De Smet, Kingsbury Co., SD - 1909 Business Directory This file contains a listing from the "South Dakota State Business Directory," published by The Gazetteer Publishing Co., Denver, Colorado in 1909. Information transcribed by Joy Fisher. This file may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use. Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author. This file is part of the SDGENWEB Archives. If you arrived here inside a frame or from a link from somewhere else, our front door is at DE SMET A growing town, county seat of Kingsbury county, on the Chicago & Northwestern Ry., midway between Brookings and Huron. Has municipal water and gas plants, good streets, with cement sidewalks, excellent schools and churches. Surrounded by a rich farming country. Population 1,200. Last Name First Name Business Altfillisch L. F. cashier Germania State Bank and city treasurer Altfillisch O. asst cashier Germania State Bank Andrews F. M. cashier De Smet National Bank Andrews Bros. clothing, boots and shoes Bank of De Smet S E Morris pres, Lewis Shuster vice-pres, O P Williams cashier Barker A. B. contractor and builder Brewer Fred L. dry goods and notions Bunker J. R. livery Burd S. A. confectionery and groceries Burdick & Danley real estate and insurance Danley see Burdick & Danley Carpenter F. A. county clerk of courts Carroll John H. real estate Carroll P. A. county auditor Catholic Church Rev Father J F Hogan priest Hogan J. F. (Rev. Father) priest, Catholic Church Chase Roy harness and sadlery Cleminson J. B. general merchandise Close M. general merchandise Cole Aylmer vice-presodent Germania State Bank Cole Eli (Jr.) president Germania State Bank Collins Thos. J. general merchandise (Matthews) Colwell Fred blacksmith Commercial Club of De Smet A N Waters pres, C P Sherwood secretary Waters A. N. pres, Commercial Club of De Smet Congregational Church Rev I Cassel pastor Cassel I. (Rev.) pastor, Congregational Church Cowden A. E. blacksmith Crawford D. A. attorney-at-law, corporation, commercial and probate practice a specialty Cummins Bros. pool hall Dakota Central Telephone Co. Miss Bertha Dodge exchange manager Dodge Bertha (Miss) exchange manager, Dakota Central Telephone Co. Darling Andrew D. dentist Dawley C. L. insurance Denevan E. city street commissioner De Smet National Bank A W Stone president, F M Andrews cashier De Smet News (w) C P Sherwood publisher Diamond John E. vice-pres Waters Land & Loan Co. Dorothy T. J. barber Dorothy T. J. (Mrs.) dressmaking Dunklee L. A. photographer Dyar B. A. physician Ely Chas. E. confectionery and cigars Endersby I. J. blacksmith Episcopal Church Rev F B Randall pastor Randall F. B. (Rev.) pastor, Episcopal Church Evangelical Church Rev J E Booth pastor Booth J. E. (Rev.) pastor, Evangelical Church Farmers Co-Operative Association R J Armstrong pres, Louis Starr treas, F W Wright secretary Armstrong R. J. pres, Farmers Co-Operative Association Starr Louis treas, Farmers Co-Operative Association Wright F. W. secretary, Farmers Co-Operative Association Fife Jas. A. contractor and builder Flanders I. J. county register of deeds Flindt J. J. confectionery, cigars and ice cream Fonda John restaurant Friedbauer J. F. shoemaker Fursier R. B. contractor and builder Germania State Bank Eli Cole Jr pres, Aylmer Cole vice-pres, L F Altfillisch cashier, O Altfillisch asst cashier Goodwin Thos. P. mayor and county sheriff Green Ernest F. atty-at-law, county judge, notary Griffin Leland manager De Smet Creamery Co. Haberman E. physician and county coroner Hall J. H. dentist, city justice Hamilton H. J. groceries Hardy F. P. chairman Board of County Commissioners Harthorn Co. (inc) M K Harthorn pres, J W Harthorn sec, F L Harthorn treas and mgr, gen merchandise Hasche John meat market Hazel O. H. livery Henney W. H. farm machinery Hoyt A. W. dray and transfer Johnson E. S. attorney at law Kildee Pat city marshal Kingsbury County Independent (w) Fred W Wright pub Wright Fred W. pub, Kingsbury County Independent Kohler W. J. mgr Laird Norton Yards, city auditor Knudsen K. county treasurer Laird Norton Yards W J Kohler mgr, lumber and building material Langdon Geo. (Mrs.) millinery Lark John (Mrs.) restaurant Lattin Geo. W. attorney at law Ledman W. H. bakery Lemon C. B. police justice Loftus D. H. general merchandise McMartin Wm. auctioneer McQuarie & Son D. prop Syndicate Hotel Mallery & White jewelry and drugs White see Mallery & White Mausbach P. J. real estate, loans and insurance, farm lands and ranches Mears Thos. automobiles and live stock Methodist Episcopal Church Rev J E Washburn pastor Washburn J. E. (Rev.) pastor, Methodist Episcopal Church Miller I. J. hardware, chief of fire department Morris S. E. president Bank of De Smet Munger O. V. barber Nelson Carl merchant tailor New Grand Hotel J H Nienstadt proprietor Nienstadt J. H. proprietor, New Grand Hotel Purintun J. O. abstracter Reed A. osteopath Rehfeld Chas. meat market Roberts & Few plumbing and heating Few see Roberts & Few Robinson Co. (inc) T I Robinson pres, W M Robinson vice-pres and treas, Elmer M Robinson sec, lumber, hardware, machinery and harness Ruth T. H. veterinery surgeon Ruth W. H. real estate Sasse Pharmacy, The M E Sasse manager Schaub Frank general merchandise Schultz Carl H. mfg cement blocks and cement walks Seymoure A. H. county superintendent of schools Sherwood C. P. publisher The De Smet News and secretary Commercial Club of De Smet Sherwood Vincent M. manager Sherwood Music Co. Shuster Lewis vice-president Bank of De Smet Stimson H. Y. agent C & N W Ry, American Express Co. Stone A. W. president De Smet National Bank Sturgeon Geo. P. proprietor Kingsbury Hotel Syndicate Hotel D McQuarie & Son proprietors Tackaberry N. E. mfr cigars Thompson Louise (Miss) stenographer, notary public Thompson W. I. elevator, E M Morgan buyer Morgan E. M. buyer, W I Thompson Thorper Anton restaurant Tinkham C. H. furniture and undertaker Van Dusen Elevator Co. O J Hill buyer, grain and coal Hill O. J. buyer, Van Dusen Elevator Co. Van Hook Bros. barbers Vecchio G. Del proprietor California Fruit Store Del Vecchio D. see Vecchio, G. Del Warner J. E. carpenter and builder Warner W. E. carpenter and builder Warren Wm. H. state attorney, Kingsbury county Warren & Warren (Chas P & Wm H Warren), attorneys at law, notary public Waters A. N. pres and treas Waters Land & Loan Co. Waters Land & Loan Co. (inc) A N Waters pres and treas, John E Diamond vice-pres, D A Crawford sec and legal advisor, real estate, farm lands and ranches Crawford D. A. sec and legal advisor, Waters Land & Loan Co. White W. C. blacksmith Whitehead D. W. blacksmith Williams O. P. cashier Bank of De Smet, notary public Wilmarth D. W. postmaster Wright Anson real estate