CAMPBELL COUNTY, TN - TAXES - 1838 ----¤¤¤---- 1838 Campbell County Tax Records - District 1 1838 Tax Records Transcribed from Early Tennessee Tax Records Campbell County 1838-1839 Microfilm Transcribed by Sandra Anderson District 1 ? - Indicates that there was trouble reading the names Names of Persons Land Value Tax Albright, Mabur Albright, Nicholas Albright, Simpson Anderson, Rhoda 90 150 1 1/2 Biler, Peter 60 200 10 Berver, Dickson Butcher, Wesley Brapfield, James 50 160 8 Bridges, Morsip ? 100 225 11 1/4 Bridges, Rueben ? 50 300 15 Black, John 190 800 40 Boniff, Christopher 25 50 2 1/2 Brantley, Hionias ? 200 350 17 1/2 Cox ?, Armstead Cooper, Thomas Calison, Jess 350 325 16 1/2 Cook, William 100 150 07 1/2 Craig, Rueben 262 1200 60 Dulle, William Ellison, Robert 50 200 10 Frazier, Jno W. 260 620 31 Graves, John 18 6 1/2 1/2 Glandin, Joseph Glandin, Samuel 100 100 05 Grayson, Samuel 50 150 07 1/2 Gonig, ? William 100 250 12 1/2 Grier, ? Richard G. 1110 300 15 Honeycut, Jacob Hineviou, ?John 100 25 11/4 Hudson, John 125 370 181/2 Hill, Matthew Sr. 300 650 221/2 Hill, Elijah 665? 1000 7.0 Hill, Terry 50 200 1.0 Hill, David 50 50 21/2 Hill, Matthew Jr. Hill, Green ? Hill, Oliver Heath, Danial Herring, Nehemiah Jackson, Nancy 100 150 71/2 Kirk, Adison 100 115 6 Lett, James 50 150 71/2 Lamare, Matthew Lindsey, William 440 2000 Lanymire?Robert 165 950 1171/2 Lewis, Allen Laioci or Laiocr, John 320 333 271/2 Loy, Peter 170 700 55 Melone, Richard 100 500 25 Martin, John L. Nelson, William 200 300 15 Nelson, Enoch Ously, Eli Pritchard, David 3 18 11/2 Reed, John Rice, George 495 1500 75 Robertson, William Sharp, Peter 53 50 2 1/2 Sharp, Nicholas Sharp, Alfred 10 10 1/2 Sharp, Isaac 135 800 40 Sharp, Jacob 436 2055 Sharp, William 70 250 12 1/2 Sharp, Henry Snodderly, Leroy Snodderly, Isaac Snodderly, John Snodderly, Nicholas 50 100 5 Smith, John Strafford, William 50 50 2 1/2 Snodderly, George 630 1200 60 Turner, Thomas Thomas, Abraham Witt, Edmund 25 50 2 1/2 Wilson, Isaac 118 600 30 Weaver, Timothy 50 100 Wood, John Mather, Solomon 50 75 3 1/4 Milie, John Sr. 300 1200 60 Milie, Levi Milie, John Jr. 200 700 35 Young, Merlin 50 100 5 Hammock, Jessee Hammock, Martin Rora ?, Jacob 600 2075 113 3/4 District 2 Name of Person Land Value Tax Archer, John 302 1200 60 Alder, Barnaby 500 700 33 Agee, James 150 800 60 Agee, Isaac 200 400 20 Albright, John 100 163 Agee, Alfred Ballard, William W. Baker, John 347 800 40 Brown, Samual 200 400 20 Baker, Thomas 150 500 25 Brown, James R. Ballard, Richard 135 300 25 Ballard, Micajah 100 200 10 Brown, William Brock, James Craig, Ruben 600 1/2 1600 80 Campbell, William Craig, Jr., John 200 300 15 Cannon, James 52 250 12 1/2 Cox, William Curnutte, William 115 1/2 423 21 3/4 Cravon, Barnabas 300 1500 75 Comer, John G.? 204 400 20 Dagley, John G.? Dich or k, Tahley? 100 200 10 Dagley, Jonathon Dagley, Grace 200 300 15 Flimming, Byrdelt? 200 2000 100 Grant, James W. 150 500 25 Grant, Jonathon 130 175 8 3/4 Gray, William Grant, John 125 200 10 Grant, David Glandin, Silas Heatherly, William 200 600 10 Hancock, Jr., William Hancock, Sr., William 200 700 35 Irwin?, George 230 400 20 1/2 Irwin, Nathanial 300 300 25 Jackson, Michal 50 50 2 1/2 Loy Jr., John 400 530 26 3/4 Lett, William 100 300 15 Lester, John Mallicoat, Larkin Martin, Nicholas Nelson, Pulaski 100 300 13 Phillips, William 100 100 5 Poor, John Rutherford, Absolum Reed, John Ridinour, William 75 400 20 Roach, William 70 200 10 Ridenour, Alexander 130 300 15 Ridenour, William C. Rogers, Alexander 100 200 10 Lerichfield?, Joshua Strader Sr., Jacob 120 600 30 Strader Jr, Jacob Strader, William Sharp, Jacob 3000 300 15 Strader, Daniel 100 325 16 1/2 Schumaker, Hers? 600 100 15 Sharp, Martin Sharp, William 150 300 13 Stout, Godfrey D. Thomas, Joseph 400 1000 500 Tuder, Harris 100 300 15 Wiley, Robert 250 700 35 Walker, George Whitton, Reelman? 200 200 10 Wilson, Jesse? Walker, David 130 350 17 1/2 Wilson, Oliver 50 90 4 1/2 District 3 Names of Persons Land Value Tax Adkins, Morris Adkins, James Adkins, Richard 10 30 16 Burris, Willaim 274 250 12 1/2 Burris, Willie 200 200 10 Baker, William 434 1200 60 Brown, James Bullock, Elizabeth 50 50 2 Burris, James Cooper, Peter 100 400 20 Cooper, Anderson Cooper, Alvis Dabney, Thomas Dabney, Benjamin Grop???, Isaac 350 1300 65 Gray, Enoch Gaylor, Levi Gaylor, Thomas Gaylor, Jepe Gray, Nathanial 40 200 10 Gray, Edmund Gray, Joseph 100 125 6 1/4 Gray, Robert Griffy????, Martin 100 150 5 Hatfield, Andrew 100 100 5 Hart, Joseph Harmon, John 150 500 25 Harmon, Paul 125 300 15 Housley, Willaim 75 100 5 Hatmaker, Francis 311 300 15 Hatmaker, George 80 50 2 1/2 Hutson, William 180 400 20 Hutson, Rubin Hatmaker, William 80 200 10 Hatmaker, Arion? 248 425 21 1/4 Hatmaker, Joseph 50 150 7 1/2 Hatmaker, Isaac 10 50 2 1/2 Hibbs, William 75 350 12 1/2 Harmon, Hiram Housley, Joseph 25 100 5 King, Alfred A. King, David 30 200 10 King, Jonathon King, John 60 150 7 1/2 Murray, John 105 300 15 Moser, Henry Moser, Adam 90 400 20 Murray, Arans???? 200 250 12 1/2 Murray, Alfred 250 200 10 Murry, Alvis Moser, John Miller, Danial Murray, James H. 300 550 2 1/2 Richardson, Mark???? Richardson, Danial 66 300 15 Richardson, Willaim Ridenour, John Sharp, Jr., John Sharp, Jacob Sharp, Sr., John Schumaker, Marthy 100 16 1/2 Smith, Samuel Sharp, George 213 900 45 Sharp, John Sharp, Sr., Jacob 213 900 45 Sharp, Eli Sharp, Aaron 280 800 40 Sharp, Obadiah 50 125 6 1/4 Smith, William H. 75 100 5 Watson, William Wilson, Edward 300 300 15 Wilson, Lindsey 180 150 2-Jan Whitman, Jacob 290 650 32 1/2 Whitman, Jackson Wilson, Levi Wilson, Jeremiah 150 275 13 1/4 Wilson, Benjamin 50 100 5 Wilson, Henry 30 100 5 District 4 Names of Persons Land Value Tax Arnold, John 75 230 12 1/2 Adkins, Richard Autt, Jacob Butter, Robert Butter, Talifaro?? Buler??, Estill Bridgeman, Isaac Claiborne, Calvin Carey, William Claiborne, Oty L. Cabbag, Catherine C. 250 500 28 Chapman, Thomas Clotfetter, Frederick? Cooper, John 243 700 35 Delap, George David, Sampson David, James 148 800 40 David, Calibeck? 162 1000 50 Dabney, Cornelious Dugger, Alexander Elliott, John C. Ford, Isaac Grimes, Henry Hill, Foster Herrin, Leonard Hart, Joseph 216 1/2 1100 55 Hunter, Andrew 300 1000 50 Henderson, Pleasant Hope, Thomas Hancock, Robert Johnston, James Jzley?, John 78 300 15 Jackson, David Jackson, Even? King, Nathan 246 600 30 Lacey, Levi Lovely, James 50 300 15 Lindsey, William 90 600 30 Morrow, Robert 242 1000 50 Miller, William McNeil, James Montgomery, A.ct.??? 400 2400 120 Macaffee, Mosiert??? Phillips, John Peterson, James Phillips, John's Heirs 71 355 17 1/2 Peterson, Joseph Preston, & Richardson Queener, John 634 4435 22 1/2 Queener, William Queener, Sr,, Jacob 550 1700 85 Queener, Grandison Queener, Henry 369 2150 10 1/2 Queener, Jr., Jacob 220 1500 5 Rains, Eli Riggs, Thomas Richardson, William Richardson, David 75 200 10 Rowhuff, James Simpson, M.A.W? Smith, Sterling? Smith, Wiley Smith, Gourdin?? 505 2715 135 1/4 Swutin??, Robert Sharp, George Sharp, Richard Sharp, James 44 400 20 Smith, Archibald J. Thomas, Adinajah? 166 100 5 Thomas, Samual?? W. Thatcher, James C. Vinzant, Richard Vinzant, George 400 500? 25 Wheeler, Benjamin L. Wier, Thomas Wheeler, John E. 243 2000 1 Wheeler Sr., Thomas 722 4000 2 Waterhouse, Richard 200 400 2 Wilson, Abraham 20 50 2 1/2 Wilhite?, Simon 500 550 2 1/2 Wilhite?, Joseph Wather Jr., William Williams, Silas 253 1550 11 1/2 Yunt, Jacob A List of Person who were subject to double taxes Buriss, Jessee Bowling, Caswell C. Boshears, Isaac Brandon, Samual Bidora???, Phillip Bullock, Richard 3250 5000 2.5 Dabney, Cornelius Dugger, Alexander Dunkin, R.D. Elliott, Stephan Graham, James Goodman, John graham, Joel Graves, Benjamin Hays, Batson Henderson, John Huff, William Johnston, Caswell Linsey, Cornelius Montgomery, R. H. Miller, Hiram Mallicoat, Phillip McGullagh, Alexander Margraves, Samual Montgomery, Heirs Poil???, Jessie Page, Tucker W. Page, Jr., Achillis Pinkleton, Henry Queener, Danial 400 1000 50 Richardson, David Rowane, Nathanial Richardson, David Reed, Thos A.G.? Reed, John Smith, Alex D. Stokes, ThL???J. Smiddy, Rubin Smith, Charles Smiddy, Jepee? Silney?, Samual Smith, Franklin Thompson, William William, Heamitton W. Wheeler, Penelope 300 1200 60 Wheeler, Richard D. 300 1200 100 Wheeler, Samual A. 600 3200 760 District 5 Names of Person Land Value Tax Burgiss, O.T. 135 500 40 Branham, John Brockis?, Elizabeth Buckly, Jackson 35 112.5 5 1/4 Burnett, James Burnett, William Campbell, Joseph 58 215 11 Chambers, William 50 600 30 Cabbage, John's Heirs 97 500 25 Cardin, Armstead Campbell, Zachariaka Clark, Isaac Campbell Jr., Zachariaka Clark, John 26 50 3/4 Cooper, James 2 1/2 250 12 1/2 Chaxman, William Douglas, Samuel Douglas, Thomas 100 700 1530 Dilah, Joseph H. 5000 Ellington, David 175 Grimes, George 256 700 35 Gaylor, John Haylor?, Benjamin Hatfield, James Hatfield, Alfred Hutson, Calvin Hayter, Abraham's Heirs 75 400 20 Hayter, Abraham's 100 1000 50 Haddox, Zachariaka Hatfield, Andrew Hunter, Abraham's 100 5 Hunter, Andrew 372 1800 92 Hunts Inglish, Joshua 90 700 35 King, Nathan Langley, Mathue? Moyers, John 225 1000 50 Moad, James 53 600 30 Murray, Henderson Moyers, Isaac 150 750 37 1/2 Mare, James J. 244 1965 90 McDanial, Aaron 250 600 30 Murray Sr., James Murray, Leah 150 500 25 Murray, James D, Murray, Stephen's Heirs 70 300 15 Murray, Isaac Murray, Morgan Maupin, Fountain 70 600 20 Paul, Joseph Riggs, Thomas Richardson, Mark Rogers, William Sexton, Enoch Sexton, Benjamin Schoolbuse?????, g G. by Lal?? 813 600 30 Peterson Shoopman, David Sweeter, Edward Thomas, John Williams, John 21 1/2 107 5 Alosfar, Buck 2814 2000 1 Waters, Champles??? 125 500 25 Williams, Alex T. Woods, Andrew Wilhite Jr., Simon Wilson, Bartlett Williams, Joseph Walker, William John x, Daniel 430 2500 1.25 Wright, William A. 125 400 20 Wilhite Sr., Simon 500 750 37 1/2 Alvis, Walter? Heirs 245 100 5 Bratcher, F.H. 600 1200 60 Bratcher, John 100 250 12 1/2 Baily, James Cobly, Thomas Clark, Peter Flemming, Brydell?? 300 300 15 Gibson, Isaac 300 2000 1 Gray, John & Martin 125 500 25 Gray, William Housley, John 50 100 5 Higgs, Elijah Higgs, Sanford Hart, Joseph 1850 2700 1.35 For, Scott Inglish, Anthony 20 100 5 Loyd, Thomas Marcum, John Moyers, John Preston, & Richard Caywood, & Roger 300 4000 2 Riggs, Vincent Sharp, David 1470 1/2 4.8 20 Wheeler, Margret Wheeler, Minirad ?? B. District 6 Names of Persons Land Value Tax Ayres, Hartsville Anderson, George Buchland, Walter? Barbee, John L. 100 150 7 1/2 Barbee, William Bratcher, William 310 3100 1.53 Chavis, Levi Cates, Greenberry Chadwich, Barnett Chapman, John Chapman, William 100 400 20 Campbell, James Dorsett, Robert 214 11.2 56 Davis, William Davis, Philomin 100 300 15 English, Joshua 131 700 35 Drury, P. Armstrong By Joseph Peterson 300 300 15 Goin, Isham 80 400 20 Goin, Preston Goin, William Goin, John Glenn, Robert 480 2500 1.25 Glenn, James Glenn, Henderson Glenn, John Gregory, Green A. Haddoc?, Zachariah 60 250 12 1/2 Haven, John Hart, Joseph 200 200 10 Heatherly, John 30 150 7 1/2 Haven, Joseph Heatherly , James Hinson, Thomas Jones, Solomon 135 1/2 1060 58 Jones, John Kincaid, John 520 2125 1.06 1/4 Kincaid, Alvis 275 2200 1.1 Kincaid, Ritch 165 1/2 1200 60 Kincaid, Thomas 140 1000 50 Kincaid, William Kincaid, Myatt Morriss, George W. 118 1500 75 McGraw, William Maufrin?, Overton 183 600 30 Miller, Hiram Miller, Isaac McCully, Peter 208 1000 50 McCully, Job? "Miller, Sr.", John 250 1300 65 "Miller, Jr.", John Miller, Andrew Miezing?, Morgan Noblitt, Adison L. Parrott, Stephen 104 1/2 1600 50 Parrott, Elijah 120 300 25 Peebby, John 30 300 15 Petree, Isaac C. 160 1100 55 Richardson, Daniel & Smith Rupell, Archibald Sharp, William D. Smith, William Smith, Joseph 100 125 6 1/4 Smith, Erieus? 130 1000 50 Smith, Alys Heirs 200 1500 75 Smith, Thomas Smith, Jourdain Sharp, John 266 1100 55 Smith, Alys J. Usher, David 5 50 2 1/2 Woodson, William 225 1/2 2000 1 Willobough, James 100 200 10 James, Potters? 122 500 25 Hubbard, Gelpie?? District 7 Names Of Person Land Value Tax Boyd, John Burgess, William 110 1300 65 Burgess, Jr., William Brassfield, James 400 80 3 1/4 Butter, Hosiah Bledsoe, & Silvester 765 750 3 1/2 Childry???, Peter Childry???, William Cowan, Mary 100 500 2 1/2 Cain, William 136 1500 65 Cliburn, John Clark, Francis? Collins, Joshua Cannon, James 50 220 11 1/4 Cannon, Leonard 70 300 15 Crosswhite?, William Dossett, Robert 150 600 30 Dossett, Alfred Doake?, Elizabeth 138 1/2 500 25 Elliott, Robert 130 500 25 Fisher, Stephan Forrester, William Hart, Joseph Hollingsworth, James P. Hollingsworth, Hives??? 399 1600 80 Herring, William Hollingsworth, Daniel 80 600 50 Hollingsworth, Daniel Ivy, James Hollingsworth, John A. Jones, Isaac W. 100 175 82 Jones, John 170 350 17 1/2 Koger?, Isaac 93 1060 58 King, Jackson H. Grach?, William McGraw, William Meade, Ladwich 352 3000 1.5 Maupin, Ayres Maupin, Amos 257 3086 155 1/2 Meader, Jason Meader, Joel 252 1050 52 Muzingo?, James Murings, Charles Miller, John 423 1650 82 1/2 Miller, Nimrod 75 150 7 1/2 Mullins, John McNew?, William 275 875 46 1/4 McClain, Thomas 340 1200 60 McCarty, Noah McKeely, William 150 500 25 McClarey, Jr., William McCarty, Dabney McNew?, Tobias Mctraly??, George Miller, Washington McGraw, Michael 10 5 Miller, William 170 950 47 1/2 Petree, Daniel 145 1000 50 Petree, Catherine 220 1/2 1000 50 Petree, George 100 500 25 Petree, Jacob 52 475 23 1/2 Pebley , Thomas 32 1/2 325 16 1/6 Profitt, Ruthy 135 1400 70 Pierce, James Profitt, John 77 1/2 700 35 Richardson, Aaron 54 100 5 Richardson, &Cocke Robinson, William 100 200 10 Robinson, Allen 100 500 15 Robison, Wyatt Reeves, German? Rogers, Lawson Smith, James 500 2500 1.25 Smith, Jacob 250 1200 60 Smith, Robert 300 1500 75 Bullock, Heirs 1500 1500 75 Shetter??, George 4 300 15 Smith, Franklin M. Smith, David Smith, Thomas Sloane, Susan 150 250 12 1/2 Sanuers?, Abraham 30 50 2 1/2 Smith, Benjamin 100 1000 50 Sweet, William 600 2000 1 Sweat, George Smith, Anthony 200 500 25 Wilson, Peter 185 750 37 1/2 Willobough, Joseph Williamson, James Woodson, William 37 1/2 350 1 1/2 Willobly, John Willobly, Heirs by Robert Dossett 125 400 20 Hubbard, Andrew Suttler, John District 8 Names of Person Land Value Tax Angel, Archibald 100 1000 50 Angel, Thomas Ayers, Baily Ayers, John Allen , Lamb? Angel, James Archer, Enoch Archer, James Archer, John 110 500 25 Allen , Arhibald Allen , Caswell Bryant, Isaac Bryant, Jesse Bryant, James Bryant, John Brown, Ryley Baird, Joseph 67 655 32 1/2 Blankinship, William Boulton, Jr., John Boulton, Sr., John Baird, Lewis 5 25 1 1/2 Broyles, George Barron, John Broyles, Michael 30 300 15 Broyles, Aaron 160 1075 53 1/2 Broyles, Felix Branham, James Branham, Jonathan Beard?, William 20 75 3 1/2 Barian?, Joseph 727 800 55 Brown, John 127 350 17 1/2 Bridwell??, William 25 200 10 Campbell, Wm. Campbell, Abell 20 300 15 Chitwood, William 65 475 23 1/4 Douglas, Samual Douglas, John Douglas, James Douglas, William 20 300 15 Douglas, Mathew 20 250 12 1/2 Douglas, George 50 150 7 1/2 Day, Jacob Davis, Leroy T. Dunkin, John Davis, Sr., George 200 1500 75 Dunkin, Tilman 200 1500 75 Faulkner, James 83 1/2 530 26 1/2 Gibson, James 200 1100 55 Goin, Daniel Hackler, Aaron Hays, William Hatfield, Davis 100 400 20 Hill, Joab? 120 500 25 Hamblin, Peter Hope, Jesse 105 610 30 1/2 King, Jr., William King, Thomas M. King, William 105 525 26 1/2 Lay, William Buck Lay, Thomas? Lay, Isaac Lay, Jesse Lay, Birch?? Lay, William Lay, Jesse Valley River Lay, John 110 600 30 Lay, ??? 12 50 2 1/2 Lay, David 40 200 10 Lay, John D. 50 300 15 Lay, Jesse D. Lowe, Fielding 35 300 15 Lamb, Jerimiah Moulder, Jacob Marlow, Thomas Mobley, Archibald McCoy, William Murray, Martha 12 100 5 Mcdavis?, William T. 39 325 16 1/4 Cates?, William Phillips, Heirs Perkins, William Perkins, Trier? Perkins, John Perkins, Jefferson 130 375 18 1/4 Perkins, Edward 23 300 15 Perkins, Thomas 30 100 5 Perkins, Peter 250 1350 67 1/2 Right, Sivere?? 10 30 2 1/2 Rose, John 45? 1/2 290 14 Stanfield, Thomas Sharp, William D. 70 400 20 Hill, Joab? Sharp, George W. 10 50 2 1/2 Sharp, Andrew R. 137 400 20 Sharp, Labon? Stanfield, Elias 20 100 5 Smith, John Smith, James 20 100 5 Smith, Josiah 100 550 27 1/2 Smith, William 15 50 2 1/2 Stanfield, Sampson 60 450 22 1/2 Stanfield, Sherod? 40 90 42 Scott, Col??? 32 48 2 1/2 Thornton, William Tankisley?, John Tackett, John Trammell, David 15 150 7 1/2 Wilhite, Marnes? Walden, James Wilson, William Wilhite, Clairborne Wilhite, Jackson Walden, John A. Walden, ??? 50 150 7 1/2 Warner, William 50 300 15 Walden, William York, Thomas 20 100 5 1/2 York, Rubin York, William A List Of Those Persons who were Double Taxed Chaney, Elizabeth Hart, Joseph Tye, Hiram 60 300 15 Richardson, David Wheeler, Thomas Sharp, James District 9 Names of Persons Land Value Tax Allen, Samual 100 250 12 1/2 Ayers, Danial 50 200 10 Anderson, Jacob 50 50 3 1/2 Angel, Archibald 25 100 5 Baker, Samual 130 300 15 Baker, Malan? Baker, Edward 15 50 2 1/2 Brown, Noah Brown, Dolly Chitwood, James L. 200 300 15 Chitwood, Hugh 100 25 1 1/4 Chitwood, James 200 415 23 1/4 Chitwood, Shelby Chitwood, John H. Chitwood, Daniel 192 300 15 Cobb, Thomas C. Chitwood, William Chitwood, Joel 400 650 322 Chitwood, Pleasant 550 762 38 1/4 Carson, John Crabtree, Richard Chambers, Thomas 332 1100 55 Crop, Micajah 120 600 30 Duncan, Joshua 128 600 30 Dagley, Benjamin Dagley, Robert 50 25 1 1/4 Davis, Hugh Davis, Rhoda 10 50 2 Dougherty, Elias Dougherty, Jesse Ellis, James Ellis, George Gipson, Enoch Harrys???, Christy Kertin, Julius 88 400 20 Kertin, Alberry Laxton, Thomas Linch, Enoch Litton, James 100 150 7 1/2 Marcum, Hirum 15 50 2 1/2 Marcum, Ann 10 75 3 1/2 Peterson, Joseph Privitt, James Pennington, R. Rion, Inury???? Reed, Allen Reed, John 100 500 25 Richardson, David 200 400 20 Richardson, Thomas Richardson, William Rofa????, Robert 20 100 5 Nop????, Alfred? Ryan, Joseph 18.5 250 12 1/2 Ryan, David 40 100 5 Stephans, John Stephans, Solomon "Stephans, Jr.", Solomon Stephans, David 20 75 3 1/4 Sharp, Isham 30 100 5 Sexton, Robert "Sharp, Jr", Isham Sharp, Nicholas Stephans, Hirum Stephans, Allen Stanley, Ruth 20 50 2 1/2 Smith, Isaac Stanley, Rhodes Smith, Frederick 25 200 10 Smith, John 149 500 25 "Smith, Jr", Frederick Stephans, Edmond 125 100 5 Swan, Moses H. Slaven, James Trammell, Dennis & Rachel 60 450 22 1/2 Thomas, Abner 20 75 4 1/4 Trammell, Jacob Thompson, Harmon Trammell, William Terry, Josiah Terry, Elijah 200 300 15 Tackett, John White, Cotton Wayne?? White, Cotton Issac West, Pleasant West, Reubin Whitecotton, Aaron 100 300 15 Mason, Job Wheeler, Richard D. Mason Jr., John & W. Davis West???, Reason Wes, William Triplett, John Peterson, Phillip Richardson, Mark Scott, Julian F Marcum, Vinny Baly, & Ingraves 370 100 5 List of Property of Non Residents Goins, Sevier???? Diaine??, John M. Charles, Stephan H. Baker, John Charles, Solomon Miller, James Stokely, Samuel Moore, William Foster, Sabon???? Hattowman, John Wilson, Perry Lincoln, Jepe Pots, John Goodman, James T. Burrine, Peter Hutson, Abel District 10 Names of Person Land Value Tax Atkins Jr, John Atkins, John Atkins, Sherwood 50 150 7 1/2 Atkins, Richard Atkins, George 15 100 5 Anderson, John Anderson, Samuel 10 50 2 1/2 Atkins, Obadiah Bird, Jepe? Bird, William Birge, William 11 50 2 1/2 Bruce, Danial 40 40 2 Bruce, John 62 550 2 1/4 Bowling, Andrew 75 500 25 Bruce, William 100 Brown, Alfred 200 Botts, Jepe? Chambers, John Crabtree, Jepe? 10 75 3 1/4 Carroll, William 20 40 2 Crop, Larkin W. Crop, Caswell Crop, &Richardson Crop, William Crop, Absolum 200 1600 80 Cook, John Chambers, Pleasant 145 850 42 1/2 Chambers, Ryley 100 500 25 Chambers, Thomas 50 200 10 Cecil??, James Duncan, Henry 40 300 15 Delk, Joseph Duncan, ????? 60 500 15 Ellis, James Ellis, George Goad, Joshua 67 1/2 600 30 Goad, Aaron Gipson, Finley Griffy???, Richard Gipson Sr, James 89 1/4 320 16 1/6 Hicks, Jepe? Hewitt, William Henderson, William Hatfield, Joseph 300 400 20 Jeffers , Robert 10 30 1 1/4 Jeffers , James Jeffers Sr, William 53 150 7 1/2 Jeffers , Stephen Jeffers Jr, William Jeffers , Archibald Lawson, Thomas Loid, Thomas Lawson, Samuel 100 12 1 1/2 McCarter, John McDonald, Allen 20 100 15 1/2 McDonald, James McDonald, Amos 25 100 5 McCoy, John 32 205 10 1/2 McDonald, Samuel 20 60 2 1/2 McDonald, George 5 60 2 1/2 Owens, James Phillips, Joseph 94 450 220 Phillips, John 30 200 10 Phillips, manual Phillips, John's Heirs Phillips, Jonathan 50 200 10 Phillips, Thomas 57 500 25 Poteet, William Patterson, John 100 400 20 Phillips, Elijah Poteet, Samuel Reed, Isaac 50 400 20 Roach, John 35 250 120 Richardson, L.& Mark Richardson, Mark Rich, Sabe 38 200 10 Roach, William Richards, Thomas Reed, Allen Sowders, Jonathan Shoopman, David Smith, George 30 300 15 Smith, John L. 55 300 15 Shoopman Sr., John Shoopman, William Smith Sr., Drury 25 250 12 1/2 Sowders, Jacob Smither??, William Shoopman, Robert??? Smithie??, Ruebin Shoopman Jr, John Smith Jr, Drury Smithie??, Jessee 25 100 5 Smith, Edward Thompson, Henry Thompson, Stephan Thompson, Blackburn Thompson Sr., Henry Thompson, Lewis 50 300 15 Wilson, Amos Wheeler, Benjamin 10 100 5 Whitecotten, Aaron 100 300 15 Lawson, Robert Heirs 10 30 1 1/2 Estland???, Thos. B. Carrick, Seth L. Lane, Turner Jenkins, John A. Lane Sr., Turner Carrick, John A. Estland???, Robert M. Lett, John Glenn, William Snodgrass, James Lay, William Simpson, John W. Carrick, James M. Daldham, Nicholas Lawry, Alexander Lawry, Mark Warren, John Carrick, Hugh L. Carrick, Moses M. Mitchell, David L. Snodgrass, David Carrick, Samuel V. ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Sandra Anderson ___________________________________________________________________