CANNON COUNTY, TN - DEEDS - James A. Jones to R.H. Davenport, 20 Sep 1888 ----¤¤¤---- Cannon Co. Deed Bk V,p.447 James A. Jones to R.H. Davenport For and in consideration of Three hundred & Seventy five Dollars paid to me by R.H. Davenport by the execution of two notes due in one two years from dates for the Sum of one hundred & Eighty seven & 50/100 Dollars each with Thomas W. Davenport. Security on said notes being ___ to this R.H. Davenport the following Described tract of Cannon County Tennessee bounded as follows; on the North by Bogle & wife & ____ on the South by J.J. Davenport on the East by Alexander & Davenport on the West by ____ containing one hundred acres more or less it being ___ assigned Harriet Cooper in the Division of the lands of Wiley Davenport Deceased in the County Court in the Case of Lacinda Davenport etals vs Thomas W. Davenport etals shown in minutes Book G? pages 418-423 ___ the same tract of land conveyed to me by W. ___ Young? & wife Sept 6th 1888 by deed which is registered in the Register office of Cannon County,Tenn on Book pages 413-415 all of which is referenced to far more accurate description. I covinent with the said R.H. Davenport that I am lawfully Signed of the said Described land and that it is unincumbered except with the life estate of Christopher Cooper and I will warrant and defend the title against the lawfull claims of all persons but it is expressly understood that a lien is retained on the land till all the purchase money is paid & for which notes on this day Executed Given under my hand this Sept 20th 1888. James A. Jones ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Pat Spradley ___________________________________________________________________