CARTER COUNTY, TN - DEEDS - Milligan College Board of Directors Minutes, 1917 - 1919 ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Cindy McCachern ==================================================================== MILLIGAN COLLEGE OF TENNESSEE FIRST MEETING OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS Minutes Of: MAY 15, 1917 The Executive Committee or Board of Control of Milligan college of Tennessee was convened in a call session at the office of George W. Hardin, in Johnson City, Tennessee, at ten o'clock, A.M., on Tuesday, May 15, 1917. C. C. Taylor, President, present and presiding, when the following transactions were had and ordered of record, to wit: A roll-call showed the following members present and answering: C. C. Taylor, George W. Hardin, J. E. Crouch, Dr. W. J. Matthews, John W. Williams, W. G. Payne, and S. W. Price. A quorum being present, the call for the meeting was read by the Secretary, which was in words and figures as follows: Moved by Dr. W. J. Matthews and seconded by John W. Williams that the salary of the President of the College for the next scholastic year be fixed at the sum of $2200.00 payable monthly at the rate of $184.44 per month. Motion carried; all present voting yes. Moved by George W. Hardin and seconded by J. E. Crouch that Professor H. J. Derthick be elected President of Milligan College of Tennessee for the next scholastic year, beginning on the 10th day of June, 1917, and ending on the 10th day of June, 1918. Motion carried, all persons present voting aye. Moved by W. G. Payne and seconded by Dr. w. J. Matthews that, whereas, on the 5th day of May, 1917, certain individuals, to wit; George W. Hardin, J. E. Crouch, Dr. W. J. Matthews, John W. Williams, and S. W. Price, personally and individually, entered into a contract with Professor H. J. Derthick, which contract is attached hereto and marked and made exhibit A, and made a part hereof as fully and completely as if copied at length herein, by the terms of which contract said persons guaranteed the prompt payment of the salary of the said H. J. Derthick as the President of Milligan College of Tennessee and also, of the Faculty for the scholastic year beginning June 10, 1917, now, be it resolved that this Executive Committee ratify the action of the aforesaid persons and adopt the same as the action of this Committee; and be it further resolved, ordered, and established that this Committee assume the aforesaid contract made with Professor H. J. Derthick by said individuals, together with all the liabilities and obligations of the said parties thereto and that the same be, and hereby is, made the contract and the obligations of Milligan College of Tennessee, as fully and as completely as if the same had been originally and formally entered into and executed by the corporation of Milligan college of Tennessee; and that the entire assets of the said corporation are hereby pledged to the faithful performance of said contract and discharge of the liabilities hereby assumed; and that the said persons who signed said contract and became personally bound for its faithful performance be by said corporation, saved harmless from all cost, expense, loss, or damage on account thereof. Motion carried, all persons present voting aye. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Moved by John W. Williams, seconded by J. E. Crouch that Milligan College of Tennessee borrow of John V. Thomas of Pevisburg, Virginia, upon the promissory note due and payable five years after date, with interest of 6%, payable annually, the sum of three thousand dollars. Carried. Moved by Dr. W. J. Matthews, seconded by J. E. Crouch that we adjourn. Carried. 28 May 1918 Executive Committee met in regular session on the 28th day of May, 1918, in the office of the President of the College at 1:30 P.M. Louis D. Riddell was present and presiding as the following members of the Board answered to roll-call: L. D. Riddell, J. E. Crouch, A. B. Crouch, G. W. Hardin, -- Park, S. W. Price. Prayer by J. E. Crouch. Report of President Derthick. President Derthick made oral report of the work for the year. Good. Submitted faculty. (copy from catalogue) Payment for office equipment. Treasurer's report. President Derthick recommended that the college took over the Boarding Department Moved by Hardin that the report and recommendations of the President be accepted and acted on. Carried. Moved by A. B. Crouch, seconded by Hardin, that the college take over the Boarding Department, provided that he so desires. Carried. Moved by Hardin, seconded by J. E. Crouch, that the matter of taking over the public school be referred for another year unless it should seem fit to Prof. Derthick to do so. Carried. Moved by A. B. Crouch, seconded by Park, that President Derthick be authorized to employ Prof. Lowery as vocal leader, if he can make satisfactory arrangement. Carried. Moved by Hardin, seconded by Park, that a committee of Price and A. B. Crouch be appointed to see what can be done to rid the community of the shupe nuisance. Carried. Moved by Derthick, seconded by J. E. Crouch, adopt and extend him a vote of thanks. Moved by J. E. Crouch, seconded by Part authorizing and directing the Treasurer to renew the loan of $5000.00 from the State board. Carried. Moved by J. E. Crouch, seconded by G. W. Hardin, Moved by G. W. Hardin, seconded by A. B. Crouch, that the President write report of Commencement to the Standard and Evangelist. Carried. 24 May 1919 Met at Milligan College May 24th, 1919, at 8:15. Prayer by Dr. J. P. McConnell, present and presiding, L. D. Riddell. Roll call showed present: A. B. Crouch, L. D. Riddel, T. A. Wright, Geo. W. Hardin, J. E. Crouch, W. G. Payne, Dr. W. J. Matthews, Prof. Thomas, J. P. McConnell, A. A. Taylor, Dr. Derthick, J. W. Williams, Geo. Lyons. Address by Hon. A. A. Taylor. W. G. Payne's report. Reported: Patton will exchange his property for the store just across from him and pay a reasonable difference. A. A. Taylor will give an option of $10000 for 12 months. Dr. Hyder $4500, Cad Price $1300 or $1200, (Rewrite the minutes) T. A. Wright made an address. Mr. Lyons space. Moved by T. A. Wright, seconded by G. W. Hardin, that the college be rebuilt upon the old sight provided the citizens of Milligan carry out the campus. Yes--all! Adjourned to 1 other. Derthick made an address stating the following plans: Phillips and Irvin agree to put up $20,000 each to be available as soon as the pledges are raised to $150,000. 1/4 (Reeves) as much as Irvin. Moved by A. B. Crouch, seconded by J. E. Crouch, that reports of the President and of the Treasurer be accepted and put on file. Carried. Prof. Thomas will go out to the old suburbs to raise money. Bro. Shepherd will work in the first district. Wright's address: 1. Divide upon a plan of what work you want to do--what buildings to do. 2. Let the finance committee outline and assess a quote for each church. Appointments. Moved by Derthick, seconded by G. W. Williams, that the alumni, through its present organization, Dr. McConnell, President, Geo. Lyons, Secretary, George Hardin, Treasurer, be requested and authorized to devise from the alumni the sum of fifty thousand dollars. Carried. Moved by Wright, seconded by A. B. Crouch, that this Board rebuild the Administration Building and the boys' dormitory this fall and that it is our opinion that the walls of the old administration building be present and used as far as possible; and that the request the building committee to other suitable plans and estimate cost and report as soon as possible and that a meeting be called to receive that report. Carried. Moved by Wright, seconded by J. W. Williams, that a committee of 3 to purpose a plan by which to raise the first scetch of this river--outside of the alumni committee. To report in the next 104/5 days to a collect meeting of the Board. Carried. Committee: T. A. Wright, H. J. Derthick, A. B. Crouch. Moved by Wright, seconded by Hardin, that W. G. Payne represent the Board on the Citizens committee to see that all of the corrections prudent be complied with by the citizens. Carried. Committee: W. G. Payne. Prof. J. M. Saunders exhibited plans for science hall. Moved by Hardin, seconded by W. G. Payne that $600.00 be added to Bro. Derthick's salary. Carried. Moved by Wright, seconded by J. W. Williams, that faculty be composed as follows: Faculty: Dean Boyd, Dean Mrs. Derthick, Prof. Page (Bible, English) Sandbro (Chemistry), Phillips, Garrett (History), Hyder. 18 July 1919 At a called meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of Milligan College of Tennessee, convened in the study of the Christian Church at 7:30 P.M. July 18th, 1919, L. D. Riddell, president, present and presiding, when the following proceedings were had and ordered entered of record, to wit: Prayer by Williams. Roll call showed the following members present and answering: L. D. Riddell, A. B. Crouch, Jno. W. Williams, George W. Hardin, J. E. Crouch, and S. W. Price, and President Derthick. President Derthick reported: 1st try netted $7500.00 in KY; 2nd try netted $600.00 in KY. Finance Committee reported: Recommends a simultaneous campaign during the month of August. Appointment: Johnson County, Carter County (outside of Milligan), and Sullivan $5000.00 each, Washington Co. $10000.00, Knoxville $10000.00, Chattanooga $5000.00. Rockwood $10000.00. Total in Tennessee $100,017.00. Building Committee reported: (Hardin) Hardin had contracted for brick at Kingsport at $14.00 per m. and enough face brick at same price. Lumbdin paid Marshall Bros--seasoned price--at $35.00 per m. delivered at Milligan. Recommends purchase of the Burchfield property. Moved by Derthick, seconded by A. B. Crouch, that Polk Tarwater be added to the finance committee. A. B. Crouch moved, seconded by Williams, that the building committee be authorized to go forward with the building. Adjourned, with prayer by Derthick.