Statewide County, SD Biographies.....Audubon, John J. 1780 - 1851 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher October 13, 2007, 2:24 am Author: Doane Robinson (1925) Audubon, John J., naturalist, 1780-1851; visited the Dakota region in summer of 1843, entering South Dakota on the Missouri River, May 13 and passing out up stream on June 5th. He was accompanied by Edward Harris, John G. Bell. Isaac Sprague and Lewis Squires, all trained ornithologists or naturalists. They were thus in South Dakota 22 days in the flush of spring-time. Returning, the entire month of September was spent in South Dakota. Hence they had an excellent opportunity to observe all of the spring and autumn birds of that period. A list of those found is interesting as a basis of comparison with the present bird population. Avocet Bluebird Bunting Henslow's Emberiza Chat, Y. breasted Coot Curlew, I. billed Dove Duck Black Gadwell Spoonbill Finch Harris's Lark Lazuli Lincoln's Palida White crowned Flycatcher Arkansas Say Grebe Grosbeak Blue Blackheaded Evening Gull, B. headed Hawk Forktailed Marsh Night Pigeon Sparrow Heron Lark Yellow or ground finch Meadow Prairie Magpie Martin Pelican, white Pewee, least Pigeon Prairie hen Raven Rail, Virginia Robin Sandpiper Bartram Spotted Swallow Barn Cliff Swan Tern, black Goose Thrush Red Wood Troupial, y. head Turkey Viero, Bells' Warbler, b. and Whip-poor-will Wren Woodpecker R. head R. shaft Additional Comments: Extracted from: DOANE ROBINSON'S Encyclopedia of South Dakota FIRST EDITION Published by the Author PIERRE 1925 COPYRIGHT BY DOANE ROBINSON. 1925 WILL A. BEACH PRINTING COMPANY PRINTERS AND BINDERS SIOUX FALLS File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.2 Kb