CARROLL COUNTY TN - WILLS - Green Young ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Anonymous ==================================================================== GREEN YOUNG'S WILL In the name of God Amen I Green Young being of sound mind and distributive memory but in feeble health and calling to mind the mortality of man & knowing that life is the time to prepare for death and being desirous of directing how my earthly substance shall be disposed of after my death make and publish this my last and testament hereby revoking all other wills or paper writings by me heretofore made fst It is my will and desire that after my decease that my body shall be buried in a christian like manner that all my just debts shall be paid by my Executor hereafter by me appointed. Bequest frst I give and bequeath to my dear and beloved wife Lucy Young all my personal and real property as follows: 2nd I give and bequeath to her my entire Interest to the three following named slaves my interest being one half of said slaves in partnership with my brother Robert Young one boy slave named William about fourteen years old and boy slave name Ellick about nine years old and one girl slave named Amy about seven years old 3rd I give and bequeath to her all my entire Interest to five head of mules and one bay horse and one horse colt mare now on the farm my interest being one half as is named in said slaves before mentioned 4 I give and bequeath to her my entire interest in and to all the other stock now on the farm and one half of all the other personal property in said form one half of the present crop consisting of everything on said farm 5th I give and bequeath to her one half of all the notes and effects of every discription coming from the firm of myself & my brother Robert Young my interest being one half as before stated 6 I give and bequeath to her one half of all the crop that is raised on said farm if that shall continue on as we have heretofore for the year Eighteen hundred and sixty two. 7th I give and bequath to her all my entire interest into the following three tracts or parcels of land my interest being the same as before mentioned to one tract containing about one hundred & twenty acres more or less the place where I now live on also one other tract of Land Joining said home place of about seventy five acres more or less also one other smaller tract also joining said home farm of about fifty Acres more or less 8th I give and bequeath to her my entire interest as heir to Isaac Young Young Decd in one tract of Land where my Mother Mary Young now lives of about one hundred and thirty acres more or less also my entire interest as heir to Isaac Young Decd to one slave man named Norman and one slave child named Caroline and also my interest as before stated to the increase of said slave woman if any there be the two last bequest to come in to her possession at the death of my Mother Mary Young Now the seven first bequest that have given unto my Dear & Loving wife Lucy Young is to go into her hands and to her sole use as soon as my Executor can wind up said Estate after my Decease And I hereby nominate and appoint my brother and partner Robert Young as my Executor to this my last will and testament And whereas my self and Robert Young has been partners in all transactions in everything and whereas we have been accustomed to give our own individual notes out and not assign the firms name of R & G Young now if there is any notes out that my individual name is to I enjoin it upon my Executor to account for the same to my wife Lucy also if there is any of said notes Report the same & have a credit for the amount that wood be my part to pay said note and whereas there is notes made payable to me alone all of those are one half Robert Youngs and whereas there are notes now payable to Young Young alone those I enjoin upon him to report & account to my wife Lucy for her half of the same and whereas there are bad one and insolvent notes belonging to the firm of R & G Young I now direct that Robert Young My Executor if he cant collect them that he is empowered to trade them or share off such notes to the best advantage or do what he thinks best with them and just account for the amount he collet off of said insolvent notes and he is Given under my hand and seal this the 17th of February 1862 Green Young Test T. F. Carraway, W. W. Jones State of Tennessee ) Carroll County ( August Term 1862 At the above term of said court the foregoing was probated as the last [I'm sorry to say I am missing the next page of the will index]