68-053a Vacaville Solano Co Cal May 3, 1868 A & E Damrell from L. F. Canterbury Dear Father & Mother I embrace the prasant opportunity to write to you. I wrote to you Last Fall but have neaver Received any answer. We have been Looking for a Letter for a long time but still doom"d to disapointment. What is the matter? We have all had vary good ealth since we came here except Amor and her health is better then when in Oregon. I weigh 180 lbs. More then I ever weigh'd before. Julia weighs 146 lbs. Augustus weigs 70 lbs and the other children have grown vary much, are healthy and stout. They have been going to school for sometime to the College and Learning vary fast. Milty can Read vary well. I have been at work in a wagon shop for awhile back. I get $3 per day and Board. I will probably get work two or 3 monts. I have made arrangement for Augustus and Andrew to work during harvest at 15$ per month each and two span of Horses. it was so wet during the winter that we only got in about 40 Acres of wheat. it Looks fine. We have a good Garden. Potatoes now is Bloom. We will have some fruit, Peaches, Figs, Aapricots & grapes. We had the coldest, and wettest winter was known here. we had one snow 6 inces deep. it was all gone in 3 days. The cops is excellent hee this year. I neaver saw so much wheat growing in one year, on my Life. Early wheat and Barley is now headed out. Our hay harvest will commence in about 10 days. I Received a Letter not Long Since from Cyntha Ann. They ware well. They have had a Terrible winter up there. Their Post Office is Fort Symco, Washington Terrytory. Write to them. They are vary Lonesome. Cyntha wrote that Old Uncle Jess Hunsaker is dead. I Received a Letter from Lizzie not vary Long Since, also one from Brother Frank. He said that he has become a Christian and joind the Church. I am glad indeed. hope he'll stand up to the work. I have Bought no place here yet. Land is vary high from 15 to 50 dollars per Acre so you see it takes some money to by a Farm here, there are places in other Localitys that can be bought for Less. I may by a Place yet before Fall. Can't tell now Grand Ma. I hope you will write to us soon. We want to hear from you vary much. Can't hardly wait. ??Heskets?? two Oldest boys are here today. They ware at Jon Nortons yesterday. They ware all well. John has in over 100 Acres of Wheat. He is getting along first rate. Old Uncle Jack Nortons' health is much better then when in Mo. I believe I have nothing more to write now. Write soon. direct to Vacaville Solano Co Cal no more. Farewell Love to all the friends there. L. F. Canterbury Ruhamah Canterbury