Union-Lincoln County, SD Biographies.....Willey, James 1824 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/sd/sdfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher sdgenweb@yahoo.com December 30, 2007, 12:03 am Author: Geo. A. Ogle & Co. (1897) JAMES WILLEY is the owner of 320 acres of fine farming land, one-half in section 1 of Prairie township, and the balance in Norway township, Lincoln county, the entire amount of which is improved. He devotes his energies to mixed farming, and the neat and tasty surroundings combined with the fine appearance of the farm indicate the owner to be a man of enterprise and thrift. As Mr. Willey is well and popularly known throughout the community, a sketch of his life will be received with interest by our readers. He is a native of the province of Quebec, Canada, and was born October 8, 1843. His early life was spent in his mother country on a farm, and the common schools of the district afforded him the rudiments of education. In the spring of 1865 he came to the "States," locating in Jackson county, Iowa, where he worked in a blacksmith shop for two years, and then settled on a farm in Clinton county of the same state, which he operated for a period of three years longer. Woodbury county next claimed him as a resident for a year and then he removed to Sioux county, settling on a homestead. That land was all wild and had never seen the plow, but under the skillful management of our subject it was improved and made his home until the spring of r881, when he sold out and came to Union county, Dak. Ter. Here again he was confronted with practically raw land which he has brought to a high state of cultivation. To his original purchase he added another quarter section in Norway township, and this makes up his total landed possessions of 320 acres as stated above. All the outbuildings and both of his barns he has erected himself, and his two pieces of property are among the best in the townships in which they are located. Politically he is and always has been a stanch supporter of Republican principles, and takes an active interest in all local matters. He has served as clerk of his school district for three terms and also as road supervisor, and has frequently attended both county and state conventions of the party with which he is in sympathy as a delegate. He is distinctly a self-made man, starting in his battle for existence without a dollar, and by thrift, enterprise and frugality has made his mark as a well-to-do and prominent citizen. Mr. Willey was united in the holy bonds of wedlock to the lady who so graciously presides over his home, in 1885. Her maiden name was Miss Sarah Armstrong, and she was a native of Upper Canada. The union has been blessed with the birth of four children, but two of whom are living, viz.: Earnest E. and Lottie. Mrs. Willey is a Woman of Christian character, and a member of the local missionary society. Additional Comments: Extracted from: MEMORIAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD OF Turner, Lincoln, Union and Clay Counties, SOUTH DAKOTA. Containing Biographical Sketches of Hundreds of Prominent Old Settlers and Representative Citizens, with a Review of their Life Work; their Identity with the Growth and Development of these Counties; Reminiscences of Personal History and Pioneer Life; and other Interesting and Valuable Matter which should be Preserved in History. ILLUSTRATED CHICAGO. GEO. A. OGLE & CO. Publishers, Engravers and Book Manufacturers. 1897. Biography is the only true history.—EMERSON. A people that take no pride in the noble achievements of remote ancestors will never achieve anything worthy to be remembered with pride by remote generations.—MACAULAY. File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/sd/union/bios/willey278gbs.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/sdfiles/ File size: 4.0 Kb