Old Polish Cemetery, Yankton Co., SD This is a listing of graves in First or Old Polish Cemetery, Yankton Co., SD from the WPA Graves Registration Project. The list is dated Nov. 1940. Old Polish Cemetery is located in Ziskov Township, T94N R57W Sec. 8. This list was compiled and copyrighted (1996) by Joy Fisher and may be freely copied for non-profit purposes. All other rights reserved. This file is a part of the free service called SDGENWEB. Our front door is located at http://www.usgenweb.com/sd L Name F Name Gr No Lot No Date of Dea Age Sex Lukes Carrie 8 2 May 1876 2 f Mach Joe (child) 9 3 Parszek Joe (Mrs.) 5 1 f Ternes Gust 4 2 m Ternes Philip 3 2 m Ubran Adam (child 6 2 Ubran Adam (child 7 2 Ugofsky Frances 5 2 f Ugofsky Frank 5 3 m Ugofsky Joseph 4 3 m Ugofsky Mary 1 2 f Ugofsky Sophia 6 3 f Ugofsky Valentine 2 2 m VarvarskMary 8 1 f Vessley Chrales 4 1 f ? Question - whether this is Mr. or Mrs. Wagner child 7 3 Child of Joseph & Roselia Wagner child 8 3 Child of Joseph & Roselia Waloch Joe (child) 6 1 Waloch Mrs. Joe 6 1 f