CROCKETT COUNTY, TN - VITAL RECORDS - Deaths 1925 - 1939 "E" Surnames ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Natalie Huntley ==================================================================== CROCKETT COUNTY, TN - DEATHS -1925 - 1939 "E" Surnames Copyright (c) 2000 by Natalie Huntley . This copy contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives. These records were transcribed from microfilm, and I left the spelling as I found it. Some words were very hard to read, so I did the best I could under the circumstances. A useful web page, on old time diseases, can be found at: That web page may help you to determine what it was that your family member died from. The information, below, is given in the following order: First line: Name, Age, Color, Sex, Place of birth, Place of death Second line: Date of death, Cause of death CROCKETT CO., TN - Deaths 1925 - 1939 "E" Surnames Eason, G. A., 55, W, M, Haywood Co., Bells, 16 Jan 1935, Carcinoma of Stomach Eason, Mary Jane, 73, W, F, TN, Halls #4, 6 Jun 1925, Paralysis East, No first name, X, W, M, TN, TN, 11 Jun 1926, Still born East, S. J. Mrs., 76, W, F, KY, Bells, 31 Aug 1929, Apoplexy Edwards, Effie Lou, 16, B, F, Crockett Co., Crockett Co.¸ 4 Jan 1926, Influza, Broncal Pneumonia, Abortion ? Edwards, Gray W., 82, W, M, Crockett Co., Crockett Co., 7 Feb 1939, Chronic Nephritis Edwards, H. D. Mrs., 63, W, F, TN, TN, 11 May 1926, Chronic Nuphritis Edwards, James D., 54, W, M, TN, Bells, 17 Feb, 1937, Pneumonia Edwards, Joe B., 55, W, M, Crockett Co., Bells, 16 Jul 1937, Chronic Nephritis Edwards, Mary Jane Mrs., 80, W, F, Haywood Co., Crockett Co., 12 Jan 1936, Influenza Edwards, Mary, 16, W, F, TN, TN, 16 Feb 1926, Prurpical Elanpis Edwards, Mattie, 40, W, F, TN, Crockett Co.¸ 24 Feb 1926, Pneumonia Lobar Edwards, Myrtle W., 52, W, F, Miss, Crockett Co., 13 May 1932, Colitis Edwards, No first name, X, W, M, Crockett Co., Crockett Co., 15 Feb 1926, Still born Elkin, Jessie J., 73, W, M, Alabama, Crockett Co., 20 Nov 1934, Mitral Regurlatation Elkins, David L., 23, W, M, Crockett Co., Crockett Co., 14 May 1932, Shot by Officer Elkins, Dee L., 67, W, M, TN, TN, 11 Feb 1928, Nephritis Ellington, Infant, 0, W, M, Crockett Co., Crockett Co., 25 Jun 1935, Stillborn Ellington, Jerry Fleming, 0, W, M, Crockett Co., Crockett Co., 7 Jul 1933, Stillborn Ellis, Carl Wayne, 5, W, M, Gadsden, Gadsden, 14 Oct 1933, Diphtheria Ellis, Jennie Lavern, 9, W, F, Crockett Co., Crockett Co., 23 May 1927, Pneumonia Ellis, Nellie Mrs., 53, W, F, TN, Gadsden, 31 Jul 1935, Heart Failure Embrey, Mamie Mrs., 63, W, F, Union City TN, Bells, 26 Dec 1937, Carcemona of Stomach Emerson, Robert Edw., 2, W, M, TN, Bells, 19 Dec 1931, Emsophutites Emison, C. H., 54, W, M, Crockett Co., Crockett Co., 8 Aug 1931, Apoplexy Emison, Dad Mrs., 55, W, F, Bells, Bells, 10 Oct 1928, Chronick Gastritus Emison, Emma Lee Mrs., 60, W, F, Crockett Co., Crockett Co., 10 Dec 1932, Pulmunary T. B. Emison, G. W., 73, W, M, Crockett Co., Gadsden, 21 Jul 1933, Arteria-Sclerosis Emison, Joseph Daniel, 69, W, M, Bells, Bells, 22 Feb 1931, Plu Tuberculosis Emison, M. C. Mrs., 77, W, F, Crockett Co., Crockett Co., 19 May 1934, Chron. Int. Nephritis Emison, No first name, 2 days, W, F, TN, Gadsden, 31 Aug 1928, Premature Birth Emison, No first name, 2, W, F, TN, Alamo, 21 Mar 1928, Pertinus Emison, Sue Mrs., 79, W, F, TN, TN, 2 Apr 1928, Influenza Emison, Walter W., 1, W, M, Fruitvale TN, Fruitvale TN, 31 Aug 1934, Nephretis Espey, Mary Elizabeth Mrs., 81, W, F, Lauderdale Co., Humboldt, 23 Jul 1937, Colitis Espie, Alonzo Green, 77, W, M, Crockett Co., Crockett Co., 21 Feb 1931, Urinia Espie, Della, 1 mo, W, F, TN, Crockett Co.¸ 5 Feb 1929, Infancy birth Ethridge, Ivery Marie, 6, W, F, Fouke Ark, Bells, 19 Jul 1937, Pertussia Evans, Andrew T., 51, W, M, Crockett Co., Alamo, 24 Feb 1933, Pneumonia Evans, Margret, 79, W, M, Crockett Co., Crockett Co.¸ 5 Aug 1926, Acute Gastric Enteritis Evans, Thomas Joseph, 85, W, M, Arkansas, Alamo, 3 Mar 1930, Suppression of Urine Evans, W. W., 42, W, M, TN, Crockett Co.¸ 27 Feb 1926, Sept___a Evington, Baley, 8 mo, B, M, Humboldt TN, Bells, 24 Dec 1930, Lobar Peneumonia Exum, Coleman, 1, B, M, TN, Bells, 19 Aug 1927, Gastro Interitis Exum, Sol, 64, B, M, Jackson TN, Gadsden, 16 Apr 1928, Apoplexy Ezell, Alvis, 10 mo, W, M, TN, TN, 11 Jun 1925, Myocarditis Ezell, Joseph B., 81, W, M, Crockett Co., Crockett Co., 29 Apr 1928, Bronco Pneumonia Ezell, Raymond Oneal, 5, W, M, Crockett Co., Crockett Co.¸ 30 Jul 1931, Typhoid