CARTER COUNTY, TN - CEMETERIES - Turner Family Cemetery ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Linda Lowrance ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TURNER FAMILY CEMETERY >From Highway 19-E, turn on to Siam Road at the Red light. Go up the Siam Road until you pass the East Side Elementary School. Turn left at the light onto Bluefield Ave. Go up Bluefield until you come to a fork in the road, take the right fork on to Ledford Ave.. Go one block and the cemetery is located on the corner of Ledford and Cody Ave. NAME BORN DIED NOTES Deloach, Johnny 1872 1922 Deloach, Robert Lee January 28, 1934 June 30, 1934 S/O Charles E. Deloach Deloach, Walter ? October 1, 1919 Estep, Carrie December 31, 1878 July 2, 1940 Shares stone w/ husband Estep, William August 16, 1865 March 17, 1932 Shares stone w/wife Ledford, Cody 1906 1952 Ledford, Rosa M. 1905 1986 “Beauty” Nidiffer, Gracie M. January 2, 1901 October 23, 1923 Wife of Cecil Nidiffer Nidiffer, Infant Son January 5, 1922 January 5, 1922 S/O Cecil & Gracie Nidiffer Turner, David August 4, 1898 July 8, 1905 S/O SL & RV Turner Turner, Delphia I. May, 16, 1905 February 27, 1984 Shares stone w/husband Turner, “Dora” Ruth V. July 17, 1873 October 12, 1940 Wife of Samuel L. Turner Turner, Hazel May 13, 1910 June 3, 1910 D/O SL & RV Turner Turner, Hybie Can’t read Can’t read S/O SL & RV Turner Turner, John A. February 25, 1843 October 11, 1911 Husband of Mary C. Angel Turner, Martin April 29, 1905 June 12, 1950 Turner, MarvinT. Sept. 6, 1918 December 13, 1977 Turner, Mary C. Angel April 19, 1846 March 18, 1918 Wife of John A. Turner Turner, Nellie Cleo Paline Jan, 28, 1917 August 21, 1917 Inf.dau of William & Lizzie Turner, Noah June 28, 1901 June 23, 1984 Shares stone w/wife Delphia Turner, Samuel L. October 3, 1869 Jan. 13, 1935 Hus. of Dora RuthV. Boling Turner, William Bellamy Feb. 23, 1892 October 11, 1937 Whisnant, Terry A. February 9, ??? June 19, 1953 Winters, Infant August 21, 1918 August 21, 1819 D/O ME & Belle Winters