BEDFORD COUNTY, TN - DEEDS - Sally Payne to Elizabeth Payne, 30 Apr 1825 ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Bob Meadows ==================================================================== Sally Payne to Elizabeth Payne, Bedford County, TN, 30 April 1825 Surnames: Payne, Troxler [Note: The name of one witness was recorded as Trosler, but I believe that family's name was Troxler. The handwriting is so poor, I couldn't be sure of several words; so I have put my best guesses in brackets--even when they made no sense to me. Some are apparently creative spelling, e.g., "varice" for various. Others may be words with which I'm unfamiliar. The date given for registration of the bill of sale is so different from the previous entry in this book--the deed from Sally to Elizabeth--that either I've read it wrong or it was entered incorrectly by the clerk.] Bedford Co., TN, deed book T, pg. 64: 64) Sally Payne To Elizabeth Payne State of Tennessee ) Bedford County ....) Know all men by theas presant That I Sally Payne of the County and State afore Said hath for and in consideration of the Sum of one hundred and fifty dollars to be in hand paid the recept whareof is hereby ack- nowling hath Barganed Sold and delivered & by these presants do Bargan sell and deliver unto Elizabeth Payne of the Same place the Following [varice ?] property to wit one Old Sorrel mare and black Mare one young Sorrel mare and [pidy ?] cow and Calf and [Sprekled ?] cow two [Worke ?] Stears one [pided ?] Yearling twenty foure hed of hogs and thirteen head of Sheep two beds & furniter and [stand ?] Curtins one Trunk one table two cotton wheels one flax wheel one [Lawan ?] Six Tea Cups Six Sausers ten earthing [plating ?] Six bowls one dish and pitcher two Sugar boxes Six chairs two sad Irons one big Kettle two pales one [axle end Sadle ?] two water pales one Looking glass one set of [fier ?] Irons two Plows one [avlerer ?] and one pair of chains traces and harnes and side Sadle one Bake Iron twinty Barrels of corn six hundred pounds of Bacon one Bible & Testa- ment one himn Book one Introduction to the Inglish reader one new [yaurk ?] Reader thirty Pounds of [Wool ?] one Iron pot rack threes hoes one ax one hat [Break ?] Six {tengues ?] wich Said Propperty I do warrant and [for ever ?] and defend [aun ?] to the said Elizabeth Payne hir heirs and assigns [--pg. 65--] For ever from the Just clame of all person or persons whatsover In Witness whereof I have heareunto Set my hand and seal this 30th day of Aprile 1825 Test ....................... hir Z. Payne .............. Sally + Payne (seal) Anthony Trosler ............ mark .................... State of Tennessee Bedford county Court May Term 1825 I James McKisick Clerke of the Court of plasant and quarter session for the County aforesaid do certify that the within Bill of Sale from Sally Payne to Elizabeth Payne Was actnawledg in open Court by the said Sally Payne and ordered to be Sirtifyed Given under my hand this 12th May 1825 ................... Jas McKisick, Clk Reg'd 11th of Janary 1826 Edw'd Wade Reg'd