, 284, 287 Dunham, Fred N 291, 294, 304, 312, 313 Dunham, Fred N 315, 320, 324, 330, 338 Dunham, Fred N 339, 345, 352, 354, 356 Dunham, Fred N 358, 365, 366, 372, 383 Dunham, Fred N 400, 416, 421, 425, 429 Dunham, Fred N 432, 467, 473, 475, 484 Dunham, Fred N 54, 59, 60, 65, 66, 71, 72 Dunham, Fred N 7, 8, 30, 32, 42, 44, 52 Dunham, Fred N 73, 83, 85, 89, 91, 98 Dunham, Grace 365 Dunham, Mayor 76, 104 Dunham, Mrs C A 99, 116, 117, 122, 163 Dunham, Mrs Clara 225, 229, 260, 286, 306, 321 Dunham, Mrs Clara 8, 9, 35, 94, 199, 217 Dunham, Mrs Clara A 85, 380 Dunham, Mrs Fred N 122, 151, 152, 152, 190 Dunham, Mrs Fred N 192, 265, 432 Dunham, Mrs Fred N 24, 33, 64, 93, 115, 121 Dunham, Mrs N J 42, 64, 108 Dunham, Mrs Rachel 35, 200 Dunham, N J 175 Dunham, N J 6, 18, 45, 368, 442, 444 Dunham, Rachel 363 Dunham, Roger 184, 232, 242, 243, 249 Dunham, Roger 265, 277, 281, 284 Dunn, Frances 150, 223 Dunn, Geo. 111 Dunn, Geo. B 132 Dunn, Marion 111 Dunn, Miss Frances 124 Durfey, Lucille 284 Durkee, Margaret 182, 199, 210 Durnil, H E 346, 375, 381, 385 Durnil, Harold 345, 353, 356, 369, 393 Durnill, Beverlee 372 Dusek, Evelyn 259, 260, 267 Dusek, F J 470 Dusek, Josephine 260, 267 Dusek, Lillian 252 Dusek, Margaret 342 Dusek, Marie 260, 278 Dusek, Mr 471 Dusek, Orpha 284 Duthie, Margaret 170, 182, 199, 210 Duthie, Miss Margaret 149, 159 Duxbury, Mildred 252, 267 Duxbury, R E 266, 285 Duxbury, Roy 135, 203, 215, 233, 282 Duxbury, Roy 296, 325 Duxbury, Vivian 244, 260 Dwight, E B 160 Dwight, Ed. 152 Dwight, Edward 374 Dwight, Mrs E B 149 Dwight, Mrs Ed 140 Dwyer, Alice 278 Dwyer, Burl 383, 460, 479 Dwyer, David 482 Dwyer, Dihl 331, 430, 434, 440, 459 Dwyer, Donald 331, 441, 446, 456, 463 Dwyer, Donald 476, 485 Dwyer, Jack 453, 474, 478, 482 Dwyer, Jim 438, 450, 463 Dwyer, Marion 479 Dwyer, Marlene 388, 408, 411 Dwyer, Mrs Donald 331, 374, 456, 463, 476 Dybdahl, Miss Sylvia 292 Dybing, Miss Minnie 149, 159 Dyce, Walter P 292 Dye Jr, Homer 13 Dye, Boyd 244 Dye, E E 142 Dye, Eola 167, 170 Dye, Forrest 156 Dye, R E 10, 13, 27, 41, 88, 160, 475 Dye, Ruth 36, 47 Dykeman, E E 49, 125 Dykeman, Ed. 98 Dykeman, Frank 49 Dzie, Harry 96 Eager, A L 138 Eagle, Bertha 330 Eagle, Edith 38 Eagle, Frank 443 Eagle, Gertrude 100, 126 Eagle, James 482 Eagle, Marjorie 277 Eagle, Miss Edith 374 Eagle, Miss Retta 374 Eagle, Mrs Roy 374, 432 Eagle, Mrs Ted 464, 485 Eagle, Mrs W S 374 Eagle, Retta 131 Eagle, Roy 100, 196, 204, 207, 234 Eagle, Roy 241, 253, 314, 330, 356 Eagle, Roy 374, 432 Eagle, Ted 284 Eagle, W E 40 Eagle, W S 14, 93, 100, 223, 230 Eagle, W S 250, 443 East, Ella 278, 284 Eastburg, Carol 483 Eastman, Harry 277 Eastman, L O 63 Eastman, Monroe 84 Eastman, Walter 62, 225, 240 Easton, Anna 55 Easton, Blanche 47, 77 Easton, Dale 223, 366, 436, 454, 455, 474 Easton, Geo. 130, 196 Easton, George 234 Easton, Jennie 62, 100, 170, 198 Easton, Karen 449 Easton, Laura 9, 34, 38, 86, 328 Easton, Lawrence 449 Easton, Marilyn 377 Easton, Mrs Dale 366 Easton, Twila 277 Eaton, Clara 129, 161, 237, 249, 263, 293 Eaton, Clara 33, 43, 59, 64, 72, 84 Eaton, Luvern 19 Eaton, Luverne 45, 52 Eaton, Mae 47 Eaton, Miss Clara 132, 163, 173, 186, 201 Eaton, Miss Clara 203, 220, 229, 286 Eaton, Mrs Clara 14, 108, 144 Eaton, Mrs Orval 144 Eaton, Mrs Orville 173 Eaton, O M 10 Eaton, Orville 27, 33 Eaton, Shirley 419, 440 Eaton, Thelma 277 Ebeling, Geo. 107 Ebeling, George 9 Ebeling, Harold 327 Eberhard, E M 79, 92, 116, 135, 140 Eberhard, Fern 180 Eberhard, Genevieve 39 Eberhard, J P 95, 103, 124, 177 Eberhard, Mrs 133 Eberhard, Mrs E M 79, 116, 122, 140 Eberhard, Mrs J P 103 Eberhard, Mrs. Frank 238 Eberhart, E M 103, 127, 329 Eberhart, Mrs E M 93, 103, 109, 127 Eberle, A M 311 Eberle, Rose 254 Eberling, Alvin 328 Eberly, Rose 270 Eckert, Lyle 392 Eckhart, Dave 259 Eddy, Arlington 102, 117, 147, 166, 183 Eddy, Arlington 188, 268 Eddy, C E 109 Eddy, Carol Ann 468 Eddy, Dick 241 Eddy, Dihl 384 Eddy, Floyd 328 Eddy, Fred 12 Eddy, Glen 374 Eddy, Glenn 241, 314, 315, 339 Eddy, Josie 33, 77 Eddy, Joyce 342 Eddy, Maryjean 434 Eddy, Miss Josie 119 Eddy, Mrs D O 166, 181 Eddy, Mrs Fred 197 Eddy, Mrs Glen 466 Eddy, Mrs Marjean 444 Eddy, Mrs Myrtle 379 Eddy, Mrs Ruby 453, 462 Eddy, Mrs Zola 32 Eddy, Ruby 437 Eddy, Vernon 47, 239 Edge, President 336 Ediger, Helen 374 Ediger, Miss Helen 351, 360 Edmunds, H C 15,26, 99, 100 Edwards, E 156 Edwards, Eldon 175 Edwards, Eldon K 179 Edwards, Harper 90 Edwards, Mariel 462 Edwards, Mildred 180 Edwards, Miss Muriel 453 Edwards, Zilpha 67 Edzards, F 73 Eggart, Miss Alma 360 Eggleston, Don 482 Eichleman, Rev. E R 261 Eickstadt, Royal George 357 Eilers, Florence 448 Eink, Arlene 384 Eirckson, Martin 103 Eischliman, Rev. A R 280 Eisenhower, Mrs Dwight 469 Eislick, Neva 469 Elder, Jennie 178 Elias, A 68 Eller, Cleo 313 Ellerton, Everett 252 Elliff, C O 54, 78, 85, 93, 109 Elliff, Charlie 30 Elliff, Chas. 26, 53, 104 Elliff, Chas. O 57 Elliff, Hazel 84, 137, 184 Elliff, Mrs Chas. 260 Elliff, Wilbur 100, 202 Elliott, Alice 33, 40, 48 Ellis, Averil 449 Ellis, Frances 440 Ellis, Helen 234 Ellis, John 478 Ellsworth, Dale 223, 224 Else, E C 8, 9 Emerson 372 Emery, Bernice 137 Emery, Cyrus 462 Emery, F A 232, 241 Endahl, A M 280 Endahl, Albert 311 Endahl, Alfred 314, 457 Endahl, Arla 411 Endahl, Clara 179 Endahl, Delno 311 Endahl, Gerald 311 Endahl, Hans 377 Endahl, John 241 Endahl, Lowell 303 Endahl, Madalyn 401 Endahl, Madelyn 399 Endahl, Mrs Delno 379 Endahl, Pete 377 Engel, Arlene 377 Engel, C E 313 Engel, Calvin 244, 305, 321 Engel, Delores 336 Engel, Doris 297 Engel, Lydia 266 Engel, Minnie 311 Engel, William 266 Engelen, Rodney 342 England, Ann 244 England, Cora 9, 12, 131, 365 England, Della 365 England, Edith 30, 91, 117 England, Geo. 217, 263 England, Geo. T 74, 268, 274 England, H L 32, 37 England, Kyle 138 England, Mary 24, 32, 38, 49, 328 England, Mrs C L 366 England, Mrs G T 255 England, Mrs Geo. 114, 121, 217 England, Mrs George 217 England, Mrs Jane 51 England, Mrs N B 57, 58, 109, 114 England, N B 23, 41, 43, 54, 85 England, O O 9, 17, 58 England, Ruth 168, 209 England, Schuler 164 England, Sterling 164 Engle Bros. 12 Engle, Geo. 285 Engle, Mrs Geo. 285 English, Lloyd 107 Englund, H M 49, 54, 64, 67, 72, 78, 85, 87 Englund, Hilding 21, 44, 73, 84, 97, 242, 277 Englund, Maud 172 Englund, Maude 185, 247 Englund, Mrs H M 151 Englund, Mrs Maud 125, 155, 174, 275, 282 Englund, Mrs Maude 185 Epperson, Gene 354, 400 Epperson, Mr 113 Ericksen, Ingrid 277 Erickson, Adolph 80 Erickson, Agnes 223, 224 Erickson, Anna 244 Erickson, Arlene 298 Erickson, Arthur 223, 227, 233 Erickson, Donna Jeane 357 Erickson, Edward 311 Erickson, Evelyn 290 Erickson, Gordon 319 Erickson, Hilda 167 Erickson, Ingrid 270 Erickson, Irene 311 Erickson, Iver 107 Erickson, Laverne 311, 483 Erickson, Lloyd 207, 252, 483 Erickson, Mabel 168, 200 Erickson, Martin 32 Erickson, Milo 303 Erickson, Miss 112 Erickson, Myrtle 198 Erickson, Olina 170 Erickson, Peter 14, 49, 162, 169, 188 Erickson, Peter 221, 240, 390, 394, 428 Erickson, Robert 303 Erickson, Signe 260 Erickson, Verne 433 Erickson, Wona 244 Ericson, Olina 179 Erland, Arnold 200, 209, 217 Erland, Reuben 234 Erland, Selvene 209 Erret, Douglas 483 Errett, Dale 459 Errett, Raymond 208 Erritt, Dale 115 Erritt, Ruby 115 Erskine, Alice 88 Erstand, Vivienne 102 Eschliman, Rev E A 337 Eschliman, Rev. A R 270, 292 Eslick, Neva 469 Esmay, Duane 21, 49 Esmay, L E 107 Esmay, Mrs L E 44, 103 Esser, Mr. 74 Estabrook, Beatrice 77 Estabrook, Lawrence 102 Eston, Anna 328 Etbauer, Leona 449 Etbauer, Ray 340, 363, 393, 424, 457, 476 Etbauer, Wilbur 467, 482 Evans, Alice 238, 260 Evans, Allen 209 Evans, David 165, 191, 206, 217, 227, 235 Evans, Esther 277 Evans, Hugh 311 Evans, J D 159, 161, 184, 191, 201 Evans, J D 204, 222, 249, 263, 286 Evans, J D 293, 300, 309, 323, 332 Evans, J D 339, 345, 353, 361, 369, 374 Evans, J D 75, 96, 108, 109, 157 Evans, John 240 Evans, John D 281 Evans, Mary Ellen 348 Evans, Mr John D 197 Evans, Mrs Fred 333 Evans, Mrs J D 103, 192, 198, 201 Evans, Paul 191, 218, 227, 232, 244 Evans, Ravina 120, 126 Evans, Robert 290 Evans, Susan 226, 236, 246, 251, 154 Evans, William 191, 227, 233 Evans, Williams 180 Evans, Wm. 218 Evensen, Joyce 320 Evenson, Gene 318, 326 Evenson, Mrs Carrie 262 Evenson, P M 466 Evenson, Pete 35, 452 Evenson, Vern 348 Everett, Gladys 199, 211, 219 Everingham, Joannie 481 Everson, Mrs Elaine 351 Everson, W E 351 Everson, Willis 337, 344 Eversull, Dr Frank 267 Ewart, John H 313, 350 Ewer, Agnes 33, 40, 48 Faber, C J 152 Faber, Charles 401 Faber, Chas. 375 Faber, Thomas 377 Fagehaug, Allen 409 Fagerhaug, Allen 418, 439, 449, 478 Fagerhaug, Arnt 196, 234, 257, 379 Fagerhaug, Ella 209 Fagerhaug, Inez 277 Fagerhaug, Irving 193 Fagerhaug, Karl 456 Fagerhaug, Kenneth 434 Fagerhaug, Kyle 446 Fagerhaug, Lillina 244 Fagerhaug, Mary 112 Fagerhaug, Olga 112 Fairwell, H 113 Falstand, Ona 321 Faralson, Faith 392 Farrington, Alyce 77 Farrington, Betty 297 Farrington, Betty Jean 267 Farrington, C H 155, 165, 189, 276, 289 Farrington, Esther 77 Farrington, J H 250, 261, 291, 298, 304 Farrington, J H 85, 87, 97, 229, 232, 238 Farrington, John 30, 72 Farrington, John H 25 Farrington, Marion 153, 164, 190, 222, 225, 276 Fastnacht, Nordal 478 Faucett, Geo. 107 Faulhaber, A L 12 Faulhaber, Ada 348 Faulhaber, Audrey 477, 481 Fauser, Evelyn 225 Fauser, Maud 199, 219 Fauser, Maude 211 Faust, Geo. 30 Faust, Will 205 Fawcett, Geo. 297 Feay, Geo. 65, 99, 133 Fee, Allen 38, 138 Fee, Glen 81 Fee, Glenn 138 Fee, Lynn 58 Fee, Mrs Mary 180 Feige, Mrs E W 246 Feiok, Dr. R F 43 Feiok, J J 267 Feiok, J J 17, 27, 96, 130, 155, 172 Feiok, John 257 Feiok, John J 185 Feiok, John J 45, 197, 222, 283, 296 Feiok, Mrs J J 144, 162 Feistner, Fern 450 Feistner, Julius 257, 304, 352, 359, 370, 381 Feistner, June 418 Feistner, Leonard 459 Feistner, Theo 151, 130, 133, 142, 196 Feistner, Theo 234, 304 Feistner, Theodore 130, 172, 210, 257, 288 Feistner, Vera 373 Feistner, Wayne 481 Felice, John 365 Felix, Dorothy 236, 246, 251, 254 Fellows, Alberta 167, 198, 247, 262, 280, 288 Fellows, Lynn 307 Fellows, Margaret 206, 209 Fellows, Thelma 234 Fellows, Wesley 144, 147, 205 Fenenga, Leola 351 Fenison, Joe 419 Fenn, Arthur 336 Fenn, Ben 330 Fennel, Marian 208 Fennel, Opal 277 Fennell, Hazel 251 Fennell, Mrs Mary 374 Fenner, W F 145 Fensome, Alice 225 Fenstemaker, L 24 Ferguson, Fred 84, 340 Ferguson, J T 8 Ferguson, James 21, 49, 138 Ferguson, Jas. 312 Ferguson, Jas. T 23, 37, 41, 56, 57, 58 Ferk, Lawrence 277 Ferren, C R 379 Ferren, Chauncey 9 Ferren, Merle 297, 433 Ferren, Mrs M 122 Ferren, Ralph 190, 191, 241, 234 Fetterly, Chas. 37, 138 Fetzner, Chris 43 Fifield, L Wendell 91 Fildes, Paul 297, 359 Files, Edna 319 Fillmore, Bernard 234 Fillmore, Leona 77 Fine, Rev R T 194 Fink, Alice 434 Fink, Dennis 459 Fink, Edw. 423 Fink, Edward 440 Fink, Elmer 166, 174, 193 Fink, Geo. 73, 117, 166 Fink, Geo. E 137 Fink, Myrtle 305 Fink, Newton 431 Fink, Ruth 419 Fink, Theresa 166, 167, 170, 198 Finlayson, Mrs W R 27 Finlayson, W R 20, 27 Finnebrock, Harry 244, 245 Finzen, Geo 107 Fischer, Beverly G 411 Fischer, Charles 297 Fischer, Chris 160 Fischer, Leona 311 Fischer, Rev A C 335 Fischer, Rev A J 334 Fischer, Rev Arthur 331 Fischer, Russell 364 Fischer, Velda 312 Fischer, Viola 281 Fish, C W 8 Fish, Mr 113 Fisher, Alma 266 Fisher, Archie 28, 29 Fisher, Beverly 400, 408 Fisher, Ellard 166, 174, 183, 190, 217 Fisher, H S 82, 144, 151, 163, 205, 379 Fisher, Hoyt 91, 95, 99, 109, 258 Fisher, Leona 320 Fisher, Mrs H S 379 Fisher, Viola 284 Fisher, W J 44 Fite, Clyde 184, 194, 198, 207, 257 Fite, Clyde 259, 262, 280, 288, 293 Fite, Clyde 307, 322, 403 Fite, Dr Gilbert 481 Fite, Franklin 290, 374 Fite, Gayle 285 Fite, Gilbert 223, 284, 432 Fite, Mary 194, 261 Fite, Mrs Clyde 403 Fite, Mrs Mary 183, 198 Fitzgerald, Fayne 348 Fitzgerald, Mrs Fayne 463 Fitzgerald, Nyla 468 Fitzgerald, Rogene 336 Fitzgerald, Virginia 284 Fitzgerald, W F 325, 385 Fitzgerald, Wm. 430, 460, 479 Fitzpatrick, Father Richard 197 Flanders, J A 69 Flannery, G H 371, 402 Flannery, Gerald 379, 404 Flannery, Jerry 356 Flannery, Rodney 364, 456, 458 Flannery, Shirley 322, 326 Fleming, Mrs Ella 14 Flemming, E E 27 Flemming, F 20 Flemming, Mrs 78 Flemming, Mrs E E 36, 69 Flemming, Mrs Ella 17 Flemming, Oscar 138, 312 Flennery, Gerald 377 Fletcher, Fay 227 Fletcher, Jay 233 Flittie, Clifford 298, 318, 319 Flittie, Douglas 243, 303, 354 Flittie, Edwin 302, 311, 318, 319 Flittie, T I 208, 241, 243, 249, 259 Flittie, T I 289, 379 Flittie, William 242 Flittie, Wm. 284, 368 Floyd, Wanda 482 Flyte, Mrs Gertrude 282 Foasburg, T H 312 Folds, Miss Hariet 199 Folk, Prof. 73 Folley, Rev E A 292, 326 Forbes, C O 284 Forbes, Donald 31, 211, 218 Forbes, Fred 52 Forbes, Fred F 44 Ford, Erma 47 Ford, Ethel 79 Ford, Ethel V 68 Ford, Harvey 186, 194 Ford, J A 57, 85 Ford, Mary 144, 167 Ford, Mary E 122 Ford, Mrs J A 105, 205 Fordham, A S 37 Forsee, Miss Francis 170 Forst, Arthur 277 Forst, Darlene 391 Forst, Edan 244 Forst, Edwin 336, 433, 483 Forst, Evelyn 298 Forst, Harry 65, 107, 178, 257, 287 Forst, Raymond 290 Forst, Will 291 Fosheim, Key 321 Fosnes, Oliver 356 Fosnes, Ruth 298 Fosness, O 296 Fosness, Oscar 276 Foss, Gov Joe 418, 424 Foss, Gov. 417 Foss, Governor Joe 445 Foss, Joe 414, 455 Foster, David 312 Foster, Don 479 Foster, Dr. J W 135, 178, 185, 191, 206 Foster, Dr. J W 242, 287 Foster, J W 155, 163, 165, 172, 200 Foster, J W 211, 212, 220, 225, 229 Foster, J W 248, 274, 282 Foster, Mrs Blanche 185, 249 Foster, Mrs J W 162, 174, 176, 192, 200, 282 Foster, Violet 373 Fournier, Alice 178 Fousner, Maude 182 Fowler, Elizabeth 209, 234 Fowler, May 225 Fowler, Mrs 80 Fox, C V 67, 73, 119 Fox, Dakota 62, 79, 84, 100 Fox, Dr C V 46, 48, 78, 97, 105 Fox, Geo. 59 Fox, George 159 Fox, Helen 47, 79, 103 Fox, Lawrence K 174 Fox, Mildred 67, 88 Fox, Miss 34 Fox, Mrs C V 22, 85, 93, 102, 103, 105, 112 Framstad, Grant 366 Framsted, Grant 360, 390 France, Howard 328 France, Kenneth 24 France, Louis 328 France, M W 18 Frances, Dr. V B 161 Frances, Dr. V B 161 Francis, Dr. V B 171 Francis, Dr. V B 171 Frank, Sandra 468 Frank, Sandra 468 Frank, W M 182 Frank, W M 182 Franklin, Muriel 267, 312 Franklin, Muriel 267, 312 Franklin, Robert 337 Franklin, Robert 337 Franzen, Chas. 483 Franzen, Chas. 483 Fraser, Beverly 216 Fraser, Beverly 216 Fratzki, Pauline 170 Fratzki, Pauline 170 Frederick, Betty 434 Frederick, Betty 434 Frederick, Faymond 434 Frederick, Faymond 434 Frederick, L R 257 Frederick, L R 257 Frederick, Mrs Ray 444 Frederick, Mrs Ray 444 Frederick, Mrs Raymond 453, 462 Frederick, Mrs Raymond 453, 462 Frederick, Ray 444 Frederick, Ray 444 Frederick, Raymond 422, 453, 462 Frederick, Raymond 422, 453, 462 Fredericks, Lyman 234 Fredericks, Lyman 234 Fredericks, Ray 427 Fredericks, Ray 427 Frederickson, F C 107 Frederickson, F C 107 Freeburn, Paul 444, 453 Freeburn, Paul 444, 453 Freeland, Mrs J B 260 Freeland, Mrs J B 260 Freeland, Prof J K 29 Freeland, Prof J K 29 Freeman, Carrie 293, 423 Freeman, Carrie 293, 423 Freeman, Harold 103, 116 Freeman, Harold 103, 116 Freeman, Harold S 127 Freeman, Harold S 127 Freeman, Iva 147 Freeman, Iva 147 Freeman, Louvonne 364 Freeman, Louvonne 364 Freeman, Lyle 370 Freeman, Lyle 222, 243, 260, 286,295 Freeman, Lyle 222, 243, 260, 286,295 Freeman, Lyle 305, 309, 332, 339, 369 Freeman, Lyle 305, 309, 332, 339, 369, 370 Freeman, Miss Phyllis 367 Freeman, Miss Phyllis 367 Freeman, Morton 326 Freeman, Morton 326 Freeman, Mrs Carrie 369 Freeman, Mrs Carrie 369 Freeman, Mrs Geo. 180 Freeman, Mrs Geo. 180 Freeman, Mrs H S 128 Freeman, Mrs H S 128 Freeman, Mrs Jane 84, 101 Freeman, Mrs Jane 84, 101 Freeman, Mrs Lyle 281, 308 Freeman, Mrs Lyle 281, 308 Freeman, Mrs Pearl 78, 188 Freeman, Mrs Pearl 78, 188 Freeman, Mrs Ray 180, 196, 203, 263, 308 Freeman, Mrs Ray 180, 196, 203, 263, 308 Freeman, Mrs Ray 315, 323 Freeman, Mrs Ray 315, 323 Freeman, Paul 406 Freeman, Paul 406 Freeman, Pearl 366 Freeman, Pearl 366 Freeman, Ray 215, 258 Freeman, Ray 215, 258 Freeman, Rev Paul 405, 425 Freeman, Rev Paul 405, 425 Freemole, Ronald 395 Freemole, Ronald 395 Freese, Robert 13 Freese, Robert 13 Fremole, Ronald 405 Fremole, Ronald 405 Fremole, Ronnie 387 Fremole, Ronnie 387 French, Norma 392 French, Norma 392 Fretty, LeVonne 440 Fretty, LeVonne 440 Freylharm, R T 289 Freylharm, R T 289 Frick, Guy 239, 257 Frick, Guy 239, 257 Frick, H E 14 Frick, H E 14 Frick, Harry 16 Frick, Harry 16 Frick, Henry 145, 314 Frick, Henry 145, 314 Frick, Martha 303 Frick, Martha 303 Frick, Mary 145, 266 Frick, Mary 145, 266 Frick, Ruth 319 Frick, Ruth 319 Friedrich, Jim 480 Friedrich, Jim 480 Friedrich, Karen 482 Friedrich, Karen 482 Frier, Alice 481 Frier, Alice 481 Frier, Alice Loreen 467 Frier, Alice Loreen 467 Frier, Birdie 244 Frier, Birdie 244 Frier, Doris 373 Frier, Doris 373 Frier, Fern 364 Frier, Fern 364 Frier, Herb 207, 229 Frier, Herb 207, 229 Frier, Isabel 200 Frier, Isabel 200 Frier, Isabelle 223, 227, 233 Frier, Isabelle 223, 227, 233 Frier, Mrs C 151 Frier, Mrs C 151 Frier, Mrs Chris 151 Frier, Mrs Chris 151 Frier, Mrs Herbert 421 Frier, Mrs Herbert 421 Frier, Mrs Mildred 444 Frier, Mrs Mildred 444 Frier, Mrs O C 130 Frier, Mrs O C 130 Frier, Voila 411 Frier, Voila 411 Frier, W 63 Frier, W 63 Frier, W C 151 Frier, W C 151 Frier, Will 133, 263, 293, 300 Frier, Will 133, 263, 293, 300 Frier, Wm. 38, 43, 84, 108, 206, 281, 309 Frier, Wm. 38, 43, 84, 108, 206, 281, 309 Friese, Delores 384 Friese, Delores 384 Friese, Marilyn 391 Friese, Marilyn 391 Frink, Dr R P 287 Frink, Dr R P 287 Frink, R P 307 Frink, R P 307 Frinterud, Agnes L 194 Frinterud, Agnes L 194 Fritz, Bud 145 Fritz, Bud 145 Fritz, Ed 73, 120, 151 Fritz, Ed 73, 120, 151 Fritz, Gladys 224 Fritz, Gladys 224 Fritz, Mrs Bud 145 Fritz, Mrs Bud 145 Fritz, Mrs Ed 145 Fritz, Mrs Ed 145 Fritz, Paul 107 Fritz, Paul 107 From, Marcela 342 From, Marcela 342 Fry, Ann 428, 434 Fry, Ann 428, 434 Fry, Mrs Albert 386, 417, 439 Fry, Mrs Albert 386, 417, 439 Fry, Roy 359 Fry, Roy 359 Frye, Frank 76 Frye, Frank 76 Frye, Geo. 379, 402, 427 Frye, Geo. 379, 402, 427 Frye, George 420, 469, 481 Frye, George 420, 469, 481 Frye, Harrison 257 Frye, Harrison 257 Frye, John 434 Frye, John 434 Frye, Mary Fennel 374 Frye, Mary Fennel 374 Fuchs, Edmund 376 Fuchs, Edmund rd, George 153, 164, 191 Fuerst, Baltzer 401 Fuerst, Deloris 348 Fuerst, Donald 384 Fuerst, Ervin 326 Fuerst, Fred 379, 382 Fuerst, Gilmore 348, 383 Fuerst, Jim 401 Fuerst, John 234 Fuerst, Mrs Gilmore 463 Fuerst, Richard 431 Fuerst, Ruben 290 Fuerst, Russell 392, 468 Fuerst, Sam 382 Fuerst, Twila 379, 431 Fulkrod, Paul 401 Fuller, Samuel 480, 483 Fuller, Samuel G 472 Fullerton, Lela 290 Fulton, G E 462 Funk, Oscar 298 Funke, Chas. 260 Funke, Grace 251 Funke, John 266 Funke, Mrs J D 249 Funke, Mrs John 202, 238 Funke, Theodore 277 Furrer, Dorothy 326 Furrer, F E 215, 319 Furrer, Frank 302, 362 Furrow, Mrs S M 57, 64 Furrow, S M 54, 60, 64, 114 Furrow, Sam 26, 107 Fusted, Esther 116 Fuston, Brantley 164 Fuston, E V 143, 164, 173 Gabson, R W 246 Gadda, Hilding 330, 334, 337, 340 Gaddis, Mildred 77 Gaffin, J W 99, 134, 176 Gaffin, Jesse 167 Gaffin, Joy 112 Gaffin, Ona 112 Gaffin, Roy 38, 67, 112 Gale, F H 164 Gall, C H 33, 49, 53, 61, 85 Gall, Carl 44, 73, 93, 97 Gall, Mrs C H 49 Gamble, Anita 312 Gamble, Ella 62 Gamble, Erma 267, 312 Gamble, Frank 62 Gamble, Grace 62 Gamble, Madonna 217 Gamble, Miss Madonna 279 Ganer, Marion 180 Garbe, Adelia 227, 233 Garbe, Herman 107 Garbe, Mrs Herman 175 Garbe, Wayne 468 Garber, Miss Vivian 210 Gardner, Ruth 170 Garner, Wm. 76 Garrett, G A 27 Garrett, Geo. 28 Garrett, Geo. A 21, 43 Garrett, George 26 Garrett, George A 31 Garrett, Lena 366 Garrett, Mrs George A 26 Garritt, Wm. 155 Garver, Helen 219 Gascoigne, Leon 472 Gathman, Aug. 172, 207 Gau, Frances 312 Gauble, Jern 84 Gaulke, Alma 201 Gaulke, Clarence 179 Gaulke, Erma 251 Gaulke, Gaye Jean 440 Gaulke, Karl 362, 472 Gaulke, Mrs Karl 4618 Goddard, Hazelle 147, 167 Goddard, J O 162, 165, 189 Goddard, John O 177 Godfrey, Lawrence 225, 236, 245, 254, 270 Godfrey, Lawrence 279, 285, 292, 305 Goehanour, Patricia 440 Goehring, Edna 244 Goehring, Henrietta 367, 374 Goehring, Julie 480 Goehring, Julius 399, 406, 415, 424, 446 Goehring, Julius 456, 476 Goehring, Kathryn 428 Goehring, Mrs Julius 382, 417, 439, 449, 458 Goehring, Mrs Katheryn 395 Goehring, Mrs Kathryn 351, 360, 387 Goehring, Mrs Reuben 387 Goehring, Reuben 375, 382, 389, 406, 476 Goehring, Selma 260 Goldie, Philip 234 Goll, Chas. 148 Goll, Mattie 131 Goll, Wm. 110 Good, Iona 373 Goodall, James S 483 Gooding, Francis 244 Goodrich, A V 332, 347 Goodwin, Martha 373 Gooley, Herbert 31, 51, 67 Gooley, J W 44, 60 Gooley, Miss 50 Gordon, Elizabeth 392 Gordon, Lucille 312 Gordon, M J 36, 44 Gordon, Ralph 314, 317 Gotthelf, W J 27 Gotwals, Amos 54, 58, 87, 358, 443 Gotwals, Amos L 138 Gotwals, Amos Sr 37 Gotwals, Lizzie 167 Gotwals, Martha 229, 247, 248, 256 Gotwals, Martha 44, 50, 116, 143, 210 Gotwals, Mrs Amos 174, 186, 188, 189, 201 Gotwals, Mrs Amos 203, 215, 220, 287, 294 Gotwals, Mrs Amos 300, 366, 377, 396 Gotwals, Mrs Amos 48, 57, 117, 121, 162 Gotwals, Mrs Martha 34, 129, 132, 133, 358, 443 Goude, Winifred 245, 254, 262, 269, 280 Goudy, Mrs Frank 483 Gough, Percy 237 Gould, Jay 278 Gourley, A 259 Gourley, Archie 54, 84, 173, 205 Gourley, Elsie 193, 234 Gourley, Norma 266, 278 Grabbin, Pearl 33 Grabin, Della 449 Grabin, Eugene 423, 431 Grabin, Gary 423, 440 Grabin, Joy 440 Grabinski, Dewey 371, 389, 421, 437, 441 Grabinski, Marian 477 Grabinski, Miss Sharon 463 Grabinski, Mrs Dewey 371, 446, 476 Grabinski, Sally 478 Grabinski, Sharon 469 Grabinski, Tommy 478 Grace, Alice 137 Grace, Buddy 402 Grace, Eldon 450 Grace, Erman 424 Grace, Ernan 408, 438, 447, 460 Grace, Fidella 135 Grace, Fred 95, 131, 143, 146, 156 Grace, Fred J 93, 119 Grace, Fydella 137, 147 Grace, Irl 233 Grace, J R 286 Grace, James 293, 300, 309 Grace, L 369 Grace, Leslie 238, 275 Grace, Mrs Ernan 464 Grace, Mrs Fred 152, 162, 174 Grace, Mrs James 79, 281, 286, 308, 323 Grace, Mrs Jessie 369 Grace, Paul 206, 208 Grace, Vincent 450 Grace, William 278 Grace, Wm. 333 Grace, Wm. J 290 Graham, T Clark 377 Graham, Virginia 469 Grambach, Emma 36 Grambach, Rose 45 Gramm, Veonne 418 Grann, LaVonne 459 Grant, Margaret 167 Grant, O S 44, 46, 48 Grant, Ruth 14 Grant, Vernon 64 Grauman, Mrs E 197 Gravett, Frank 441, 469 Gray, Alvin 459 Gray, Arbutus 244 Gray, Buford 277 Gray, Burl 290 Gray, Eva 62 Gray, Florence 62 Gray, R L 64 Gray, W A 196, 205, 234 Gray, Walter 130, 151, 173 Green, Gladys 217,234 Green, L P 11 Green, Marvin 217 Green, Miss Frances 199 Green, Mrs Mabelle 217 Green, Opal 93, 147 Green, Ruth 217 Greene, Mabelle Huntley 12 Greene, Mrs Mabelle Huntley 117 Greener, Mrs Berniece 337 Greeno, Clyde 147, 167 Greeno, Estel 209 Greeno, Gladys 65, 126, 147, 194 Greeno, Gordon 194 Greeno, John 124, 130 Greeno, Mrs Rolla 395 Greeno, Rolla 395, 405, 413, 422 Greeno, Rollie 387 Greenwood, A R 210 Greenwood, Arthur 182, 191, 192 Greer, R C 98 Gregory, Dorothy 318, 342 Gregory, E C 228, 247, 257, 280, 293 Gregory, E C 352, 365, 368, 381, 419 Gregory, Earl 182, 392, 414, 479 Gregory, Earl C 188, 196, 199, 288, 304 Gregory, Earl C 357, 373, 378, 397, 431, 432 Gregory, Herb 14 Gregory, Herbert 8 Gregory, Margaret 297 Gregory, Mrs Louise 8 Greunwald, Ralph 211 Grieve, Alexa 348 Grieve, Denny 377 Grieve, Hollis 342, 381, 428, 433 Grieve, Jessie 47 Grieve, Lawrence 174, 257, 304 Grieve, LeRoy 360, 364 Grieve, Loletta 102, 205 Grieve, Marcille 459 Grieve, Mrs 443 Grieve, Mrs LeRoy 414 Grieve, Mrs Walter 217 Grieve, Verald 411 Grieve, Verletta 365, 392 Grieve, Vonna Lee 440 Grieve, W C 206, 250, 259, 305, 306, 443 Grieve, W C 54, 151, 167, 203, 205 Grieve, Walter 92, 217 Grieve, Zaida 67 Grieve, Zida 47 Griffin, MaeBelle 392 Griffin, Manona 378 Griffin, Margery 373 Griffith, Coleman 28 Griffith, G W 22, 28, 57 Griffith, Lillian B 22 Griffith, Margaret 38 Griffith, Mrs A W 103, 124 Griffith, Wendell 28, 47 Griffon, Miss 22 Griggs, Eula 313, 317, 374, 434 Griggs, Harold 260 Griggs, Henry T 475 Griggs, Jimmie 440 Griggs, Maurice 251 Griggs, Mrs Eula 321, 330, 394, 422 Grigham, Geo. J 262 Grimes, Grace 167, 184 Grisenger, Mrs L J 64 Groenhoff, Clifford 303 Groenhoff, Doris 320 Groenhoff, Leona 244 Groenhoff, LeVern 284 Groenhoff, Raymond 266, 461 Grohs, Anita 475 Grohs, Delores 401 Grohs, Don 402 Grohs, Donald 401 Grohs, Fred 379 Grohs, Glenda 448 Grohs, LeRoy 431 Grohs, Mrs Fred 379 Grohs, Paul 371, 374, 378 Grohs, Ralph 364 Grohs, Wilfred 397 Gross, Betty Jo 357 Gross, Daniel 267 Gross, Donna 326 Gross, Doris 326 Gross, Mrs Reva 448 Gross, Mrs Stanley 396, 446, 456, 463, 485 Gross, Reva 237 Gross, Stanley 291, 379, 446, 456, 463, 476 Groub, Gladys 209 Groub, John 12 Grover, Peggy 326 Gruber, Amy 449, 469 Gruber, Gredola 469 Gruenhoff, Anna 224 Gruenhoff, Viola 224 Gruenwald, Ed. 349 Grunwaldt, Leona 223 Gubbrud, Gov. 484 Gudd, Alice 351 Guiher, Mrs Evelyn 434 Guldhammer, Mary 328 Gulke, Clarence 175 Gunderson, Carl 314, 379 Gunderson, Gayle 392 Gunderson, Gov Carl 167, 169 Gunderson, Gus 21 Gunderson, Kate 414 Gunderson, Kathryn 455, 474 Gunderson, Kieth 411 Gunderson, Mrs Carl 379 Gunderson, Mrs Kathryn 423 Gunderson, Selmar 21 Gurney, Rev. Jas. E 280 Guthrie, H C 65 Guyer, Albert 278, 284 Guyer, Clifford 320 Guyer, Evelyn 453 Guyer, Mansel 284 Guyer, Mrs Evelyn 444, 462 Guyer, Walter 312, 434