COFFEE COUNTY, TN - COURT - Jeremiah Jacobs Land Petition, 1855 ----¤¤¤---- November Term 1855 Volume 4, Pages 220-221 County Court Minutes, Coffee County, Tennessee J.J. Jacobs and others ¦ Petition to Sell Land Upon the petition of J. J. Jacobs and others to sell the land upon which Jeremiah Jacobs lived next before his death in the County of Coffee. And it also appearing to the Court that it would be manifestly to the interest of the heirs that said lands over and above the widows dower which has been allotted to here be sold and the proceeds divided among the heirs of said Jeremiah Jacobs and it also further appearing to the Court ... [inserted text: panel proof (illegible) before the Court] ... that said land is worth twenty dollars per acre. Thereupon be it ordered adjudged and decreed that the Clerk of this Court proceed to sell the land as describe in said petition on a credit of one, two and three years except the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars which shall be paid in hand to cover expenses of sale & to take bond with good security and retain a lien on the land for the payment of the purchase moneys that he sell the same on the premises first advertising the time and place of sale in writing at 3 or more public places ... [inserted text: at least thirty days] ... in the County and report to the Court what he shall have done in the premises. All other matters and things reserved till the coming in of said report that the bidding be opened at Twenty dollars per acre. Transcribed by Dan S. Sharp from copies of the original independently provided by Roberta Sharp and Joan Pruett. August 17, 2003. ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Dan Sharp ___________________________________________________________________