Campbell County TN Archives Obituaries.....Calvin, John May 15, 1921 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Misty Smith October 3, 2005, 12:01 am The LaFollette Press May 25, 1921 OBITUARY These few lines will announce the sad intelligence of the death of John Calvin Davis, which occurred at the Knoxville General hospital Sunday May 15. The deceased was born near the present city of Jellico, May 17th, 1879, which made him forty-two years and eight days old at the occurrence of his untimely death. His aged mother had proceeded him only a short time;" Thus he goeth to meet her." He leaves a wife, seven children, and a host of relatives and friends to mourn their loss. The immense crowd attending his funeral was a manifestation of the esteem he was held by his neighbors, and by surrounding communities. The services were conducted by Revs. Leonard White, R.P. Wilson of this place and John P. White of Jellico. The discourses were burdened with the good deeds of the deceased; but a clam of consolation for the irreparable loss the community has sustained. Tine, alone can heal the wound. He was a tireless worker for the up building of the church and community, and his memory will live in the minds of generations yet to be. He was a stalwart Baptist; but believed that religion was broader than all denominations. He gave the best years of his life to the Christian ministry - the noblest of all professions. No monument reared to the memory of man could testify of greater virtues than that the departed had served the Deity without stint of limit. No eulogy eloquent with the noblest deeds of our departed ones could carry greater consolation than that the dead were the chosen elect of the God who doeth all things well. Death is the unfathomed mystery of the ages. It visits the Emperor in his castle and the peasant in his hovel. It walks the high ways of the earth, both land and sea. It is the still voice of enraptured Deity calling from the realms of immortality. sequel of a rational existence. Life, too is the unchartered signal of a rational existence. Like the butterfly-winged emblem of glory, it walks the star-lit isles of the universe and passes to the great unknown. It is not all of life to live, and not all the death to die. Hope, the guiding star of destiny, twinkles yonder above the bow of promise, and consoles mankind in the last hour. Additional Comments: The LaFollette Press LaFollette, Campbell County, Tennessee May 25, 1921 Vol. XII No. 25 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.9 Kb