Britton, Marshall Co., SD - 1916 Business Directory This information extracted from the "Northwestern Gazetteer and Business Directory", vol. XX (1916-1917), published by R. L. Polk & Co. Data transcribed by Joy Fisher, . This file may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use. All other rights reserved. Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author. This file is part of the SDGENWEB Archives. If you arrived here inside a frame or from a link from somewhere else, our front door is at BRITTON. Pop 1,000. Marshall county. An incorporated city and the county seat on the C M & St P Ry 28 miles n of Andover and 4 s e of Burch on the G N Ry thus giving it a competitive shipping point. Has Catholic, German Evangelical, Methodist, Norwegian Lutheran and Presbyterian churches, 2 banks, 3 hotels, a public library, a commercial club, flour and feed mills, 5 grain elevators and an electtric light plant. Two weekly newspapers the Marshall County Journal and the Sentinel are published. Ships grain, produce and live stock. Land is worth $30 to $80 per acre. Exp W F & Co. Tel W U. Geo L Baker P M. Last Name First Name Business Abbott Byron lawyer Allen Jas. feed mill Alplin Merle automobiles Anderson Glenn J. bowling alley Arlington Hotel Fred Lee propr Arnold Coris E. vet surgeon Baker Claude C. propr Strand Theatre Baker's Drug Store (Geo L and Geo G Baker) Britton Automobile Co. W W Thorp, pres; Ingolf Maurseth, sec and treas Britton Commercial Club W W Thorp, pres; F J Brown, sec and treas Britton Milling & Electric Light Co. F A Stiles. pres; C E Printup, sec Britton Public Library Mrs Maude Cooley librarian Britton Sentinel Wm R Donald pub Brooks John H. propr, Commercial Hotel (see adv) Brown F. J. sec and treas, Britton Commercial Club Brown Geo. L. acting sec, State College of Agriculture Buck Chas. F. r r, exp and tel agt Cargill Elevator Co. Chas Upham mngr (Burch) Carver J. Bert ice Chrislock Rolaf R. tailor Clark & Richardson (Thos Clark, Herman Richardson), grain elevator Commercial Hotel John H Brooks, propr Cooley Maude (Mrs.) librarian, Britton Public Library Cooley & Stiger (Benj R Cooley, Martin G Stiger), lands Dakins Howard drugs Denton Saml county surveyor Doersch Holt cement wkr Donald Wm. R. pub Britton Sentinel Downie Wm. J. jeweler Eastern South Dakota Abstract Co. O L Kaas sec Elson Geo. sec, Farmers Co-operative Grain Co. Farmers Co-operative Grain Co. Fred McGovern, agt (Burch) Farmers Co-operative Grain Co. Lewis Kilker, pres; Geo Elson, sec; Wm H Roberts, mngr Farrar F. L. pres, Social Telephone Co. Feller & Kaas (Fred J Feller, Otto L Kaas), grain elevator First National Bank (capital $50,000, surplus $15,000), D T Hindman, pres; Charles Hamilton, vice pres; W S Given, cashr (see adv) Fulton Edw. E. restaurant Fulton Robt. D. lawyer Given W. S. cashr, First National Bank and Insurance Agt Hall Marion R. gen store Hamilton Charles vice pres, First National Bank Hamilton Lumber Co. Chas Hamilton, pres and mngr; W M Jennings, sec and treas Hanson T. J. sec and treas, Lee Mercantile Co. Hartle Wm. treas, Social Telephone Co. Hilt Mathias mngr, Williams Lumber Co. Hinckley Wm. L. farm impts Hindman D. T. pres, First National Bank Hoehn Henry J. barber Holling Fred C. photogr Hotel Britton Frank H Schroeder propr Hudson Geo. stage line Jacobson Chris shoemkr Jahnig see Widmann & Jahnig Jennings W. M. sec and treas, Hamilton Lumber Co. Jones Buell F. lawyer Jones E. O. sec, Social Telephone Co. Jones Richd R. phys Kaas O. L. sec, Eastern South Dakota Abstract Co. Kaas Otto L. lawyer Kaas Otto L. see Feller & Kaas Kaps Fred O. phys Kelly J. F. cashr, Marshall County Bank Kelly Jno F. ins agt Kenner Fred A. see Marsh & Kenner Kenny Chas. B. farm impts Kilker Lewis pres, Farmers Co-operative Grain Co. Kinner Saml cement wkr Knowlen Peter L. feed stable Lampe Alb. G. meats Lee Fred propr Arlington Hotel Lee Mercantile Co. F N Lee, pres; T J Hanson, sec and treas; gen store Liberty Lumber Co. Wm Upham mngr (Burch) Maricle Merritt C. barber Marsh & Kenner (Oliver W Marsh, Fred A Kenner), gen store Marshall County Abstract & Title Insurance Co. D L Printup sec (see adv) Marshall County Bank (capital $25,000), K G Quarve, pres; J F Kelly, cashr Marshall County Journal Herbert B Tysell pub (see adv) Martin Orlando E. dentist Masse Anton F. meats Mather Jno J. gen store Maurseth Ingolf sec and treas, Britton Automobile Co. McDougall & Son J. E. (Jno E and Edw J), farm impts McGovern Fred agt, Farmers Co-operative Grain Co. (Burch) Miles Saml T. (Jr.) horseshoer Mountain Harry M. abstracts Parker Alb. E. see Vincent & Parker Parker Allie E. pool Powers Elevator Co. Chas Schneider agt Price Robt livery Printup C. E. sec, Britton Milling & Electric Light Co. Printup David L. sec, Marshall County Abstract & Title Insurance Co. (see adv) Quarve K. G. pres, Marshall County Bank Richardson Herman see Clark & Richardson Roberts Wm. H. mngr, Farmers Co-operative Grain Co. Root Currie real est Schluter Theo H. baker Schneider Chas. agt, Powers Elevator Co. Schroeder Frank H. propr Hotel Britton Smith Lydia (Mrs.) hairdresser Snyder Jos. F. notions Social Telephone Co. F L Farrar, pres; E O Jones, sec; Wm Hartle, treas State College of Agriculture Geo L Brown, acting sec Staven Melvin J. states atty Stevens Hans L. tailor Stiger Martin G. see Cooley & Stiger Stiles F. A. pres, Britton Milling & Electric Light Co. Stiles Fred A. hardware Stokes Don G. clothing Strand Theatre Claude C Baker propr Thiel Geo. W. harness Thorp W. W. pres, Britton Automobile Co. Thorp W. W. pres, Britton Commercial Club Thorp Walton W. lawyer Tysell Herbert B. pub Marshall County Journal (see adv) Upham Chas. mngr, Cargill Elevator Co. (Burch) Upham Wm. mngr, Liberty Lumber Co. (Burch) Vincent & Parker (Marshall N Vincent, Alb E Parker), pool Wells Alb. H. lawyer Wells Ralph S. real est White Geo. blksmith Widmann & Jahnig (Henry Widmann, Wm E Jahnig), hardware Williams Kathryn milliner Williams Lumber Co. Mathias H Hilt mngr Wolf Hans pool