72-05-26 St Helena Napa Co Cal May the 26 1872 to E & A Damrell from Ruhamah Dear Mother and Father your long looke fore letter came safe a few days ago. it found us as well as common except bad cold I had. I am sorry to where that you and Father is so porly. I wosh I was nere you whare I could go to see you all and talk to elehelher once more fase to fase it seam hard to bee so fare a way frome you all. alase this is my lot o may wee have faith in god and take courag when the lord sesit is a nuf come up high in heven and sing and shout our sufring are a round the thrne one of god to meat at Jeses feet wit frends that past on before wont that bee joyful to meet to no more part. Father a Mother sisters a brother shall never part again i must dop this subject for this time I wosh I cold wright a good letter like some this is morn and I am a lone. Aly a Milty is at School. Andrew a his pa in the corn at work. the first corn crop tha have mad in this faie off land. I have to doctor all the time to keep up. I have rhumats in my Jaw at times I cant eate tel I rub it with turpentine heat a cloth to lay it on take something warm in my mouth I am better now this Spring then I have for a long time. I peact two Star quilts this winter like the star that yo gave mee I quilted one then sold it fore fifteen dollars. I wold like to have som of my neises to live with me it is so fare off it seem a bit of the power gave my lov to all the frends and a large sheer for your selves good by Ruhamah Canterbury to A Damrell E Damrell excuse this porly riten letter wright soon tell sary a theny Ann to wright and Martha Casen I hav not had a leter for a long time from eney of them.