66-07-22 Corvallis Benton County Oregon July the 22 1866 to A & E Damrell from R. Canterbury Dear Father and Mother I once more seat my self to try and anser your vary kinde letter wich came to hand three weakes ago. it found me in bed with a cancer warte on my big toe. I cowde it with burnt alum and tobacco calimal rede posipty it a bote well I had a harde spell of my olde complaint to weakes ago wood like to tell you of my surfring my woorn have become harden. I have my sickness evra three er fore weekes. I feal better now then I have this spring. I dont know how long it will last. some times I feal right mart for a weake and take a gradil worse an tell my sick spell is over and so on I dont never expect to be stout again I feal it is a grate mercy to feal as well as I do. mother it is a grat satisfaction to get a letter from home. it is a hard taske for me to right. I think some times that I will quit trying to right. I donte know that theas lines can be rede or not. turn over. tell all of the Brothers and sisters to right. we are so glad to get a letter from home. you will see a skrap from my hand to the girls mother I feal sora that you have such a responsibility arresting on you. do try and take care of yursel if ya can. tell Sara that I have forgoten her I will rite to her soon. you said Martha had something like a cancer on her. yaw tell her to aply tobacco on the sore ain hold in her mouth. I had three cancer wartes soon after we coste the plaines on my hand. I put burnt alum and tobacco red posipty the rots came out like sead it come in little red hard lumps and then got raw it wood bleed I washt in soap suds. I must bring my leter to a close so I remain your affectionet child untell Deth and hope these lines may find you in good helth so I must close by saying goodby Ruhamah Canterbury