Klasi Cemetery, Yankton Co., SD This is a listing of graves in The Klasi Private Cemetery, Yankton Co., SD from the WPA Graves Registration Project. The list is dated Nov. 1940. Klasi Cemetery is located in Central Township, T95N R56W Sec. 30 about 3 miles from Utica. It was founded in 1885. This list was compiled and copyrighted (1997) by Joy Fisher and may be freely copied for non-profit purposes. All other rights reserved. This file is a part of the free service called SDGENWEB. Our front door is located at http://www.usgenweb.com/sd LName FName Gr. No. Lot No. Date of Death Age Sex Vet Notes Baade Albert 8 2 m Calleson Bettie 7 5 8 mo. f Klasi Elise 11-12 8 f Klasi Elizabeth 7-8 3 about 75 f GrandMa Klasi Elizabeth 10-11 3 14 Sep 1886 42 f Klasi Jackobina 15 3 13 Feb 1895 20 f Klasi James 15 2 6 mo. m Klasi Katherine 12-13 3 21 Nov 1891 19 f Klasi Leonard 5 3 1930 51 m Klasi Tommy 8 3 stillborn m This person was buried on top of Grandma Elizabeth Klasi Due to a very cold winter and heavy deep frost