Index to Others Mentioned in Union County Obituaries, 1871 - 1884 This file is an index to others mentioned in death notices in The Elk Point Leader, 1871 -1884. This index was compiled by Emma Ballinger. Transcribed from a manuscript found in the Sioux City Public Library by Joy Fisher. This file may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use. All other rights reserved. Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author. This file is part of the SDGENWEB Archives. If you arrived here inside a frame or from a link from somewhere else, our front door is at Allan, Mr. Solomon (Gale 1884) Baker, Robt. (Bolinger 1886) Bennett, Mrs. Dr. (Wolcott 1883) Bovee, Mrs. Allison (Stebbins 1876, Stebbins 1879) Brace, Mrs. H. J. (Clark 1889) Bredal, Mr. (Dixon 1888) Brown, Mrs. Lucinda (Morris 1886) Mrs. Mark (Rose 1877) Burnham, Mrs. Mary (Wixson 1880) Callahan, Mrs. Peter (Kevill 1887) Carter, Hrs. R. (Graham 1889) Cary, Mrs. Pat (McGraw 1887) Casey, John (Manning 1885, (Manning 1886) Chambers, Mary (Hayes 1887) Chapman, Emily (Chamberlain 1889) Collins, Mrs. (Wood 1889) Conly, Mrs. W. J. (Simmons 1888) Wm. J. (Miner 1885) Crill, Mrs. L. H. (Roe 1882) Curtis, Mrs. Jonathan (Pierce 1874) Daggert, Mrs. Nancy (Bridgeman 1876) Dennison, Mrs. Thos. (Kevill 1887) Eddy, Mrs. A. E. (Chamberlin 1882) Ericson, E. E. (Johnson 1884) Everett, Mrs. (Lutz 1878) Fate, Mrs. W. H. H. (Baker 1886) Ferguson, Mrs. Wm. (Gale 1884) Ferris, Mrs. Johnson (Nathan 1872) Fetzer, Mrs. (Budde 1879) Finn, Nelson (Manaty 1884) Fisher, Mrs. J. A. (Royalty 1887) Fisk, Mrs. (Hatter 1879) Flanagan, I. In. (Appleton 1888) Foster, Eliza (Weed 1886) Franklin, Mrs. Teen (Butterfield 1890) Garden, A. E. (Hatter 1887) Getman, (Lehman 1885) Gilbert, M/M (Root 1889) Gray, Mrs. John (Jones 1882) Green, R. R. (Walters 1889) Hasson, Alonzo (Dexter 1887) Cora (Davis 1890) Hemstreet, Mrs. (Morris 1886) Hill, Mrs. L. T. (Smith.l880) Hoffman, Delilah J. (Ashley 1872) Hopkins, Mrs. Ward (Munsey 1886) Hughes (Smith 1874) Hunt, Mrs. (Parker 1882) Mrs. Amy (Brown 1889) Kent, Mrs. M. B. (Davis 1888, (Hunt 1879) Kilgore, Mrs. David (Hawks 1883) King, Mrs. (McCain 1877) Kingsbury, Mrs. A. G. (Dow 1888) Kiplinger, Ella (Phillips 1885) Laird, Abbie (Young 1888) Lancaster, Mrs. Wm. (Evarts 1880) Lepper, Mrs. (Clark 1889) Libby, Mrs. R. H (Evarts 1880) Linch, G. M. (Lynch 1882) Malone, Mrs. Thos. (Kevill 1887) Martin, Andrew (Hanson 1886) Mathews, Mrs. Geo. (Wilmarth 1882) McGuire, Miss (Edwards 1888) Miller, Mr.(Allen 1887) Mrs. (Kittleman 1879) Morins, Wm. (Martell 1885) Murphery, Geo. (Fisher 1883) Murphy, Mrs. Hance (Ridpath 1881) Naughton, Mrs. Mark (McGraw 1887) Nearman, H. J (Appleton 1885, Appleton 1886) Henry (Appleton 1882) Newgard, Ed, John & Nettie (Staum 1888) O'Connell, John (Walsh 1888) Orsborn, A. J. (Carter 1888) Otis, Rev. N. (Woolcott 1883) Phillips, Amos (Edmundson 1886) Mrs. (Davis 1890) Putnam, Mrs. D. P. (Rice 1876) Quick, Henry (DeWolf 1888, Dennis 1877) Raish, J. N. ( Robinson 1886) Reandeau, Mrs. L (Pelroy 1875) Reid, Patrick (Dunningham 1890) Ross, Duncan Sr. (Smith 1890, DeVeaux 1879) Rowe, Mrs. H. (Gore 1888) Rust, Sarah (Kroksh 1890) Ryan, Jerry (Egan 1884) Singer, C. H. (Campbell 1885) Slaughter, Mrs. Wm. (Root 1889) Smith, Joe (Taylor 1887) Mrs. (Fisher 1889, Crum 1889) Spencer, Mrs. (Beller 1879) Swan, Arthur (Myers 1888) Talcott, Mrs. J. M. (Chamberlin 1882) Tooker, Mrs. Anna (Ford 1882) Wallace, Mrs. J. (Miller 1888, (Kittleman 1879) Walson, E. F. (Butterfield 1890) Ward, Mrs. C. C. (Miller 1888) Warner, Mrs. Merrit (Hawks 1883) Watson, Thomas (Hawks 1883) Webster Wm. L. (Coonin 1882) Weston, Mrs. A. R. (Parker 1882) Wicks, Capt. H. N. (Fisher 1889) Wilson, Mrs. Libbie (Barrelle 1880) Mrs. Thos. (Simmons 1888) Wood, Mrs. J. D. (Grill 1890, Roe 1882)