Davidson County TN Archives Deed.....Martin, John W. - Blackman, Hays March 19, 1857 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/tn/tnfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Debie Cox debiecox@aol.com October 15, 2007, 2:10 pm Written: March 19, 1857 Recorded: March 30, 1857 Davidson Co. deed book 26 page 483 - Registered May 30, 1857 H Blackman to J W Martin Know all whom it may concern that I Hays Blackman have this day bargained and sold & do hereby transfer and convey unto Jno W Martin his heirs and assigns forever for the consideration of Ten thousand one hundred and fifty dollars paid and secured to be paid as herein set forth a tract of piece of land in Davidson County State of Tennessee as follows. Beginning at a Sugar tree Stump the South East corner of the school tract, running North one degree West ninety three and two third poles to a Stake, the South East corner of Lot No. 7 sold to W. H. Rains, thence N. 89° West with this line of Lot No. 7, thence North Eighty three and one third poles to a stake in the North boundary line of the school tract, two poles from Hesses South East corner, thence North Eight none degrees West on hundred and forty one poles to a stake thence South Eighty three and one third poles, thence North Eighty nine degrees West Sixty four poles to a stake in the West boundary line of the school tract thence South one degree East fifty nine and two thirds poles to Whittemore’s corner in Chadwells line, thence East fifty six poles to a Sugar tree, thence South one and a half degrees East thirty two(?) and a quarter poles to a Stone, thence East Seventy nine poles to a Beech thence South Eighty nine degrees East one hundred and one poles to the beginning. The consideration above mentioned of Ten thousand one hundred and fifty dollars being secured to be paid as follows, one note due Twenty fifth day of December 1858 for three thousand three hundred and Eighty three and one third dollars, one other note due twenty fifth day of December 1859 for three thousand three hundred and eighty three and one third dollars and the third due the twenty fifth of December 1860 for three thousand three hundred and eighty three and one third dollars. The no. of acres above described being one hundred and ninety eight and ¾ more or less. A lien is hereby retained on said property until said purchase money is paid in full. To have and to hold to the said Jno W Martin his heirs and assigns forever. And I covenant and agree to and with the said Jno W Martin that I am lawfully seized of said land have a good right to convey it and that the same is unencumbered. I further covenant and agree and bind myself my heirs and representatives to warrant and forever defend the title to said lands to the said Jno W Martin his heirs and assigns against the lawful claim of all persons whatever. Witness my hand and seal this 19th day of May 1857. From the above described tract of land I reserve to myself, my heirs and assigns the Burying ground bounded as follows. Beginning at a stake two poles fifteen links North East from the Base of the monument erected over the remains of my wife thence South Seven poles to a stake, thence West seven poles to a Stake, thence North Seven poles to a stake thence East Seven poles to the beginning. Hays Blackman Seal In the presence of W. C. Blackman Chas H Blackman F. H. Blackman File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/tn/davidson/deeds/blackman82gdd.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/tnfiles/ File size: 3.7 Kb