CROCKETT COUNTY, TN - VITAL RECORDS - Deaths 1925 - 1939 "H" Surnames ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Natalie Huntley ==================================================================== CROCKETT COUNTY, TN - DEATHS -1925 - 1939 "H" Surnames Copyright (c) 2000 by Natalie Huntley . This copy contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives. These records were transcribed from microfilm, and I left the spelling as I found it. Some words were very hard to read, so I did the best I could under the circumstances. A useful web page, on old time diseases, can be found at: That web page may help you to determine what it was that your family member died from. The information, below, is given in the following order: First line: Name, Age, Color, Sex, Place of birth, Place of death Second line: Date of death, Cause of death CROCKETT CO., TN - Deaths 1925 - 1939 "H" Surnames Habock, Elizabeth, 25, W, F, Hardeman Co., Crockett Co., 18 Jan 1938, Tuberculoces Hagar, J. B., 25, B, M, TN, Maury City, 1 Jul 1936, Typhoid fever Halbrook, John Mr., 25, W, M, Gi__? Co. Okla, Crockett Co., 27 Aug 1933, Accidental fall from automobile Haley, S. F., 86, W, M, TN, Friendship, 19 Mar 1928, Pneumonia Etc. Hall, Reba, 4, W, F, TN, Crockett Co., 25 Feb 1928, Lobar Pneumonia Hall, William P., 74, W, M, TN, TN, 19 Apr 1926, Apoplexy Halliburton, Sylvester, 12, B, M, Crockett Co., Alamo R #2, 18 Sep 1938, Hemorahage of Myatinites Halloway, Gertrude, 1, B, F, TN, TN, 18 Jul 1927, Colitis Halloway, Jimmie D., 6 mo, B, M, Bells, Bells, 1 Apr 1937, No Dr. Used Halloway, Jimmie Lewis, 1 mo, B, M, Crockett Co., Crockett Co., 19 Sep 1937, Hemmohage Colontesotis Halt, Dora Evlyn, 11, W, F, Crockett Co., Humboldt, 1 Nov 1931, Pernicans? Arinia Halt, Grace Myrtle, 26, W, F, Crockett Co., Crockett Co., 18 Apr 1936, Chronic Nephritis Hamil, Fannie Mrs., 85, W, F, Crockett Co., Crockett Co., 10 Jan 1931, Lobar Pneumonia Hamilton, Harey, 49, B, M, TN, Bells, 18 Dec 1931, Dropsy Hamilton, Lorena, 46, B, F, TN, TN, 16 Nov 1926, Appolexy Hamilton, Rosa Bell, 37, W, F, TN, Crockett Co., 1 Jun 1933, Tubuculosis of Lung Hamilton, Trena Martin, 18, B, __, Crockett Co., Crockett Co., 27 Feb 1936, Cardiac Dropsy Hamm, H. T., 65, W, M, Henderson Co., Alamo, 23 Feb 1935, Killed in auto accident Hammond, Atlas Mr., 52, W, M, TN, Bells, 10 Mar 1929, Chronic Thepatetes Hammond, Nina Mai, 6, W, F, Miss, Bells, 17 Jan 1929, Pneumonia Hampton, Murphy, 27, W, F, Carroll Co., Crockett Co., 28 Oct 1936, Gastine Ulser Hams, James Robert, 23 days, W, M, Crockett Co., Crockett Co., 24 Jan 1931, Broncho Pneumonia Hand, Paul Allen, 1, W, M, Crockett Co., Crockett Co., 4 Oct 1928, Colitis Haniburton, John, 56, B, M, TN, Crockett Co., 9 Aug 1926, Apoplexy Hanley, Suson, 100, B, F, Alamo, TN, 4 May 1928, Applenxy Hannah, No first name, 0, W, F, TN, TN, 27 Jan 1929, Still born Harber, Ruby, 1, W, F, TN, Alamo, 5 Jul 1926, Acute Ilo Colitis Harden, George W., 64, W, M, Ill, Crockett Co., 11 Aug 1931, Carcinoma Hardwell, Doc, 76, B, M, Crockett Co., Crockett Co., 2 Aug 1931, Intestinal Indigestion Hardy, Bob, 67, B, M, TN, Bells, 1 Jan 1925, Cordia Dropsy Harget, H. Henry, 82, W, M, TN, Crockett Co., 5 Jul 1927, Chronic Nephritis Harper, D. L., 2 mos, W, M, Alamo, Crockett Co., 14 Sep 1931, Colitis Harrell, Hollis, 17, W, M, Crockett Co., Bells, 24 Oct 1927, Typhoid fever Harrell, Lewis, 73, B, M, TN, Alamo, 26 Sep 1927, Appoplexy Harris, Baby, X, B, M, Gadsden, Gadsden, 24 Feb 1933, Still Born Harris, Edgar Raymond Dr., 60, W, M, Crockett Co., Bells, 9 Mar 1938, Bronchal Pneumonia Harris, Fannie, 50, B, F, Dyer Co. TN, Crockett Co., 1 Jan 1926, Pulmonary Tuberlocis Harris, Lenin Hill, 83, W, M, Madison Co.TN, Bells, 22 Feb 1928, Aotic Regurgitation Harris, Maude Esther, 18, W, F, Bells, Bells, 4 May 1929, T. B. Hart, Dorothy Nell, 9 mos, W, F, Crockett Co., Crockett Co., 7 Jun 1930, Gastro Intertis Hart, Ed, 41, W, M, TN, Bells, 4 Jan 1929, Tuberculosis Hart, Ella White Mrs., 54, W, F, Unknown, Bells, 9 Dec 1938, Cerbral Hemorage Hart, G. L., 0, W, M, Crockett Co., Gadsden, 20 Mar 1936, Stillborn Hart, Genoe B., 70, W, M, Crockett Co., Crockett Co., 24 Sep 1929, Angina Pictoris Hart, George Mrs., 5, W, F, TN, Alamo, 6 Feb 1929, Chronic Anehutates? Hart, Glex, 66, W, M, TN, TN, 28 Oct 1925, Artic Insuffering Hart, Harold Loyd, 1, W, M, Alamo, Alamo, 1 Jun 1937, Colitis Hart, Harold Loyd, 11 mos, W, F (m?), TN, Alamo, 8 Jun 1927, Mastoditis Hart, Infant, __, W, M, Bells, Bells, 21 Mar 1935, Stillborn Hart, Jessie Miles, 53, W, M, Madison Co., Bells R #1, 5 Dec 1938, Hanged Himself Hart, Jimmie, 15, W, F, Crockett Co., Bells, Crockett Co., 28 Nov 1929, Lobar Pneumonia Hart, Wander Jane, 1, W, F, Crockett Co., Crockett Co., 22 Jul 1931, Acute Gastritis Harwell, Joseph P., 73, W, M, TN, Friendship, 22 Apr 1925, Broncho Pneumonia Hassen, Saliem, 72, W, M, Syria, Bells, 9 Jun 1936, Arterio Cerosis Hathoway, Clarance, 33, B, M, Crockett Co., Crockett Co., 12 Jan 1930, Lobar Pneumonia Hathoway, Clarance, 33, B, M, Crockett Co., Crockett Co., 12 Jan 1930, Lobar Pneumonia Hawenton, C. L., 4 mos, W, M, Ark, Crockett Co., 25 Aug 1929, Gastic Intertitis Hawkins, Follis, 10, W, M, Dyer Co. TN, Crockett Co., 24 Aug 1927, Cebral Hemorahage Haye, Elsie, 18, W, F, TN, Alamo, 19 Sep 1936, Epelesy Hayes, Annie Mrs., 35, W, F, Madison Co., Alamo, 3 Dec 1938, Pulmonary Tuberculosis Hayes, Mary Eliza, 82, W, F, NC, Crockett Co., 23 Nov 1927, Brights Disease (Heart Failure) Hayes, Ora Lee, 4 mos, B, F, Alamo, Crockett Co., 12 Aug 1928, Malneutor Com Haynes, Infant, 0, W, M, Crockett Co., Gadsden, 29 Jul 1935, Stillborn Haynes, William A., 79, W, M, TN, Alamo, 13 Jun 1930, Arterie Scerrosis Hays, Bessie, 30, W, F, Gibson Co., TN, 12 Mar 1926, Influenza Hays, Eliza, 85, B, F, TN, Alamo, 31 Dec 1929, Appoplexy Heath, James Grant, 2, W, M, TN, 13 District, 12 Feb 1928, Dipthira Heath, Lawrence Lee, 2, W, M, Crockett Co., Crockett Co., 23 Nov 1929, Burn on left side Heath, Relemzie M., 65, W, F, Crockett Co., Crockett Co., 11 Jul 1926, Brights disease Hecken, Elberta, 47, W, F, TN, TN, 15 Jul 1926, Encepholitis Helton, Ruby Nell, 1 mo, W, F, TN, Bells, 19 May 1932, Whooping Cough Henderson, Andrew Jackson, 64, W, M, TN, Crockett Co., 8 Feb 1933, Carcinoma of Stomach Henderson, John Franklin, 80, W, M, TN, Crockett Co., 6 May 1936, Pneumonia Henderson, Lula E., 59, W, F, Crockett Co., Crockett Co., 16 Mar 1929, Pulmonary T. B. Hendrix, Edward, 18 days, W, M, TN, TN, 16 Mar 1927, Pneumonia Hendrix, Mary Joe, 9 days, W, F, Crockett Co., Alamo, 1 Dec 1937, Premature Hendrix, No first name, 2, W, M, Bells, Bells, 6 Feb 1928, Pneumonia Hening, Gorge, 65, B, M, Blank, TN, 15 Sep 1926, Malaria Herron, Infant, __, W, M, Bells, Bells, 22 Jun 1930, Still born Hickman, Jim, 73, W, M, TN, Crockett Co., 27 Jul 1933, Chronic Intestonal Nephritis Hicks, Annie Kate, 1, W, F, Friendship, Crockett Co., 21 Jun 1928, Colitis Hicks, Dorthy May, 1, B, F, TN, Crockett Co., 21 Jan 1929, Bronchial Pneumonia Hicks, Elie, 78, B, M, TN, Humboldt, 16 Sep 1931, Sudden death Hicks, No first name, 1 day, W, M, Friendship, Friendship, 30 Nov 1928, Premature Higgins, Mattie, 71, B, F, Middle D'w TN, Bells, 18 Jul 1933, Inlerslitial Nephritis Higgins, No first name, __, B, F, Crockett Co., Crockett Co., 14 May 1930, Premature Higgins, No first name, __, B, M, Bells, Bells, 16 Apr 1928, Still Born Higgins, Onia, 1, B, M, Bells, Bells, 7 Aug 1930, Illio Colitis Hightower, Cora, 45, B, F, TN, Alamo, 2 Apr 1935, Intesternail Nephritis Hill, Conley, 5 mos, B, M, TN, Alamo #2, 8 Dec 1925, Accident Smothered by mother while asleep Hill, D. R. Mrs., 58, W, F, TN, Bells, 7 Jan 1933, Hypertension Hill, Franklin, 24, B, M, TN, TN, 24 Dec 1924, Heart Failure Hill, J. D., 80, W, M, Gibson Co., Bells, 31 Jan 1930, Apoplexy Hill, Mable, 37, B, F, TN, Bells, 30 Jan 1929, Dropsy Hill, Rene, 56, B, F, TN, Crockett Co., 6 Nov 1926, Lobar Pneumonia Hiter, S. M. Mrs., 74, W, F, TN, Bells, 30 Apr 1933, Strangutalion Hernia Hoback, No first name, __, W, F, Bells, Bells, 2 Mar 1932, Premature Hoback, No first name, __, W, M, Bells, Bells, 2 Mar 1932, Premature Hodge, Fay, 6, W, F, TN, TN, 27 Mar 1926, Endocarditre Holeman, W. L., 74, W, M, Crockett Co., Crockett Co., 20 Jun 1928, Mental Regutation Holliday, Christine, 11 mos, B, F, Crockett Co., Alamo R #2, 3 Jun 1938, Colitis Holliday, Richard Conolly, 60, W, M, Carroll Co., Alamo, 29 Aug 1938, Arterio Scerrosis Holloway, Clinton Lee, 11 mos, B, M, Crockett Co., Crockett Co., 22 Oct 1934, Whooping Cough Holloway, Estella, 5 mos, B, F, Bells, Bells, 25 Feb 1937, Lobar Pneumonia Holloway, Joseph Nathaniel, 1, B, M, Bells, Bells, 27 Feb 1930, Convulsions due to Worms Holman, Corniss, 29, W, M, TN, Alamo, 25 Jun 1926, Cancer Stomach Holman, John, __, W, M, TN, TN, 12 May 1927, Appoplexy Holmes, Hubert, 31, B, M, Bells, Bells, 15 Jun 1930, Pulmonary Tuberlosis Holmes, Mathie Mrs., 77, W, F, TN, TN, 6 May 1929, Appolexy Holt, Mary Anderson, 67, W, F, Hickman Co., Alamo, 23 Mar 1930, Spleno Nysbegenous? Holyfield, Lizzie, 35, W, F, TN, TN, 10 Jun 1926, Tubelosis Hooten, Lucie, 65, W, F, Crockett Co., Crockett Co., 14 May 1926, Septiemia Hopkins, Drew, 60, W, M, TN, Crockett Co., 19 Jun 1927, Phronic Nephritis Hopper, Bobbie Dwain, 4 mos, W, M, Alamo, Alamo, 5 Jan 1930, Broncho Pneumonia Hopper, James B., 72, W, M, TN, Humboldt RFD #4, 24 Mar 1928, Hemoplugia Hopper, M. A., 60, W, M, TN, Alamo, 17 Sep 1932, Thyphoid fever Hopper, M. H. Mrs., 75, W, F, Jackson TN, Alamo, 29 Jan 1928, Cancerous Segmored? Hopper, Numa B., 41, W, M, TN, Alamo, 1 Aug 1935, Pulmonary Tubercolesis Hopper, Sarah V., 30, W, F, TN, Friendship, 3 Apr 1926, Fubedloris Hoppers, James W. Mr., 54, W, M, Bradford TN, Crockett Co., 5 Oct 1933, Pulmonary Tuberculosis Hoppers, Joe T. Mr., 74, W, M, Bells, Alamo, 26 Jun 1930, Appoplexy Howard, Tela, 22, B, F, TN, Crockett Co., 22 Sep 1929, Tuberculosis Howell, Hettie May Young, 54, W, F, Crockett Co., Alamo, 10 Dec 1929, Cherrous of Liver Howell, Lorine L., 0, W, M, Bells, Bells, 16 Jan 1928, Bronchial Pneumonia Howell, Willis Clemont, 49, W, M, Crockett Co., Alamo, 19 Mar 1933, Pneumonia Hudgin, Infant, 2 days, W, M, Crockett Co., Humboldt, 8 Jul 1935, Convulsions Hudgings, Baby, __, W, F, TN, TN, 20 Oct 1936, Still born Hudgings, No first name, __, W, F, Bells, Bells, 26 Aug 1929, Premature Hudgings, No first name, __, W, F, Bells, Bells, 26 Aug 1929, Premature Hudgins, Eliza Jane, 56, W, F, Humboldt TN, Humboldt TN, 29 Mar 1929, Dialated Heart Hudgins, Emison (aka Bryant, James), 78, B, M, Crockett Co., Gadsden, 25 Sep 1938, Nephritis, High Blood Pressure Hudgins, Mabel, __, W, F, TN, Crockett Co., 22 Nov 1932, Born dead Hudgins, No first name, __, W, F, Crockett Co., Crockett Co., 5 Jan 1934, Still born Hudleston, Virgie Ann, 6, B, F, TN, Crockett Co., 28 Jul 1927, Typhoid Fever Hughes, Al F., 72, W, M, TN, Alamo, 18 Oct 1927, Chronic Cerebrilited Ma___? Hughes, Stake, 64, W, M, Johnsons Grove, Crockett Co., 16 Sep 1930, Caticemia of Stomach Hughs, Garrett, 72, W, M, Lexington TN, Crockett Co., 29 May1926, Nephrits Crebral soften Par___ Humphrey, T. C., 48, W, M, Crockett Co., Crockett Co., 3 Feb 1935, Conory Thrombosis Humphreys, Hortense G., 3, W, F, Fruitvale TN, Fruitvale TN, 20 Aug 1934, Septecemia Hutfield, Mary Melissa, 72, W, F, Ill, Gadsden, 30 Jun 1936, Old Age