BEDFORD COUNTY, TN - MILITARY - John Wood, Revolutionary War Pension File ----¤¤¤¤---- Name: Rank: State Served: John Wood PVT North Carolina Born December 25, 1751 in Orange County, North Carolina, died after 1834 (1834 1835 P.L.W). He came to Bedford County in 1814. 1835, John Woods, S.1887, Service in North Carolina. Claim No. 6349; West Tennessee, John Wood of Bedford County in the State of Tennessee who was a Private in the Company commanded by Captian Timmons of the Regiment commanded by _ in the North Carolina Militia for 8 months and 7 days from 1776. Inscribed on the Roll of Tennessee at the rate of 27 dollars, 43 cents per annum, to commence on the 4th day of March 1831. Certificate of Pension issued the 28 day of February 1833 and sent to Hon. Jas. K. Polk. Arrears to the 4th of Sept 1832 $41.14 Semi-ani allowance ending 4 March 1833 $13.71 $54.85 Recorded by Henry H. Sylvestor, Clerk Revolutionary Claim Book D Vol 7 page 163 Act June 7, 1832 Letter to R. Moffat, 3une 6th, 1842. 244 Declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed 7th June 1832. On this 15th day of August in the year of ouur Lord, one thousand eight hundred and thirty two, personally appeared in open Court, before John L. Neill, Samuel Phillips and John B. Armstrong, Esquires, Gentleman Justices of the Peace, appointed to hold the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of Bedford County in the State of Tennessee, now sitting, John Wood, a resident of the County, State aforesaid, (a blind man) aged eighty years, seven months and twenty one days, who being first sworn according to law, doth on his oath make the following declaration, in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed the 7th June 1832. That he entered the service of the United States under the following named Officers and served as herein stated, to wit, That He entered the service of the United States as a volunteer in a Company of Mounted Gunman commanded by Captian Hugh Timmon (Tinnon), he states he thinks it was the year 1776 in the Fall or Winter. He states it was in Orange County and State of North Carolina, when he first entered the service, and was marched from that County to the neighborhood of the town of Cross Creek, during the whole of this tour of duty, he states the troops he was attached to were principally engaged or employed in guarding against the depredations frequently committed on the citizens living on Deep River, Rocky River, Haw River and Capefear River, he states that on the expedition. Caption Tinnons (Timmons) Company were engaged in several Tory raids but does not recollect of any lives being lost on this side. He further states that he served on occasion a tour of three months service, and then discharged at Hillsborough in the State of North Carolina by Caption Tinnon (Timmon) in writing. He further states that afterwards, he volunteered again the same Counnty in Captain Douglass' Company of Mounted Gunman, andhe thinks Colo th a great many others, joined General Butler and marched on down to Granville Old Court House. He states he was engaged with others in annoying Cornwallis' picket quards frequently. He states tha Colonel Fanning of the Tories came to Hillsborough and plundered the town with a band of Tories and took the most of the citizens pf Orange Counnty, in the neighborhood of Hillsborough, collected together and marched on in order to resuce the prisoners taken at Hillsborough and met with Colonel Butler and Colonel Maybees and on that tour which was only about a week and a small engagement or skirmish with the Tories near Linley's Mill, but was not able to retake our prisoners, Makine in the whole a term of service, of about eight months or there abouts. He hereby relinguishes all and every claim to a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the Pension Roll of and Agency in the United states, and that he has no documentary evidence whatever at this time and that he knows of no person whose testimony he can procure, who can testify as to his service. Interrogatories by the County: Q. 1st: Where and what year were you born? A. I was born in Orange County and State of North Carolina on the 25th day of December 1751. 245 Q. 2nd: Have you any record of your age and if so where is it? A. I have a record of my age at home, taken from the record in my fathers Bible. Q. 3rd: Where were you living when called into service? Where have you lived since the Recolutionary War and where do you now live? A. I lived in Orange County of Nortth Carolina when I entered the service of the United States and remained in the same County until the close of the Revolutionary War, and afterwards I removed to Lawrence County in the State of South Carolina, I think in the year 1780 and from that I moved to the State of Georgia in 1792 and from that to the State of Tenessee in 1809 in Franklin Counnty, I then removed to Bedford County, Tennessee in the year 1814, Where I have lived ever since. Q. 4th: How were you called into service? Were you a volunteer? Were you drafted or were you a substitute, and if a substitute, for whom? A. I was a volunteer during the whole of my service. Q. 5th: State the names of some of the Regular Officers who were with you, or the troops where you served, such Continental and Militia Regiment as you cam recollect, and the general circumstances of your service. A. I understood that Colnel Maybee was a Regular Officer who was with us at Linley's Mill, I also recollect Colonel Archibald Lytle, and Captian William Lytle. As to any Continental or Militia Regiments, I know of none but what I have mentioned in my declaration. Q. 6th: Did you ever receive a discharge from service and if so, what has become of it? A. I received three discharges and I think I lost them while I lived in the State of Georgia. Q. 7th: State the names of some of your neighbors to whom you a known, who can testify as to your character for veracity and their belief of your oned in his declaration above alluded to, not less than three months as a Private Soldier in Captain Hugh Timmons' Company of Mounted Gunman, on the second tour of duty, he says he actually served three moths in a Company in a Company of Mounted Gunman, under the command of Captain Douglass as a Private Soldier and the third tour, he was ordered out by Captain John Thompson, (he thinks now perhaps in the nature of a draft) and was placed in a Company of Gurards, under the command of Thomas Farmer. as stated in his declaration above alluded to, and served as such not less than two months as a drafted soldier. And that the last tour he served, he was not less than one week, making in the whole a term of actual service of eight months and one week for which he claims a pension . And from the great lenght of time since the Revolution and the consequent loss of memory, it is impossible for him to state the precise periods of the war whn he served, except the first tour of duty in 1776. Sworn to before me, and subscribed the day and year aforesaid. Samuel Phillips, J.P. John (X) Woods Ref: GSA Report, Washington, D. C. Ref: 1835 Bedford County, Tennessee Pension List. 247 ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Michael Woods ___________________________________________________________________