Reference Marks and Codes - Standard Medical Directory The following information contains an explanation of the abbreviations and codes used in the "The Standard Medical Directory of North America 1904-1904" [Note in the original book, a dagger is used to denote Eclectic Physicians and a symbol that looks like two plus signs, one on top of the other denotes Physio-Medical Physicians] REFERENCE MARKS INDICATING SCHOOL OR SYSTEM OF PRACTICE: * Homeopathic + Eclectic # Physio-Medical : Not known No reference mark-signifies undenominational or "Regular." REFERENCE TERMS TO NAMES OF COLLEGES: The number 40 following State abbreviation signifies licensed by examination without a college diploma; the number 50 following State abbreviation signifies licensed under the "years of practice" or other exemption clause of the state law. * Extinct or title changed or consolidated with some other college. M.C.- Medical College. M.D.- Medical Dep't. M.S.-Medical School ALABAMA. Ala.1. Birmingham Medical College. Ala.2. Medical Dept. Alabama Unlv. Ala.3. Southern University, M. D.* ARKANSAS. Ark.1. Arkansas University, M. D. CALIFORNIA. Ca.1. California M. C., San Francisco. Ca.2. Calif. M. S. and Coil. ol Phys.* Ca.3. Coll. of Med. Unlv. S. Cal. Ca.4. Coll. of P. & S. of San Francisco. Ca.6. Cooper M. C., San Francisco. Ca.9. Hahnemann Hosp. Coll. of S. F. Ca.7. Univ. of California, M. D., S. F. COLORADO. Col.1. Denver Homeo. Medical College. Col.2. Gross Medical College, Denver.* Col.3. Univ. of Colorado, M. D., Boulder. Col.4. Univ. of Denver, M. D. CONNECTICUT. Conn.1. Yale University, M. D. DISTRICT 0F COLUMBIA. D.C.1. Columbian University, M. D. D.C.2. Howard University, M. D. D.C.3. Georgetown University, M. D. D.C.4. National Homeo. Medical College.* D.C.5. National University, M. D. D.C.6 Washington Homeopathic M. C.* FLORIDA. Fla.1, University of Florida, M. D.* GEORGIA. Ga.1. Atlanta College of P. & S. Ga.2. Atlanta Medical College.* Ga.5. Georgia Coll. of Eclectic M. and S. Ga.6. Georgia University, M. D. Ga.7. Oglethorpe Medical College.* Ga.8. Reform Med. Coil. of Georgia.* Ga.9. Savannah Medical College.* Ga.10. Southern Botanico M. C.* Ga.11. Southern M. C., Atlanta* Ga.12. Thomsonian College.* ILLINOIS. Ill.1. Amer. Med. Missionary College. Ill.2. Bennett Coll. Eclectic M. & S. Ill.4. Chicago Homeopathic M. C. Ill.5. Chicago Physio-Medical College. Ill.6. College of Medicine and Surgery. Ill.7. College of Physicians and Surg. Ill.8. Dunham Medical College. Ill.9. Hahnemann Medical College. Ill.10. Harvey Medical College. Ill.11. Hering Medical College. Ill.12. Illinois Medical College. Ill.13. Jenner Medical College. Ill.14. National Medical University. Ill.15. Northwestern University M. S. Ill.16. Northwestern Univ. Woman's M. C.* Ill.17. Rush Medical College. INDIANA. Ind.1. American Medical College.* Ind.2. Beach Medical College.* Ind.3. Central College of Phys. and Surg. Ind.4. Curtis Physio-Medical Institute. Ind.6. Ft. Wayne College of Medicine. Ind.9. Indiana Eclectic M. C.* Ind.ll. Medical College of Ft. Wayne.* Ind.12. Medical College of Indiana. Ind.13. Physio-Medical of Icdiana. IOWA. Ia.1. College of P. & S., Keokuk.* Ia.2. Drake University, M. D. Ia.3. Iowa Medical College.* Ia.4. Keokuk Medical College. Ia.5. Keokuk Medical College of P. & S.* Ia.7. Sioux City College of Medicine. Ia.8. Univ. of Iowa, Homeopathic M. D. Ia.9. University of Iowa, M. D. KANSAS. Kan.1. Kansas City University, M. D. Kan.2. Kansas City College of P. & S.* Kan.3. Kansas Medical College, Topeka. KENTUCKY. Ky.1. Eclectic Medical College.* Ky.2. Hospital College of Medicine. Ky.3. Kentucky School of Medicine. Ky.4. Kentucky University, M. D. Ky.5. Louisville Medical College. Ky.6. Louisville National M. C. Ky.7. Southwestern Homeo. M. C. Ky.8. University of Louisville, M. D. LOUISIANA. La.1. Charity Hospital Medical College.* La.2. New Orleans School of Medicine.* La.3. New Orleans University, M. D. La.4. Tulane University, M. D., N. O. MAINE. Me.1. Druidic University of Maine.* Me.3. Medical School of Maine. MARYLAND. Md.1. Baltimore Medical College. Md.2. Baltimore Univ. School of Med. Md.3. College of P. & S., Baltimore. Md.4. Johns Hopkins University, M. D. Md.5. Maryland Medical College. Md.6. Southern Homeopathic M. C. Md.7. Univ. of Maryland School of Med. Md.8. Washington Univ. School of Med.* Md.9. Woman's M. C. of Baltimore. MASSACHUSETTS. Mass.1. Berkshire Medical College.* Mass.2. Boston University School of Med. Mass.3. College of P. & S., Boston. Mass.4. Harvard Univ. Medical School. Mass.5. Tufts College Med. School. Mass.6. Worcester Medical College.* MICHIGAN. Mich.1. Detroit College of Medicine. Mich.2. Detroit Homeopathic M. C. Mich.3. Detroit Medical College.* Mich.6. Grand Rapids Medical College. Mich.7. Michigan College of Medicine.* Mich.8. Michigan College of M. and S. Mich.9. Michigan Homeopathic M. C.* Mich.12. Saginaw Valley Medical College. Mich.13. Univ. of Mich., Dep. M. & S. Mich.14. Univ. of Michigan, Homeo. M. C. MINNESOTA. Minn.1. Hamline University, M. D. Minn.2. Minnesota Homepathic M. C.* Minn.3. Minnesota Hospital M. C.* Minn.4. St. Paul Medical College.* Minn.5. Univ. of Minn., Coll. Hom. M. & S. Minn.6. Univ. of Minn.. Coll. M. & S. MISSOURI. Mo.1. American Medical Coll., St. Louis. Mo.2. Barnes Medical College, St. Louis. Mo.3. Beaumont Hospital M. C., St. L.* Mo.4. Central Medical Coll., St. Joseph. Mo.6. Columbian M. C., Kansas City. Mo.6. Eclectic Med. Univ., Kansas City. Mo.7. Ensworth Hosp. M. C., St. Joseph. Mo.8. Hering Med. Coll., St. Louis.* Mo.9. Homeopathic M. C. of Missouri. Mo.11. Humboldt M. C., St. Louis.* Mo.13. Kansas City Hahnemann M. C. Mo.14. Kansas City Homeo., M. C.* Mo.15. Kansas City Hosp. Coll. of Med.* Mo.16. Kansas City Medical College. Mo.17. Kansas City Univ., Hahn M. C. Mo.18. Marion-Sims Beaumont Col. Med. Mo.19. Medical College of Kansas City.* Mo.20. Medico-Chirurglcal College. Mo.21. Missouri Eclectic M. C.* Mo.22. Missouri M. C., St. Louis.* Mo.23. Northwestern M. C., St. Joseph.* Mo.26. St. Joseph Hospital Med. Coll.* Mo.26. St. Louis College of P. &. S. Mo.27. St. Louis Hygienic Coll. P. & S.* Mo.28. St. Louis Woman's M. C. & Hosp. Mo.29. University M. C., Kansas City. Mo.30. Univ. of Missouri, M. D.* Mo.31. Washington Univ., M. D., St. L. Mo.32. Woman's M. C., Kansas City. Mo.33. Woman's M. C., St. Louis.* NEBRASKA. Neb.1. Creighton Med. Coll., Omaha. Neb.2. Lincoln M. C. of Cotner Univ. Neb.3. Omaha University, M. D. Neb.4. Univ. of Nebraska, M. D.* Neb.5. Univ. of Nebraska, Homeo. M. D.* NEW HAMPSHIRE. NH.1. Dartmouth M. C., Hanover. NEW JERSEY. NJ.1. Med. & Surg. Coll. of New Jersey.* NEW YORK. NY.1. Albany Med. Coll. NY.2. Bellevue Hospital Med. Coll.* NY.3. Brooklyn Academy of Medicine.* NY.4. Col. of P. & S. In the City of N. Y. NY.5. College of P. and S. of Buffalo.* NY.6. Coll. of P. & S. Wes. Dis. N. Y.* NY.7. Cornell University M. C. NY.8. Eclectic M. C. of City of N. Y. NY.9. Geneva M. C.* NY.10. Long Island Coll. Hosp., Brooklyn. NY.12. New York Homeo. M. C. & Hosp. NY.13. New York Medical College.* NY.14. N. Y. M. C. & Hosp. for Women. NY.15. N. Y. Univ. M. D., N. Y. City.* NY.16. Niagara Univ., M. D., Buffalo.* NY.17. Regents of Univ. of N. Y. State. NY.18. Syracuse Univ. College of Med. NY.19. The Univ. & Bellevue Hosp. M. C. NY.20. United States Medical College.* NY.21. University of Buffalo, M. D. NY.22. Woman's M. C. of N. Y. Infirmary. NORTH CAROLINA. NC.1. Leonard School of Med. Raleigh NC.2. North Carolina M. C., Davidson. OHIO. O.1. American Eclectic M. C.* O.3. Cincinnati College of M. and S.* O.4. Cleveland College of P. and S.* O.5. Cleveland Homeopathic M. C. O.7. Cleveland University of M. and S O.10. Columbus Medical College.* O.12. Eclectic Med. Inst., Cincinnati O.14. Homeo. Hospital College, Cleve'd.* O.15. Hygeia M. C., Cincinnati.* O.16. Laura Memorial Woman's M. C. O.17. Med. Dept. Univ. of Cincinnati 0.18. Miami M. C., Cincinnati. O.19. Northwestern Ohio M. C Toledo O.21. Ohio Med. University, Columbus. O.22. Ohio Wesleyan University M. D. O.25. Presby'n Hosp. & Woman's M. C. O.26. Pulte Medical College, Cincinnati O.27. Starling Med. College, Columbus O.28. Toledo Medical College. O.29. Univ. of Wooster, M. D., Clevel'd.* O.30, Western Reserve Univ. M. D. O.31. Woman's M. C. of Cincinnati.* OREGON. Ore.1. University of Oregon, M. D. Ore.2. Willamette Univ., M. D., Salem. PENNSYLVANIA. Pa.1. American Coll. of Med. in Penn * Pa.2. Eclectic M. C. of Pa.* Pa.3. Hahnemann Med. Col. Pa.4. Homeopathic Med. Coll., Phila.* Pa.5. Jefferson Medical College, Phila. Pa.6. Medico-Chirurgical Coll., Phila. Pa.7. Penn. Medical University.* Pa.8. Pennsylvania M. C., Phila.* Pa.9. Phila. Univ. Med. and Surg.* Pa.10. Univ. of Penn., M. D., Phila. Pa.11. Western Pa. M. C., Pittsburg. Pa.12. Woman's M. C. of Pa., Phila. SOUTH CAROLINA. SC.2. Medical College of South Carolina. SC.3. Univ. of South Carolina, M. D.* TENNESSEE. Tenn1. Chattanooga Medical College. Tenn.2. Knoxville College, M. D.* Tenn.3. Meharry M. D. Cen. Tenn. Coll. Tenn.4. Memphis Hospital M. C. Tenn.5.. Memphis Medical College* Tenn.6. National M. C. of Chattanooga. Tenn.8. Tennessee M. C., Knoxville. Tenn.9. University of Nashville, M. D. Tenn.10. Univ. of Tenn., M. D., Nash. Tenn.11. Univ. of South, M. D., Sewanee. Tenn.12. Vanderbilt Univ., M. D., Nash. TEXAS. Tex.1. Ft. Worth University, M. D. Tex.4. Univ. of Texas, M. D., Galveston. VERMONT. Vt.3. University of Vermont, M. D. Vt.4. Vermont M. C.* Vt.5. Vermont M. C., Rutland.* VIRGINIA. Va.1. Medical College of Virginia. Va.3. Univ. College of Med., Richmond. Va.4. University of Virginia. M. D. WISCONSIN. Wis.1. Milwaukee Medical College. Wis.2. Wisconsin Coll. of P. & S., Milw. ONTARIO. Ont.1. Faculty of Med. of Queen's Univ. and Royal College of P. & S., Kingston. Ont.2. Kingston Woman's M. C.* Ont.3. Ontario M. C. for Women.* Ont.4. Toronto School of Medicine.* Ont.5. Toronto Univ., Medical Faculty. Ont.6. Trinity Medical College, Toronto. Ont.7. Univ. of the Victoria College.* Ont.8. Victoria College, M. D.* Ont.9. Western Univ. M. D., London. QUEBEC. Que.1. Ecole de Med. et de Chirurgie.* Que.2. Laval University M. D., Montreal. Que.3. Laval University, M. D., Quebec. Que.4. McGill Univ., M. D., Montreal. Que.6. Quebec School of Medicine.* Que.7. Univ. of Bishop's College Faculty of Med., Montreal. NOVA SCOTIA. NS 1. Dalhousie Univ. Med. Fac., Halif'x. NS.2. Halifax Medical College. MANITOBA. Man.1. Manitoba Med. Coll., Winnipeg. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Luzon.1. Univ. of St. Louis. Spain.1. Univ. of Spain, Spain. Spain.2. Univ. of Barcelona, Spain.