CUMBERLAND COUNTY, TN - CEMETERIES - Leggett Cemetery ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Michael Boniol ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Leggett Cemetery The Leggett Cemetery is located on private front yard property at the intersection of Taylor's Chapel Road and the Jap Camp Road in Cumberland County. Only one tombstone remains on the day of this visit. It was researched by Betty Castillo and Michael Boniol on June 15, 2003. Leggett William G., 1 Dec 1835 - 8 Jun 1901 (Information from the Crossville Chronicle on June 12, 1901 indicates his son, Elmer Leggett, lived in Leesville, Ohio at the time of his father's death.) Information obtained from the Crossville Chronicle also indicates several other individuals were buried in this cemetery as well. They are as follows: May 27, 1903 edition indicates Sarah Jane Hedgecoth, sister of Mrs. Leggett, died 17 May 1903; January 20, 1904 edition indicates Mrs. W.D. Leggett died in January, 1904; November 23, 1904 edition indicates Mrs. Hedgecoth, mother of Dardis Hedgecoth, age 72, died in November, 1904.