CARTER COUNTY, TN - CEMETERIES - Garland Cemetery ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: All documents placed in the USGenWeb Archives remain the property of the contributors, who retain publication rights in accordance with US Copyright Laws and Regulations. In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, these documents may be used by anyone for their personal research. They may be used by non-commercial entities so long as all notices and submitter information is included. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit. Any other use, including copying files to other sites, requires permission from the contributors PRIOR to uploading to the other sites. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Lisa Gail Brown Salley ==================================================================== Garland Cemetery Transcribed by Lisa Gail Brown Salley 31 August 2002 Directions: From Elizabethton TN, take H-19E. to Roan Mountain than travel State Route 143 about 1/12 mile. Graveyard is located at the right side of the road , on the hill, surrounded by pine trees. (If you pass stone church, you have gone too far.) Evlyn Garland 7 April 1862 - 6 October 1944 “She was a fond mother and friend to all. She has faded away to shine brightly in Heaven. Robert Garland 30 August 1856 - 24 July 1926 Mary J. Garland Wright 28 October 1879 - 16 March 1912 “Jesus take me over the river where I can drink all I want.” “Wife of Plato Wright” Marguerite M. Wright Died 27 March 1917 “age 12 days” “Daughter of Plato Wright” Wesley Garland 11 October 1919 - 25 December 1922 “Age 3 years, 2 months and 14 days” George Garland 10 May 913 - 5 November 1936 “Son of W.M. and Luster Garland” Luster Garland 3 April 1886 - 14 April 1939 “Sleep thy last sleep free from pain and sorrow.” William Garland 22 April 1882 -8 August1947 “Sleep thy last sleep free from pain and sorrow.” Carrie E. Gray 1859 - 1939 “Not dead but sleepeth.” Rev. J.L. Gray 4 January 1869 - 26 October 1949 “He was faithful to every duty.” Bessie Garland Jarrett 16 March 1897 - 16 March 1947 “Sleep thy last sleep free from care and sorrow. Gone to join the bright angels above,” “Wife of Vester Jarrett” Lottie Garland 25 December 1899 - 20 June 1926 “Wife of E. Garland” “Faithful to her trust even unto death.” Lawrence Garland 3 June 1922 - 29 November 1925 “Son of E. Garland’ “A sunbeam from this world has vanished.” Robert Lee Garland 27 November 1925 - 7 November 1926 “A little Jewel” C. Plato Garland 17 August 1898 - 21 August 1994 Married: 17 August 1921 Anne O. Garland 20 September 1899 - 25 June 1967 Married: 17 August 1921 Osweld Gene Garland ? - 21 July 1922 Wanda Bowles Garland ? 12 January 1926 Maxine Morgan 22 October 1916 - May 1989 Charlie Morgan 13 June 1909 - 13 February 2002 Louis Morgan 3 May 1942 - 16 June 1944 “Son of Chas. J. and Maxine Morgan” “A flower has been taken from our garden.” Carrie J. Garland 1892 - 1976 Married 1908 N.H. Garland 1888 - 1965 Married 1908 Henry Hicks Jr. 20 February 1942 - 17 June 1970 “He was the sunshine of our home.” Nate H. Julian 4 April 1919 - 16 July 1997 Married: 2 December 1941 Living Julian 28 July 1919 - Jeffery David Julian 7 July 1963 - 16 October 1997 “Little Nate”