71-11-05 to E Damrell from R Canterbury St Helens Napa Co Cal November 5, 1871 My Dear Father and Mother. your kind and welcome letter Came safely a few days ago. it a gives me grat plesur to read your letters. it found us well as common. I am sorey to here of your a Father many a flictions I wold like to be thar with yo but alas wee ar seprated faire a way of may our memy afliction in this life reward us in heaven. o may we meet in that beter land whare parting is no more. tis there I have my tresure and ther I long to rests my sold. O mother and Father all praiuse to our redeeming lord. who joins us by his grace a____this subject. We are doing the beste we can at the present. this is a hard yer in California. we have pleanty. We went up in Yolo to see our frends. I went to the grave yard. for the firs time I ever saw my Der Childerns gravs as I was in bed when tha was berid. Mr Houg went backe to see his frnds. his mother dont know everything about his family almost loste her mind. I wold like to wright a long letter don't know that you can read teas liens. tell brother Elisha to write to us. we have not had a scratch of a pen form him this sumer. pa is a stonish about that money. _it is not much. every little helps. we got a leven hundard dollars in gold on our land. fourteen hundard dollars due us next fall a intrus on it. We have made lots of money a spent lots. I have to take pills and the time I use wrights pills and bath with turpentine and take inward as medison. I use mustard polices on my side at times. I must close by saing good by for this time. I remd affettion child, Ruhamah Canterbury to A & E Damrell.