Mobridge, Walworth Co., SD - 1909 Business Directory This file contains a listing from the "South Dakota State Business Directory," published by The Gazetteer Publishing Co., Denver, Colorado in 1909. Information transcribed by Joy Fisher. This file may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use. Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author. A new and growing town in Walworth county, on the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry., 25 miles north-west of Bangor, and 98 miles west of Aberdeen. Division point for both passenger and freight. A supply point for a large surrounding country, which is being settled rapidly. Mobridge promises to become one of the important cities of the state. Present population 700. Last Name First Name Business Arens J. C. prop Majestic Café & Buffet, wines, liquors and cigars, restaurant and rooms Beals Harry confectionery, fruit and ice cream Beals Harry (Mrs.) operator, Dakota Central Telephone Co. Benoist Wm. vice-pres, Farmers State Bank Brady Lumber Co. J. G. J E Glendy mgr Christy J. H. pool, billiards and cigars Clayton & Pratt attorneys-at-law Columbia Elevator Co. J E Shea buyer Corey & Hart contractors and builders Corken J. H. see Flick & Corken Current E. H. physician Current & Stevens drugs Dakota Central Telephone Co. Mrs Harry Beals operator Dewey Cigar Co. S E Dewey prop Dykeman A. C. general merchandise Empey E. E. attorney Farmers State Bank N L Nelson pres, Wm Benoist vice-pres, E P Peterson cashier Flick & Corken (A E Flick & J H Corken), real estate, farm lands and ranches Fox H. E. asst cash Mobridge State Bank Gallett D. G. jeweler and optician, pianos, phonographs Glendy J. E. mgr, J G Brady Lumber Co. Golden West Hotel Chris Neumiller prop Goodman F. M. U S Commissioner Goodman Real Estate Co. F M Goodman mgr Halverson H. E. dray line Hampton Mercantile Co. Isabel Hampton prop Harris J. W. pres, Mobridge State Bank Harris Hardware Co. B M Harris mgr Hart see Corey & Hart Haverty T. U. restaurant Howe N. D. groceries Klein Fred prop The Star Bakery, wholesale & retail Klein see Lawien & Klein Larsen Lars furniture and undertakers Lawien & Klein hardware Lehnert & Odland well drillers Linden Otto railway and express agent Majestic Café and Buffet J C Arens prop, wines, liquors and cigars, restaurant and rooms Minton M. M. barber Mobridge State Bank J W Harris pres, C D Smith vice-pres, A W Rowlee cash, H E Fox asst cashier Nelson N. L. pres, Farmers State Bank Neumiller Chris prop, Golden West Hotel Norwegian Lutheran Church Olson Petra M. hotel O'Malley W. W. prop The Pierce Hotel Orrock Grayce (Mrs.)millinery Orrock R. A. livery Peterson E. P. cash Farmers State Bank Pierce Buffet, The L E Pierce prop Pierce Hotel W W O'Malley prop Pratt see Clayton & Pratt Rowlee A. W. cash Mobridge State Bank Schuler August dray line Shea J. E. buyer, Columbia Elevator Co. Smith C. D. vice-pres, Mobridge State Bank Star Bakery, The whol and retail, Fred Klein prop Stern S. merchant tailor Stevens C. S. physician Stevens see Current & Stevens Stierwalt C. E. blacksmith Stoltzman P. P. general merchandise Tilley N. B. meat market Treloar C. J. meat market Vawter John G. justice peace and postmaster Walters Charles barber Wrigley James lumber and coal