Lyman County, SD Military Veterans 1917-1998 (World War II) This information extracted from the "Winds of Change" published by the Lyman County Historical Society in 1998. Data transcribed by Barbara Speck, This file may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use. All other rights reserved. Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author. This file is part of the SDGENWEB Archives. If you arrived here inside a frame or from a link from somewhere else, our front door is at WORLD WAR II Abdnor, Ellis Abdnor, Joseph S. Abdnor, Marlow A Abrahamson, Myles V Albers, Betty A. Albers, Donald D. Ambur, Arvid B Ambur, Woodrow E Andersen, George F Andersen, John H Anderson, Alfred J Anderson, Carl H Anderson, Clifford R. Anderson, Donald Anderson, Gene E. Anderson, John R Anderson, Leonard C Anderson, Wallace Andis, Clark G Andis, Shirley B Arms, Eldin R Armstrong, Clifford Armstrong, Cryll E Armstrong, Donald Armstrong, Eugene L Armstrong, Iris D Arnsberg, Joseph Atkinson, John H Atkinson, Philip G Authier, Jerome N Authier, LeRoy M Auwerther, Harold D Bad Horse, Harry Baker, Robert Baker, Wendell J Banks, Clyde C Banks, Melvin P Banks, Philip N Banks, Philip S Bartholow, Howard Bartholow, Robert Beckwith, Charles E Beckwith, Walter H Benn, Keith W Benn, William R Bennett, Warren A Berg, Walter A Bethel, Donald E Bice, Stanley E Bies, Alvin F. Big Eagle, John G Big Eagle, Ulysses G Binegar, Claude E Bingen, Charles H Bingen,Charles H Bingen, Ernest S Bingen, Roy G Bishop, Max R *Black, Robert E Blacksmith, Joseph C Blocker, Edward Blunck, Nels E Boettcher, Lloyd W Boling, Robert M Bonney, John R Borghorst, Floyd C Borghorst, Joseph L. Boss, Eldon Bovey, Ralph H Brakke, Harold M Brakke, Sanford C Brave, Bennie Brechtel, Hubert C Bred, Robert M Brewster, James P Briggs, Dwayne E Brookens, Jack Brookens, Max Brookens, William E Brown, David A Brown, Galand L Brown, James L Brown, Max L Brown, Sexton W Brown, Theodore J Brown, Theodore J Brunett, Harold W Buchanan, Paul W Bunger, James A Bunker, Glenn W Burnett, Emory P Burnett, Olen W Burnett, Thoren A Burull, Clifford O Burull, marvin L Burull, Obert C Byre, Oscar Byre, Ralph L. Byre, Raynard O Cannaway, David H Card, Richard W Casey, John W Casey, Robert J Chrans, Delbert R Chrans, Donald A Chrans, James *Chrans, Morris D Christensen, John E Christensen, Kenneth E Cleland, Dale Clevedence, John T Climer, Ray E Close, Edgar Cole, Frank M Comp, Corwin M Connor, Roland B Coull, Clayton C Critchfield, William F Cronin, Fenton T Cronin, Jeremiah T Cross, Leslie A Croston, Leonard C Cullen, Francis N Cullen, James B Curtis, Clifford S Dalziel, Cecil M Darling, Kenneth R Davis, Arnold Davis, Charles E Davis, Henry I Davis, Lee Davis, Lloyd Davis, Walter Deisch, Ronald L Deiss, Oscar DeSmet, John L DeWald, Marvin M DeWald, Roland DeWald Ruprecht M DeWitt, Bennie A Jr DeWitt, Charles H DeWitt, Maynard J Diedrich, Ralph W Dixon, Kenneth B Dobbin, Harold Q Dominiack, Norman D Dooley, Albert A Dooley, Harold H Doran, Lester E Dorman, Louis W Drafahl, Fred W Drafahl, William F Drew, Ruben C Driving Hawk, Ben DuBray, John A Dungan, David M Dybing, Hilda Eagle Horse, Bert G Eastman, Ellis W Eble, Frank O Elvaker, Charles A Elvesaeter, Anton J Engan, Ole F Engan, Oscar E Erickson, Henry G Erickson, Leonard M Erikson, Bennie M Erikson, Jens K Erikson, Leon T Erikson, Norman H Estes, Andrew R Estes, Clyde G Estes, James H Evers, Clifford L *Eymer, Quentin G Faber, Arno E Fallis, Edward C Fallis, George C Felecia, Francis G Felecia, Harry L Fenenga, Clifford T Fenenga, Donald D Feyereisen, Floyd L Feyereisen, Sam Fletcher, Clifford E Fletcher, Laurel E Floyd, Donald L Flute, Herbert P.S. Flute, Ruth F Foran, Warren M Forell, Ora K Fortin, Morris J Fosness, Clarence T Fosness, Joseph A Fosness, Noel C Fosness, Selmer O Frasier, Louis E Frye, Bruce D Fuegen, Norman J Fuegen, Hazel Fulsos, Lloyd C Fulwider, Reed Gage, Leo W Gahn George R Gannaway, David H Gannon, Martin E Gardner, John A Geppert, Catherine D Gensel, Harold T Gerald (Gerard?) Paul B Gibson, William W Gilman, Wendell C Gilman, Maxine Glasford, Bernard W Glass, Marion G Glass, Maurice H Godager, Ben Godager, Charles B Goetsch, Richard D Gollesch, William D Gonser, Donald Lee Goodface, Joseph B Goodlow, Clarence Grass Rope, Garfield Greenwood, William R Grimshaw, Claude W Grimshaw, George R Hacker, Ronald Hahn, Joseph E Hall, Clifford L Hall, Edgar C Jr Hall, John F Hall, Oren R Halverson, Arthur C Halverson, Alvin Halverson, Ernest D Halverson, Edwin G Hamiel, Damiel J Hamiel, Robert W Hamer, Arthur B Hamer, James W Hanig, Johnnie A Hanneman, Harry Hansler, Lawrence E Hansler, Ray M Hanscom, Bernard Y Hansen, Harold J Hanson, Earl K Harn, Marcus D Heath, Jack V Heenan, James E Heenan, Michael C Heenan, Vincent J Hefflefinger, Kenneth O Heldebrand (Hildebrand?), Sherman L Helmberger, Darold R Hemmingson, Marvin C Henneman, Burhl A Hennig, Ronald W Heuermann, Wm. H Hickey, Alfred L Hickey, Kenneth E Hickey, Ray W Hieb, Joseph R High Elk, Harry C Higgens, Val M Hill, Ernest J Hills, Carroll L Hills, Richard J Hills, Robert R Hinkley, Donald J Hintz, Morris M Hodgin, Harold Hodgin, Kenneth C Hoelscher, Earl E Hoffer, Emil Hoffer, Leo J Hoffer, Ronald L Hofwolt, Lloyd E Hofwolt, Paul A Hollenback, Patrick W Hollenback, William A Hollman, Harold L Hollida, Rupert W Holmquist, Henry O Houchin, Laurel W Houser, Donald G Houser, Norman L Howard, Nathan A Hubbard, Donald W Hubbard, George H Hubbard, Leslie C Hubbard, Ralph W Huber, Arthur E Hulce, Emmer C Hulce, Robert E Hullinger, Clifford H Hullinger, Morton Ellis Hunt, Robert M Hunt, Roland B Hunt, William F Jr Hunter, Dale Leo Hupp, Clifford O Husman, Lloyd G Huston, Clarence E Huston, John R Horn, Marcus D Hutmacher, Joseph L Jackson, William E Jacobson, Lawrence E Jacoby, Walter C Jandreau, Lawrence H Jeffcoat, Jessie G *Jensen, Eric M Job, Oscar Johnson, Dale E Johnson, Edward B Johnson, Glen M Johnson, Kenneth L Johnson, Leonard E Johnstone, Lloyd B Jones, Howard B Jorgenson, Albert L Jost, Clarence J Jr Jost, Paul J Kaiser, Harold Kahler, Rudolf H Karlen, Elton Karlen, Joan Kennedy, Duane O Kennedy, Virgil C Kenobbie, Clarence F Kenobbie, Lloyd N Kenobbie, Roy A Kenzy, Carl J Kenzy, Darl J Kenzy, john E Kenzy, Paul E Kenzy, Sam G Kerwin, William Ketelsen, Marvin C Kiehn, Carl R Kimball, Hebron E Kindopp, Gustaf A King, John J King, Joseph D King, Robert D King, Robert J Kirk, James E Klosterman, Paul C Knudtson, Rex L Koch, Bernard W Koepnick, Fred A Koos, Alfred N Koos, Raymond J Kortum, Albert Kortum, Zane N Krier, John L Kubik, Ben J. Lamb, Orville B. Lane, Douglas W Lane, Joseph Marion Langdeau, Charles Langdeau, Leslie Langdeau, Marlowe B Langdeau, Orville C LaRoche, Antoine A LaRoche, Edward A LaRoche, Elmer L LaRoche, Eustace J LaRoche, Fred D LaRoche, Richard J *Larson, Edwin M Larson, Janice Larson, John W Larson, Richard H Larson, Richard O Laumbach, Henry A Laumbach, Raymond F LeBeau, Theo Leedy, Daniel C Leichtnam, Frank F Leichtnam, Louis Lenox, Robert F Lerum, Edward W Lester, Carl A Lester, Clinton J Lester, Duane G Lewis, Richard Lien, George E Lien, Irvin N *Lien, Kenneth M Lien, Manvil E Lien, Robart E Lien, Russell N Lillebo, Harold Lindley, Everette W Lindley, John F Lintel, Wilfred C Lintvedt, Darrel L Lippens, Bernard P Logan, Edith G Logan, Kermit W Long Turkey, Russell F Lulf, Donald D Lund, Louis C Mahne, Raymond G Malchow, Raymond F May, Harold May, Lloyd H Manger, Robert Martin, Bernard L Manhalter, Walter Martin, Bernard Mason, Phillip B McAreaveym Mary C McBride, Jeremiah J McCormick, Roy A McCoy, John L McGrady, William B McIntire, Arlo A McIver, Hugh L McIver, Morris A McKeever, Porter H McKeever, Shirley A McKenzie, Dale McKenzie, Darrell J McMasters, Owen P McMilliam (McMillian?), Hary B McMillian, Wesley Jess Meinen, Everett Mellegard, Noble D Menter, Duane W Menter, Franklin H Metzger, Carl R Metzger, Milo E Michalek, Alvin W Michalek, Leon Michalek, Lester J Millian, Ralph D Miller, Milo C Miller, Stanley H Mills, Burton Moe, Melvin D Moe, Henry T Monson, Alvin T Monson, Fred H Moore, David M Moore, jack D Moore, Wayne A Moran, Bernard J Morgan, Roy A Morgan, William J Jr Morris, LeRoy A Morrow, Thomas L Morton, Jack Moulton, Ralph F Moulton, Wilber N Moynahan, Maurice P Mueller, Alfred A Mueller, Elmer H Mueller, Francis Muldoon, Joseph F Murphy, Chester H Murray, Don F Myers, James E Myers, Ward G Nation, Dean J Nation, Roland E Nelson, Donald A Nelson, Vern L Nissen, Spencer T Nissen, Stanley A Ocheltree, Robert C Ohlson, Melvin F Olson, Laurel T Olson, Paul M Osborn, Earl R Osborn, Vern Osborne, Harvey M Osborne, Theodore Paige, Donald O Paine, John H Parks, Franklin H Parnell, Marvin Pavlin, Ralph H Pease, Laurel E Peta, William J Peterson, Calvin J *Peterson, Carl A Peterson, Kenneth C Peterson, Lyle E Peterson, Marion E Peterson, Walter R Peterson, William V Peterson, Woodrow A Peyton, Robert H Pickner, John H Pickner, Lawrence L Pilker, Tristan R Pilker, William R Pilker, Zane C Pond, Hugh E Porterfield, Edward A Potter, Richard D Quinn, David W Quillin, George F Quillin, John R Quilt, Felix Quilt, Ralph C Rabern, Don O Rabern, William R Ramser, Charles F Ramser, Glen W Rapp, Theodore J Rea, Cecil A. Regenitter, Donald C Reis, Dennis M Reis, Gordon E Rencountre, Alexander Jr Reuer, Otto D Reuer, Richard E Rigney, Bernard N *Rigney, Joseph L Rilpey, Lweis Ritter, Elwood R Ritter, Sherman Roberts, Lee W Robley, Wendell W Rohrbuck, Adam Roth, Harry Roundy, Kenneth L Ruebsam, Ernest F Rummel, Floyd H Russell, George Ryan, Charles Ryan, Thomas P Salzmann, Emanuel F Salzmann, Julius A Sarvis, Maurice Sather, John A Satree, Robert L Schaefer, Francis Schelske, Paul R Schmitz, Arthur C Schmitt, William L Schoenfelder, Clemens P Schoenfelder, Leonard C Schoenfelder, Norbert P Schoenfelder, Urbin P *Schoenfelder, Vernon L Schoessler, Don H Schoessler, R.J. Schooler, Arnold B Schooler, Dale D Schooler, Edward K Schooler, Lowell E Schoulte, Vernon F Schultz, Ambrose M Schulz, Henry G Schumacher, LeRoy J Scott, Conway H Scott, Glenn R Scott, Ira E Scott, Raymond G Scott, Robert H Scott, Robert L Seeley, Lloyd R Selland, Clifford Serensits, Joseph Serr, Charles T Serr, James E Serr, Paul Severyn, Milton B Sheffer, Frank Shine, John Shine, Kenneth H Shine, Marian Shirk, Floyd R Shrader, Everette E Sherman, Charles A Sletto, Einar E Sloan, Leon A Small Jumper, George H Smith, Delmar E Smith, Paul E Smith, True K Snethen, Philip Snow, Louie V Solon, Charles W Somers, Hewey L Somers. Lafayette L Spears, Kenneth L Spears, Norman F Spears, Verald P Spray, John W Spry, Rex W Staininger, Helen Staininger, Raymond Stallman, Henry E Stallman, Raymond C Stanton, Dean J Steinfeld, Arthur R Steinfeld, Francis J Steinfeld, Harold W Stevens, Cletus I Stevenson, Chester G Stewart, Carroll I Stolley, Merle K Stolley, William B Stoops, Donald V Strachan, Eugene H Stout, Dennis W Stricker, James R Strom, Palmer Suiter, Cecil M Suiter, Dale E Suiter, Jess I Suiter, Wayne H Suiter, Wesley L Sund, Walter L Sundall, Alvin M Sundall, Carl A Sundall,Gilbert R Sundall, John E Sundall, Twila M Swanson, Oliver D Sweeney, Sylvester E Swinson, Parnel M Taft, Charles C Tagtow, Bernard D Tagtow, Lawrence C Tatum, Ralph K Templin, Elbert J Terca, Francis W Terca, Leo J Terca, William Thietje, Elmer H Thomas, Wallace T Thompson, Charles J Thompson, Charles N Thompson, Elgin H Thompson, Henry E Thompson, Joseph W Thompson, LeRoy L Thompson, Victor C Thornberg, Clarence R Tomes, Edward Tomes, Elmer V Thomhave, Charles W Touw, Virgil F Track, George Jr *Tracy, Paul E Ubben, Dean W Urban, Frank J Van Auken, Loren L Venekamp, Jack Vehle, Abner Wagaman, Audiel E Wagaman, Emil Wagaman, Emil J Waldron, William J Walker, Keith H Walker, Kenneth I Walker, Lynn R Walker, Marvin L Walker, Willard Walters, Daryld F Weaver, Lorain C Weber, Arthur J Weber, James PJ Wederath, Leighton A Weiland, Anthony W Weiland, John E Weiland, Raymond L Welch, Clarence R Wendt, Lawrence E Wente, William M West, Jeru E Weverstad, Ray E Whipple, Henry L Whitaker, Robert K White, Everett G Whitney, Howard R Whitney, Milton S Wick, Arnold N Wick, Roland T Williams, Roland M Wilson, Harry Wilson, Harvey C Wilson, Milton W Wilson, Norman G Winchell, Donald C Winchell, Wayne Winn, James C Winn, Roger E Winter, Cecil Winter, Melvin Wolf, John A Wolf, Leo N Wright, Earl B Young, Donald R Young, Lyle R Young, Victor P Zastrow, Donald Zastrow, Joesph A