Name Index to "School Stories in Central Meade County..." This file is an every name index to "School Stories in Central and Eastern Meade County South Dakota - 1889 to Reorganization" published by the Stoneville Steadies Extension Club in 1969. This book is a fabulous glimpse into the western South Dakota rural school system. It includes rosters of students, teachers, and school board members. Between these rosters, there are hundreds of photographs of students and teachers, as well as reminiscences by former teachers, parents and students. Names were indexed according to the spelling in the book. Obvious typos are noted in the comments column. If the reference is to a photo, the name is mentioned in the caption of the photo. Index compiled by Joy Fisher, This file may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use. All other rights reserved. Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author. This file is part of the SDGENWEB Archives. If you arrived here inside a frame or from a link from somewhere else, our front door is at Cahoon Jane 62 Dist #6 teacher Caldwell Carroll 63 Dist #6 teacher Caldwell Pearl 265 Dist #70 teacher Caldwell Pearl 279 Dist #86 teacher Cale James (Jimmy) 31 Dist #2 student Cale Jimmie 32 Dist #2 student, photo Callen Marie 233 Dist #57 Callison Edna 127 Dist #13 teacher Calvin Cyrus 268 Dist #70 student Calvin George (Mrs.) 304 Dist #89 teacher Calvin Marjorie 203 Dist #48 teacher Calvin Marjorie Collins 203 Dist #48 Camery Esther 63 Dist #6 teacher Camery Esther 105 Dist #10 teacher Camery Esther 108 Dist #10 teacher, photo Camery Esther 185 Dist #38 Cammack Amy 434 ad, photo Cammack Carol 18 Dist #2 student Cammack Carol 36 Dist #2 student, photo Cammack Carol 38 Dist #2 student, photo Cammack Carole (Bruch) 35 Dist #2 Cammack Cecil 299 Dist #89 student Cammack Cecil 436 Line Brand Cammack Cecil (Mrs.) 17 Dist #2 School Board or Adminstration Cammack Darrel 154 Dist #29 student Cammack Darrel 155 Dist #29 student Cammack Darrel 421 student, photo Cammack Darrell 164 Dist #29 Cammack Darrell 426 student, photo Cammack Donna 35 Dist #2 Cammack Donna 434 photo Cammack Donna Lee 35 Dist #2 Cammack Elaine 18 Dist #2 student Cammack Elaine 35 Dist #2 Cammack Elaine 40 Dist #2 student, photo Cammack Ella 434 photo Cammack Ella 436 Line Brand Cammack Everett 45 Dist #4 Cammack Floyd 17 Dist #2 School Board or Adminstration Cammack Floyd 18 Dist #2 student Cammack Floyd 35 Dist #2 Cammack Floyd 38 Dist #2 student, photo Cammack Floyd 48 Dist #4 Cammack Floyd 48 Dist #4 Cammack Floyd 211 Dist #51 student Cammack Floyd 212 Dist #51 student Cammack Floyd 430 student, photo Cammack Gary 18 Dist #2 student Cammack Gary 35 Dist #2 Cammack Gary 40 Dist #2 student, photo Cammack Gary 434 ad, photo Cammack Hazel 14 Dist #1 student Cammack J. O. 190 Dist #40 School Board or Adminstration Cammack Katherine 206 Dist #50 teacher Cammack Katherine 211 Dist #51 teacher Cammack Katherine Anderson 45 Dist #4 teacher, photo Cammack Lane 18 Dist #2 student Cammack Lane 35 Dist #2 Cammack Lane 40 Dist #2 student, photo Cammack Michael 40 Dist #2 student, photo Cammack Mike 18 Dist #2 student Cammack Mike 35 Dist #2 Cammack Mike 40 Dist #2 student, photo Cammack Randy 18 Dist #2 student Cammack Randy 35 Dist #2 Cammack Randy 40 Dist #2 student, photo Cammack Robert 18 Dist #2 student Cammack Robert 38 Dist #2 student, photo Cammack Robert 48 Dist #4 Cammack Robert 48 Dist #4 Cammack Robert 211 Dist #51 student Cammack Robert 212 Dist #51 student Cammack Robert 430 student, photo Cammack Ruth 14 Dist #1 student Cammack Ruth 190 Dist #40 student Cammack Ruth 299 Dist #89 student Cammack 380 Dist #92 Cammacks Donna 433 ad Cammacks Elaine 433 ad Cammacks Floyd 433 ad Cammacks Lane 433 ad Cammacks Mike 433 ad Campbell Ben 179 Dist #38 Campbell Ben 192 Dist #41 Campbell Beulah 206 Dist #50 teacher Campbell Beulah 303 Dist #89 teacher Campbell Charley (Mrs.) 192 Dist #41 Campbell Eddy 211 Dist #51 student Campbell Elmer 179 Dist #38 Campbell Elmer 192 Dist #41 Campbell Elmer 300 Dist #89 student Campbell Floy 174 Dist #38 School Board or Adminstration Campbell Floy 175 Dist #38 teacher Campbell Floy 191 Dist #41 teacher Campbell Floy 194 Dist #41 Campbell Floy H. 43 Dist #4 teacher Campbell Francis 179 Dist #38 Campbell Francis 192 Dist #41 Campbell Francis 300 Dist #89 student Campbell George 179 Dist #38 Campbell George 192 Dist #41 Campbell Grace 21 Dist #2 Campbell Grace 28 Dist #2 teacher Campbell Grace 143 Dist #17 Campbell Grace 428 teacher, photo Campbell Harry 179 Dist #38 Campbell Harry 192 Dist #41 Campbell Harry 300 Dist #89 student Campbell Hazel 267 Dist #70 teacher Campbell Hazel 272 Dist #70 teacher Campbell Hazel 316 Dist #89 Campbell Hazel 355 Dist #92 student Campbell Hazel 398 Dist #93 Campbell Hazel 399 Dist #93 student, photo, Caption p. 398 Campbell Henry 137 Dist #17 student Campbell Jack 316 Dist #89 Campbell John 102 Dist #9 Campbell John 181 Dist #38 Campbell Leona 211 Dist #51 student Campbell Martha 179 Dist #38 Campbell Martha 192 Dist #41 Campbell Martha 300 Dist #89 student Campbell Mary 196 Dist #42 student Campbell Mary 300 Dist #89 student Campbell Mary 316 Dist #89 Campbell Mary 355 Dist #92 student Campbell Mary 368 Dist #92 student, photo Campbell Mary 398 Dist #93 Campbell Mary 398 Dist #93 Campbell Mary 399 Dist #93 student, photo, Caption p. 398 Campbell Mary 399 Dist #93 student, photo, Caption p. 398 Campbell Maude 316 Dist #89 Campbell Maude 359 Dist #92 teacher Campbell Maude 381 Dist #92 Campbell Maude 382 Dist #92 teacher, photo Campbell Maude 398 Dist #93 Campbell Maude 399 Dist #93 student, photo, Caption p. 398 Campbell Myrtle 17 Dist #2 teacher Campbell Myrtle 21 Dist #2 Campbell Myrtle 212 Dist #51 student Campbell Ray 179 Dist #38 Campbell Ray 192 Dist #41 Campbell Ray 300 Dist #89 student Campbell Wesley 355 Dist #92 student Campbell Wesley "Jack" 398 Dist #93 Campbell Wesley "Jack" 399 Dist #93 student, photo, Caption p. 398 Campbell 412 Dist #93 Cannon Mark 61 Dist #6 student Cannon Wilma 208 Dist #50 Canon Vivian 150 Dist #28 student Canon Vivian 151 Dist #28 student Canon Wilma 150 Dist #28 student Canon Wilma 151 Dist #28 student Cantas Constance 60 Dist #6 student Cantas Nicholas 60 Dist #6 student Capp Doris 196 Dist #42 teacher Carda Elmer 213 Dist #51 Carda Elmer 299 Dist #89 student Carda Elmer J. 313 Dist #89 Carda 212 Dist #51 Carleton Leona 271 Dist #70 teacher Carleton Leona 356 Dist #92 teacher Carlson Ardith 188 Dist #39 student Carlson Donnie 188 Dist #39 student Carlson Enoch 203 Dist #48 School Board or Adminstration Carlson Eugene 203 Dist #48 student Carlson Eugene 204 Dist #48 student, photo Carlson Helen 203 Dist #48 student Carlson Jimmie 188 Dist #39 student Carlson Sarah Alice 203 Dist #48 student Carlton Leona (Miss) 374 Dist #92 Carmon Mark 62 Dist #6 student Carney (Mr.) 378 Dist #92 Carney Cal 281 Dist #17 Carney Cal 347 Dist #91 Carney Calvin 137 Dist #17 student Carney Carrie 130 Dist #13 Carney Carrie 356 Dist #92 student Carney Carrie 377 Dist #92 Carney Carrie 388 Dist #92 student, photo Carney Carrie 390 Dist #92 student, photo Carney Hale 350 Dist #92 student Carney Hale 352 Dist #92 student Carney Hale 356 Dist #92 student Carney Hale 371 Dist #92 Carney Hale 377 Dist #92 Carney Jan 137 Dist #17 student Carney Jan 347 Dist #91 Carney Michael 356 Dist #92 student Carney Michael 357 Dist #92 student Carney Mike 130 Dist #13 Carney Mike 388 Dist #92 student, photo Carney Mike 390 Dist #92 student, photo Carney Miles 130 Dist #13 Carney Miles 188 Dist #39 student Carney Miles 356 Dist #92 student Carney Miles 357 Dist #92 student Carney Miles 377 Dist #92 Carney Miles 388 Dist #92 student, photo Carney Miles 389 Dist #92 student, photo Carney Miles 390 Dist #92 student, photo Carney Slim 387 Dist #92 Carney Tandy 350 Dist #92 student Carney Tandy 356 Dist #92 student Carney Tandy 360 Dist #92 Carney Tandy 371 Dist #92 Carney Tandy 377 Dist #92 Carroll Rose 280 Dist #86 teacher Carsrud 152 Dist #28 student, photo Carswell Norine Janke 109 Dist #10 Carswell Norine Janke 111 Dist #10 Carter Clell 254 Dist #61 student, photo Carter Clell 320 Dist #61 student Carter Elsie 135 Dist #16 Carter Elsie Ellen 134 Dist #16 teacher Carter Gail 277 ad Carter Glenn 57 Dist #6 teacher Carter Marjorie 279 Dist #86 student Carter Mildred 330 Dist #91 student Carter Mildred 352 Dist #92 student Carter Mildred 358 Dist #92 student Carter Norma 265 Dist #70 student Carter Norma 270 Dist #70 student Carter S. M. 100 Dist #9 School Board or Adminstration Carter Stella 86 Dist #7 teacher Carter Stella 279 Dist #86 teacher Carter 362 Dist #92 Cash Angela 87 Dist #7 teacher Cash Angela 100 Dist #9 teacher Cash Angela 188 Dist #39 teacher Cash Angele 360 Dist #92 Cash Angelee 280 Dist #86 teacher Cash Angelee 357 Dist #92 teacher Cash Angelee 358 Dist #92 teacher Cash Angelee 358 Dist #92 student Cash Angelee 397 Dist #93 teacher Cash Anglee 365 Dist #92 student, photo Cash Carroll 357 Dist #92 student Cash Carroll 358 Dist #92 student Cash Carroll 372 Dist #92 student, photo Cash Carroll E. 357 Dist #92 teacher Cash Charles 357 Dist #92 teacher Cash Charles 391 Dist #92 student, photo Cash Frances 396 Dist #93 teacher Cash Harley 358 Dist #92 student Cash Harley 372 Dist #92 student, photo Cash Harley V. 417 Dist #94 teacher Cash Howard 358 Dist #92 student Cash Howard 376 Dist #92 student, photo Cash Lavanche 358 Dist #92 student Cash Lavanchie 168 Dist #35 teacher Cash Lavanchie 351 Dist #92 teacher Cash Lavanchie 391 Dist #92 student, photo Cash Lavanchie 396 Dist #93 teacher Cash Ruth 358 Dist #92 teacher Cash Sarah 358 Dist #92 student Cash Sarah 376 Dist #92 student, photo Cash Sarah 391 Dist #92 student, photo Cash Shirley 358 Dist #92 student Cash Shirley 365 Dist #92 student, photo Cash Shirley 391 Dist #92 student, photo Cash Vernon 358 Dist #92 student Cashman Beatrice 199 Dist #44 student Cashman C. W. 199 Dist #44 School Board or Adminstration Cashman Charles 199 Dist #44 student Cashman Charles 299 Dist #89 student Cashman Charles 301 Dist #89 student Cashman Everett 199 Dist #44 student Cashman Everett 299 Dist #89 student Cashman Everett 301 Dist #89 student Cashman Everett 428 student, photo Cashman Harvey 299 Dist #89 student Cashman Harvy 428 student, photo Cashman Pearl (Mrs.) 199 Dist #44 School Board or Adminstration Cassidy Donna Mae 269 Dist #70 student Casteel Ethel 63 Dist #6 teacher Caster Charles 18 Dist #2 student Castle Alice 57 Dist #6 student Castle Bertha 57 Dist #6 student Castle Bertha 68 Dist #6 Castle Carl 57 Dist #6 student Castle Harold 57 Dist #6 student Castle Rose 57 Dist #6 student Castle Roy 72 Dist #6 photo Castle Sylvia 57 Dist #6 student Castle Sylvia 68 Dist #6 Castle Virgil 57 Dist #6 student Castner Ann 342 Dist #91 Castuer Charles 225 Dist #57 student Caswell Agnes 216 Dist #54 teacher Caswell Dora 112 Dist #11 teacher Caton Ruth 265 Dist #70 teacher Caton Ruth 270 Dist #70 teacher Caton Ruth 272 Dist #70 teacher Caudle Bessie Fenner 275 Dist #70 Caudle Charles 264 Dist #70 School Board or Adminstration Caudle Ray 273 Dist #70 student, photo Caudle Rolland 265 Dist #70 student Caudle Rolland 269 Dist #70 student Cave Ira 163 Dist #32 student, photo Chadwick C. (Mrs.) 205 Dist #50 School Board or Adminstration Chafee Aileen 356 Dist #92 student Chafee Alleen 390 Dist #92 student, photo Chafee Andrew 390 Dist #92 Chafee Betty 129 Dist #13 student, photo Chafee Ina Mae 129 Dist #13 student, photo Chafee Joyce 129 Dist #13 student, photo Chafee M. R. 390 Dist #92 Chafee Marvin 356 Dist #92 student Chafee Marvin "Bud" 390 Dist #92 student, photo Chafee Melvin 279 Dist #86 student Chafee Melvin 390 Dist #92 student, photo Chafee Myron 279 Dist #86 student Chafee Myron 390 Dist #92 student, photo Chaffee Aileen 351 Dist #92 student Chaffee Aileen 353 Dist #92 student Chaffee Betty 125 Dist #13 student Chaffee Bud 382 Dist #92 Chaffee Catherine 317 Dist #90 School Board or Adminstration Chaffee Catherine 325 Dist #61 Chaffee Edith 317 Dist #90 School Board or Adminstration Chaffee Edith 319 Dist #90 teacher Chaffee Edith 325 Dist #61 Chaffee Elaine 364 Dist #92 Chaffee Elaine 382 Dist #92 Chaffee Ethel 272 Dist #70 teacher Chaffee Francis 317 Dist #90 School Board or Adminstration Chaffee Francis 319 Dist #90 student Chaffee Francis 323 Dist #61 student, photo Chaffee Francis 324 Dist #61 student, photo Chaffee Francis 325 Dist #61 student, photo Chaffee Francis 326 Dist #61 student, photo Chaffee Hazel Mills 279 Dist #86 teacher Chaffee Ina Mae 125 Dist #13 student Chaffee Jerry 111 ad Chaffee Jerry 319 Dist #90 student Chaffee Jerry 325 Dist #61 student, photo Chaffee John 317 Dist #90 School Board or Adminstration Chaffee John 325 Dist #61 Chaffee John 331 Dist #91 Chaffee John 332 Dist #91 Chaffee John 341 Dist #91 Chaffee Joyce 125 Dist #13 student Chaffee Marvin 351 Dist #92 student Chaffee Marvin 353 Dist #92 student Chaffee Marvin 364 Dist #92 Chaffee Sharon 319 Dist #90 student Chaffee Sharon 325 Dist #61 student, photo Chaffee Vinal 317 Dist #90 School Board or Adminstration Chaffee Vinal 319 Dist #90 student Chaffee Vinal 323 Dist #61 student, photo Chaffee Vinal 324 Dist #61 student, photo Chaffee Vinal 325 Dist #61 student, photo Chaffee Vinal 326 Dist #61 student, photo Chaffie Flora B. 305 Dist #89 teacher, photo Chaimberlain Arthur 284 Dist #88 student Chaimberlain Charlie 284 Dist #88 student Chaimberlain Cora 284 Dist #88 student Chaimberlain Elizabeth 200 Dist #44 student Chaimberlain Everett 200 Dist #44 student Chaimberlain John 284 Dist #88 student Chaimberlain Pearl 284 Dist #88 student Chaimberlain Robert 284 Dist #88 student Chaimberlain William 284 Dist #88 student Chamberlain G. (Mrs.) 284 Dist #88 teacher Chamberlain G. L. 284 Dist #88 School Board or Adminstration Chamberlain Ramona (Mrs.) 271 Dist #70 teacher Chambers Garnet 132 Dist #15 Chambers Russell 132 Dist #15 Chaney Delores 18 Dist #2 student Chaney Delores 38 Dist #2 student, photo Chaney Delores 321 Dist #61 teacher Chaney Donald 18 Dist #2 student Chaney Dorothy 18 Dist #2 student Chaney Dorothy 38 Dist #2 student, photo Chaney Gordon 18 Dist #2 student Chaney Joan 18 Dist #2 student Chaney Joan 38 Dist #2 student, photo Chaney Louis 17 Dist #2 School Board or Adminstration Chaney Louis 18 Dist #2 student Chaney Louis 39 Dist #2 student, photo Chaney Marcella 18 Dist #2 student Chaney Marcella 307 Dist #89 Chaney Marian 18 Dist #2 student Chaney Paul 18 Dist #2 student Chaney Paul 38 Dist #2 student, photo Chaney Robert 18 Dist #2 student Chaney Verona 161 Dist #30 teacher Chaney Verona 304 Dist #89 teacher Chaney Verona 305 Dist #89 Chaney Verona 329 Dist #91 teacher Chaney Verona 344 Dist #91 Chapman Carrie 278 Dist #86 student Chapman Carrie 279 Dist #86 student Chapman Daniel 397 Dist #93 student Chapman Danny 407 Dist #93 Chapman Donna 397 Dist #93 student Chapman Donna 407 Dist #93 Chasing Hawk Alex 50 Dist #5 student Chasing Hawk Charles 50 Dist #5 student Chatman Ray (Mrs.) 305 Dist #89 Cheney Florence 113 Dist #11 student Cheney Florence 120 Dist #11 student, photo Cheney Gladys 113 Dist #11 student Cheney Gladys 120 Dist #11 student, photo Chevey Darrel 60 Dist #6 student Chiesman Allene 175 Dist #38 teacher Childs (Mrs.) 245 Dist #60 Childs (Mrs.) 322 Dist #61 Chord (Mrs.) 382 Dist #92 Chord Clayton 281 Dist #92 Chord Clayton 357 Dist #92 student Chord Donald 281 Dist #92 Chord Donald 351 Dist #92 student Chord Donald 384 Dist #92 Chord Doris 351 Dist #92 student Chord Doris 352 Dist #92 student Chord Doris 384 Dist #92 Chord Edythe D. 351 Dist #92 student Chord Everett 351 Dist #92 student Chord Everett 352 Dist #92 student Chord Everett 384 Dist #92 Chord Ilowee 351 Dist #92 student Chord Iris 351 Dist #92 student Chord Joyce 358 Dist #92 teacher Chord Nancy 281 Dist #92 Chord Nancy 357 Dist #92 student Chord Paul 351 Dist #92 student Chord Pearl 281 Dist #92 Chord Pearl 357 Dist #92 student Chord Pearl 392 Dist #92 student, photo Chord Richard 351 Dist #92 student Chord Roy 350 Dist #92 School Board or Adminstration Chord Ruth 351 Dist #92 student Chord S. R. (Mrs.) 359 Dist #92 teacher Chord Sabrina P. 351 Dist #92 teacher Chord Twyla 357 Dist #92 student Chord Twylia 281 Dist #92 Chord Vernon 281 Dist #92 Chord Vernon 351 Dist #92 student Chord Vernon 352 Dist #92 student Chord Vernon 357 Dist #92 student Chord Vernon 384 Dist #92 Chord Vernon 392 Dist #92 student, photo Chord Wayne 351 Dist #92 student Chord Wayne 352 Dist #92 student Chord Wayne 384 Dist #92 Chord Zoe 351 Dist #92 student Chord Zoe 358 Dist #92 teacher Chord Zoe 384 Dist #92 Chord 383 Dist #92 student, photo Chowen Adelaide 329 Dist #91 student Chowen Adelaide 332 Dist #90 Chowen Bernice 167 Dist #35 student Chowen Bernice 329 Dist #91 student Chowen Bernice 332 Dist #90 Chowen Bernice 333 Dist #91 student, photo Chowen Bernice 337 Dist #91 student, photo Chowen Bernice 341 Dist #91 Chowen Bernice 342 Dist #91 Chowen Charles 122 Dist #11 student, photo Chowen Charles 167 Dist #35 student Chowen Charles 329 Dist #91 student Chowen Charles 332 Dist #90 Chowen Charles 333 Dist #91 student, photo Chowen Charles 337 Dist #91 student, photo Chowen Charles 338 Dist #91 Chowen Hugh 328 Dist #91 School Board or Adminstration Chowen Hugh 337 Dist #91 Chowen James 329 Dist #91 student Chowen James 332 Dist #90 Chowen Martha 329 Dist #91 student Chowen Martha 332 Dist #90 Chowen Martha 333 Dist #91 student, photo Chowen Martha 337 Dist #91 student, photo Chowen Martha 339 Dist #91 Chowen Mildred 329 Dist #91 student Chowen 341 Dist #91 student, photo Chowen 362 Dist #92 Chrane Bonnie 125 Dist #13 student Chrane Florence 125 Dist #13 student Chrane Frances 125 Dist #13 student Chrane Morris 125 Dist #13 student Chrans Bonnie 254 Dist #61 student, photo Chrans Bonnie J. 320 Dist #61 student Chrans Dale 169 Dist #35 student Chrans Dale 320 Dist #61 student Chrans Fay 225 Dist #57 student Chrans Florence 169 Dist #35 student Chrans Florence 254 Dist #61 student, photo Chrans Florence 320 Dist #61 student Chrans Frances 320 Dist #61 student Chrans Francis 254 Dist #61 student, photo Christene Harvy 316 Dist #89 Christensen 49 Christian Ruth (Mrs.) 269 Dist #70 teacher Christianson Genevieve 138 Dist #17 teacher Christianson Martin 65 Dist #6 Christinson Genevieve 114 Dist #11 teacher Christman Viola 321 Dist #61 teacher Christopherson Margaret Gore 7 School Board or Adminstration Church Hazel 303 Dist #89 teacher Clairin Vicky 34 Dist #2 student, photo Clarin Inez 17 Dist #2 School Board or Adminstration Clarin Janette 18 Dist #2 student Clarin Janette 40 Dist #2 student, photo Clarin Lonny 18 Dist #2 student Clarin Lonny 39 Dist #2 student, photo Clarin Lynn 18 Dist #2 student Clarin Lynn 39 Dist #2 student, photo Clarin Lynn 40 Dist #2 student, photo Clarin Lynn 436 Line Brand Clarin Vicky 35 Dist #2 student, photo Clarin Vicky 36 Dist #2 student, photo Clarin Vicky 39 Dist #2 student, photo Clarin Vicky 40 Dist #2 student, photo Clarin Vicky 100 Dist #9 teacher Clarin Vicky 252 Dist #61 Clarin Victoria 18 Dist #2 student Clark Agnes V. 14 Dist #1 teacher Clark Agnes V. 100 Dist #9 teacher Clark Avery 14 Dist #1 student Clark Beth 14 Dist #1 student Clark Beth 15 Dist #1 student, photo Clark Beulah 302 Dist #89 student Clark Bill (Mrs.) 101 Dist #9 Clark Blanche 302 Dist #89 student Clark Clarabel 199 Dist #44 student Clark Clarence 14 Dist #1 student Clark Clarence 15 Dist #1 student, photo Clark Dale 14 Dist #1 student Clark E. B. (Mr. & Mrs.) 210 Dist #50 Clark Elsie 161 Dist #30 student Clark Elsie 299 Dist #89 student Clark Elsie 305 Dist #89 Clark Esther 225 Dist #57 teacher Clark Everett 186 Dist #38 Clark Everett 214 Dist #51 Clark Geo. 167 Dist #35 School Board or Adminstration Clark Harvey 14 Dist #1 student Clark Homer 161 Dist #30 student Clark Homer 299 Dist #89 student Clark Homer 305 Dist #89 Clark Louis 43 Dist #4 student Clark Marie 161 Dist #30 student Clark Sidney 154 Dist #29 student Clark Sidney 175 Dist #38 student Clark Sidney 186 Dist #38 Clark Sidney 187 Dist #38 Clark Ted 383 Dist #92 Clark Ted 409 Dist #93 Clark Thelma 100 Dist #9 teacher Clark Thelma 175 Dist #38 teacher Clark Thelma 176 Dist #38 Clark Thelma 186 Dist #38 teacher, photo Clark Thelma 189 Dist #39 Clark Thelma 211 Dist #51 teacher Clark Thelma 213 Dist #51 teacher, photo Clark Thelma 287 Dist #88 teacher Clark Thelma 419 Dist #100 teacher Clark Thelma (Mrs.) 102 Dist #9 Clark Thelma (Mrs.) 181 Dist #38 Clark Thelma G. 155 Dist #29 teacher Clark Thelma Peterson 212 Dist #51 teacher, photo Clark Vera 14 Dist #1 student Clausen Ethel 187 Dist #39 teacher Clausen Ethel 303 Dist #89 teacher Clauser 41 ad Clawson Donna 14 Dist #1 School Board or Adminstration Cleveland David 127 Dist #13 student Cleveland Elizabeth 127 Dist #13 student Cleveland Lois 127 Dist #13 student Cleveland Paul 127 Dist #13 student Clinch Margaret 350 Dist #92 student Clinch Margaret 371 Dist #92 Clinch Margaret 377 Dist #92 Clinch Mike (Mrs.) 350 Dist #92 teacher Clinch O'Neal 356 Dist #92 student Clinch O'Neil 386 Dist #92 Cline Oliver 390 Dist #92 student, photo Clink Beth 219 Dist #55 student Clink Beth 223 Dist #55 Clink Carol 223 Dist #55 Clink Caryl 219 Dist #55 student Clink Caryl 352 Dist #92 student Clink Caryl 358 Dist #92 student Clink Caryl 384 Dist #92 Clink Caryl 384 Dist #92 student, photo Clink Dona 18 Dist #2 student Clink Donald 219 Dist #55 student Clink Donald 223 Dist #55 Clink Donald 358 Dist #92 student Clink Draine 352 Dist #92 student Clink Ernestine 274 Dist #70 Clink Eunice 196 Dist #42 teacher Clink Eunice 352 Dist #92 teacher Clink Eunice 353 Dist #92 teacher Clink Eunice 359 Dist #92 teacher Clink Eunice (Mrs. Tim) 189 Dist #39 Clink Irene 39 Dist #2 student, photo Clink Irene 219 Dist #55 student Clink Irene 223 Dist #55 Clink Irene 358 Dist #92 student Clink Irene 365 Dist #92 student, photo Clink J. 365 Dist #92 student, photo Clink James 218 Dist #55 School Board or Adminstration Clink Jerry 18 Dist #2 student Clink Jerry 219 Dist #55 student Clink Jerry 223 Dist #55 Clink Jerry 358 Dist #92 student Clink Lyda 352 Dist #92 student Clink Warren 39 Dist #2 student, photo Clink Warren 219 Dist #55 student Clink Warren 223 Dist #55 Clink Warren 358 Dist #92 student Cloniner Luther 362 Dist #92 Cloninger Luther 358 Dist #92 teacher Cloud Rose 300 Dist #89 student Clute Alfred 169 Dist #35 student Clute Alfred 170 Dist #35 student, photo Clute Alfred 332 Dist #35 Clute Alice 169 Dist #35 student Clute Alice 170 Dist #35 student, photo Clute Alice 332 Dist #35 Clute Bert 167 Dist #35 student Clute Bert 169 Dist #35 student Clute Bert D. 332 Dist #35 Clute Betty 167 Dist #35 student Clute Betty 169 Dist #35 student Clute Betty 170 Dist #35 student, photo Clute Betty 332 Dist #35 Clute Bud 167 Dist #35 student Clute Bud 170 Dist #35 student, photo Clute Buddy 169 Dist #35 student Clute Cecil 167 Dist #35 student Clute Cecil 169 Dist #35 student Clute Cecil 336 Dist #91 Clute Cecil 337 Dist #91 student, photo Clute Chester 167 Dist #35 student Clute Chester 169 Dist #35 student Clute Fay 169 Dist #35 student Clute Mary 167 Dist #35 student Clute Mary 336 Dist #91 Clute Mary 337 Dist #91 student, photo Clute Milo 169 Dist #35 student Clute Milo 170 Dist #35 student, photo Clute Milo 332 Dist #35 Clute Neva 167 Dist #35 student Clute Neva 169 Dist #35 student Clute Neva 170 Dist #35 student, photo Clute Velma 167 Dist #35 student Clute Velma 169 Dist #35 student Clyde Alvina 396 Dist #93 teacher Coats Kathryn 188 Dist #39 teacher Cobb (Miss) 334 Dist #91 Cobb Delbert 330 Dist #91 student Cobb Delbert 348 Dist #91 student, photo Cobb Florence 59 Dist #6 teacher Cobb Florence 60 Dist #6 teacher Cobb Florence 269 Dist #70 teacher Cobb Florence 329 Dist #91 teacher Cobb Florence 333 Dist #91 teacher, photo Cobb Florence 344 Dist #91 Cobb Florence 345 Dist #91 Cobb Mae Belle 59 Dist #6 teacher Cobb Mae Belle 62 Dist #6 teacher Cobb Walter 113 Dist #11 student Cobb Walter 168 Dist #35 student Cobb Walter 268 Dist #70 student Cobb Walter 269 Dist #70 student Cobb Walter 271 Dist #70 student Cobb Walter 330 Dist #91 student Cobb Walter 344 Dist #91 Coddington Wayne 394 Dist #93 student Coddington Wayne 397 Dist #93 student Cody Edith (Mrs.) 246 Dist #60 Cody Edith V. M. 125 Dist #13 teacher Cogan Althea 323 Dist #61 Cogan Althea 324 Dist #61 student, photo Cogan Althea 326 Dist #61 student, photo Cogan Edison 319 Dist #90 student Cogan Edison 323 Dist #61 student, photo Cogan Edison 324 Dist #61 student, photo Cogan Edison 325 Dist #61 student, photo Cogan Edison 326 Dist #61 student, photo Cogan Madaline 323 Dist #61 student, photo Cogan Madaline 324 Dist #61 student, photo Cogan Nadine 319 Dist #90 student Cogan Nadine 323 Dist #61 Cogan Nadine 324 Dist #61 student, photo Cogan Nadine 325 Dist #61 student, photo Cogan Nadine 325 Dist #61 student, photo Cogan Nadine 326 Dist #61 student, photo Cogan Pearl Althea 319 Dist #90 student Cogen Nadine 59 Dist #6 student Cogen Nadine 67 Dist #6 Colburn Granville 279 Dist #86 student Colburn Olive 279 Dist #86 student Colburn Warren 279 Dist #86 student Colburn Wilburn 279 Dist #86 student Colburn Wilma 279 Dist #86 student Cole Diana 414 ad Cole Dick 414 ad Cole Doris 86 Dist #7 student Cole Doris 284 Dist #88 student Cole Laree 414 ad Cole Marjorie 279 Dist #86 teacher Cole Mildred 168 Dist #35 teacher Cole Mildred 168 Dist #35 teacher Coleman Blanche 272 Dist #70 teacher Coleman Champ 273 Dist #70 student, photo Coleman Clarke 269 Dist #70 student Coleman Claude 269 Dist #70 student Coleman Velma 269 Dist #70 student Coleman Vera 269 Dist #70 student Collier Jimmie 170 Dist #35 student, photo Collier Jimmy 169 Dist #35 student Collier Jimmy M. 332 Dist #35 Collins Alfred 196 Dist #42 student Collins Alfred 198 Dist #42 student, photo Collins Alfred 307 Dist #89 student, photo Collins Alice 196 Dist #42 student Collins Alice 397 Dist #93 student Collins Bertha 155 Dist #29 student Collins Bertha 416 Dist #94 student Collins Cassie 303 Dist #89 student Collins Cleo 196 Dist #42 student Collins Cleo 198 Dist #42 student, photo Collins Cleo 307 Dist #89 student, photo Collins Daniel 269 Dist #70 student Collins Dwight 155 Dist #29 student Collins Earl 155 Dist #29 student Collins Elmer 196 Dist #42 student Collins Elmer 242 Dist #59 student Collins Floyd 196 Dist #42 student Collins Glendale 397 Dist #93 student Collins Gordon 417 Dist #94 student Collins Irene 155 Dist #29 student Collins Irving 303 Dist #89 student Collins James 198 Dist #42 student, photo Collins James 417 Dist #94 student Collins John 196 Dist #42 student Collins John 242 Dist #59 student Collins John 301 Dist #89 student Collins John 397 Dist #93 student Collins Larry 416 Dist #94 student Collins Laurel 269 Dist #70 student Collins Lawrence 155 Dist #29 student Collins Leo 196 Dist #42 student Collins Leo 242 Dist #59 student Collins Leo 397 Dist #93 student Collins Leo (Mrs.) 195 Dist #42 School Board or Adminstration Collins Leon 301 Dist #89 student Collins Lloyd 155 Dist #29 student Collins Lloyd 196 Dist #42 student Collins Lloyd 242 Dist #59 student Collins Lloyd 301 Dist #89 student Collins Lloyd 394 Dist #93 student Collins Lloyd 397 Dist #93 student Collins Loyd 416 Dist #94 student Collins Margaret 271 Dist #70 student Collins Margie 155 Dist #29 student Collins Margie 416 Dist #94 student Collins Marie 196 Dist #42 student Collins Marie I. 358 Dist #92 teacher Collins Marilyn 269 Dist #70 student Collins Mary 200 Dist #44 teacher Collins Milton 198 Dist #42 student Collins Neil 196 Dist #42 student Collins Olive 195 Dist #42 School Board or Adminstration Collins Ralph 196 Dist #42 student Collins Ralph 242 Dist #59 student Collins Ralph 301 Dist #89 student Collins Richard 198 Dist #42 student, photo Collins Richard 307 Dist #89 student, photo Collins Robert 196 Dist #42 student Collins Robert 198 Dist #42 student, photo Collins Robert (Mrs.) 198 Dist #42 teacher Collins Roland 269 Dist #70 student Collins Ross 417 Dist #94 student Collins Sharon 198 Dist #42 student, photo Collins Sharon 417 Dist #94 student Collins Stella 154 Dist #29 School Board or Adminstration Collins Thomas 196 Dist #42 student Collins Thomas 242 Dist #59 student Collins Thomas 301 Dist #89 student Collins Thomas 397 Dist #93 student Collins Todd 417 Dist #94 student Collins Vera 196 Dist #42 student Collins Vera 397 Dist #93 student Collins William 155 Dist #29 student Collins 401 Dist #93 Colman Blanche 273 Dist #70 teacher, photo Colman George (Mrs.) 273 Dist #70 photo Colman Gertie 273 Dist #70 photo Colman Roy 273 Dist #70 student, photo Commack M. M. 14 Dist #1 School Board or Adminstration Compton Audrey 358 Dist #92 student Compton Audrey 372 Dist #92 student, photo Compton Charles 358 Dist #92 student Compton Charles 392 Dist #92 student, photo Compton Charles 407 Dist #93 Compton Eleanor 358 Dist #92 student Compton Eleanor 372 Dist #92 student, photo Compton Evelyn 358 Dist #92 student Compton Evelyn 362 Dist #92 Compton Evelyn 392 Dist #92 student, photo Compton Evelyn 407 Dist #93 Compton George (Mrs.) 359 Dist #92 Compton Glen 358 Dist #92 student Compton Glen 359 Dist #92 Compton Glen 360 Dist #92 Compton Glen 376 Dist #92 student, photo Compton Glen 391 Dist #92 student, photo Compton Hazel 354 Dist #92 teacher Compton Hazel 358 Dist #92 student Compton Hazel 359 Dist #92 Compton Hazel 376 Dist #92 student, photo Compton Hazel 391 Dist #92 student, photo Compton Hazel 405 Dist #93 Compton Kenneth 281 Compton Kenneth 358 Dist #92 student Compton Kenneth 362 Dist #92 Compton Kenneth 392 Dist #92 student, photo Compton Laura 350 Dist #92 School Board or Adminstration Compton Laura Dachtler 385 Dist #92 Compton Lloyd 396 Dist #93 student Compton Merl 388 Dist #92 student, photo Compton Merl 396 Dist #93 student Compton Merle 354 Dist #92 student Compton Merle 359 Dist #92 Compton Merle 360 Dist #92 Compton Merle 382 Dist #92 Compton Merle 414 Dist #93 student, photo Compton Myron 358 Dist #92 student Compton Myron 392 Dist #92 student, photo Compton Myron 407 Dist #93 Compton Reid 358 Dist #92 student Compton Reid 359 Dist #92 Compton Reid 360 Dist #92 Compton Reid 376 Dist #92 student, photo Compton Reid 396 Dist #93 student Compton Reid 399 Dist #93 Compton Robert 358 Dist #92 student Compton Robert 362 Dist #92 Compton Robert 377 Dist #92 student, photo Compton Robert 407 Dist #93 Compton Ruth 358 Dist #92 student Compton Ruth 372 Dist #92 student, photo Condon Bill 66 Dist #6 Condon Clement 66 Dist #6 Condon Ellen 66 Dist #6 Condon Ellen 71 Dist #6 Condon Ellen 72 Dist #6 Condon Ellen 135 Dist #16 Condon Ellen V. 134 Dist #16 teacher Condon Gerald 66 Dist #6 Condon Margaret 63 Dist #6 teacher Condon Margaret 67 Dist #6 Condon Margaret 134 Dist #16 teacher Condon Margaret 304 Dist #89 teacher Condon Margeret 135 Dist #16 Condon Mary 63 Dist #6 teacher Condon Mary 300 Dist #89 teacher Condon Mollie 68 Dist #6 Condon Roy 366 Dist #92 Condon Steve 66 Dist #6 Condon William (Mrs.) 67 Dist #6 Congar Alma L. 112 Dist #11 teacher Conger (Mrs.) 143 Dist #17 Conger (Mrs.) 244 Dist #59 Conger Alma 142 Dist #17 Conger Kenneth 142 Dist #17 Conger Ruby 19 Dist #2 teacher Conklin Bert 60 Dist #6 student Conklin Bertie 60 Dist #6 student Conklin Maggie 60 Dist #6 student Conklin Mary Ann 200 Dist #44 student Conklin Rolly 60 Dist #6 student Connelly Marc 367 Dist #92 Connelly Marcus M. 354 Dist #92 Connis Perry 42 Dist #4 student Convey Cora Weston 289 Dist #88 Conway Charles 397 Dist #93 student Conway Charles 399 Dist #93 Conway Elva 278 Dist #86 student Conway Elva 279 Dist #86 student Conway Elva 281 Dist #92 student, photo Conway Frank 278 Dist #86 School Board or Adminstration Conway Robert 280 Dist #86 student Conway Ruth 278 Dist #86 student Conway Ruth 279 Dist #86 student Conway Ruth 281 Dist #92 student, photo Conway William 395 Dist #93 student Conway William 397 Dist #93 student Cook E. W. (Mrs.) 272 Dist #70 teacher Cook Rolland 100 Dist #9 student Cook Rolland 319 Dist #90 student Cook William 278 Dist #86 School Board or Adminstration Cooper A. W. 298 Dist #89 School Board or Adminstration Cooper Anna 192 Dist #41 Cooper Arthur 315 Dist #89 student, photo Cooper Audrey 112 Dist #11 student Cooper Audrey 137 Dist #17 student Cooper Audrey 138 Dist #17 student Cooper Cecil 315 Dist #89 student, photo Cooper Cecil 316 Dist #89 Cooper Cecil 412 Dist #93 student, photo Cooper Charles 160 Dist #29 student, photo Cooper Charles 302 Dist #89 student Cooper Conrad 315 Dist #89 student, photo Cooper Conrad 412 Dist #93 student, photo Cooper Dorothy 303 Dist #89 student Cooper Eugene 112 Dist #11 student Cooper Frank 145 Dist #17 Cooper Gene 137 Dist #17 student Cooper Gene 138 Dist #17 student Cooper Harry 303 Dist #89 student Cooper Henry 303 Dist #89 student Cooper John 303 Dist #89 student Cooper Kenneth 316 Dist #89 Cooper Kenneth 412 Dist #93 student, photo Cooper Mae 208 Dist #50 Cooper Marcella 112 Dist #11 student Cooper Marcella 137 Dist #17 student Cooper Marcella 138 Dist #17 student Cooper May 125 Dist #13 teacher Cooper Monica 137 Dist #17 student Cooper Monica 138 Dist #17 student Cooper Norval 316 Dist #89 Cooper Norval 412 Dist #93 student, photo Cooper Rene 19 Dist #2 teacher Cooper Rene 33 Dist #2 teacher Cooper Rene 86 Dist #7 teacher Cooper Rene 265 Dist #70 teacher Cooper Rene 266 Dist #70 teacher Cooper Rene 275 Dist #70 Cooper Reva 160 Dist #29 student, photo Cooper Reva 302 Dist #89 student Cooper Ruth 302 Dist #89 student Cooper Tamera 225 Dist #57 student Cooper Violet 160 Dist #29 student, photo Cooper Violet 302 Dist #89 student Corbin Lula 396 Dist #93 teacher Corcoran LaVern 18 Dist #2 teacher Cordes Belva 266 Dist #70 student Cordes Belva 267 Dist #70 teacher Cordes Belva 275 Dist #70 student, photo Cordes Caroline 266 Dist #70 student Cordes Caroline 325 Dist #61 Cordes Carolyn 319 Dist #90 teacher Cordes Cecil 266 Dist #70 student Cordes Jeanne 266 Dist #70 student Cordes Jeanne 275 Dist #70 student, photo Cordes Kay 266 Dist #70 student Cordes Kay 277 Dist #70 student, photo Cordes Kirk 268 Dist #70 student Cordes Kirk 277 Dist #70 student, photo Cordes Milton Kirk 266 Dist #70 student Cordes Sam 92 Dist #7 Cordes Sam 267 Dist #70 teacher Cordes Sam 275 Dist #70 Cordes Sam 276 Dist #70 teacher, photo Cordes Samuel 266 Dist #70 student Cordes Samuel 268 Dist #70 student Cordes Twila 266 Dist #70 student Cordes Twila 275 Dist #70 student, photo Corwin Bert 84 Dist #7 student Corwin Bert 97 Dist #7 Corwin Buddy 84 Dist #7 student Corwin Meade 93 Dist #7 Corwin Meade (Mrs.) 84 Dist #7 School Board or Adminstration Cosner Nona 302 Dist #89 teacher Cosner Nona 352 Dist #92 teacher Cossart Frances 66 Dist #6 Cossart Frances 154 Dist #29 student Cossart Frances 269 Dist #70 student Cossart Francis 58 Dist #6 teacher Cossart Francis 142 Dist #17 Cossart Francis 215 Dist #54 student Cossart Grace 154 Dist #29 student Cossart Grace 215 Dist #54 student Cossart Grace 269 Dist #70 student Cossart Lawrence 142 Dist #17 Cossart Lawrence 154 Dist #29 student Cossart Lawrence 215 Dist #54 student Cossart Lawrence 269 Dist #70 student Cossart Ralph 303 Dist #89 teacher Cossart Roberta 269 Dist #70 student Cossart Roger 269 Dist #70 student Cossart Velma 215 Dist #54 student Cossart Velma 269 Dist #70 student Cottle Antoinette 264 Dist #70 student Cottle Clara 264 Dist #70 teacher Cottle Clara 264 Dist #70 student Cottle Clara 272 Dist #70 teacher Cottle Frank 264 Dist #70 student Cottle Frank 270 Dist #70 student Cottle Luella 264 Dist #70 student Cottle Mamie 264 Dist #70 student Cottle Marie 264 Dist #70 student Cottle Marie 270 Dist #70 teacher Cottle Marie 329 Dist #91 teacher Cottle Marie (Miss) 92 Dist #7 Cottrill Edward 395 Dist #93 Cottrill Lila 218 Dist #55 student Countryman Gladys 271 Dist #70 student Couture Gladys Marousek 290 Dist #88 Covey Cora 289 Dist #88 Cowan Donald 92 Dist #7 Cowan Margaret 92 Dist #7 Cowan Tom 92 Dist #7 Cowen Adalaide 289 Dist #88 Cowen Don (Mrs.) 84 Dist #7 School Board or Adminstration Cowen Donald 87 Dist #7 student Cowen Donnie 87 Dist #7 student Cowen Ellen 84 Dist #7 School Board or Adminstration Cowen Fern 86 Dist #7 teacher Cowen James 87 Dist #7 student Cowen Margaret 87 Dist #7 student Cowen Mary 86 Dist #7 student Cowen Mary 87 Dist #7 student Cowen Nancy 87 Dist #7 student Cowen Sue 87 Dist #7 student Cowen Thomas 87 Dist #7 student Cowen Tom 86 Dist #7 Cowles Ramona 62 Dist #6 teacher Cox Alvina 167 Dist #35 student Cox Alvina 168 Dist #35 student Cox Alvina 169 Dist #35 student Cox Alvina 356 Dist #92 student Cox Carol Reimer 287 Dist #88 Cox Clemintina 236 Dist #58 student Cox Earl 168 Dist #35 student Cox Earl 169 Dist #35 student Cox Earl 170 Dist #35 student, photo Cox Earl 332 Dist #35 Cox Gideon 169 Dist #35 student Cox Glen 167 Dist #35 student Cox Glen 329 Dist #91 student Cox Glen 340 Dist #91 Cox Glen 342 Dist #91 Cox Glen 356 Dist #92 student Cox Helen 125 Dist #13 student Cox Jerry 168 Dist #35 student Cox Lyle 356 Dist #92 student Cox Lyle 387 Dist #92 Cox Manuel 236 Dist #58 student Cox Mercedese 236 Dist #58 student Cox Tom 373 Dist #92 Cox Ursa (Mrs.) 373 Dist #92 Cox Ursa W. 374 Dist #92 Cox Ursa Wilson 356 Dist #92 teacher Cox Wayne 167 Dist #35 student Cox Wayne 168 Dist #35 student Cox Wayne 169 Dist #35 student Coy Manuel 17 Dist #2 student Coy Manuel 137 Dist #17 student Coy Vivian 56 Dist #6 teacher Coy Vivian 75 Dist #6 Cozine Lavinia 269 Dist #70 student Cozine Lawrence 269 Dist #70 student Crabtree J. B. 202 Dist #47 School Board or Adminstration Craig Joan M. 60 Dist #6 teacher Craig Joan Patterson (Mrs.) 78 Dist #6 Craig Orin 18 Dist #2 student Craig Orin 28 Dist #2 student Craig Orin 39 Dist #2 student, photo Craig Orin 137 Dist #17 student Craig Orin 255 Dist #61 Cram Esther 200 Dist #44 teacher Crane (Mrs.) 130 Dist #13 Crane Hugh 351 Dist #92 student Crane Lula 127 Dist #13 teacher Crawford Elizabeth 188 Dist #39 student Crawford Lulu 264 Dist #70 student Crawford Marguerita 188 Dist #39 student Crawford Robert 264 Dist #70 student Crawford Woodrow 264 Dist #70 student Creley Charlie 88 Dist #7 Creley Claude (Mr. & Mrs.) 88 Dist #7 Creley Mercides 284 Dist #88 student Creley Mildred 284 Dist #88 student Creley Mildred 285 Dist #88 student Creley Mildred 288 Dist #88 Creley Mildred 293 Dist #88 student, photo Cress Bud 265 Dist #70 student Cress Donald 265 Dist #70 student Cress Gertie 265 Dist #70 student Cress Gertrude 265 Dist #70 student Cress Jessie 265 Dist #70 student Cress Junior 265 Dist #70 student Cress Maudeen 265 Dist #70 student Cress Opal 265 Dist #70 student Cress Orville 265 Dist #70 student Cress William 264 Dist #70 School Board or Adminstration Cressman Herbert 200 Dist #44 teacher Crites Ida May 306 Dist #89 Crockford Connie 62 Dist #6 teacher Crooker Vida 284 Dist #88 School Board or Adminstration Cross (Mr.) 51 Dist #5 Crossart Roberta 222 Dist #55 Crossart Roger 222 Dist #55 Crowell Alva 278 Dist #86 student Crowell Alva 279 Dist #86 student Crowell Beryl 225 Dist #57 teacher Crowell Beryl 342 Dist #91 Crowell Beryl 342 Dist #91 Crowell Beryl 350 Dist #92 student Crowell Beryl 354 Dist #92 teacher Crowell Beryl 371 Dist #92 Crowell Beryl 377 Dist #92 Crowell Beryl Heckert 351 Dist #92 teacher Crowell Emerson 278 Dist #86 School Board or Adminstration Crowell Emerson 411 Dist #93 Crowell Emma 168 Dist #35 teacher Crowell Emma 351 Dist #92 teacher Crowell Emma 359 Dist #92 teacher Crowell Emma 370 Dist #92 Crowell Emma 395 Dist #93 teacher Crowell Fern 87 Dist #7 teacher Crowell Fern 350 Dist #92 student Crowell Fern 351 Dist #92 teacher Crowell Fern 352 Dist #92 teacher Crowell Fern 371 Dist #92 Crowell Fern 377 Dist #92 Crowell Ferrell 401 Dist #93 Crowell Frank 278 Dist #86 student Crowell Frank 279 Dist #86 student Crowell Howard 401 Dist #93 Crowell Lucille 278 Dist #86 student Crowell Lucille 279 Dist #86 student Crowell Mike 350 Dist #92 School Board or Adminstration Crowell Mike 411 Dist #93 Crowell Mike (Mrs.) 350 Dist #92 teacher Crowell Ruby 86 Dist #7 teacher Crowell Ruby 125 Dist #13 teacher Crowell Ruby 342 Dist #91 Crowell Ruby 350 Dist #92 student Crowell Ruby 351 Dist #92 teacher Crowell Ruby 358 Dist #92 teacher Crowell Ruby 360 Dist #92 Crowell Ruby 371 Dist #92 Crowell Ruby (Miss) 289 Dist #88 Crowell Thomas 411 Dist #93 Crowell Warren 350 Dist #92 student Crowell Warren 360 Dist #92 Crowell Warren 371 Dist #92 Crowell Warren 377 Dist #92 Crowell Willis 336 Dist #91 Crowell 379 Dist #92 Crowser Alex 273 Dist #70 photo Crowser Ethel 145 Dist #17 Crowser Ethel 215 Dist #54 School Board or Adminstration Crowser Ethel 215 Dist #54 teacher Crowser Ethel 216 Dist #54 teacher Crowser Ethel 274 Dist #70 Crowser Ethel V. 138 Dist #17 teacher Crowser Jennie 286 Dist #88 student Crowser Jim 273 Dist #70 student, photo Crowser Lee 75 Dist #6 Crowser Lela 57 Dist #6 student Crowser Lela 75 Dist #6 Crowser Lila 82 Dist #6 student, photo Crowser Martha 273 Dist #70 student, photo Crowser Myrtle 273 Dist #70 photo Cruckshank Evelyn 278 Dist #86 student Cruckshank Orvel 278 Dist #86 student Cruickshank Ervin 264 Dist #70 student Cruickshank Orvel 264 Dist #70 student Crumb 101 Dist #9 Culbertson Andy 306 Dist #89 Culbertson Martin 100 Dist #9 student Culbertson Melvin 302 Dist #89 student Culbertson Percy 302 Dist #89 student Culbertson 230 Dist #57 Cullan Petranella 246 Dist #60 student, photo Cullan 231 Dist #57 Cullen Bernard 246 Dist #60 student, photo Cullen Bernard 256 Dist #61 Cullen Bernard 317 Dist #90 student Cullen Bernard 318 Dist #90 student Cullen Bernard 319 Dist #90 student Cullen Bernard 321 Dist #61 student Cullen Bernard 323 Dist #61 student, photo Cullen Petermellia 256 Dist #61 Cullen Petronella 317 Dist #90 student Cullen Petronella 318 Dist #90 student Cullen Petronella 319 Dist #90 student Cullen Petronella 321 Dist #61 student Cummings (Miss) 386 Dist #92 Cummings Mary 66 Dist #6 Cummins (Mrs.) 374 Dist #92 Cummins Michael 175 Dist #38 student Cummins Mike 187 Dist #38 Cummins Sally Ann 397 Dist #93 student Cunningham Martha 417 Dist #98 teacher Curley Steven 162 Dist #32 student Custer Clara 63 Dist #6 teacher Custer Clara 66 Dist #6 Custer Clara 71 Dist #6 Custer Della 63 Dist #6 teacher Custer Della 66 Dist #6 Custer Della 67 Dist #6 Cutler Lydia Sherman 207 Dist #50 Cutshall Hal W. 216 ad