Peever, Roberts Co., SD - 1909 Business Directory This file contains a listing from "South Dakota State Business Directory", published by The Gazetteer Publishing Co., Denver, CO in 1909. Information transcribed by Joy Fisher. This file may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use. Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author. This file is part of the SDGENWEB Archives. If you arrived here inside a frame or from a link from somewhere else, our front door is at PEEVER A live and growing town in Roberts county, on the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry., 10 miles southeast of Sisseton. Surrounded by a rich farming country, with the usual town improvements. Population 300. Last Name First Name Business Aney A. L. prop New Palace Hotel and Café Aney G. W. buyer, Miller Bros. Minneapolis Elevator Co. Aney Rubin justice peace Aney Bros. props Pioneer Livery & Feed Stable, transfer and hauling Barnes M. E. barber and marshal Central Hotel John Peterson prop Dove Hardware Co. hardware, W F Dove prop Dubeck F. E. publisher Peever Pilot Ertsgaard A. F. asst cashier First State Bank Farmers Elevator Co. Alfred Nelson buyer First State Bank Mathias Opitz pres, J F Frederick vice-pres, Carl J Rice cash, A F Ertsgaard asst cash Frederick J. F. vice-pres, First State Bank Independent Elevator Co. Alexander Murray, buyer James F. E. general merchandise Kay T. E. stonemason Kurrasch H. C. fuel and feed Lang John town assessor Lang P. E. mayor Lang Bros. blacksmiths McGowan Lumber Co. C. E. McKeever Elevator Co. J. M. Mead M. private bank Miller Bros. Minneapolis Elevator Co. G W Aney buyer Moore & Sheperd livery Murray Alexander buyer, Independent Elevator Co. Nelson Alfred buyer, Farmers Elevator Co. Nelson Alfred town treasurer New Palace Hotel & Café A L Aney prop Opitz Mathias pres, First State Bank Opitz & Co. M. general merchandise Palace Hotel A L Aney prop Parsons Eva dressmaker Pearson A. W. physician, drugs Peever Pilot (w) F E Dubeck publisher Peterson John prop Central Hotel Pioneer Livery & Feed Stable Aney Bros props Rice Carl J. cashier, First State Bank Rice Carl J. pres, Western Land & Investment Co. Schmidt C. A. pool and restaurant Sheperd see Moore & Sheperd Swenson H. O. hardware, furniture, undertaker Western Land & Investment Co. Carl J Rice pres